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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 45

by LJ Andrews

  Axel took them on a winding path through the thick grove. Killian tripped several times on large protruding rocks, slicing open one knee. Axel never stopped, no matter how far behind the others were. Finally, they arrived at a small makeshift shelter. Axel had formed a wooden room off shooting a large rocky cave. Once inside Killian was relieved to feel the warmth from a roaring fire sputtering in a large rock fireplace built into the side of the cave.

  The home was simple, filled with exotic skins and pelts along the floor and walls and simple wooden furniture. Killian saw a puffy mound in one corner with rolled skins making lumpy pillows. Plants and shrubs lined the floor emitting strong bitter smells that burned Killian's nose. Axel placed Mercedes on the fur bed gently, speaking to her softly in the foreign tongue. Mercedes was gasping in short shallow breaths as Axel opened a small container of white salve and wiped it over her open wound.

  Dalia took Axel's place next to Mercedes and placed her hands over the wound. Axel stepped toward Killian, smiling and holding the white salve out toward him. He dipped his fingers in the sticky, sweet smelling paste and reached for his bleeding shoulder.

  Instinctively Killian backed away, but Axel shook his head and reached for him again.

  It will help, the words filled Killian’s mind, the same soothing clear voice. Relenting to the man, Killian allowed Axel to spread the paste along his skin. The wound tingled pleasantly as the medicine seeped into the torn skin and muscles. It was such a unique sensation, almost as if it was suctioning the infection and pain out of the gaping wound.

  Killian smiled and nodded at Axel, who seemed pleased by his reaction. Dalia had soft white light burning from her palms that seeped into Mercedes’ midsection. Mercedes had her eyes closed and seemed to be sleeping peacefully while Dalia worked.

  "Is it working?" Speron asked from the back wall.

  Dalia turned and faced him as the light dimmed. "It seems to be. I bonded my healthy energy into her to push out the spreading infection from the Wendigo bite. The binding combined with Axel's remedy seem to help immensely."

  “We covered Nells with a pelt we found outside,” Lucan said glancing at Axel. “We will need to bury him.”

  Axel excitedly pointed to himself and signaled Speron and Lucan to follow him outside once more.

  After several moments Mercedes opened her eyes and sat up slowly, rubbing her head. "How did you do that?" she asked Dalia. "I could feel the venom spreading through me so quickly."

  Dalia nodded. "The Wendigo opened a large wound inside of you; it wouldn't have been long before you would've been catatonic. Axel seems to have developed a cure to combat Wendigo venom, which worked hand in hand with the bonding."

  "Did you get some too?" Mercedes asked Killian. He glanced at his shoulder, which was still bleeding and gaping open, but the pain and putrid smell of necrosis had disappeared.

  “It feels a lot better,” he offered as a reply. As he spoke Axel, Lucan and Speron entered the room, all three had red splotchy cheeks from the growing wind.

  “It’s done,” Speron said and pointed at Axel. “He dug a hole just by touching the ground, but I’m honored to say Nells is resting peacefully.”

  Mercedes sniffled again and let out a soft, shuddering cry. “He shouldn’t have come. He was…here to protect me,” she sobbed. “He…shouldn’t have died for…me.”

  Speron went to her side quickly and lowered himself on one knee. “Mercedes, you are the Glacien Empress. It was Nells’ duty and honor to protect you. Don’t devalue his sacrifice by thinking it wasn’t worth it.”

  Mercedes’ mouth dropped open at the blunt, fierce words Speron had never spoken.

  “Speron speaks true,” Dalia added. “Nothing is greater to this realm than honoring their people and their leaders. Nells knew the journey would be dangerous, yet he came without hesitation. And he did his job well, he died protecting you. He was proud to do so.”

  Mercedes hid her face in her hands and cried silently. Killian rubbed his palms together, unsure what he could say to help her.

  “I’m glad everyone is feeling better physically, though probably not emotionally, but I need to get some answers,” Lucan’s tense voice broke through the musty room. “Dalia…who is this guy and what is he doing in the middle of a glacier?” His shaking finger stood straight out, inches from Axel’s face. The orange rings pulsed in his deep blue eyes as he pushed his way toward Killian.

