The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 53

by LJ Andrews

  Mercedes was able to fight amongst the greatest Ignisian warriors, but at the same time could connect and use her Beastian skills to summon creatures and powers hidden in the earth of the realms.

  Mercedes had forgone the formal Ponderi gray and tan uniforms; as a realm leader she had that option. She sauntered toward him dressed in tight black pants, with one silver dagger attached to each hip, and a tight black shirt revealed her athletic figure even with the thin white jacket over her shoulders. Her long chestnut hair billowed in thick waves around her face, accentuating her emerald eyes. He smiled, remembering how her beauty had shifted when she’d entered the realm of Glaciem; her olive skin had lightened and her eyes had turned to a deep turquoise blue. Secretly, he wanted to travel to Ignisia with her and see what happened to her appearance in the fire realm. Her ability to adapt to each realm instantly was a gift from being born of two different realm races.

  The other recruits stopped and stared as she entered the field. Killian noted her cheeks flush; she didn’t like the new attention she got now that she worked closely with all the realm rulers.

  “My goodness, it’s like these guys have never seen me or trained with me before,” she had told Killian one day when a group of young Glacien Potentials had stopped in the dining hall and bowed low to her, spilling their food all over the floor.

  Killian walked quickly toward her and wrapped his arms around her, planting a quick kiss on her lips. She smiled and Killian ignored the smug expressions of her guards.

  “You’ve been gone for a while. I wanted to wait for you, but Dax needed to be humbled.”

  Dax snorted. “No, Killian cheats and you know he does.”

  They all laughed, but Killian couldn’t help but notice Dax’s pained expression when his eyes landed on his hand clasped in Mercedes’. Slowly, his bright expression reverted back to the solemn affect he had adopted since Sophia’s death.

  “Well, I think I’d better let these other guys have a go on the field,” he said softly.

  Dax gathered the bowed sword and the dagger he’d dropped during their sparring and offered a brief, forced smile before stepping away from the athletic field. Speron and Lucan watched him saunter out of the training center before Speron shrugged and twirled his two daggers in his thin fingers and stepped into the center of the field.

  “About time. Princess, would you care to use the beastie holograms and tackle some dark creatures? If Killian truly met wraiths in Cimmerian, it is critical we arm ourselves against the creatures of the night.”

  Mercedes raised an eyebrow. Speron had always addressed her as Mercedes until he found out she was Glacien royalty. Ever since, he had treated her as a deity and Killian knew nothing bothered Mercedes more than others treating her as if she were worth more than another.

  “Speron,” she began, cocking her head. “Don’t dismiss Dax so easily. He is mourning, and practicing for battle seems to be the only thing right now that helps him cope.” Her fierce emerald- colored eyes flashed with loyalty toward her friend.

  “She’s the only one who can bring him down a notch,” Lucan whispered to Killian.

  He smiled and watched Speron’s wind-burned cheeks flush with heat at Mercedes’ chastisement.

  “I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

  “I know you don’t mean it, but try to be more understanding,” she repeated. “And to answer your question, yes, I agree we should practice on the darker creatures. I hate it, though. Even if we are just going against holograms, it’s terrible.”

  “It can be quite frightening. I’ll go get the hologram broadcasters set up, Princess. I’ll be back.” Speron twirled on his heel and began walking away.

  “Speron,” Mercedes called after him. Speron turned toward her, beaming. “Quit calling me ‘Princess.’ My name is Mercedes.”

  Lucan lost his composure at Speron’s look of utter embarrassment and leaned his forehead against Killian’s shoulder while he released a wild laugh, causing him to go into a coughing fit.

  Mercedes glared playfully at Lucan before stepping closer to Killian. “Well, I guess I will see you later.” She pecked him on the lips quickly and began following after Speron, her visiting guards close behind.

  “There is something I want to talk to you about later,” Killian whispered. Mercedes’ eyes brightened with intrigue.

  “The holograms can wait,” she said signaling toward the hallway.

