The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 40

by LJ Andrews

  No one spoke. Mercedes scanned the room again, her jaw clenched. “Where is your LEADER?”

  A tall, painted faced man finally stood from the center of the room. His cloak was pulled off his head and Killian’s breathing increased. He recognized the brown-haired Deshuit. It was the man he’d faced in Ignisia—the man who’d let him live.

  “Your Highness, we seek no harm to you, or your…friends,” he said firmly glancing at Killian. Killian pulsed his jaw and stepped closer to Mercedes. “We had common enemies in your midst, but we have completed what needed to be done.”

  “You cannot just attack my people and leave without punishment,” Mercedes fumed. Snapping her fingers, a hoard of guards circled the man, two placing their swords over his neck menacingly.

  “Would you kill me like this Your Highness?” he taunted. “I fear I have done you a great service, and may soon bless you with more.”

  Mercedes trembled. Her eyes were frightening and furious. Killian sensed she wanted the Deshuit dead. She wanted to make an example of the man. The feeling overpowered him, and the Deshuit’s taunt didn’t help. She was prepared to kill him.

  “Mercedes,” Killian began in a low voice, hoping to save her from herself. “You don’t want to do this.”

  “Stop reading me Killian,” she hissed.

  “You’re letting me. Please, you don’t want to kill him in cold blood. He said you both had enemies here. Give him a trial.”

  “Why do you care?” she flipped her eyes and glared at him.

  Clearing his throat, he kept his voice low so only she could hear him. “Mercedes, that man is the one who saved me in Ignisia. Something is off about this. They leave me alive, they say they are here to kill an enemy? It doesn’t fit what we’ve been told about Deshuits.”

  Mercedes’ eyes softened at his revelation and bounced back and forth between both of them.

  Clearing her throat, she sauntered slowly toward the man. “I will not kill you here, no,” she said pushing through her circle of guards. “I would give you a proper trial, but I think you should be taken to the Praetorium. You are renegade of the Hemisphere and have led many attacks I’m sure in many realms. Perhaps each ruler should have a chance to participate in your trial.”

  Killian saw what seemed to be a flicker of fear in the Deshuit’s eyes.

  “Tomorrow, I will entrust Killian to travel back to the Praetorium with you and leave you in the hands of the Ponderi.” Mercedes instructed one of the guards to take the Deshuit to the palace holding cells and keep him on a four man watch until they left.

  Killian reached out for Mercedes’ hand gently and lowered his voice. “Mercedes, I can’t leave. You know I need to find the relic.”

  “Killian, the Praetorium needs to be aware of the attack. Especially since Maurelle’s palace was recently breached.”

  “So send Speron, or Lucan,” he argued.

  Mercedes sighed. “Killian I know I can’t make you do this, but you are the only one strong enough to take him, and he obviously doesn’t want you dead if he saved you once before. And Miller is your grandfather, so it would be best coming from you.”

  Killian pursed his lips. “You sure it doesn’t have anything to do with what Speron told you?”

  Mercedes’ eyes shifted slightly. “I admit I think it may be good to speak with Dalia when you go back. Maybe she can help you calm the overwhelming emotion. Killian I’m not saying be gone for weeks, maybe a day or two then come back and we can search for the relic,” she said lightly as his face visibly soured.

  Killian didn’t get a chance to answer when Speron raced behind them breathless. “Mercedes…I mean Empress, the Deshuits killed six of our people.”

  Mercedes gasped. “Where are they?” her voice trembled slightly.

  “We’ve placed them respectfully over there,” Speron pointed to an open doorway. Immediately Mercedes, followed by Killian rushed to the door.

  Seeing the blood soaked, white-robed bodies was unnerving. Mercedes sucked in a deep breath and covered her mouth with her hands. Lars’s body rested, bloodied and beaten in front of her. The old Glacien’s last grimace still painted on his lifeless face.

  Chapter 11

  The Deshuit

  The Glacien sun was bright, reflecting off the luminous street and seemed to rise too early. Sleep escaped Killian most of the night and the weary angst was heavy on his shoulders as he paced along the palace hallways.