  “I…am…him,” he said wrapping a thin arm around Killian’s shoulders. His accent was thick, as if he’d never learned another way to speak other than the ancient Glacien language.

  “What?” Lucan sighed frustrated as he glanced imploringly toward Dalia.

  “I almost can’t believe it myself,” she began. “I thought you were dead, old friend.” Axel smiled and shook his head childishly. Dalia faced the remainder of the party, clearing her throat before speaking. “Axel is the creator of the power inside Killian’s head. He is the first Infinium.”

  Lucan sucked in a breath and Speron pursed his lips tight, stepping closer to Mercedes again. Killian sat on the pelt bed next to her and stared at the ground his mind whirred as he processed the idea he was sitting in the home of a ghost.

  “Dalia.” Lucan’s voice was sharp and firm. “I don’t know how it is possible for him to even be alive, but from what we’ve learned, from you, this man caused the downfall of an entire Hemisphere venture because of his use of Infinium.”

  “We should leave,” Speron added. “Now.”

  I will not harm you. Rumors do not mean truth. Killian met the stormy gaze of Axel. His face was stoic as he recited the smooth, captivating words through his mind.

  “Wait,” Killian said standing. All eyes shifted to him. “Uh…well…everyone thought he was dead, so…uh… I think we should hear his side of the story. Maybe he knows about the relic.”

  "Killian," Speron said gripping his bow. "Dalia has told you more than anyone I'm sure about what happened with this guy and Infinium. You can't really expect us to stay here." Speron's eyes darted to Mercedes who still clutched her midsection. "It isn't safe."

  Killian's heart twanged against his chest like an elastic band as he considered his options. "Dalia, you said Axel was lost inside himself; that he was dangerous yet you greet him like an old friend?" Pacing around the small shelter he turned toward Lucan and Speron. "Empress Gwyniera mentioned a man when she tried to tell me about the relic. I agree we need to be cautious, but Axel may know the location of the relic."

  "Killian..." Lucan began but Killian faced Axel, cutting him off.

  Axel smiled widely and folded his arms. "Good. I am good," he said choppily as he pointed to his head.

  "Time will tell. Axel I need to know if you purchased the green pearl years ago." The Glacien scrunched his face as if he couldn't understand. Dalia faced him and spoke in the strange rough language. Axel smiled and responded to her.

  "What is he saying?" Speron demanded angrily.

  "You're a Glacien, don't you understand?" Lucan whispered.

  "That language is dead."

  Axel stepped toward the front entry of his home and squared his shoulders. "I guard relic. Safe."

  "Where is it?" Mercedes cried.

  Axel smiled and held up one hand as he scoured through a small chest of drawers. After a tense silence he removed a small fur drawstring sack. Sauntering toward a small wooden slab of wood he unfolded the sack.

  Killian held his breath as a marble sized sea-foam green pearl rolled out onto the wood.

  "Relic," Axel beamed.

  "That's it?" Speron and Lucan said together, but Killian and Mercedes both leaned over the table as the familiar magic called to them.

  "I feel its power," she whispered to him. "How is that, I'm not the guardian?"

  "I feel it too. It's the same life source as our relics, so we feel the strength easier."

  "Why did you take it?" Speron asked accusingly. "You don't have any need for it."

  For t
he first time since they met Axel's childish innocence faded and his eyes darkened. "Keep safe." I am no fool. I know dangerous people seek the relics, the smooth voice echoed in Killian's mind.

  "Axel," Dalia said softly. "We need to take the relic back to the Ponderi. Remember old friend, remember James Thomas? He helped you. The Ponderi still protects the people."

  Axel glanced at Killian out of the corner of his eye and said something in the ancient Glacien tongue to Dalia.

  "You're right he does look a lot like James," she chuckled. Axel whispered in her ear for what seemed like a long time.

  "He doesn't need to whisper, we can't understand him anyway," Lucan huffed under his breath to Killian.

  When Axel pulled away from Dalia she looked at the small group. "Killian, Axel wants to return with us," her voice was solemn and soft. "He senses your inner turmoil and wants to help you master Infinium."

