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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 37

by LJ Andrews

  Paddling his arms to help spin him in the freezing water, Killian saw behind him tentacles protruding from an enormous black ball. The long, black tentacles were coated in the green seaweed. It hadn’t been the plant holding onto Speron, it was the tentacle, and now since the beast had been injured it appeared furious.

  Killian and Lucan both tried to swim away as fast as they could with the relentless weighted boots pulling them down, and Speron shot forth through the water toward the enormous beast.

  Speron shot small water arrows from a compact bow he’d unsheathed off his shoulder that cut through the water like air. The points angered the beast, but didn’t seem to damage it more than that. Lucan had turned back toward the creature as it slashed its long black tentacle at Speron’s head. Lucan stabbed the tip of the creature with one dagger, and sick-looking ebony liquid seeped out from the puncture wound.

  Killian didn’t know what to do, he idled dumbly in the water watching his companions battle against the strange hologram that bled. In horror he watched as two of the beast’s flailing black ropes grappled around both Speron and Lucan’s necks. The two men hit and kicked, but Killian knew they were no match for the beast. With burning lungs, he turned toward the surface leaving the two others behind. He knew Aidan wouldn’t let anyone die, but somehow he felt like this exercise differed from anything they’d experienced before. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear that something could go terribly wrong.

  Gasping a short humid breath as he reached the surface, he dove back toward trapped Lucan and Speron. Killian’s legs ached from kicking against the heavy boots, but he needed to keep going. It had been too long for Speron and Lucan to be underwater.

  As he came upon the demented squid creature, he let out a gasp when he saw Speron and Lucan both flopping lifelessly in its tentacles. Speron had a bleeding gash on his arm, and the creature seemed to be slowly burrowing under a large sandy cave lying on the bottom of the pool. Killian panicked, and released the rest of the air from his longs, but he didn’t surface. How was this happening? Were they alive? He didn’t flounder longer, but the warm burn through his veins and along the back of his neck warmed his body. He didn’t know what to do except find a way to free them from the creature’s thick grasp.

  Killian swam as quickly as he could toward the beast, when it sensed his approach. It flailed a third fleshy rope at him hoping to claim a third victim. Killian swam beneath it and placed his hands directly on the exposed, gelatinous body of the black animal. All around the body the water grew colder, until it began to freeze. Finally, moments before a thick wall of ice froze Killian’s hands to the body he swam back and watched as the black creature was trapped within an enormous cage of ice.

  The two tentacles entrapping Speron and Lucan bobbed outside the thick ice block with both of them limp in the water. Killian saw Lucan’s dagger on the floor of the pool and sank down to reach it. Exerting all his energy he pushed off the ground and fiercely cut against the pressure of the water until the tentacles had been severed and he had a firm grip on both Speron and Lucan. Feeling as though the walls of water were crushing his lungs he kicked and fought to make it to the surface.

  Finally, like a blast of sweet, tropical air Killian broke through and sucked in a loud breath of air. Pushing Speron and Lucan up to the side of the pool he noticed Aidan and two people in white coats rushing toward them.

  The white coated people both had pure white hair, and placed two silver rings over Speron and Lucan’s chests. Pressing the strange rings against their bodies Speron and Lucan immediately began choking and coughing up what seemed like gallons of pool water. The medical team had been joined to six other and they quickly loaded the two men onto soft, lavender smelling gurneys before wheeling the out to the clinic.

  Killian noticed Connor stood behind Aidan and he was repackaging the rings used to resuscitate Lucan and Speron. Suddenly feeling angry Killian pulled himself from the water, no long feeling cold and huffed toward Connor.

  “What was that!” he shouted. Connor looked stunned at the outburst. Connor was Killian’s friend. He’d been the one person who had helped him the most with Infinium apart from Dalia. He’d been the calm for him when he’d first arrived at the Praetorium. After Connor's insinuation there was more to his parents' deaths the plight to discover the truth was always at the back of his mind.

  “Connor, you have those stupid rings out like you knew you were going to be pumping water out of us.”

