The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 38

by LJ Andrews

  Chapter 9

  The New Empress

  Along the golden drawbridge Glacien guards stood at attention allowing the two recruits to pass into a large white courtyard. Each wall was lined with beautiful pine shrubs and blue, white and pink flowering bushes. The walls were white, but the walkway to the massive golden door was cobblestone with flecks of shimmering silver and gold dotting the stones. The guards all had long white hair and were dressed in calf-length white tunics with silver breastplates covering their bodies and gold helmets protecting their heads. Killian had met several Glacien people, but seeing these guards in their realm he believed their hair was whiter, and perhaps their skin even paler under the Glacien sun.

  The guards remained still and silent as the two recruits passed along the walkway until they stepped up the large gold step at the threshold of the palace. Two female guards immediately pointed long, threatening silver spears inches from their faces.

  "State your purpose immediately," one of the women whispered. Even when they were attempting to be fierce, the calm Glacien voice sent a peace surging through Killian's mind and body. He felt relaxed, although a deadly weapon was about to puncture his skull.

  "We're Ponderi recruits sent to protect the new empress. Let us pass," Lucan commanded in a harsh bark. The two women did not move, but tensed their muscles more and took the slightest step closer to them. Killian was forced off the gold step by his guard, but Lucan held his footing until the point of the other woman's spear touched his forehead.

  "Now might be a good time to use your parlor trick, Thomas," Lucan urged quietly, never breaking eye contact from his guard.

  Killian tried to summon Infinium, but was too relaxed. He didn't feel an urgent, dire need to use the power and he sensed the woman was playing with his emotions; calming him before she struck him down.

  Suddenly the large golden door creaked open. Two inner guards stood on the sides of the door, and to Killian's relief, Speron stood in the center.

  "Allow these men to pass. They are here for our empress."

  The two women gave Speron a swift glance before immediately lowering their weapons and returning to their posts. Killian sighed relief as the calming feeling seeped from his bottom quickly. The back of his neck tingled, and inwardly he chastised Infinium for falling under the Glacien's calming spell.

  "What good is the power going to be in this realm if it can be seduced by emotional control?" he whispered to himself. Lucan glanced at him curiously, but didn't respond.

  "Speron," Lucan said nodding at their fellow Ponderi. "Nice of you to show up." Killian looked Speron up and down. He too seemed to look different. His already smooth skin was flawless and his hair was bright white, so much it nearly radiated a glowing light. His shoulders seemed broader, and his ego seemed to match his physical perfection. Speron smiled on both of them smugly as he led them into the palace.

  Killian marveled at the grandeur of the massive room. The floor was white shimmering granite, with white and gold pillars lining the walls. Gold crown molding encased a pearl colored, polished marble ceiling painted with intricate mountains, and a marvelous green sea. The many windows let in the pale sunlight making the room appear angelic and bright.

  "Mercedes was immediately taken to the empress's chambers by the chamber maids. She must wear the traditional clothing as she greets the Glacien people. Customs are very important to us." Speron said after they reached a small platform with plush sitting chairs.

  Killian rolled his eyes, but continued following the Beastian onto the platform. "What are we supposed to do?"

  "Wait Killian, that's what you will do now. We are here at Mercedes' disposal, whatever she needs us to do we will do." Speron faced Killian and lowered his already soft voice. "Your relationship, or whatever you might have had is not going to be the same. I hope you realize that now. Mercedes is the empress and will need to associate with people of similar status."

  "Like you?" Killian bit back, hoping to remind Speron he was nothing but a Ponderi Beastian. His blood was hot through his veins, and he wanted nothing more than to throw Speron into the green moat outside.

  Speron let out an exasperated sigh before continuing, "I want what's best for Mercedes. Her needs are before mine. You would do the well to follow that example."

  Killian worked up a fierce retort while gripping his spear, but a door swept open and a herd of young Glacien women floated across the white floor. They whispered excitedly amongst themselves before parting and allowing Killian to get his first glimpse of Mercedes.

