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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 66

by LJ Andrews

  “What are you talking about?” Dax asked stepping into the room.

  “I’ve known about Princess Mercedes since the beginning. I helped the chief find her on Terrene.”

  Dax stopped and looked at his father incredulously. Flint tapped Dax’s arm and pointed ahead of him with a look that seemed to say he would explain later. Killian followed where Flint was pointing and caught his breath.

  Egan stood next to a tall Ignisian woman who was fussing over Mercedes and a leather strap she was placing over her shoulder. At least he thought it was Mercedes. She smiled at him and waved subtly. Her skin was still the lovely brown complexion she’d always had, but she now shared the same glimmer all Ignisians had to reflect the blazing sun. Her hair had lightened to a beautiful cinnamon red, but her eyes stopped him and he couldn’t tear his gaze away. The familiar emerald color was gone, now they were a deep, beautiful brown and the emerald color had shifted to the flames billowing in her eyes.

  “We knew I’d look different,” she said lifting her shoulders.

  Killian absentmindedly walked toward her. “You look amazing,” he said in an awestruck tone.

  Egan cleared his throat. “Killian, would you keep the drooling over my daughter to a minimum in my presence.”

  Killian flushed and Egan laughed deeply. “Flint, it’s good to be home, but where is Jax?” he asked turning his attention to the general.

  “I haven’t seen Jax for two sun cycles, Chief,” Flint replied with a darkened expression.

  Egan looked at Flint and it was if they were communicating silently to one another before he finally spoke. “If you hear anything you will let me know.”

  Flint bowed his head slightly and nodded. “Chief, you know if you don’t hurry she’s going to come storming in here any second.”

  Killian looked at General Flint curiously as Egan laughed loudly again. “I’m sure you’re right.”

  “Excuse me, who are you talking about?” Mercedes asked.

  Egan glanced at her and his blue eyes sparkled with excitement. “Lady Ada, my sister. She’s waited just as long as I did to meet you and if we don’t go to her soon, I’m afraid she’ll storm the mansion. I’ve received several angry letters for taking so long at the Praetorium.”

  “So, I have an aunt?”

  “And an uncle and cousin,” Egan added.

  “A cousin?”

  “I believe you’ve actually met. Fia. She was at the Praetorium when you and Killian first arrived. She came home shortly after the attack on my life.”

  Mercedes spun her head and looked at Killian in disbelief. “The girl who kissed you when we showed up?”

  Egan scoffed. “Sounds like it might be her. She always seemed to believe Killian was the missing piece and was one of the conspiracy theorists about your parents being alive. Turns out she was right.”

  Killian smiled. “Now that you mention it I remember Miller telling me Fia was your niece. I like Fia,” he laughed.

  “Yes, well as I said Lady Ada is expecting you,” Flint said again.

  “Still scared of my sister, I see, Flint.”

  He nodded. “Always, sir.”

  “Dax,” Egan said and immediately Dax stood at attention. “Go visit your poor mother while we’re gone. She needs to see her son.”

  Dax smiled and crossed a fist over his chest in salute.

  “Killian,” Egan turned his attention toward him. “Are you in such a hurry to find Deshuits or will you join us to Lady Ada’s home?”

  Clearing his throat he stood a little straighter. “I would love to meet your sister, sir.”

  “Right then, we should hurry. Despite enjoying being home again, we are here for a reason and have a lot of work to do while we’re here.”

  Dax shoved Killian’s shoulder as he left the hallway with his father and Killian followed Egan and Mercedes out two enormous doors leading out the front of the house. At the bottom of an extensive sandstone staircase, a black carriage with two red-winged stallions waited for them.

  “Pegasi are still the favorite form of charge used in Ignisia,” Egan said, patting one of the horses’ broad neck. “Although some people are getting more daring and using griffons or desert dragons, though I have usually advised against it.”

  Mercedes’ stared at the beautiful creatures in awe. “I knew they existed from Beastian studies, but to see them in person is amazing.”

  Egan snapped his fingers and the two horses unfolded their blood-red wings. The span raised up to the size of two men and cast a ruby glow on the light sandy staircase.