  “Easy Thomas,” Aidan barked.

  “Killian,” Connor stammered, “we always have these here when people use the pools, just as a precaution.”

  Killian wasn’t satisfied and his heart still pounded angrily against his chest. Connor may not be at fault he was sure the rings were one of his inventions and probably saved Lucan and Speron. Whirling on Aidan he seethed. “Aidan, what was that thing? It wasn’t a hologram, it was real. What were you trying to do down there? Look at the pool,” he said pointing to the dark, floating stains from the all the blood. “Holograms don’t bleed.”

  “Thomas,” Aidan said trying to stay calm, but steam pulsed off his bare shoulders. “You three are escorting an empress. A young empress, to a foreign land that neither of you have been to. The Trinity is looking to kill her, you and anyone who stands in their way. Do you think I would send you to prepare against a simple hologram? We are sending a top Beastian, a top recruit and an Infinium. If you three can’t handle a beast in controlled circumstances, I don’t want you being the ones to take Mercedes to Glaciem.”

  “You could have warned us!”

  “I did! I said you would have to work together, and that you would need to be a step up from the competition which of course is THE TRINITY!” Aidan's flaming eyes were furious and orange.

  “Aidan, take it easy,” Connor said in his quiet, kind voice. “In their defense, they’ve never gone against anything but holograms, and your subtle hints were not that clear.” Connor cleared his throat and turned toward Killian. “Speron and Lucan will be fine Killian. And if you can take a moment and actually look at what you accomplished down there…I think you’ll be impressed.”

  Killian glanced at the pool and saw the large ice cage he’d built with his mental commands still surrounding the beast. It was one of the largest things he’d done with Infinium, but it still didn’t help the fact they were almost killed in the pool.

  “Here Thomas,” Aidan said a little calmer. “I’m giving you all these microphones. When you actually go to Glaciem you will be able to speak to one another under water. If you ever run into a situation where you need to hide underwater you can at least collaborate. You will also have breathing tubes. They are quite simple, you just hold them between your teeth,” he said demonstrating with his black pencil, “and you’ll get air for twenty minutes.” Aidan handed Killian a set of small black microphones that seemed to attach to their uniforms.

  “Get some rest Thomas. Lucan and Speron will be fine and ready to go in the morning.”

  “The morning?”

  “We’ve moved the jump up a few days. We need to get Mercedes to the realm before the people think they’ve been abandoned. All the Glacien people have been told is their empress was involved in an attack, but alive and they have a new empress for the time. And I don’t need to remind you about the need to find that relic.”

  Killian's knees buckled a little and his lungs felt as if a steel boot was squeezing the air from them.

  “You okay Thomas?” Aidan asked, looking Killian up and down with a quizzical expression.

  “I’m fine,” Killian said, trying to stand up straight. “I was just…well I’m just glad I have others coming with me. I was just remembering about what happened in Ignisia a few months ago.”

  Aidan nodded thoughtfully. “Just be careful. These are strange times. Glaciem is the most peaceful realm, but you never know now, especially after what happened with the empress.”

  Killian left the training center shortly after Ai
dan walled himself back up in his stifling office. Down the hall he saw Speron looking strained, but whispering to another by the cool steel walls. Killian's stomach wrenched when he saw Mercedes leaning in close to hear what he said.

  “Killian,” she said interrupting Speron. She stepped closer to him and instinctively reached her hands out for him, but then recoiled. He winced at the tense intrigue.

  “Hi,” he replied quietly. He gave her a soft smile that seemed to lift her spirits as her emerald eyes brightened.

  “Speron just told me about the pool…and what you did to the Dubkione squid.” She lowered her voice as if in awe.

  “It was intense,” he agreed turning toward Speron. “But Speron was great too. I thought you would’ve been in the clinic.”

  “I recovered quickly. The cold did not affect me as much as lack of oxygen. I can’t speak for Lucan, however; he is resting in the clinic now.”

  “I hope he’s prepared to go tomorrow.”

