The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 43

by LJ Andrews

  “Eck, I have been carrying zis basket for as long as I can remember, but I vould not oppose a valking companion. I vork in za palace kitchen and am going zere now.” The woman stared at Dalia, soaking in her appearance. "You are far from home aren't you Cimmerian?"

  "Yes ma'am," Dalia said respectfully, offering the older woman a low bow.

  “We would be happy to come with you, but you have to give me the basket,” Killian said kindly. “Maybe for our short walk you could let someone else serve you for a change.”

  The old woman’s smile was toothy and yellowed, but the feeling of gratitude swelled Killian’s heart.

  “You are one zat came vith za empress, ya?” she said after a long moment of silence.

  Killian nodded and shifted the heavy basket to his other arm. “Yes, myself and two others. I took the Deshuit prisoner back to the Praetorium and just got back. Dalia has joined me on this trip.”

  “Ah, so you are za strong one.”

  Killian stared at the woman curiously. “I wouldn’t say that.” Dalia smiled, her bright teeth glowing in the dark night.

  “Oh hush,” she scolded. “It is not hard to see you have a strength za others do not. I do not know vat happened at za Praetorium vith Empress Gwyniera, but I could tell ven you arrived you vould be someone zat vould help us; someone we could trust.”

  “Thanks,” Killian responded slowly.

  "You are wise," Dalia said to the woman. "Killian is special in many ways, but sometimes he doesn't see it."

  The woman stared. “I hope you are not blind to see zat za Deshuits may have been speaking za truth though.”

  Killian stopped as they arrived to a gold side door at the palace. “What are you talking about?”

  “I have not stopped thinking about za Deshuit man. I vas zere of course, and heard vat he said about killing our enemies.”

  “Ma’am, with respect, they murdered Lars.”

  The old woman smirked and took the basket back. “Young man, I have been in zis palace longer zan even Lars. Zat man did not have za good of za Hemisphere in his plans, zat much I can tell you. Now thank you for walking me home. You can use za stairs from za kitchen to return to your room if you’d like. Goodnight and I wish you luck vith vatever it is you’re planning to accomplish.” She smiled once more before turning into a large wooden pantry across the enormous kitchen.

  Killian stared at the large wooden doors she’d stepped behind, puzzled at what she’d said.

  “Lars wasn’t an enemy,” he said out loud before bounding up the stairs two at a time. Dalia followed close behind, though she took the stairs at a dainty stroll. The stairs ended up in the dining hall. Last he’d seen of the grand room destroyed chairs and tables littered the floor with bodies strewn next to one another. Now the floor was polished and a new table was set majestically in the center of the room.

  Two guards stood against a door frame watching them.

  “Velcome back, Mr. Thomas,” one guard said flatly. “Who is zis vith you?” The guard gripped his spear tighter.

  “This is Dalia of Cimmerian; she is a friend of Glaciem. Can you show me the way back to my room, I’m all turned around?”

  The two guards simultaneously pointed toward a spiraling staircase to one side. “That would be the fastest way.”

  Killian gave them a swift nod of thanks and slowly crept up the staircase. The last day was swirling in his mind and exhaustion settled in the souls of his feet like cement blocks. Soon he was dragging his way down the exquisite hallway until he came to the familiar door of their room.

  “Killian, I will let you rest. I would rather stay out here and stay alert. Glaciem’s time is different than the Praetorium, so you will need to rest as long as you can before their sun rises.”

  “You should too then,” he retorted.

  Dalia shook her head. “I cannot rest right now. I assure you I will rest soon.”

  Killian nodded and opened the sturdy door. Inside Lucan was nodding off in a large green chair, but he cracked one eye open when the door brushed along the carpeted floor.

  “Killian!” He shot out of the chair. “I didn’t expect you back so soon. How did it go? Did he protest? Did he attack anyone at the Praetorium?” The questions spilled out of him in one breath. Killian released a tired sigh as he plopped down on one of the beds.

  “It went smooth for the most part. Nathaniel seemed to recognize the Deshuit as he passed the old man’s cell.”