  Shaking his head, he brushed away a thick wave from her eyes. “There isn’t anything to be done today, but I just want to fill you in on something Owen told me. Now, don’t leave Speron waiting too long.”

  Mercedes rolled her eyes. “He’s all right, but I admit some things have seemed a little off since Dalia attacked him in Glaciem. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve commanded him to call me Mercedes. It’s like he either can’t remember or refuses. I can sense anger within him too.”

  Killian squeezed her hand. “I haven’t picked up on any unusual feelings from Speron.”

  “You know your empath ability stems from the Glacien perception,” Mercedes said playfully; her tone teased him, but also challenged. “And as we both know, I am half Glacien.”

  “So you think you are more of an empath than me?” He smiled, stepping closer.

  “Hmm, I guess time will tell.” She tapped her index finger on his chin and moved her lips close to his, before quickly pulling away without favoring his lips with hers. “Well, I’d better go. I will meet you later.”

  Killian gawked at her with a lustful expression. “Have fun,” he finally called after her.

  “You guys make my stomach curl,” Lucan said.

  Killian turned toward him. His nose was crinkled in disgust. Killian shook his head. Lucan was once an enemy, but after living through an inadvertent attack from Maurelle while they were all in Glaciem they had come to respect and trust one another. Lucan was blunt and forthcoming, which is something Killian both detested and admired. He would always be the friend who would speak the truth without thought of offending, but he was the most trustworthy, loyal person Killian had come to know.

  “Want to have a go?” Lucan asked lifting his daggers after Mercedes had disappeared with Speron into the massive white hologram tent.

  “Thanks—maybe a little later. I’m going to take a breather for a bit,” Killian said.

  Lucan shrugged and nodded before jogging toward a group of knife throwers in a far corner.

  Killian didn’t know where he was going when he stepped into the elevator car, but when it stopped at the entryway of the building, he knew where he needed to go.

  Dax was outside the large doors swinging his sword violently and slicing through the thick thorny vines of large blue and black flowering plants.

  “Hey, Dax.”

  He spun around, nearly dropping his sword that was obviously a replacement from the one Killian had just destroyed.

  “Hey. I just thought I’d practice outdoors for a while.”

  Killian held up his hand. “You don’t need to explain, buddy. I get it.”

  Dax’s eyes flamed wildly. “No, you don’t.”

  Killian was taken aback by the firm statement.

  “You don’t get it, Killian. You have Mercedes still. She’s alive. You can touch her, you can be with her. You don’t get it.” Killian stared at Dax, speechless. Dax’s shoulders slumped and he continued when Killian said nothing. “I know you’ve lost loved ones, but it’s not the same. Soph is gone. Every day I wake up, I don’t know why I do. I have to find the motivation to live. Every. Day.”

  “Dax, I know I can’t possibly understand what it feels like to lose the person you love, and I know you loved Sophia. Not a day goes by I don’t wish I could’ve done more to save her but—”

  “Don’t,” Dax said fiercely. “There is no one to blame except the Trinity.”

  He turned and swung his sword against another thorny vine.

  “I’m impressed with you, Dax. You have taken a higher road
and despite what happened and the struggle you have, you do find the motivation to wake up and live every day. You are an example of what Ignisian honor is.” Killian smiled at Dax, who only peered back under a dark gaze.

  “That’s not why I wake up, Killian. I have no reason for honor.”

  Killian’s brow furrowed. “Then what motivates you?”

  “Blake.” Killian’s eyes widened. “The thought of destroying him…slowly. Making him suffer. I blame him the most for Sophia’s death and I will not stop until I end his life, on my terms.”

  Killian unconsciously took a step back from Dax. He’d never seen this expression on his face. The playful, carefree Dax was gone and replaced with a vengeful darkness. Killian knew Dax meant what he said, but he worried more for his friend losing the light that everyone loved, that Sophia loved. Killian said nothing in response; he simply patted Dax’s burly shoulder. Dax glanced at him and smiled briefly, a sense of gratitude for understanding overwhelming Killian as he emitted his emotions silently. Dread tightened Killian’s chest. The battle that was on the horizon would change them all. He feared lives would be lost, but also they may lose themselves as they battled those they once called friends. He imagined facing Blake—could he kill him if he had to? Blake had once been his truest friend and his betrayal still cut him deeper than anything he’d ever experienced.