  “I’m so afraid,” Mercedes blurted out. “I don’t know what to do. My father has been trying to help. Maurelle returned this afternoon and she has been helping me as much as possible.”

  “The queen is back?” Killian asked with a breath of relief.

  Mercedes nodded skeptically. “Yes. There was a Deshuit who had tried to breech the palace in her absence, but the situation was dealt with faster than she anticipated.”

  Killian raised his eyebrows. "A Deshuit tried to break in? They are a mystery to me," he said shaking his head.

  "Because they didn't kill you in Ignisia?" Mercedes guessed softly.

  Killian nodded. "I'd love to ask the queen about the breach if we get time." There was a long pause before Speron changed the subject back to Mercedes.

  “Don’t be nervous, my empress, about the journey tomorrow,” Speron said respectfully bringing Killian back to the present. Mercedes winced at the title. “You will have to get used to that.”

  “I know, but I knew you before I was…empress. I’d rather you still call me Mercedes.”

  “As you wish, but still you shouldn’t be nervous. The people will love you.” Speron looked at Killian. Killian must have been scowling because he cleared his throat and shifted nervously before continuing. “And remember we will all be there with you.”

  Mercedes nodded, but kept her eyes fixed on Killian. “I want to help you find the relic, Killian.”

  “Mercedes,” he began. “I wanted you to help too, but I think the Glacien people may need you right now.”

  Her face was disappointed, but she still maintained her firmness. “I will do what I have to, but I hope you will stay with me for a while before rushing off to find the relic. At least give me an opportunity to come with you.”

  Killian sighed. “I’ll stay with you until I have to leave for the relic.”

  “Thank you. Now, we all need to rest. Tomorrow is a huge day.”

  Killian nodded as they parted to their own separate rooms. He knew it was a huge day, but he also couldn’t shake the feeling of his grandmother’s warning and what might happen sooner than he was prepared for.


  The morning light warmed him out of his sleep faster than he would’ve liked. Slowly he showered, enjoying the warmth of the water and dreading the cooler temperatures of Glaciem. Sheathing his spear, the microphones to communicate with his companions, and attaching the breathing tube to his belt he made his way out of the comfortable room toward his grandfather’s office. Miller had instructed them to meet first on the upper floors before jumping.

  The office was already crowded when he arrived. Egan, Maurelle, Dalia, Mercedes, Speron, Lucan and even Blake were waiting for him in the bright, enormous room.

  “Killian, good to see you,” Miller said, though the concern in his voice was easily detected. Maurelle flashed her perfect smile at him that caused her silver eyes to sparkle in the morning light.

  “Well, we might as well move everything along,” Miller sighed. “Mercedes and Speron will pass through the Realm Leader portal; Lucan and Killian, Blake and Queen Maurelle have offered to see you off at the jumping stone.”

  “We aren’t traveling together?” Killian asked.

  “Mercedes and Speron are not Custodis so they can’t join you, and the Realm Leader portal only allows one ruler and one guard at a time. Our hope is you will land close to the Glacien palace which is the vicinity the track is designed to take you.”

  Killian subtly gulped remembering the desert tunnel the Deshuits attacked him in during his Ignisian visit. He prayed Lucan and he would land close to Mercedes, for if he had a similar encounter he didn’t know if he would survive another Deshuit encounter.

  “So, Egan and I,” Miller continued, “will wish you good luck.” Miller walked toward Killian and put his hands on his shoulder before pulling him into a caring embrace. Killian was overwhelmed with his grandfather’s concern for his wellbeing. His knees buckled slightly from the powerful wave of emotion.

  Miller pulled away, a subtle hint of glassy tears coated his eyes.

  “We’ll be safe sir,” Lucan spoke up breaking Miller’s attention from Killian. Miller nodded and walked toward the door. Killian glanced back at Mercedes. She smiled softly at him, though her eyes betrayed her fears. Killian crossed the room quickly and wrapped his arms around her. Mercedes buried her head against his chest. She let out a sigh of relief. Out of the corner of his eyes, Killian saw Egan shift uncomfortably and Speron frowned.

