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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 41

by LJ Andrews

  Killian pushed himself from his bed and stood by his window watching the green-orange sunset cast ghostly shadows in his room.

  “Unless there’s more you’re not telling me,” Dalia pressed.

  Killian looked back at the tall Cimmerian woman. She was his confidant, and he knew she could help him, but the shame of what he felt burned throughout. “I liked it Dalia. I wanted to hurt Speron. I liked the feeling of power that surged through me. I felt more powerful than I had ever felt before using Infinium. It’s like the power of fear was stronger.”

  Dalia’s eyes flicked to the ground. Now she took her place in his soft, wing-back chair. Killian’s heart fell. She actually seemed disappointed in him.

  “Dalia, I can’t read you,” he said not hiding the strain in his voice. “What are you thinking? Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything." Killian sighed in frustration.

  "No you should have," she said with a surprising brashness. "If you keep these feelings inside and push others away, I will..." she paused choking on emotion. "You'll be lost just as Axel was."

  "There's only been two of us Dalia, maybe it's impossible to fight against Infinium, maybe I'm doomed to be like him!"

  Dalia stood quickly and stared at him, her silver eyes like lightening as they brightened against her pale skin. "Infinium does not take away your free will. It isn't as strong as you are, it can't survive without you Killian! Don't you understand? The power feeds off of you, if it becomes the most powerful ability in the Hemisphere, it will be because you made it so. Stop believing Infinium is your master and know it is quite the opposite!"

  Dalia paced in front of his king bed. Killian stepped against the wall, he'd never seen her behave so passionately before. Dalia turned and faced him before continuing, noticeably slowing her breath to a calm. "That is the lesson I could not get Axel to understand, and he allowed Infinium to pollute his once kind, generous soul. It may have felt as if fear was a stronger sensation, but that was only because you were forcing submission. That kind of power will not last. If Infinium helped lead, and bring that kind of leadership would never die."

  Dalia's face was frozen in a concerned, sad expression. She buttoned a top silver button that had come loose during her rant and turned to the door.

  "Wait, Dalia I need your help, don't leave. Tell me what I need to do."

  She turned back, holding the door open. "I can't teach you this Killian. It comes from within. It must be your choice to control the power and use it for bettering the realms, not just for personal gain." Slowly she stepped into the hallway. "One more thing. You don't have to stay the night Killian. You can leave whenever you want to, and you know how to do it. Remember Ignisia." With that the door closed and he was alone.

  Killian threw his sweatshirt to the floor feeling the burn of frustration seep up his neck.

  "Does she expect me to just open a portal right here and destroy the room?" he huffed to the empty wall. A thought crossed his mind as he glanced at the bathroom door. Stepping into the stone and tile room he inspected the brilliant shower. Every inch was made up of strong stone and smooth tile.

  "It wouldn't do too much damage," he said out loud. Checking to make sure his spear was latched tight on his back he stepped into the large shower.

  "Alright, get me a back to Glaciem," he said to the irritating prickle on his skin. He pictured the gilded palace, the fine dining hall. He saw Mercedes in her gold gown, the smooth pearly streets. A warm breeze filled the large shower. He felt the frustration of Dalia's final words, and her disappointment searing through his body. The glimmer of a new matter shimmered before his eyes, pulsing brighter with each tense thought.

  Thoughts of Miller crossed his mind, and a weight settled in the pit of his stomach. His grandfather would be disappointed he'd gone against his desires. The shimmering portal dissipated as conflicting thoughts filled his mind. He thought of the Deshuit, he knew more than he was letting on. If he left the Deshuits could find a way to the Praetorium and try to reach their leader.

  The portal blurred as the doubt flooded his mind before finally disappearing. The strength seemed to seep out of every pour leaving Killian breathless and lobbed over on the cool tile floor. Infinium burned through his veins as a memory of the exertion and power he’d tried to accomplish. Closing his eyes, all his energy and strength disappeared and he fell into a restless sleep on the shower floor.

