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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 50

by LJ Andrews

  Killian stared blankly at the empty space from which Maurelle and Blake and disappeared, but then his gaze fell to Nathaniel. His lifeless body sprawled out on the cool floor. His skin gray and withered from the attack. Kneeling by his enemy Killian’s heart felt as if it would burst. The old man had tried to kill him, and now had just given his life for him. Slowly he picked up his cold hand and clasped it in his own.

  He believed Maurelle. This wasn’t the end. The Architect was unveiled. Killian shuddered as the burning fire seared his skin through his veins. The Trinity would now rise up against the Ponderi without mercy. Maurelle had failed in killing him as planned, Dalia had resisted, and he'd seen the blood lust in her perfect silver eyes. He slowly met the distraught gazes of his friends. How many would lose their lives? Somehow he knew each person in the room would fight until their death; and that was what seared his soul the most.

  Chapter 18

  Fallen Traitor

  After a long silence one by one they left the bloodied laundry room to find out what was left of the Praetorium. They climbed the large shaft to the clinic floor and saw Shannon, Connor and several other medical staff bustling about trying to meet the needs of all the wounded Ponderi that had found their way safely to the medical center.

  Mercedes rushed toward Shannon and wrapped her arms around her neck. "I'm so happy you are alright."

  Shannon smiled, but Killian saw the stray tear leak out of her eyes behind her thick glasses. "We almost weren't. If it hadn't been for him..." Shannon pointed to a bed with a large tan body resting on top, "we probably would've lost many more lives, and the clinic may have been overtaken."

  Dax lifted his head slightly from the bed and Killian's shoulders slumped in relief and regret as his mind drifted to Sophia.

  "Killian! Mercedes!" Dax shouted rushing off the soft cotton sheets. His head was bandaged in white gauze stained a deep burgundy from his blood and his left arm was bound tight against his chest in a complex sling so he couldn't move his shoulder. Dax didn't seem to mind, he rushed over to them and wrapped his burly arm around their necks in a thick embrace. "I had heard you'd come back when I saw Lucan carrying that wounded beastie around. He said you guys went to take on the Architect. Mercedes, Gwyniera came and helped us! I don't know how she got out of her cell but she fought like a maniac and helped me get people down to the clinic. She said if anyone could find the Architect you would. I thought you'd be happy to hear that." Dax smiled.

  Mercedes nodded, and tears glazed over her emerald eyes as she smiled painfully at Dax. "We found her. It’s Maurelle," she said biting her lip.

  Dax pursed his lips. "I had a feeling. There was a magical power working against us when everything went dark. Soph is going to be upset." Dax's face darkened. "I...haven't seen her since we got separated, and Shannon won't let me go look for her. I'm worried she's hurt and I can't even help her."

  Mercedes released a hiccup as she held in a sob, Killian quickly took her hand as his stomach felt sick thinking of Sophia outside in the small Ponderi wilderness, dead.

  Dax's expression turned to stone. "What is it? Have you seen her?" Steam trickled from his bare shoulders and his eyes as his emotions heightened.

  "Dax..." Mercedes began, but the words caught in her throat and she squeezed Killian's hand harder.

  "Dax, Sophia found us," Killian took over. "We were all trying to find a way to the Architect when...Dax there was an explosion and..."

  Dax shook his head, the steam sparking into miniscule flames. "No," he whispered. "No, don't tell me that."

  Killian felt his own eyes burn with tears as he reached out to Dax. "Dax, I'm sorry..."

  "No!" Dax shrieked. "She's fine, she's fine! Don't tell me that Killian, don't you dare tell me that!" Dax fell to his knees holding his face in his hands and sobbed. Burning tears fell to the ground as his flaming shoulders heaved with the most painful sobs Killian had ever heard and wished to never hear again.

  Mercedes covered her face and joined Dax in his tears. Everyone in the room hushed as they peered curiously at the heart wrenching scene. Killian gulped down the painful lump in his throat when Mercedes forced Dax against her chest. She held the burly Ignisian as he sobbed for what seemed like hours.