  As he pulled away from Mercedes he locked eyes with her. “You be careful, alright. We’ll meet you there. You’re going to do great.” Mercedes flashed a watery smile. It was clear she was trying to hold in her emotion. He couldn’t tell if she was emotional because of the magnitude of her new calling, or if it was because he’d finally held her close again. The physical touch spurred him with the desire to kiss her, but he resisted and joined Lucan, Maurelle and Blake down to the jumping stone.

  The track gateway wasn’t impressive; a simple stone covered in the thick strange grass and fragrant rainbow flowers. Killian double checked his spear, making sure it was latched properly. Lucan shuffled quickly to the stone and waited.

  “Killian,” Maurelle’s soft poetic voice called him back. “Please be careful, the Hemisphere feel strange. Please don’t seek out unnecessary adventure, it’s not worth the risk.” She held his hand in her soft, pale palm. Her silver eyes were brighter in the morning sunlight. He wondered if she was uncomfortable under the blaze.

  “We’ll do our best Your Highness,” he said smiling. “Take care of yourself too. I hope no more trouble will bother the Cimmerian people. I also hope I can leave my grandfather with your help at the Praetorium.”

  “Of course, Killian. I will always be here to help the Ponderi.” Killian turned toward Blake, who was surprisingly sullen.

  “Why do you look like I’m going off to die?” He tried to lighten Blake’s mood at the comment.

  “I agree with Queen Maurelle, something is off. I’m also not too fond of the idea of two of my friends heading to a new realm without me. You be careful Kill. And I don’t think you’re going to die, just take your time there okay. Find the relic and get home safe.” Blake shoved Killian’s shoulder before backing up toward the door.

  Killian stepped next to Lucan on the stone. He wondered how it would be to travel together along the track system. Killian and Lucan both placed the gray bands on their wrists. Killian glanced over the strange symbols and hovered over the messy “Y” looking symbol he knew would take him to Glaciem. Focusing on cold water, since that was what he dreaded most. Almost immediately he felt the heat pulse through the bottom of his feet and up his lower body. Glancing at Lucan, he squinted against the white light coming from the stone and nodded. Lucan pushed the Glacien symbol and whisked away into nothing with a blast of energy. Killian gave Maurelle and Blake one last look. Both looked at him with eager, excited smiles before he pressed the symbol on his wrist and was pulled into the invisible tube
toward Glaciem.

  The thick pressure pushed against every muscle and bone in his body. His head throbbed against the furious tornado that pulled him toward the cold realm. Killian closed his eyes and tried to bring his focus away from the incredible discomfort of the suffocating portal. Finally, when it seemed as though his eyes would pop from their sockets he slowed as the invisible rope tugged on his feet before he landed on a rolling, damp grassy hill. He heard a shout as he landed and felt a pang in his ribs.

  Lucan’s boot was lodged underneath him.

  “Thomas, get off me,” he shouted.

  Killian scrambled to his feet, shivering as a frosty wind blew against his neck. Pulling the hood over his face to block the breeze he bent down to help Lucan up. Lucan’s eyes widened as he gazed over Killian’s shoulder.

  “Now that…is something,” Lucan said awe struck. Killian turned and caught what Lucan was peering at. An enormous castle loomed over them. Each of the numerous pointed towers boasted large gilded spires pointed toward the brilliant turquoise sky. The bricks were pure white, with several fissures of glittering crystal scarred along the structure making the palace glitter like a diamond in the pale yellow sun. A moat full of clear, green water surrounded the fairytale palace. Almost as if the structure sensed their presence and amazing, golden drawbridge lowered with the loud clanging of chains beckoning their entry into its walls. Glaciem was welcoming them, Killian hoped the welcome would not take a dangerous turn as his gaze drifted to the high tower where an enormous golden gong hung.

  You must come back when you hear the five tolls of the gong in the high tower of the palace, he remembered Rhetta’s warning. The peaceful, beautiful gong sent a string of shivers along his spine. Looking at Lucan, both men took a deep breath and stepped out onto the rich, gold bridge.


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