  Twittering little feet shuffled around his head. Squinting against the darkness flooding over his bathroom he caught fast glimpses of small glowing orbs watching him sprawled along the floor. Startled he jumped to his feet and turned on the light. As the bright yellow shrouded the floor hordes of small skeletal, ebony laundry fairies littered the floor carrying tissues, towels, and pants. Each creature froze, before angrily speeding toward an open tile against a far wall and disappearing. Killian shook the sleep from his head and crept into his bedroom. His heart was pounding, and his stomach rumbled. He hadn’t eaten since the feast and hunger was settling deep in the pit of his stomach. He knew it was late, but hoped he might find something available in the dining hall.

  The grand hallway was empty and cool. Outside the air had changed from a pleasant warmth with a thick humidity to a frosty chill, even the rainbow flowers had tucked themselves deep inside their waxy pods. Killian rubbed his shoulders against the chill in the hallway.

  As he turned the corner he gasped as he recognized Dax and Sophia ahead of him. Dax pulled away from her face quickly, and his red, steaming cheeks were visible even in the dim lighting. Sophia covered her mouth, her silver eyes cutting through the darkness, but he noted her free hand was interlocked with Dax’s thick fingers.

  “Uh, sorry guys…I…I’m just going to go back to my room,” Killian stammered and turned away.

  “Killian,” Dax’s husky voice broke the darkness. “Come back.”

  Awkwardly Killian turned around. “I didn't mean to interrupt.” He tried to keep his tone light, but couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at their affection.

  Dax chuckled and looked at the ground. Sophia stepped closer toward him and smiled affectionately at his eccentric red and orange hair. "Don't worry we'll pick up where we left off."

  Sophia shoved Dax's shoulder, but laughed. "Did Miller tell you the news?"

  Killian shook his head. "No what news?" Dax beamed and shifted with excitement, but he didn't say anything. "Guys, what news?"

  "Miller has approved and is arranging the first inter-realm marriage in...well since the Venture!" Sophia squealed.

  Killian's mouth dropped open. " you guys?" He stuttered pointing at each of them.

  Sophia nodded and bounced on her toes in excitement. "Yes! I can't believe it. A few months ago I never thought it would be possible."

  "We would've made it possible," Dax said kissing her forehead.

  "Wow, that...that is so great you guys,"

  "Is it?" Dax questioned furrowing his brow. "You seem a little surprised."

  "No, I'm so happy for you I just feel so young myself to even think of getting married."

  Sophia laughed and leaned on Dax's shoulders. "Remember we've been alive a little longer than you. Mother says in Terrenian years I'm three hundred."

  Killian nodded sheepishly. "True, I forget about the different life spans. Well my elderly friends I truly am thrilled for you." Killian laughed and wrapped his arms around bubbling Sophia.

  "Thanks, Killian. By the way, what are you doing out here?" Dax asked.

  “I wanted to get some food, I haven’t eaten for almost a day.”

  Sophia nodded, and tugged on Dax’s hand. “We better go before anyone else sees us out. They’ve tightened down on night security ever since the Empress tried to get out of her cell,” she turned toward Killian. “They are suspicious of anyone out after hours, you see. They seem to think they have ulterior motives to be out.”

  “Wait,” Killian said widening his eyes. “The empress tried to break out?�

  “Miller didn’t tell you?” Dax asked. Killian shook his head fervently. “Gwyniera tried to break out by calming the prison patrols enough and trying to hypnotize her way out, but Nathaniel raised the alarm.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “Just a few hours ago. I thought they would have told you.”

  Killian huffed. “I wasn’t informed. Did they add extra security?”

  Sophia shifted and glared into the darkness. “No, they took her out of the prison cells. She’s upstairs somewhere in a protected office. Miller wanted her nearby so he could make sure a breach didn’t happen again. I’m sure he’s prepared proper security arrangements until the council can conduct the investigation, but it seems foolish to me. No offense to Miller, but she seems more exposed.”

  “It does seem a little strange,” Killian said thoughtfully. "Did she give any indication why she tried to escape now? She could have done this when she was first locked up."