  He nearly lost his balance and had to grip a soft, white chair next to him. Mercedes was dressed in a flowing white gown, with a marvelous glittering gold robe draping her shoulders. The clothing, though exquisite, was not what stole his breath. Mercedes' brown skin had lightened to a soft tan, and her beautiful chestnut hair had lightened to auburn blonde. But perhaps the strangest thing were her eyes; the fresh, deep emerald green was now a light turquoise, much like the Glacien sky.

  "Killian, Lucan," she said as she hurried toward them. "I'm so glad you made it safely. Our journey was so quick, when you took longer I began to worry."

  "The track system takes a bit more time," Lucan said, but Killian could hear the awe in his tone.

  " look...amazing," Killian stammered. Mercedes smiled shyly.

  "Thank you. I was surprised when I looked in the mirror after arriving."

  Killian stepped off the platform and stood close to Mercedes. He deliberately ignored Speron's searing glare. "Why do you look...I mean not that it's bad, but why did your eyes change color?" His face was closer to hers than it had been in days.

  Mercedes gulped at the intimate distance of their lips. The group of women behind them whispered and let out soft giggles every few moments. Killian thought he heard his name once or twice, but nothing seemed to distract him from Mercedes.

  "They told me I've already begun to adapt to Glaciem. Remember what Egan said? Whichever realm I choose to be on I will adapt to that realm. I suppose this is what I would look like if I stayed here."

  Killian nodded, though he wasn't sure he understood. He leaned in closer to her, forgetting all the tension they'd had since the training incident. A gruff voice clearing halted his advance though. Looking up Killian met the stern face of an older man he'd never even noticed had been in the room.

  "Recruit, I vould ask you step back from za empress. She vill be meeting za people now." The older man had a long, thin beard. His accent was thicker than Gwyniera’s, but his voice wasn’t as harsh. His hair wasn't long like most in Glaciem, instead it was cut short, revealing his balding crown.

  Taking a step back from Mercedes he allowed the man to step between them.

  "May I ask who you are?" Killian gave the brisk man a steely gaze as he gripped Mercedes' elbow.

  "Larsson, but I am commonly known as Lars. I am za empire's advisor and I have been for za last four generations. Now if you don't mind young man, I know you are here to be a guardian for our empress, but I must introduce za young ruler to her people." Lars held Mercedes' arm softly and guided her to a grand, rounded window. Two guards rushed in front of them and quickly opened the massive glass panes.

  Lucan nodded his head toward Killian and Speron, urging them to follow. The window led to a marble balcony with one padded step stool hidden behind the solid banister. Lars released Mercedes and took his place on the step stool.

  "My people," he began. Somehow his quiet voice was magnified from the balcony, because he wasn't shouting in the least. "Empress Gwyniera is unable to rule as our most beloved empress. It is my greatest honor I present to you, your new empress. Daughter of Leena of Glaciem, granddaughter of noble Gwyniera, please respect and honor our beloved leader, Empress Mercedes of Glaciem." Immediately, Lars stepped down and escorted Mercedes to the stool. Killian could see her legs wobble from nerves as she stepped onto the box. Slowly she lifted her right hand toward the sky, then gracefully placed her hand over her heart and
bowed her head. Killian heard the rustle of people shifting position. Stealing a glance at the people below he saw the white-haired swarm of Glaciens return the gesture, but bow low on their knees to Mercedes.

  It was a spectacular sight to see the respect and loyalty the people were willing to give to Mercedes; almost in a reverence. Killian marveled at her standing high above them, she seemed like a mythical goddess to him, yet it also sparked unease. Speron's words flashed through his mind. Mercedes was a ruler, nothing he did could change that. It was true their relationship would never be normal or the same. Both had too many responsibilities laid upon their feet. For the first time since they'd come to know of the Ponderi, Killian wished they could go back to the first moment they'd met on Terrene. The peaceful, Oregon coast crashing against the sand, standing together with no realms to rule, no relics to find.