  Killian admitted to himself he didn’t have the same confidence he could use his ability to kill Blake or Maurelle if the time called for it. But who would be lost if he faltered as he feared?

  “I wonder where the snake is hiding?” Dax hissed after a long silence.

  “Who knows—probably some cave in Cimmerian, too scared to face you. I can picture him now, trembling at the idea of facing the great Dax!” Killian flexed his muscles, teasing.

  Dax shoved him hard and chuckled—not a forced chuckle, but a real chuckle. Killian laughed in response.

  “He better be scared. I’m coming for him.” Dax tossed his sword and watched it slice a large tree trunk nearly in half before he turned and followed Killian back into the Praetorium.


  Blake glanced at the digital clock resting on the small nightstand. Any minute now. The sun was setting and the open blinds allowed the orange light to pour across the carpeted floor. Finally, the sound of the door clicking and keys being tossed into the wooden bowl near the entryway brought a subtle smile to his face.

  He cracked his neck to both sides as he listened to the footsteps walking the stairs with a sense of fatigue in each step. The bedroom door creaked open and his smile widened. The woman’s hair had gained some gray strands throughout the light blonde color. She removed a pair of wire rimmed glasses and set them on the large oak dresser and peered at herself in the mirror, softly touching a fading bruise on her cheek.

  “Still putting up with his abuse I see, Laura,” Blake said wickedly.

  Laura spun around with a hand raised to her chest. Her frightened breathing slowed as her squinted eyes widened with recognition.

  “Blake? What…I haven’t seen you since…”

  “Killian’s trial? Yes, there was no longer a need for me to stay after you made sure to send him away,” he said, rising from the overstuffed chair he’d been waiting in.

  Laura backed nervously against her dresser as Blake slowly stepped closer. “What are you doing here? Do you… do you know how Killian’s doing?” Her face tried to portray a confidence, but the tremble in her voice gave away her uneasiness.

  “Oh, I get it. You’re pretending you care? Well, Laura, it’s actually because of Killian I’m here.” Blake stopped and traced his finger around a framed wedding picture of Richard and Laura hanging on the wall.

  “Oh?” Her eyes flashed with fear. “What…what can I do for Killian?”

  “Don’t worry, Laura. He doesn’t know I’m here, but hopefully he’ll hear about our visit soon.”

  “Blake, I think you should go.” She stepped toward her bedroom door, but swiftly he stepped in front of her. He towered over her and reveled in her slight cowering under his dark gaze.

  “Blake, you need to leave. Richard will be home any minute.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about Richard coming anytime soon.”

  Laura rushed toward her purse on her dresser frantically looking for her cell phone. In two steps, Blake was behind her, pulling her by her low ponytail onto her bed.

  “Blake, please, I…had…I had to lie. Richard would’ve killed me.” Her voice was high and stray tears leaked out of the corner of her eyes.

  “You think I care you sent Killian to prison? Laura, sweetie, I’m here to take you so I drag Killian out of his little safety zone. It’s time he faces the inevitable.”

  “What are you talking about? You…you can’t take me…Richard…he’ll find you and…you know he could kill you.”

  Blake’s face twisted into a dark, ugly sneer. He wrapped both palms on the sides of her head, pulling her off her back and throwing her onto the floor. She sobbed and covered her head for protection. Blake crouched down next to her and forced her face to look under the large king-sized bed. Laura screamed in terror.

  “You see, Laura, I’m not worried about Richard Peterson,” Blake’s voice was chillingly calm as she hyperventilated. “I already made sure he is out of the picture. Now get up. We should be getting back.”