  “They are peaceful creatures, and as long as we tend to their needs, they seem to enjoy serving as our transports. I’m not sure why anyone would want to use another creature, but it is their right, I suppose. Well, shall we?” Egan opened the side door and ushered Mercedes in.

  Killian followed and when Egan had found his place on the bench, the carriage jolted forward. Rising into the air sent Killian’s insides spinning. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling—quite the opposite. It was exhilarating to feel the heavy carriage dip and soar behind the two flying horses and sent a tingling thrill up the back of his neck along his red brand.

  As they descended, the hot desert air blew against his skin and small bits of sand whipped his face from the open windows. Mercedes and Egan seemed unfazed by the onslaught of the tiny bullets, but he kept quiet.

  Lady Ada’s home was almost as exquisite as the royal mansion, with two curved sandstone staircases leading up to a large arched wooden door.

  Killian stayed a step behind Egan and Mercedes as they walked to the upper landing. Before they even reached the door, it burst open and a petite woman rushed out. Her hair was piled neatly on top of her head, but was a rainbow of colors: blue, green, purple, and bright red. Her ears glistened in the bright fiery sun from the numerous gold earrings. Some held emeralds or sapphires; others surrounded amazing pure rubies that shone the most in the light. Her small frame was almost swallowed up by the flowing thin blue gown she wore, but her eyes were fierce and made her seem powerful.

  Killian expected the common salute he was accustomed to seeing between Ignisians so he was taken back when she swatted her open palm against the back of Egan’s head.

  “It’s about time you showed up,” she said.

  Egan laughed and wrapped the woman into a tight embrace. “Oh, Ada, don’t pretend you aren’t happy to see me.”

  Pushing him away, she laughed, showing a bright face with subtle laugh lines around her mouth and eyes. “You have taken far too long, Brother. Now, move aside and let me see her.”

  Ada pushed Egan away and locked eyes with Mercedes. “Oh, my,” she said breathlessly and reached out to take her hand. “You’re beautiful, my dear.”

  Mercedes’ cheeks reddened. “Thank you. It’s good to meet you.”

  “It has been a day I’ve looked forward to for so long,” Ada said with a small lump of emotion. “I almost couldn’t believe it when Egan told me you were at the Praetorium. Finally, the battle to reunite is over. Now, come in please—we’ve got enough food to feed an army in here.”

  Ada linked her arm with Mercedes and led her into the house. Egan glanced at Killian and held an arm out, inviting him to go first.

  Inside, the ceiling rose high in a dome shape with an iron chandelier hanging from the center. Fragrant plants with pink barbed desert flowers seemed to be potted against every wall and filled the entry with intoxicating smells. Ada led Mercedes down a long hallway toward a large, open sitting room filled with red sofas and a polished stone fireplace in the center of the room.

  “UNCLE EGAN!” a shrill, overjoyed cry echoed down the hallway. Fia burst into the sitting room and wrapped her arms around Egan’s neck repeating how wonderful it was to see him and ignoring everyone else in the room.

  “Fia, my favorite niece, it has been so long since I’ve seen your beautiful face,” Egan said.

  Killian stepped next to Mercedes who smiled as she watched the in
teraction. Killian mirrored her expression. It was strange to see this side of Egan with his family. The chief was often stoic and serious, but now he appeared lighthearted and playful.

  Fia pulled away and looked in Mercedes’ direction. She still had two eyebrow piercings with a dangling crystal in the center of her forehead, but her red hair had changed to royal purple with blue tips. She wore a tight leather tank top that showed off her various fiery tattoos. When Fia met Killian’s eye, she smiled and stepped around Egan’s broad figure.

  “Killian, it seems like it’s been so long since I’ve seen you.” Fia wrapped her thin arms around him and with surprising strength pulled him in tight.

  “Good to see you too, Fia. Have you enjoyed being home?” he asked when she finally released him.

  “Very much,” she smiled. “Just brushing up on my fighting. After what happened at the Praetorium we can’t be too careful anymore, can we?”