  Killian's heart rate increased again. In his head he was cautious, but no malice filled his soul; no ulterior motive from Axel. "I...I think you do a great job."

  Dalia smirked. "Thank you, but don't you think someone with the same burden could help you on different levels?"

  You still fear me? Axel stared at him, expressionless.

  "No, I don't I..." Killian whispered before stopping, realizing no one else could hear Axel's soft, persuasive mental voice. "I...I think we need to get back. If everyone is fine with Axel joining us I have no objections."

  Mercedes peered nervously around the room. "I vote Axel come with us. He can offer a lot of insight."

  "I second that," Lucan said.

  Speron pursed his lips and scoffed at the ground.

  "Speron," Dalia said peacefully. "What do you say?"

  "Fine," he sputtered. "But the first sign of trouble he's gone, agreed?"

  Everyone nodded, including Axel.

  "Friend," Dalia said toward the ancient man. "Could we rest for a short time and perhaps burden you for a meal? Then we shall all make way to the Praetorium."

  Axel nodded excitedly and bustled around the small wooden chest of drawers once more pulling out crude pottery and wooden utensils. They unloaded their supply of meats, cheeses and breads. Axel prepared a strange soup out of glacial plants and twigs, but the savory smell was intoxicating. The smooth rosemary broth slid down Killian's throat, warming every inch of his body from the bitter wind that whistled outside.

  Axel filled tin mugs with a steaming ale drink with an initial sweet apple flavor followed by a bitter herb that coupled together surprisingly well. For a moment while the crew ate and drank everything seemed peaceful. Even Speron laughed and cracked jokes seeming to forget his distrust of Axel.

  Within the hour Mercedes has slipped into a deep sleep at the table. Killian stood and helped her to the soft fur bed, inspecting her wound once more. The cut was large, but seemed absent of infection. His shoulder still had the faintest pain, but he too had forgotten about the vicious Wendigo bite.

  "You all should get some rest, I'll keep watch," he whispered at the table.

  "Thomas, you need as much rest as we do," Lucan argued.

  "We'll take short rests, everyone will take a watch," Dalia said firmly. "We will trek down the mountain at first light." Killian ruffled at her fierce tone, but didn't have the energy to ask her what had upset her.

  "Get some rest," he said again.

  "I'll take second watch," Speron insisted. Killian nodded and shivered before stepping out of the drafty door into the cold weather.

  He huddled close to the cave opening, hoping the large rocks would break some of the wind. The surrounding wood seemed peaceful, magical even. The scarce trees glistened with a new layer of diamond frosted snow. A white deer with three sets of antlers grazed in the distance masking the truth of horrid creatures hidden in the depths of the glacier forest.


  Killian whipped around and met Axel's frosty eyes. "Uh, hello."

  "Drink?" He held out another mug of the steaming ale, which Killian took gratefully.

  "You speak to me in my mind don't you?" Killian asked after a long, deep gulp.

  Axel nodded. We can speak to one another through Infinium because of our open minds.

  Killian smirked. "I've never done it, I don't know how."

  Axel smiled out into the snowy night. You doubt much of what you can do. That is easy to sense. The power inside is greater than you have accepted.

  "Yeah, well you would know," Killian replied in frustration. They sat in silence for a long moment before Killian finally cleared his throat and moved in closer to Axel. "Why have you stayed here? Why not come back?"

  Axel shifted his weight and pondered the question. I left because I was dangerous. I knew I had let the power consume me. I was weak, but if I lived through my journey I vowed to learn to control it once again.

  "How did you find yourself again?"

  It took many years, many painful years. Axel's smooth voice said as he kicked at the snow. But slowly I became myself again. I learned how to ease the power back if I felt it growing too dominant. I let go of my greed and search for power. I live a humble life now, not because I have to, but because of what I know I am capable of if I do not.

  "How will I be able to know if I'm losing myself?" Killian asked urgently.