  Laura stared at the bloodied, lifeless eyes of Richard once more. His limbs were twisted and tied behind his back, with a deep gash across his neck, blood pooling below his body. She threw up as Blake pulled her off the floor by the cuff of her jacket and pushed her toward one wall.

  “You have to admit you’re a little relieved,” Blake whispered against her head sadistically. “Now shut off the water works. You can’t meet Maurelle looking like that.”

  Laura screamed as he wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her in cloud of black mist until they disappeared out of the bedroom.

  Chapter 4

  Trouble in the Praetorium

  “Training is going vell?” Axel asked kindly in his broken accent.

  The large office had been awkwardly silent for too long. Killian had been summoned from his conversation with Dax by Miller. Rhetta, Owen, and Dalia were also in the room, and despite the majority of the people being his family, he often found himself unsure what to say. He felt most comfortable around Dalia and Axel; both understood him better than anyone else possibly could.

  “I think it’s going pretty good. I’m able to call upon abilities much faster than before and with more confidence,” Killian answered, taking a long drink of the crystal water that never seemed to unchill no matter the temperature in the room.

  Axel nodded, Is that the truth?

  The words came into Killian’s mind smooth and clear. He smiled and nodded responding to Axel’s preferred method of communication. The first Infinium smiled and took a small, dainty bite of a vegetable sandwich he held on a china plate.

  “Do you still feel drained after using Infinium too long?” Dalia continued the questioning.

  “It hasn’t seemed to be much of a problem lately,” he responded. “I don’t know if it has anything to do with my relic or just the emotional drive to beat the Trinity after learning Maurelle and Blake are behind it all, but my energy seems to be much better.”

  “Probably a little of both,” Miller chimed in. His grandfather’s face was fatigued as if he’d never fully recovered from being brutalized by Blake in the Trinity attack.

  Killian clapped both palms on the tops of his thighs and stood from the plush white sofa. “Well, we’ve all been in here for quite a while now and haven’t really discussed anything except training and changes in the track systems. I’m sure the Trinity are behind the glitching travel systems; obviously, they don’t want us to smoothly travel between realms. If there isn’t anything else you want to talk about I’m going to head out and maybe get a few more hours of light in the training center.”

  “Wait, Killian
,” Owen said. “We need…I need to talk about what we discussed this morning.”

  “You haven’t told them?”

  Owen shook his head and stared at the enormous window.

  “Owen, you have to start including us in anything you hear,” Rhetta said, placing a hand lovingly on his arm.

  “Some things aren’t always easy to say,” he answered softly.

  “What is it, Owen?” Miller asked, fatigue creeping into his voice. Killian met his father’s eye, silently urging him to tell the truth so they could all leave Miller to get some needed rest.

  “Miller, I’m sorry I haven’t said anything until now, and I’m afraid it isn’t good news,” Owen began stepping closer to the immaculate desk Miller sat behind. Miller’s gray eyes widened and he leaned forward in the large office chair. Owen brushed a hand through his short mud-colored hair before continuing. “Marie is alive too. We both were living among the Deshuits.”

  Miller stood slowly, his eyes glistened with fresh tears. “I…hadn’t asked…because I didn’t want to hear…differently. My Marie…is alive? Where is she?”

  Owen made his way closer to Miller and placed a strong hand on the older man’s elbow. “That is what I need to tell you. Just last night I received this.” He held up the gold band. “It’s Marie’s and it came with a brief message from Maurelle. She cursed it somehow. With my first touch her voice filled my room as if she were there.”

  “Maurelle has Marie?” Miller’s voice was hoarse as he lowered himself slowly back into his chair with Owen’s assistance.

  Rhetta wiped a stream of tears from her cheeks when Owen nodded.

  “Maurelle is bargaining Marie for Axel and Killian.” No one spoke, but Killian could feel the heat of everyone’s subtle gaze pouring into him.“It’s an obvious taunt. Maurelle knows we would never trade Killian and we all know Marie will never sacrifice her boy for herself. We need to get her out of there another way.”


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