  Killian just pursed his lips, but didn’t say anything. Fia turned and looked at Mercedes. Her expression went from thrilled excitement to a somber reverence. “It’s so interesting I met you so long ago and had no idea you were my cousin at the time. I’ve heard of Egan’s lost daughter my entire life, but I honestly never believed we would ever find you. Interesting how life has a way of working out, wouldn’t you say?”

  Mercedes nodded. “It is, but I’m happy to see you again this time knowing who we really are to one another.”

  Fia’s bright red lips curled into her typical wide smile and she wrapped Mercedes in the same tight embrace she’d allowed Killian to escape.

  “Egan,” Ada asked quietly. “I heard…I heard a rumor that you’ve seen him.”

  Killian and Mercedes looked at Ada curiously, but Fia immediately hung her head and clenched her jaw.

  Egan shifted his weight and nodded to his sister. “He’s at the Praetorium. Bant was captured and is in their prison.”

  Ada sniffed and nodded before squaring her shoulders again. “At least we know he is safe for now. How I wish I could see him so I could slap some sense into that fool.” Billowing wisps of steam billowed off Ada’s shoulders as her temper flared.

  Egan nudged her with his elbow. “We both do, but he’s out of our hands right now. Each realm will be a part of his trial.”

  “What did I miss?” a large man with red hair pulled back into a short ponytail interrupted with a large smile. He had three emerald earrings in each ear and wore only a pair of brown cutoff pants with a thick leather strap crossing his bare chest. He had tattoos on his shoulders similar to Fia’s and was even broader than Egan.

  “Blaise,” Egan said crossing his fist over his chest and slapping Blaise’s shoulder. “Have you taken over the chiefdom in my absence?”

  Blaise laughed and shook his head. “No, sir, it’s all yours. I think Ada is out of patience with me playing chief.”

  “I am not,” Ada scoffed and leaned against his chest. “You are doing your duty, but I admit I wouldn’t be heartbroken if you were home a little bit more.”

  Blaise smiled and kissed her forehead. Egan placed his large hand on Blaise’s shoulder and looked at him with sincerity. “I appreciate both of you for all you’ve done while I’ve been at the Praetorium. I know it isn’t easy being at the head of the realm.”

  “She was more important,” Ada said gesturing toward Mercedes.

  “Ah, so this is Mercedes,” Blaise said. He wrapped Mercedes in a side hug and smiled down at her. “I’m so glad to finally meet you. I’m even greater than your father, just so we get that straight from the beginning.”

  Everyone laughed just as a thick woman with short blue hair came in. “Supper is served on the balcony. My chief, so good to see you once again,” she said bowing low to Egan with her fist crossed.

  “You as well, Calida,” Egan replied. Calida stood and left the room. Egan looked at his family; his expression darkened and Ada took notice.

  “Egan, what is it?”

  “Mercedes, Killian, and I haven’t come back just to see family.”

  “What do you mean?” Fia asked.

  “Let’s sit down,” he said pointing toward the balcony. “There are some things we need to tell you.”

  Chapter 15

  The Clans

  Killian closed his eyes and allowed the hot fire ball to stream its warmth across his cheeks. In the morning light, the stone balcony adjacent to his mansion room glittered ruby red. He’d just finished the mandatory ice bath Egan had arranged to lower his body temperature so he could continue to tolerate the scorching heat.

  Something that had sounded terrible was surprisingly refreshing and relaxing. He hadn’t realized how quickly Ignisia weakened his body until the frigid blocks of ice touched his skin, and immediately, he felt strengthened.

  The glass door leading from his bedroom slid open and Mercedes stepped into the morning sun light. She was dressed in a long silky red robe that billowed like thin wings in the warm breeze. Her wavy cinnamon hair had a gold sheen and the green flames danced in her eyes when she met his.

  “Hello, there,” Killian said opening one arm up and pulling her against him.

  “How did you sleep in…you know…that room?”

  Killian scrunched his forehead. “Fine. Why was someone murdered or something in there?”

  Mercedes smiled. “No. My dad said that was Bant’s room.”

  Killian raised his eyebrows and looked behind him at the open door. “Huh, well I’ll be sure to let him know he gave up a very comfortable bed when he chose the Trinity.”

  “I’m sure you will, too,” she said shoving him gently.