  “Strange,” Lucan’s voice was anxious. “What do you think of it?”

  “Honestly I’ve just stopped thinking about it for the moment. But I do agree it’s strange, and a little unnerving.”

  “You won’t believe what we’ve learned since you left.”

  Killian lifted his head. “What?”

  Lucan sat next to him and lifted his chest as he spoke. “Lars was a member of the Trinity. Mercedes and the guards found tons of plans and encrypted messages on his communication tablet about relic sightings, when Mercedes was going to arrive…things like that. It seems like he was recruited right before Gwyniera came to the Praetorium for your trial. In her absence he fell hard from the honorable Glacien.”

  Killian’s eyes were wide, and the exhaustion from the journey seemed to seep out of him as his heart pounded violently against his chest.

  “Then the Deshuits were targeting Trinity?”

  “It seems that way.”

  “Lucan, why are we told they kill Ponderi then?” Killian stood and anxiously paced in front of the bed.

  “They must kill both. They don’t agree with either organization. They just kill everyone.”

  Killian shook his head and scanned the room. “Where’s Speron?” he asked.

  Lucan frowned. “He’s trying to become the next Lars; good Lars I mean. He hasn’t left Mercedes since you left.”

  Killian’s blood burned under his skin.

  “Cool it Thomas. Remember what I said. You can’t lose control again.”

  Killian rehearsed Dalia’s admonition in his head and took a deep breath. Cracking his neck with a loud pop he again sprawled across the bed. “I won’t. I need to let that all go; it can’t get in the way of finding the relics.”

  “Smart,” Lucan nodded. “If we don’t find those you won’t have to worry about Speron slobbering all over Mercedes anyway, the Trinity will kill us all.”

  Killian kicked off his wet boots and stripped his salty shirt. Ignoring his pants sticking to his skin he slipped underneath the soft cotton sheets. Lucan returned to his chair near the window, letting Killian slip into a fitful sleep with dreams of the burning Praetorium, the missing gold charm, and Speron passionately kissing Mercedes.

  “Killian, glad to see you made it back,” Speron said when Killian stepped into a small eating nook the next morning.

  He didn’t respond to Speron, just smirked briefly and grabbed a warm honey roll from a bowl on the table. Speron wrapped a thin leather strap around his shoulder length white hair and pulled it back into a tight low ponytail and turned his attention out of the window.

  “I wasn’t sure if Miller would want you to come back so early,” Speron continued as Lucan walked into the nook piling his plate full of crusted Glacien clams, white cheeses and honey rolls. Lucan plopped down near Killian and took out a tablet and began typing.

  “I did everything I needed to do at the Praetorium.”

  “I see,” Speron said, lifting his gaze to the door as Dalia entered the room. “Dalia, what a nice surprise. What brings you to Glaciem.”

  “Hello, young recruit,” she said, bowing her head. “I have come to assist with the relic search we are to begin this morning.”

  “What?” Lucan said coughing on a bite of his roll. “Did you learn something about the relic? You didn’t say anything last night.”

  Killian smiled. “You know Lucan you talk a lot more than I thought you did.” Lucan sneered at him. “Yes, we did get a lead on the relic. We need to go up into the mountains.”

  Speron chuckled arrogantly. “Is that all? Do you all understand how dangerous those mountains are?”

  “We are aware,” Dalia answered softly.

  “Well, there is no way you should step foot on those hills unless you have a credible source and personally there aren’t many credible relic sources out there.”

  “Well, it was Empress Gwyniera, so that’s as close as we’re going to get,” Killian replied sarcastically.

  Speron choked on a glass of berry juice at the mention of Gwyniera. “She spoke to you?” His brow furrowed before he continued. “How can we trust her though? She’s imprisoned in the Praetorium.”

  “There will always be a risk finding the relics. And Speron,” he said flatly, “we aren’t asking you to come. You’ve already said you’re here to serve Mercedes, so there isn’t really a need for you to worry.”

  “I’m coming with you.” Killian’s eyes widened as he whipped around. Mercedes stood in the doorway dressed in light blue pants and a long billowing tunic. Her hair flowed in soft waves down her back, and her new piercing blue eyes captivated him.