  Finally Dax stood, his deep brown eyes bloodshot and puffy and he glared at Killian. "I'm going to kill them; the Architect and her rumored first in command. They are responsible."

  Egan stepped forward and peered hard at Dax. For once being near his chief did not cause him to cower and stutter in awe. Dax glared into the chief's flaming brown eyes as if awaiting orders.

  "We will get them," Egan said firmly. "But we will do it honorably, the way it was meant to be done. Understand? We have all lost loved ones, and we will lose more, but we cannot forget our heads with emotions or we will all surely die."

  Dax nodded curtly and crossed his chest with his fist as a sign of respect for Egan's command.


  Days after the attack the Praetorium still seemed like hallowed ground. The regular jovial conversations in the hallways, or dining hall had ceased to hushed whispers. Over one hundred Ponderi members had lost their lives during the attack, every realm and department had felt the harsh loss of the Trinity attack. Everyone fell silent when Killian approached knowing he'd found his relic and had battled directly with Maurelle, he could sense their desire for him to end the Trinity war and the weight of that burden was crushing him.

  Miller remained in the clinic, recovering from his wounds. Miller was his only family, except Rhetta. He'd hardly seen the older woman, she always stayed holed up in the upper levels with Dalia, only coming out for brief strolls at night. His heart yearned for her kind reassurance she'd once given him, but as the days went on the feeling of abandonment built up and soon he didn't wish to see her. Instead he spent much of his days training alone, or with Mercedes or visiting Miller.

  The relic rested comfortably on his chest as he threw his spear into the heart of a round moving target. He'd asked his spear to hit the center, he felt Infinium urge it with a new found power he could only assume was from the relic.

  "Are you ever going to speak with him?" Mercedes asked softly after marveling at the accuracy.

  Killian scowled. He admitted he was curious about the Deshuit, but something inside told him the truth as to how the man had his relic and he wasn't sure he was ready to hear it.

  "You need to face it Killian," she continued. "We need to clear everything up before meeting Maurelle again. She's moving fast, I told you Cora and the other beastie advisors are tracking massive shifts in dark creatures. They've even seen wraiths Killian. Wraiths are supposed to be extinct, but yet they're coming out of the shadows and you can guess who is recruiting them. If the Deshuit could unite his clan with the Ponderi it will give us—”

  "I know," Killian interrupted sharply, shivering as he remembered his own encounter with the ghostly women. He hadn’t spoken about his brief Cimmerian journey. Every time he tried the frigid icy memory of being helpless filled his soul with a great foreboding. "I know it would help our side. I know Maurelle and...Blake are still out there plotting and preparing!" He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Mercedes I...this battle is going to be the most dangerous thing we've ever faced. Everything has been taken from me by the Trinity, or at least they are trying. Maurelle knows how I feel about you do you think she will let you live if it will weaken me?"

  Mercedes wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips hard and passionate against his. His eyes filled with tears at the thought of losing her. He'd seen what it had done to Dax. His friend only focused on training; hard and deadly. His contagious smile was gone; his heart seemed as stone. When he wasn't training he was in his room, alone, demanding others to leave him in peace.

  Mercedes pulled away, her olive cheeks stained in tears. "I know what's at risk too Killian. But we have to know any secrets still being kept. I need you to know, because...I can't lose you either. If it will h
elp protect you even in the slightest...I...need you to find out what he's hiding."

  Killian smiled. He knew he would ask the same of her if the roles were reversed. Kissing her forehead gently he nodded and pulled her against his chest. "After the ceremony today, I will ask. I promise."

  The greenish lavender sunlight poured over the freshly mowed lawn in back of the Praetorium. Fragrant rainbows of flowers and blossoms surrounded the massive crowd of every living soul in the building. Everyone crowded close to one another and peered to the long mahogany platform bobbing in a large stream cutting along the border of the lawn. Normally the plants covered the deep ribbon of water, to the point Killian had forgotten it was there.