  “Are you ready?” Mercedes asked as she left her large living area designated for royalty. For a moment Killian was lost in her flowing blue gown, and gold bands scaling her arms. He smiled thinking how easily she had fit in as royal. She was followed by her usual entourage of young women and guards. He sighed heavily as he faced her glancing at the unwanted spectators with displeasure, but didn’t respond. “Look, Killian I told you last night I can’t make you go, but you and I both know you’re the best choice.”

  Killian stepped closer to her, putting his face near hers. He relished the close moment and seeing Mercedes hold her breath, but never drop her gaze from his. He leaned in closer and brushed a long strand of auburn hair off her shoulder.

  “I’ll go,” he said softly. “But promise me, if you hear anything about the relic you will contact Miller.” Mercedes nodded and looked at him expectantly. Killian backed away and smirked. “Alright, then. How are we getting back?”

  “I was just told there is a portal that can open for prison transport. He can’t take the Custodis jumping spot, and neither of you can go through the leader portal without me.”

  “When do we go?”

  “The guards already have the Deshuit in the room.” Mercedes face darkened. “Are you really okay with this?”

  “The faster we do this the better. Let’s just go.”

  The room had no furniture, just a long wooden table with a gold sphere placed in the center. Dark shades dimmed the cheerful sun and created a warm ambiance throughout the room. The Deshuit man stood solemnly against the wall with two guards on either side. His cloak had been removed and he’d been redressed in a tan tunic over old brown pants. His tousled auburn hair was dotted with gray near his ears. The man looked up at Killian, his round eyes were a deep mocha flecked with caramel specks and pierced Killian’s soul as he focused on him. A strange feeling of resistance was coming from the Deshuit. Killian suspected the man knew he had strange abilities, and it was almost as if he was battling to submerge secret emotions so Killian couldn’t read them. His skin was still tinged in the dark paint, but his true color was shining through.

  “The guards tried to clean him up so we could really get a good look at him, but the paint has practically stained him,” Mercedes whispered as they approached the table.

  The Deshuit never broke his gaze as Killian stood next to him against the wall, but Killian focused on Mercedes, wishing he could read what the Deshuit was thinking.

  “Deshuit, since you have provided us with no name, that’s what we will call you,” Mercedes fixed her steely eyes on his. “You will be taken to the Praetorium by Recruit Thomas where you will be held until the leaders can converge for your trial. If you try to harm this recruit, or anyone at the Ponderi you will be put to death without a trial. Do you have anything to say before you leave?”

  “I have no reason to harm Killian,” his voice was rough from fatigue. Killian knew the Deshuit knew him by name but his shoulders still shuddered when he said it. “But I will say, Empress, placing me in a cell during these tumultuous times is a mistake. As I said last night my people only seek to harm those wishing to harm the Hemisphere.”

  “You killed the Glacien Empire’s oldest advisor!” Mercedes’ frustration was apparent as her voice trembled. “Your actions last night do not corroborate with your story.”

  The Deshuit smirked. “As I said, we seek to destroy those bringing harm to the Hemisphere. I will let you decide how you investigate your people’s deaths with that information.”

  Mercedes opened h
er mouth to argue further, but Killian stepped between them. “I think we should go now. Time is of the essence.”

  Mercedes took a deep breath and nodded. “Nells, please open the portal you described last night.”

  A tall, muscular guard stepped forward. His crystal eyes sparkled kindly, though his taut jaw betrayed the seriousness of the situation. The two guards standing next to the Deshuit handed Killian the chain that wrapped tight around his midsection. The Deshuit stepped closer again and held his head high.

  Nells took the gilded sphere and pushed his palm on the top. The sphere absorbed slowly into the wooden table like an amazing illusion. When the sphere was swallowed by the table a large opening broke through the empty wall and burst with a fierce wind of energy.

  “Be careful Killian,” Mercedes said, her long hair blowing wildly against the furious portal. She reached for his hand longingly, but recoiled. Tugging on the chain, Killian urged the Deshuit forward. The man obeyed with no resistance.