  Beyond the sandy walls of the mansion tense voices could be heard and Mercedes sighed. “They’ve been arguing all morning.”

  “Who? It’s not Ada and Blaise again is it?”

  Mercedes nodded. “And a fair amount of people from the realm. Ada and Blaise still disagree with dissolving the barriers. I don’t know how else to convince them Maurelle is going to destroy all the realms, not just Terrene.”

  “Blaise sure quieted down quickly at dinner last night when Egan mentioned the plan.”

  “Dad said Blaise fought against a band of Trinity years ago and nearly lost his life. Anything involving the Trinity upsets him and sends him into warrior mode, I guess.”

  “Come on,” Killian said grabbing her hand. “We have to make them understand.”

  “Look, Ada, I know you want to ignore reason,” Egan’s muffled voice began behind a large wooden door.

  “Don’t speak down to me, Brother,” Ada interrupted. “I want to protect my family and my realm. Bringing down barriers will expose Ignisia to numerous threats.”

  “Do you two really want to go in there?” Fia said lightly. She leaned against a wall behind them, tossing a long dagger into the air and catching it with alternating hands. She was dressed in a similar flowing robe like Mercedes, but it was purple like her hair with a gold belt fastened around her thin waist.

  “It’s pretty heated,” Dax said coming up to the side of Fia.

  “Dax,” Mercedes said happily. “How was your night with your family?”

  “Just what I needed,” he answered with a sincere smile. “My father is in there now listening to the Ponderi report.”

  “You two aren’t allowed in?” Killian asked looking between Dax and Fia.

  Fia scoffed. “I’m not sure they’ll ever see me as anything but a helpless little girl. Why do you think I moved to the Praetorium in the first place−to prove I can handle myself.”

  “I don’t think the realm people like what Egan’s telling them,” Dax admitted.

  “Whether they like it or not, the Trinity is coming and Ignisia deserves to defend itself,” Killian replied.

  Fia sheathed her dagger and stepped toward them. “You don’t have to tell me. I lived at the Praetorium, remember? I’ve learned to pay attention to signs and I can see things are changing in the Hemisphere. My mother…well, our family has been torn
apart by the Trinity and she doesn’t like to admit they are as powerful as Uncle Egan makes them out to be,” Fia said, shifting uncomfortably.

  “She doesn’t want to lose another brother, right?” Killian said boldly.

  Fia narrowed her eyes and the orange flames flashed furiously. “Very intuitive, Killian. Uncle Bant betrayed our family and the realm. Mother, though she’ll never admit it, fears the Trinity. I think deep down she believes they’ll destroy everything she loves.”

  “Egan, you cannot ask this of our people.” Ada’s voice carried to the hallway. “You just got your daughter back have you even asked her if she wants to risk losing her father?”

  “Lady Ada, you shouldn’t bring up an individual who isn’t fully Ignisian. We need to keep this decision within the realm,” a man with an oddly deep voice said. “No disrespect, my Chief, but not everyone will accept your child as an heir to this realm. So I suggest we keep this between the council.”

  Killian’s heart thumped against his chest in frustration that someone would speak of Mercedes in such a way.

  “Old fool,” Fia said, tossing her dagger again. “Lord Adish. He served with my great-grandfather. No one has ever said anything about Mercedes being half Glacien. It’s him and his old-fashioned thinking.”

  Dax rolled his eyes. “Father says he has no military vision and puts road blocks on his strategies all the time.”

  Mercedes straightened her shoulders and pushed past them, stepping into the room and drawing all eyes of the small royal council toward her. Killian saw her gulp down her hesitation as top Ignisian military and noble leaders watched her curiously.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I have to speak for myself,” she began. Killian, Dax, and Fia poked their heads around the doors and watched her address the room. “My father hasn’t asked me if I want to risk losing him, because he is facing losing me, too. I plan to be an active fighter in this battle. We’ve collaborated since the Trinity attacked the Praetorium, and now we have to raise the realms. It’s the only way the people of the Hemisphere can defend themselves. The Ponderi can’t do it alone anymore. And as to my bloodline, yes, I am half-Glacien.”


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