  On the platform beautifully crafted wooden boxes with the different symbols of the realms rested. Ashes of the fallen Ponderi members, beautifully decorated with flowers and plants from each of the realms. Killian saw Dax's frozen figure standing close to the edge of the river in front of a dark box with emerald fruit blossoms atop.

  He dropped his gaze and swallowed his emotion as he sorrowed for his friend. Dax and Sophia had deserved better. He'd seen their pure love for one another, they were going to change everything by joining together.

  Gwyniera and Egan stood in front of the large crowd. Rhetta, Dalia and the Deshuit were on the front row, but had not turned to even search for him. Finally, after everyone settled Egan stood.

  "I have been asked to lead the ceremony since Miller is still recovering from his injuries. I am honored to speak on behalf of our lost brothers and sisters." His voice boomed loudly over the crowd, drowning out stray sniffles from the mourners. "Our days are darkened by the loss of so many. But have heart these brave members fought valiantly for the cause of light. I mourn for Glaciem, Ignisia, but mostly I mourn for our Cimmerian family. Please hear me when I say, every realm is a part of the Trinity, every realm has darkness within it does not matter who leads them. Their leader does not make you less of a people. All of you here, every realm, stands united in the common cause of right."

  Though we have a battle ahead of us we can pause and take this sacred moment to honor those who fell for that cause. Their spirits will live on in us. They will strengthen us." Egan paused and cleared his throat. Killian sensed his emotion overcoming him. "I urge us to remember our fallen with fondness. Remember their friendship, remember their talents and honor them as we prepare for the storm."

  I would like to honor one now. The one who may have been thought a traitor, but the one who sacrificed his life for all that day. Nathaniel." The crowd rippled with gasps. Egan held up a hand to silence them. "I viewed the man as a devious traitor, but when it mattered most, when he could've run he sacrificed himself to push the Architect and Trinity out of the Praetorium. Many may not know, but his sacrifice ended the battle and may have saved countless lives we cannot know."

  Remember that as you go forward. Light can still be found in the darkest of souls if we can only find it. Fight for the light and fight for them." He croaked, pointing to the long platform behind him. The crowd sniffled, and clapped, and sniffled again. "Archers, light our fallen that they may find their way through their next life."

  A line of Ponderi lifted their sleek steel bows high in the air. Each arrow tip glowed with radiant red, blue, orange and white flames from Ignisian flame stones. As Egan dropped his hand the arrows flew through the dimming sky and landed on the wooden platform igniting it with a beautiful rainbow of fire. The boxed ashes glowed brightly and peacefully as the platform dropped and drifted reverently down the river with its precious cargo. Killian saw Mercedes wipe her eyes and Dax kneel on the soft grass until every glowing box was out of sight.

  One by one Ponderi left the lighting ceremony and made their way back to their rooms for the night. Egan had asked Mercedes to join himself and Gwyniera to discuss the course of action for the battle. Mercedes had been reluctant to leave Killian, but he could sense she was excited to speak to her grandmother now that the woman had lowered her icy barrier against her.

  Killian had said nothing to Dax when he finally left the riverbank after the colorful moon had finally lifted in the sky. Dax had nodded and given him a brief painful smile as he passed and disappeared into the building.

  Killian stared at the twinkling, colorful stars pondering everything Egan had said. He'd been surprised at the tribute for Nathaniel, but was pleased Egan had done it. Nathaniel had ended the battle and had saved him.

  "Killian," Rhetta's soft voice came from behind. Turning around he stared at his grandmother. She wasn't alone. The Deshuit stood behind her. He met both their eyes then turned back to the stars. "I'm sorry we haven't been able to spend much time together since...well we've been trying to figure some important details out."

  "I guess I couldn't be included on any conversations. Axel was invited in with Dalia, and I'm Infinium too." He flushed at the tone of his voice. He sounded like a pouting child.

  Rhetta placed a soft hand on his arm. "We want you involved, but there are some things we wanted to be more sure of before we spoke to you. Axel is close with Dalia, which is why he was with us, not that we value him more than you."