  Clearing his throat, he stood. “Maybe we could talk somewhere else.” Mercedes gazed at him for a long moment before nodding and stepping out of the nook.

  “I know what you’re going to say, Killian,” she said, frowning after they were away from the others. “But I’m coming. It’s my responsibility as a guardian too to protect the realms. I feel I have more responsibility because I am heiress for two realms.” Mercedes took a deep breath and pursed her lips as if ready to argue further.

  Killian gazed upon her face. Her lighter skin and sapphire eyes caused his heart to skip a beat. He longed for the time where they were carefree together, exploring their budding relationship, relishing their short passionate moments. Those had faded to memories that seemed from a different time. Killian stepped closer to her, basking in her strength, but subtle uncertainty. Mercedes held in a breath as he studied her.

  “I can’t force you to stay behind,” he said softly, near her face. “I can just ask you to. The mountains are some of the most dangerous areas in the Hemisphere and Egan…and I want you to be safe.”

  Mercedes’ fierce gaze softened. She placed a warm hand against his cheek and smiled. “I know you think you have to protect me, but I can do this.”

  “I promised your father I would try my best, so I’m asking you to reconsider.”

  Mercedes pulled her hand away and noticeably bristled. “I’m coming. If you want free reign on Glaciem territory, then I am coming.” She turned and began walking away before shouting over her shoulder. “Whether you want me to or not.”

  Killian sighed and looked at the marble floor.

  “Smooth,” Speron’s voice came from behind him. Killian turned slowly and glared at the Glacien. “I thought you knew how to speak to her better than that.”

  “Leave, Speron,” Killian threatened.

  “I’ve learned Mercedes takes a kind of finesse. She wants to be an equal, not a frail damsel. From the moment I helped rescue her when the Shadow Imps attacked her, she was a fighter,” he continued ignoring Killian’s angry tone.

  “Speron, I’m warning you, leave me alone.”

  “See Thomas, that’s your problem. You have so much anger lodged down deep you would never be able to give your all to Mercedes.” Speron stepped in front of Killian’s face, his blue eyes blazing. “You know she deserves more than that. She is stronger than most of us here, but you keep trying to hinder her. You don’t see her potential, and that’s not good enough for her.”

  Speron let out a noise of disgust before stalking away in the direction Mercedes went. Hot fluid moved through his veins and his heart beat like a wild drum against his chest. He didn’t know why he was so angry; because Speron was a weasel, or because Killian believed Mercedes was worth more than he could give.

  “Killian, we must get ready to leave,” Dalia’s voice broke through his thoughts. She stood in the doorway with Lucan who was still munching on a bright blue pear-like fruit. Killian nodded and followed them to their rooms to prepare for what could be the most dangerous thing he’d ever done.


  An hour later the three made their way out the palace doors. Killian had his spear securely fastened on the back of a white fur coat that was causing him to sweat. Along his waist he carried traps, daggers, heating bulbs, and light sticks. Lucan was saddled with the essential first aid supplies, his daggers were visible on his wrists under his large coat, and the sweet aroma of salted meats, and fruit wafted from a leather pouch across his shoulder.

  Dalia wore a thinner coat, but carried an extra spear and her massive black club crossed over one another on her back. She had herbs and deterrents if unwanted creatures came their way spread throughout two wool pouches attached to her leather belt.

  “I’m dying of heat in this thing,” Lucan complained, swiping the hood from his head.

  “It will be too hard to carry up the hill, and you’ll be glad you have it on when the temperature shifts. The mountains don’t gradually get colder, it can freeze within seconds,” Dalia admonished.

  “You all look like you’re ready,” Mercedes said as she sauntered toward them. Her hair was braided long over the side of her neck and she wore a light blue fur coat. Her daggers were secured to her wrist as well as ropes, picks and a small white hatchet. The same tall guard who had helped him transport the Deshuit followed close by with two deadly blades crossed over his back.

  "Nells will be an extra skilled fighter during this trip," Mercedes said firmly.

  “Empress,” Dalia began. “You understand how dangerous this is, and if something were to happen to you Glaciem would have no ruler.”