  Axel smiled kindly. Young man, you are so worried you will lose yourself as I did you are missing your potential. Search your heart. You will know if you are crossing a line. It is as simple as closing your eyes and focusing on something good. I felt the desire for power so strong when I realized how great Claec feared Infinium. It was my obsession. I knew years before I lost myself I should calm my mind and serve others in the Hemisphere, but instead I made the choice to succumb to greed. If you do not, than Infinium will be a blessed companion, not a curse.

  Killian gulped and looked at the ground. "I've felt the power...I mean the desire to overpower. I can see how intoxicating it can be."

  Yes, and the emotion is heightened with Infinium. You must work harder than others controlling your desires or it could be devastating to you and your loved ones.

  "Killian," Speron said from behind, "You were supposed to wake me."

  Killian looked at the Glacien time clock attached to his belt. "Sorry Speron, I...we were getting to know one another."

  Killian turned back toward the shelter and Axel sauntered behind him.

  "Did you ask him why he decided to keep a powerful relic for himself for so long?" Speron said sarcastically.

  "Relax Speron, he was the one that saved us from the Wendigo remember?" Killian said close to Speron's ear.

  I do not blame him for not trusting me. My actions when I left was not complimentary to my character.

  Killian shrugged. "I admit it would've been nice to have the relic a long time ago," he admitted thinking of the green pearl. "I am curious though, Axel who else knows you have the relic."

  Axel furrowed his eyebrows. I am not sure what you mean. No one knows I am alive, and no one knows I am in possession of the pearl.

  Killian stopped at the entrance of the cave. “What do you mean no one knows Gwy—”

  "I didn't hear him speak," Speron interrupted frantically. "How are you talking to him?"

  "Speron, Axel's Infinium can communicate through mine," he said pointing to his head. "It's easier since he struggles with the language."

  Killian, it is important you finish what you were saying, the smooth tone was edgy and sharp. Why would you think someone knew I had the relic?

  "Empress Gwyniera was the one who told us to search the mountains. She said there was a man. It was hard for her to say because she said she'd been sworn to secrecy about it."

  Axel stopped walking and stared straight ahead, his expression notably concerned. "No," he said out loud shaking his head. "No."

  "What are you saying?" Speron cried.

  There was no secrecy pact. Something else was making it so the empress could not speak Killian. Axel pursed his l
ips and held his breath as he scanned the wintry mountain. Someone else knows about us and forced the empress to speak of me. We must return sooner than we thought.

  Killian sucked in a swift breath. "Speron, wake the others. We need to go now."

  "Killian, what did he say?"

  "Just go! We need to get to the Praetorium as soon as possible." Killian rushed into the cave scrambling to gather items for their journey. A feeling of dread settled in his stomach. Something was wrong. He was sure of it.

  Chapter 15

  Five Tolls

  "Mercedes, Dalia, Lucan, wake up we need to go," Speron whispered frantically.

  "Speron, what is it," Mercedes asked shooting up from the bed. She winced as the dried blood on her shirt tugged against the Wendigo wound.

  "We need to go to the Praetorium, Axel told Killian something...I'm not sure...they talk in their minds together. Killian is anxious to leave immediately."

  "What do you mean they talk in their minds?" Lucan asked sleepily as he slugged his pack over his shoulder.

  "Never mind that, just get your things. We're going back now," Speron huffed in frustration as Killian and Axel pushed their way through the shelter. Killian wrapped the green pearl in the soft fur pouch and fastened with a thin leather strap on the top of the chest. Tying the pouch around his neck had scrambled through the remaining drawers looking for anything else of use for their journey.

  "Killian, what is Speron talking about?" Mercedes questioned softly.

  "Just trust me. Something isn't right we need to get back to the Praetorium." Killian glanced at Dalia who still rested on the floor against the splintered wall clutching her club tight. "Dalia, come on we have to move."

  Lifting her bright sliver eyes toward him she clenched her jaw and glared out through thin slits. Her demeanor was angry, bitter, and frightened all at once.

  "What's wrong?" he asked as he tied a silver knife from Axel's drawer to his belt.

  "I'll scout ahead," she said abruptly. Dalia moved through the shelter rigid and awkward before anyone could protest and stepped into the bitter night.

  "What was that all about?" Mercedes wondered out loud.


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