  Walking through the portal was fast, and pleasant as warm light licked their skin. As they stepped over a line of white light the portal snapped shut with one loud breath of windy air.

  “That was easier than the Custodis tunnel,” Killian said under his breath as they landed in Miller’s office.

  “You should try the Deshuit tracks. If you think your tunnel is wild…” the Deshuit man trailed off with a low chuckle.

  “What Deshuit tracks?” he asked turning toward him hesitantly.

  The man’s face brightened. “The Ponderi aren’t the only ones capable of developing tracks. We have secret pathways, though I’m not ready to show you where yet.” He winked at Killian. Frowning he turned away from the Deshuit. The man was taunting him and it flushed an angry wave through his veins.

  “Killian,” Miller’s anxious voice broke his thoughts. Blake, Egan, Miller, Aidan and Dax stood in a straight line in front of them. Egan, Blake, Dax and Aidan each held weapons in their hands. Killian saw the Deshuit duck his head and look at the ground.

  “Too embarrassed to show your face now?” Killian sneered. The man didn’t respond, but his earlier arrogance seemed to dissipate quickly and Killian sensed his angst at being in the Praetorium.

  “We received Mercedes’ notification of the Deshuit attack. This is the renegade leader?” Aidan asked fiercely.

  “Yes, he’s come willingly so far. Mercedes feels since Cimmerian was recently breached and now Glaciem the Deshuit should be charged by all realm leaders.”

  “Wise woman,” Miller said.

  “His group took six Glacien lives last night.”

  Blake and Dax narrowed their eyes at that and gripped their weapons more while Egan moved swiftly toward the Deshuit until their faces were inches apart.

  “You made a mistake attacking my daughter, Deshuit. If I had my way, you would be dead already.”

  “She was not the target; she would not have been harmed. And do not forget there were losses on both sides,” the man said solemnly.

  Aidan walked briskly toward them and wrenched the chain from Killian’s hand. “Well you should have thought of that before attacking the palace then.”

  Aidan, Blake and Dax turned toward the hallway. Blake turned back once and mouthed the words “find us later,” before turning into the hallway. Miller squinted after them with a curious look on his face.

  “Thank you for protecting Mercedes,” Egan said after they’d left.

  “She handled herself well last night. She didn’t need much help.” Egan’s face brightened with pride. Killian saw Miller still staring at the empty doorway, his bushy eyebrows furrowed. “Miller, is everything alright?”

  His grandfather didn’t answer right away, but slowly turned to face him as if pondering hard on a thought. “The Deshuit. There is something strange about him, but I can’t place it. His voice...” Miller trailed off. “Anyway, Killian I know you’ll be anxious to return to Glaciem, but I must insist you take the day to rest and leave in the morning.”

  Killian sighed. “I thought the relic was the priority.”

  “It is Killian. But you’ve been through something quite strenuous and no doubt will face more difficulties during the relic search. Take some time for yourself…please.” Miller’s gray eyes looked tired and worried.

  “Alright. I’ll leave first thing tomorrow.”


  Dax and Blake held tight to the Deshuit man. Aidan led the way along the damp hallway lined with prison cells.

  "I'm going willingly," the Deshuit whispered to Blake. "So I ask you don't let Miller get close to me."

  "Quiet!" Aidan shouted. "You are in no place to make demands."

  Dax glanced at Blake curiously as they continued down the row of ancient iron doors.

  "You must grant me this," he pleaded again. "The realms could be at risk if he gets near me!"

  Blake stopped and pinned the Deshuit against the earthy wall, Dax helping hold his arms.

  "What else do you know? What does it matter if Miller sees you?" Blake seethed. Aidan had stopped and peered at the man while the recruits questioned him.

  "I can't say, but I've come willingly from the moment I stepped foot in Glaciem. Recruit honor dictates you should grant willing prisoners a reasonable request. Mine is reasonable. I will stand trial, but not with Miller."

  Aidan pursed his lips considering his request. A shuffle behind the wall of dirt and Nathaniel's voice whispered through the iron door. "I know that voice..." the trapped man trailed off with a slightly insane chuckle.