  Slowly Killian backed into the grand room, away from the scene that brought him so much joy, yet an uncomfortable amount of pain. The people seemed thrilled to have Mercedes here, and he could help but notice how her eyes shown with excitement too. He knew all he could do would be to support her in her new role, but he wondered if that was all he could be for her. Killian glanced through the brilliant window again and watched as Mercedes gracefully waved to the ecstatic gathering below. Clenching his jaw tight, he would always protect her, but if their relationship was as far as it would ever be he needed to focus on his true mission: finding the relics.


  The morning faded to a warm afternoon and Killian, along with Lucan and beaming Speron, strolled slowly behind Mercedes and her entourage as she met the people in person.

  "What's your deal Thomas?" Lucan whispered as Mercedes stopped at a quaint shop full of white furry animals that resembled arctic foxes, they just had long fangs over their lips, but seemed friendly enough. Lucan's brow furrowed expectantly as he waited for Killian's reply. He must have noticed Killian's sullen mood since Mercedes' introduction.

  "I'm fine, I was just thinking about the best place to start searching for the relic."

  Lucan nodded. "The mountains are where Miller suggested. I can't think of anywhere better to start, so I suggest there. We should stay with her until we've made sure those surrounding her are trustworthy before we begin our search."

  Killian watched as the older woman who owned the fanged foxes laughed gleefully at Mercedes who was surrounded by a litter of young ones. Another woman stepped toward Mercedes and handed her a beautiful white pearl necklace. Mercedes gave the woman a warm embrace as thanks. Lars pulled her gently away from the woman and whispered something in her ear. Killian chuckled when Mercedes rolled her eyes. She was never one to be told how to do things.

  "I agree with you. We'll leave when we know she'll be safe," Killian finally said. He sulked away as the entourage headed back toward the white palace. He knew Mercedes would want to join in the search, she loved a good adventure, but he could see her talent with the people. She would be an empress like they'd never had. He hoped somehow he could convince her to stay. Inwardly he admitted it would be one more thing he had to worry about while they searched. His neck prickled with anticipation, or forewarning he couldn't tell. Somehow he knew this search would differ from any other, and the idea of Mercedes being caught up in it wrenched his stomach hard. If he was serious about protecting her, then he knew he would have to do everything in his power to keep her in the palace and away from the relic.

  "Empress," Lars began. "Tonight vee vill be holding a grand coronation feast in your honor at the palace. The Glacien council and their families vill be present, along vith your Ponderi guardians, zay may join." Killian noted Lars didn't sound too excited about allowing the recruits into the traditions of the realm.

  "It sounds amazing," she answered excitedly. "What do we need to do to help get ready?"

  Lars stopped in the middle of the cobbled street. "Your Highness, you are only expected to be present." His voice was soft and calm, but still firm. "My dear empress, I know you are not accustomed to your status, but you are our ruler and thus vill have servants attending to your needs."

  Mercedes' face fell, and though her eyes were blue Killian could still detect the familiar fiery spark burning behind them. "That may be Lars. And you're right I'm not accustomed to this status yet, but I think even when I am I'd like to model other rulers I've met, like my father, Egan and Queen Maurelle of Cimmerian. Despite their status they enjoy the people of the Hemisphere and have gained a fierce respect from every race. Until Gwyniera returns, that is how I choose to lead."

  Killian smiled. He expected Lars to react disapprovingly, but the older Glacien smiled respectfully and nodded his head. “As you vish, Your Highness. You are vise in your youth.” Lars turned toward the chamber maids who waited patiently against the wall for their orders. “Escort za empress to her room as vee prepare for za feast. You gentlemen vill be taken to a room prepared for you.” Lars signaled to a group of male guards that swiftly escorted Killian, Lucan and Speron up a grand, marble staircase to a long hallway lined with exquisite wooden doors with large gold hinges.

  “Zis vay,” a kind faced guard said opening one of the doors. “Vee vill come fetch you before za empress arrives at za feast.” With that the guards turned on their heels in unison and sauntered away.

  “Wow, look at this place,” Lucan whistled. It was the cheeriest Killian had ever heard him since they’d met. The room was ornate with gold leaf moldings and several queen sized beds for their use.