  Killian didn't respond for a moment until the Deshuit shifted his weight signaling he was still there. "What's he doing here?"

  "I figured you probably had some questions for Owen." Rhetta stood and backed away from Killian as the Deshuit moved closer.

  "So you have a name," Killian said smugly as the man sat down. His face was clear of the paint stains from his Deshuit marks and he wore a gray Ponderi uniform. His face seemed younger than Killian had imagined at first, and his eyes were kind.

  Owen chuckled and nodded. "Yes, I am not just 'Deshuit'. I'm sure you're wondering how I had your relic." Owen turned nervously to face Killian though his eyes urged Killian to ask the question as if the answer was a burden he wished to be free of.

  "I know my parents gave it to me before they died," Killian said softly. He paused as his throat constricted with the heavy weight of emotion. "I had always hoped they were alive, but if you gave it to me I assume they are gone and you were responsible for protecting the relic if I were ever in danger."

  Owen turned away and looked at the stars as Killian had. "That makes sense and is a wise plan," he agreed. "I would expect nothing less from your parents, but that's not who I am. In fact, we've been trying to find your mother and wanted more information before we added you to the conversation."

  Killian's eyes widened and a warm relief filled his heart hearing the words. "She's alive?"

  Owen grimaced. "I have hope. Maurelle seemed to learn of her somehow, and either your mother has been taken by the Trinity or has gone deep in hiding and I plan to help you find her."

  Killian stared curiously at the man before he spoke. "Why do you care about me? You didn't kill me in Ignisia, or Glaciem. You saved me during the battle and you want to help me find my mother. Who are you?"

  The man cleared his throat as a small tear formed in the corner of his eye. "I have always protected and cared for you. I regret Ignisia most, for I almost killed you. I was so lost in my role as a Deshuit leader I didn't even recognize you, but...your mother did." Owen cleared his throat again and wiped his hand under his nose before lowering his gaze to the dark grass.

  Killian held his breath, his heart beat faster with each pounding blow as the blood rushed to his head. "What did you say? The Deshuit woman who stopped you mother?" he whispered. Owen nodded, but said nothing. " know my mother...well." Killian studied his face. The truth lining Owen's eyes that matched his own, his hair that was the same mud color. His throat was dry as reality was settling into his chest.

  Owen smiled, but his eyes seemed distressed. "I know her better than most and I will stop at nothing to find her. My name is Owen Thomas, Killian. You're my son."

  The Lost Relics:

  Rise of the Black Dawn

  By: LJ Andrews

  Copyright © 2016 by LJ Andrews

bsp; All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review

  Dedicated to CharliJo

  You complete our family just as this story is complete.

  Chapter 1

  Family Bonds

  Her grin spread wider across her face as she slid through the jagged tunnel carved into the black rock. Endless days hiding in Ignisia had painted her light blonde hair the color of strawberries. Her time spent traveling throughout the Hemisphere served her well now, though the Trinity was skilled and cunning she knew hidden openings like the back of her hand. She refused to be used as leverage against him, or the Ponderi.

  Blowing out a new breath of determination she surged down the slick tunnel as the warm air shifted to something cooler. The hideout was one only the Deshuits knew of, and once the tunnel ended she breathed a sigh of relief to be hidden finally from the Trinity soldiers.

  The landing was soft on the dusty ground as the hidden tunnel shot her forward into the lower level of the Deshuit headquarters. Standing slowly, she placed a palm on her lower back and pushed until the soreness of her joints popped in relief.

  “I’m getting too old for all this,” she whispered to the empty room.

  “That happens to Terrenians. Their bodies just don’t age well.” A cool, chuckle filled the dim room as Maurelle stood from the shadows. Her silver eyes brightened in the dim room. Her expression wasn’t filled with anger or malice, only victory. “Enough running Marie, you cannot hide anymore.”

  Marie pulled out a hard wooden chair and plopped down, smirking up at Maurelle. “I’m impressed, Your Highness. I had no idea anyone knew of this place other than Deshuits.”


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