  The Deshuit's face fell at Nathaniel's declaration.

  Blake glared angrily at Nathaniel's cell, and Dax kicked it hard before grabbing the Deshuit once more and taking him to the open cell where Aidan stood.

  "We will deliberate your request," Aidan said before slamming the door. "But we make no guarantees."

  "Strange thing to say," Dax said on the way out of the prison hallway.

  Blake nodded, glancing at Nathaniel's cell. He could still make out the delirious laughter behind the large door. "I think there's more to this Deshuit than we know."


  Killian wandered the halls aimlessly for what seemed hours before he ran into his friends. Sophia was speaking frantically to Dax and Blake near the dining hall. When she saw Killian she ran and wrapped his arms around his neck.

  “Killian, I’m so glad you’re alright. How is Mercedes?”

  “She’s fine. I think she’s had a lot happen in her short rule, but she’s handling it pretty great actually.”

  “Of course she would. She’s a natural at whatever she does,” Blake said with admiration. Killian felt a pang of jealousy hearing someone else talk about Mercedes like that.

  “How did the transport go with the Deshuit?” he asked.

  Blake and Dax glanced at one another before Dax spoke. “Strange, to put it plainly.”

  “Why?” Sophia asked, her eyebrows raised under her protective glasses.

  Blake shuffled and glanced at Dax before recounting the odd events and requests the Deshuit made.

  Killian thought for a moment after he'd finished. The Deshuit had been arrogant and smug until Mercedes had mentioned taking him to the Praetorium. “I bet there are a lot of Ponderi members turned rogue. Isn’t that why they are supposedly fighting against the Ponderi, they don’t agree with what they stand for. Do you think he used to be a member?”

  Blake shrugged. “I don’t know. He seemed anxious to get the trial over with, almost like he just expected to get back to his Deshuit pals. It was pretty unnerving though when Nathaniel seemed to recognize his voice.”

  “I wonder if he was high ranking here making him think they’ll just release him,” Sophia added.

  “Whatever he thinks they better not let him off easy. Mercedes could’ve been killed, and you too Killian,” Dax seethed.

  “I need to get back there,” Killian said staring out one of the large windows wistfully. “But Miller thinks I need to take the nig

  “Well what do you want to do then?” Blake asked anxiously. “Let’s do something fun. It’s been so stuffy here since you left.”

  “Actually, I think I need to talk to Dalia,” he responded turning toward an empty wall to summon the elevator. “I’ll find you later though.” Stepping into the car he sped away.

  Wandering the recruit floor his mind wandered about all that had happened since he’d left for Glaciem.

  “You know,” a soft voice came from the dark corner near his door, “your friends are going to realize you lied to them.”

  “Dalia,” Killian said surprised how relieved he was to see her.

  Dalia stepped out into the hallway dressed in a tight, ebony body suit. “It’s good to see you Killian. Sophia asked me if I had talked to you a short time ago. Of course I didn’t know you were even looking for me, so I decided to find you.”

  “I didn’t want to lie, but I don’t want to just run around relaxing when I feel like I should be in Glaciem helping Mercedes and finding the relics.”

  “So what’s stopping you from going back?”

  “Miller wants me to stay the night then go in the morning.”

  Dalia nodded. “Well, I can’t say I think that’s a bad idea. You should rest. Is there some reason you told your friends you wanted to speak to me, or was I just part of a grand excuse?” Dalia’s silver eyes twinkled.

  Placing his hand on his wooden door he waved Dalia inside, not wanting anyone to hear what he wanted to tell her, though he didn’t’ notice the curious eyes watching both of them disappear into his magnanimous room.

  “You seem very distracted Killian.”

  Killian removed his gray jacket and plopped heavily onto his soft bed. “I lost control in Glaciem, I’m not going to sugar coat it. I wanted to hurt Speron for something he’d done, and I felt it build so fierce it was painful.”

  “You have something immensely powerful in your brain Killian, and you’re still learning how to deal with it.” Her voice was calming and it soothed his guilt. “You can’t expect to master it without occasional struggles.”


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