  Dax's flames behind his dark eyes brightened creating an eerie glow in the dark hallway.

  "Miller mentioned to a few of the recruits she kept saying she needed to Maybe that's why Miller didn't tell you, you tend to try to solve problems on your own."

  Killian didn't answer, but a torrid urgency ripped through his chest. Something wasn't adding up, the Empress wouldn't simply seek his company if she was locked in the Praetorium. Doubts about her affiliation with the Trinity crept along his mind.

  “Killian, you aren’t thinking of talking to her are you?” Dax asked tensing his jaw.

  “No, of course not.”

  “Good because you understand if Gwyniera is working for the Trinity, and if she is the Architect she will probably try to kill you.” Dax said as if he didn’t believe Killian would stay away.

  Killian’s face was flat and his shoulders slumped as he remembered what Nathaniel had said. He needed to speak to Gwyniera, she knew something and he needed to know what her secret was. Sophia patted his shoulder and smiled kindly at him. “Please leave it to the council okay.”

  “Don’t worry Soph, I’m not going to do anything crazy.”

  Dax and Sophia walked away slowly, both looking back at different moments, watching to see what Killian might do. When they disappeared into the darkness of the hall, Killian rushed to the side wall and signaled the hidden elevator.

  Thoughts flooded his mind about the attempted escape and his head pounded as the burning power seared through his veins as he anxiously soared through the walls toward the icy empress.

  The upper hallway was lined with recruits at every door; older recruits with different scars and burns dotting their skin. He met each seasoned recruit eye, knowing he would never train with these people; these were the people he pictured his parents working with when they’d been alive.

  No recruit stopped him as he knocked on Miller’s office. His grandfather opened the door quickly and seemed surprised to see Killian at the door.

  “You shouldn’t be walking around so late at night, Killian.” Miller ushered him into his office frantically, as if an attacker would leap from the darkness at any moment.

  Killian plopped down onto his familiar white sofa and stared at his grandfather. He hoped his face gave away his frustration. Miller met his eye and sighed.

  “I know you are upset I didn’t tell you about the breach—”

  “No that’s not what upset me,” Killian interrupted. “I’m a little irked no one saw fit to bring me to speak to the empress since she specifically asked to see me. I’m not a child anymore Miller, I can handle myself.”

  Miller’s face was sad and weary. “I understand that, I really do. But please remember you are still new to this world and it has been immeasurably stressful since you’ve been in the Praetorium. There are powers and dangers you have yet to be exposed to. I myself don’t understand the depths of the Empress’s abilities.”

  Miller’s voice was surprisingly stern, a tone Killian had never heard. It caused him to pause and consider his grandfather’s point of view.

  “I know I’m not a threat to many at this point, I have yet to master Infinium. All I can do well is move things around and mess with dirt a little bit, but Miller I just feel like Gwyniera wouldn’t hurt me in the Praetorium with so many people around her. I would like to speak with her.” Miller scrunched his face slightly. “You can be there as well, and Maurelle since we know she’s capable of overpowering the empress…if that would make you feel better.”

  Miller glanced out his large window thoughtfully for several long minutes. “Fine Killian. You’ve made a reasonable argument. But Dalia, Maurelle and Egan will be present.”

  “Fair enough. Let’s get this over with,” Killian said with a nervous chuckle. Miller nodded without expression and typed on his desktop screen.

  “I’ve sent the alert to the others. They will be here shortly. Are you sure you want to go through with this, she could be the most dangerous enemy in the Hemisphere.”

  Killian nodded, unsure if he was being honest. “I have to. Too many lives may depend on what she knows.”

  Chapter 12


  The wait seemed to take forever. Finally scuffles of feet could be heard outside Miller’s office doors and Maurelle wearing a lose purple top over form fitting black pants, she had no shoes on her feet, almost as if she had been resting and came straightaway at the message. The Queen was followed closely by Egan and Dalia. Dalia met Killian’s eye briefly before turning her attention to Miller.