  "I want everyone to understand I have taken care of Glacien affairs and the Glacien council head will be an interim emperor for the trip and if I return to the Praetorium," Mercedes answered not just to Dalia, but the entire group. "So I don't want anyone telling me about my responsibilities or sacrificing themselves for me. Understood?" She glared at Killian. He nodded along with the others. Looking up he frowned when Speron came behind her dressed similarly, sporting a slick crossbow with a steel rectangular cartridge in the catch of the bow.

  “When did you get an infinite arrow?” Lucan asked with envy.

  “Since I’m the Empress’s guard, the Glacien stock room thought I should have the best weapon.” Killian eyed the weapon, remembering how Blake had demonstrated how the cartridge would form an arrow endlessly when pulled back with the string.

  “We should be going. The mountains will be more dangerous at nightfall.” Dalia announced. Nells nodded in agreement and opened a large door to their transportation.

  They rode in self-propelled carriage made from gold and the finest wood work Killian had ever seen. As they approached the base of one of the great mountains, the temperature was low enough he was grateful for the thick coat.

  “This is as far as the coach can take us,” Mercedes said. “We will have to go on foot from here.”

  A small, rocky path wove up the glacier. Fragrant, bushy pine trees lined the base of the mountains, but as they trekked higher the plants were fewer.

  “I need to stop,” Lucan said gasping after hours of slipping along the hidden trails of the mountains. Everyone grabbed a water bottle from Lucan’s bag and took short, conservative sips. Killian’s lips were chapped and dry as the icy wind beat against his face, and his cheeks burned against the raw wind.

  “We should put our lights around our necks, the sun will be setting soon,” Dalia suggested. “We don’t want to lose one another.” Everyone listened and placed their light sticks securely around their necks.

  “I’m going to go out on that peak over there and see if I can gauge where we are,” Speron said. Killian didn’t look at him, nor the peak we were speaking of, but whipped his head around quickly when Lucan shouted at Speron to stop.

  Speron was balancing on a ledge. He was lunging ove
r invisible barriers it seemed only he could see. Suddenly he stepped his foot over the ledge with nothing below him but a deadly plummet down the mountain.

  “Speron STOP!” Killian shouted and darted as fast as he could toward him. Lucan and Mercedes dashed behind him, both screaming for him to stand still. “SPERON STOP, YOU’LL FALL!” Speron turned and grinned childishly back at him. Killian knew he would not make it.

  “Killian, stop him!” Dalia screamed from behind him. Holding his arms out to his sides, he felt the furious turmoil under his skin begin to burst out of him. Snow, rock and ice followed him along the path he was running in a tumultuous landslide. Pushing his arms out in front of him he urged the land to save Speron. Rocks and hardened snow melded together quickly and furiously, forming a solid barrier in front of Speron’s fatal step.

  Speron fell back as he hit the new glacial wall and shook his head. Killian reached his side and helped him up, releasing the adrenaline and burning. As he calmed the wall melted and slid down the icy mountainside.

  “Speron, look at me,” Killian demanded shaking Speron’s shoulders. “Look at me!”

  Finally, Speron met his eyes. The deep blue had a crazed, confused appearance as Speron scanned the surrounding environment. “What happened?”

  “You were trying to step off the ledge,” Mercedes said with a hint of emotion. “What were you doing?”

  Speron rubbed his eyes and looked at the deadly ledge for a long moment. “I thought it was a small peak. It looked like the perfect lookout spot to see where we were. It was almost like it was pulling me toward it.”

  “The mountain,” Dalia said stoically. “It has ways to seep into the hearts and minds of trespassers.”

  "Zis place is full of demons," Nells whispered eerily.

  “We need to stay close together,” Killian instructed. “No, one goes off alone. Ever.”

  “Killian,” Speron whimpered after they’d begun their ascension. “Thank you for stopping me. I…I saw the wall.”

  “I don’t like you most of the time Speron, but I’m not going to let you die,” Killian said pushing Speron’s shoulder playfully. Speron smiled and slowly slipped toward the back of the line.


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