  “It’s impressive,” Killian agreed setting down his heavy equipment strapped on every inch of his belt.

  “Why so sullen Killian?” Speron smiled at him from a padded window seat overlooking the brilliant green sea a short distance from the palace. “You’ve been distancing yourself from Mercedes since her introduction, is everything alright between you two?” Speron’s voice was soft and comforting, but Killian could see through it. His anger surged through his body and for a moment he looked forward to returning to the person he’d been when he was in prison—long before he came to the Ponderi.

  Grabbing his spear, he crossed the room in three swift strides and pinned Speron’s shoulders against the wall with the rod. The red, jagged brand on his neck burned. The overwhelming urge he felt to overpower the shocked Glacien frightened him, but he didn’t loosen his grip.

  “Thomas, STOP,” Lucan shouted behind him. He heard his pounding step rushing to help Speron. Killian knew he could stop him. An expertly crafted iron chair rested against the wall, Killian commanded it toward Lucan. The chair flipped and landed directly in front of Lucan temporarily obstructing him.

  Smiling down at Speron, whose face had been wiped of his smug smile he pushed his face right next to the pale man. “I’m tired of your little quest to drive a wedge between Mercedes and me. She isn’t some kind of game we’re playing. If I were you, Beastian, I’d stay out of my way.” The fury pulsed hot for another long moment before Killian released his angry grip on his spear. Speron fell to one knee grasping his chest where the metal had pressed deep into his skin. The iron chair blocking Lucan had fallen limp on its side allowing him to push through.

  Lucan glared at Killian as he helped Speron to his feet. Quickly he yanked Killian’s spear out of his hands and threw it across the room. Lucan seethed as he pressed his face against Killian’s as he’d done to Speron.

  “What are you thinking? You don’t use that thing against your allies. I have half a mind to have the guards send you back, but I’m pretty sure Miller will excuse anything you do.”

  Killian huffed and pushed Lucan away from him.

  “No,” Lucan continued attempting to get close again. “I’m serious Thomas. I don’t care how annoying Speron is you better control that thing or I’m looking for that relic without you. I won’t go out there with someone I can’t trust, and after what I just saw I don’t trust you.”

  Killian grimaced at the cutting words. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t allow it to control him
like it had done to Axel, but the strange desire to overpower Speron had been intoxicating. Lucan’s words brought him back to the reality of the dangerous line he was teetering on and how crucial it was to stay in control of the parasite swimming in his mind.

  Relaxing his shoulders, he looked between Speron and Lucan before speaking. Speron rubbed his upper chest and neck where an ugly red mark was forming from the heavy rod. “You’re right Lucan. I let myself lose control for a moment, it won’t happen again. I only want to help the Hemisphere and fight the Trinity.” Sheepishly he looked up at Speron. “Forgive me Speron. You won’t have to worry about me, I assure you.”

  Killian didn’t wait for them to respond he turned on his heel and left the room, afraid to admit he’d lost control—and enjoyed it.

  Chapter 10

  The Feast

  The streets of Glaciem were made from bright, pearly granite. Killian spent much of the afternoon wandering between the small shops filled with strange medicinal shells, fine jewelry made from blue and green gems, and numerous creatures and animals Killian had never seen. The people greeted him with low bows and kind smiles promoting their inner peace that painted a shrewd contrast to the torment raging in his heart.

  “Hello young sir,” an old bearded man bowed as Killian strode passed his small shop. His accent was lighter compared to Lars. “You arrived vith our new empress, yes?”

  Killian nodded and scanned the odds and ends lining the shop windows.

  “Vould you like to take a look inside? The shop may not seem like much, but I’ve collected many valuable trinkets in my travels. You may find za perfect coronation gift for za empress.”

  “What?” Killian’s heart beat faster. “Coronation gift?”

  The old man raised his eyebrows. “It is a custom in Glaciem to present a new ruler at za coronation feast vith a token of our confidence in their ability to lead. Lars informed your Glacien companion vile zay were here during za empress’s walk and directed he should tell you and za dark haired lad.”


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