  “As you saw in my message, Gwyniera requested a meeting with Killian. I have agreed to this, but for his safety I require you three to join us. Your Majesty, we know you are powerful and ask forgiveness for asking you to use magic if things take a turn for the worse, I know it can be taxing on you.”

  Maurelle peered at Killian, her normal smiling eyes were serious and focused. “I will do everything I can to protect Killian.”

  “This goes against everything I believe in Miller. Despite my connection with Gwyniera, she was caught attacking another leader and her demands shouldn’t be met,” Egan said briskly.

  “She hasn’t been tried yet so her guilt has not been legally determined, and she breached her cell without violence. Killian knows the risks, but also feels strongly she may be able to lend insight that may help us.”

  “Just remember Killian, Nathaniel betrayed you too and he hasn’t divulged any of his secrets,” Maurelle said in her soft, poetic voice. "Be careful what you trust."

  “I have to do anything I can to find out if she is the Architect, or if she is something else,” he replied firmly.

  Maurelle pursed her dark lips, but gave him a soft smile.

  “If we are ready then I will lead you to Gwyniera’s room.” Miller directed them toward the rolling beverage tray. The rich smell of coffee stung Killian’s nostrils. Miller pushed the cart to one side and flipped open a small keypad. Typing in a set of numbers a hideaway wall slid open revealing a room nearly identical to his office only much smaller. There were no windows, even the door they’d entered through seemed invisible once it had closed. The walls were dressed with light, pearl paneling and impressive paintings of beautiful landscapes lining every wall. Gwyniera sat on an ivory chaise lounge with her white hair flowing free along her back. She wore plain white robes, but held herself with her typical stiff regency.

  “Gwyniera,” Miller said firmly. “We’ve brought Killian for you to speak with, but you will understand we have others here to ensure his safety.”

  “Of course,” Gwyniera said stoically without turning around to face them. “I vould expect nothing less.”

  The others stayed against the wall, Maurelle appeared ready to pounce at the slightest movement. Killian slowly made his way around to the front of the former empress and sat in a wooden chair. Gwyniera’s blue eyes pierced him, she pulsed urgent anxiety into his soul so fierce it took his breath away.

  “Now you know how inclined I vas to speak v
ith you, though I vould have liked to be alone.” She said.

  “Why do you want to talk with me? We don't have the greatest history.”

  Gwyniera smiled smugly, though she was not dressed up like she normally was in her royal attire, she still seemed youthful and beautiful. “I vish you vould not hold such resentments from your own Ponderi imprisonment." She smirked as memories from his first introductions to the empress flooded his mind. "How is my granddaughter faring vith ruling my realm?”

  Killian’s eyebrows furrowed, but he indulged her. “She is doing quite well, the people respect her and she has faced the Glacien adversities with impressive leadership.”

  Miller cleared his throat by the wall. Killian met his eye and saw his grandfather shake his head.

  “Vat adversities?” Gwyniera asked, her voice rose in pitch. Killian’s heart sunk.

  They haven’t told her, he thought to himself.

  Nervously he met her steely gaze again. “There was a Deshuit attack in Glaciem yesterday. We’ve captured their leader and he will be tried, but six Glacien lives were lost.”

  Gwyniera did not speak, but stood and slowly turned away from him. “I should have been there vith my people. I sensed something vas not right, zis is vy I tried to escape.”

  “Mercedes is handling it well.”

  “Lars vill be a good help to her,” Gwyniera said.

  Killian looked at the ground and debated what to say to her, but she quickly sat back down and glared at him.

  “Killian Thomas, you are right. I do not vant to reach to you for help. I do not relish za idea of a dangerous parasite growing inside your brain, but you are za only one vith za strength to help my granddaughter stay safe.” Gwyniera gulped as if her words were difficult to gather. “Enemies are…everywhere and you may think I am your enemy, but…” she gasped, but didn’t finish her sentence. Gwyniera paused and gathered her breath before continuing. “Glaciem has dangers. Za Glacien relic vill surely lead to lost lives. You may be za only one who can acquire it, you must promise my granddaughter vill not go vith you to find za relic.”


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