by Shane Ross
threats to bankers 134
Haven Mortgages 102
Hay Recruitment consultants 38
Hayes, Margaret 226, 258
HBOS 125, 143, 175, 179, 181–2, 210
Healy, Sean 198
hedge funds 171–2, 175
Heneghan, Pat 104–5
Heraty, Anne 218, 220
Herbert, Kathy 207
Hermitage, Lucan 125
Hibernian Bank 7, 28–9
Hibernian Life and Pensions 164
Hibernian United Services Club 51
Higgins, Joe 247, 250
HOK (Hamilton Osborne King) 165
Honohan, Professor Patrick 270
Hooke & MacDonald estate agents 157
Horan, Con 2
Hornby, Andy 210
horse racing 10
Galway Races fund-raising tent 114–17
Mulryan and 122
house prices 85, 128, 141, 145, 151, 152, 154–9, 161–2, 173
stamp duty and 170
see also property prices
housing market see property market/industry
Howarth of Burnley 9
HSBC 171
Hughes, Austin 150–1, 157
Hughes, Eamonn 147
Hume House, Ballsbridge 114
Hurley, John 85, 87, 259, 270
29/30 September 2008 crisis meetings 89, 191, 196
Financial Stability Reports 85–6
IAIM (Irish Association of Investment Managers) 56, 152
IAVI (Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute) 155, 156, 157
IBEC (Irish Business and Employers Confederation) 28, 135, 136
ICC Bank 8, 49, 138–9
ICI (Insurance Corporation of Ireland) 20–3
IFSC see International Financial Services Centre
IIB Bank 125
Hughes, in-house economist 150–1, 157
ILIM (Irish Life Investment Managers) 152
IMF (International Monetary Fund) 172, 267
income tax 123
and the black economy 15
see also tax
Indecon Consultants report 126, 127, 129, 132
Industrial Credit Corporation 8
see also ICC Bank
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland 50
Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers (IPAV) 155
Insurance Corporation of Ireland (ICI) 20–3
International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) 46
2007 conference 79
International Monetary Fund 172, 267
International Securities and Trading Corporation (ISTC) 121–2
Investec 262
Investment Bank of Ireland 44
IPAV (Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers) 155
Irish Association of Investment Managers (IAIM) 56, 152
Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute (IAVI) 155, 156, 157
Irish Bank of Commerce 37–8
Irish Banking Federation 50, 135–6
Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC) 28, 135, 136
Irish Civil Service Building Society 15, 16, 141
Irish Distillers 28, 133
Irish Financial Services Regulatory
Authority see Financial Regulator
Irish Glass Bottle Company 28, 125
Irish Independent 156, 168, 229
Irish Industrial Building Society (later Irish Nationwide) 106
Irish Life & Permanent 3, 71, 110, 135, 179, 231
29/30 September 2008 shares 198
Anglo Irish Bank and 183–4, 201–2, 224–7
Casey and 3, 173, 223–5, 226–7 see also Casey, Denis
investment arm 152, 153
Irish Life Investment Managers (ILIM) 152
Irish Nationwide Building Society 3, 15, 70, 81–2, 84, 182–3
and the 2008 banking crisis 192, 194
Anglo Irish Bank and 183, 184, 215
Carroll and 263
and Fianna Fáil’s The Nation 119
Fingleton and 3, 104–11, 182, 231–4 see also Fingleton, Michael
IBEC and 135
property loans 84, 234, 264
Irish Permanent Building Society 14–15, 16, 109
Ed Farrell, Jr and 15, 17–19
Irish Permanent Technology 18–19
Irish Sweepstakes 28
Irish Temperance Permanent Building Society 14
Irish Times 81, 105, 156, 166, 183
John McManus 185, 264
Michael Casey 2
Morgan Kelly 161–2 165–6
NAMA 242, 244
Irish Trust Bank 9–10, 72
Isle of Man 31
Anglo Irish Bank 44–5
ISTC (International Securities and Trading Corporation) 121–2
Jackson-Stops 165
Jersey 31
Jervis Centre, Dublin 120
Joyce, Brian 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98
JPMorgan Chase 172, 179
Jurys hotel development 163
Jurys Inns chain 163
K Club 11, 52, 107, 119–22
Kaupthing bank 102
Kavanagh, Liam 138
Kavanagh, Mark: Hardwicke development company 134
KBC Bank 264
Keane, Maurice 32, 220, 258
Kearns, Adrian 233, 258
Kelly, Alan 249
Kelly, Anto 114
Kelly, Kevin 236
Kelly, Morgan 161–2
Kelly, Paddy 121, 261–2
Redquartz 119
Kelly, Peter 263, 264–5
Kennedy, David 32, 257
Kennedy, Gary 211
Kenny, Enda 197, 198
Kenny, Ivor 34, 36, 39, 41, 123, 124
Kenny, Pat 68
Keogh, Gary 239–40
Kett, Tony 115
Killeen, Tony 124
Killen, Peter 39, 40, 53
Killilea, Gayle 113, 115
Kilroy, Howard 28, 30, 31, 32, 107, 257
Kim, Brian 253
Kingspan 145
Kinnock, Neil 113
Korean Development Bank 180
Labour Party 198, 200, 229, 249
Lagarde, Christine 196
Landsbanki 110
Lawlor, Aine 42, 62
Lawlor, Liam 118
Ledbetter, Peter 17, 18
Lee, George 33, 158, 161, 204, 222, 248, 249
Dublin South by-election (2009) 247–8
Lehman Brothers 89, 180–1, 254
Lenihan, Brian 118, 136, 183, 186, 213–16, 251
29/30 September 2008 crisis meetings 190–8
2008 emergency Budget 206
2009 emergency Budget 241, 251
AIB and 207, 238–40
Anglo Irish Bank and 215–16, 219–20
and the Anglo/Irish Life transaction 225–6
bank director appointments 207
Boucher and 229
Bowler and 226, 227
Commission on Taxation report 268
Fingleton and 233
guarantee of bank liabilities 3, 186–7, 193–200, 202
McCarthy report 267–8
NAMA 241–6, 251, 265–6, 269–71
Neary and 91, 211–12, 215
recapitalization of the banks 205–8, 221–2
summer 2009 appointments to banks 256–9
Lenihan, Conor 119
Leonard, Hugh 29
Lex, Financial Times 179
Lisbon Treaty 196, 202, 253
Lisney estate agents 155
Little Anglo 38
Little, Mark 90
Lloyds TSB 181, 210
Lowry, Michael 107, 132–3
Lynch, Jack 73
McAleese, Dermot 74–5
McAleese, Martin 133–4
McAleese, Mary 133–4, 202
McArdle, Pat 151
McAteer, Willie 53
McCann, Billy 53–4, 71
McCann, Pat 101, 103
thy, Colm 267–8
McCarthy, Dermot 195
McCarthy report 267–8
McCreevy, Charlie 114, 139, 168–9, 206–7
bank regulation 75–6
Sean FitzPatrick and 37, 49
tax breaks 123, 129
McDonagh, Brendan 244
McDonald, Frank 114, 118
McDowell, Michael 76, 106, 169–70, 233
McErlean, Eugene 64–5, 66–9, 71–2
McGann, Gary 54–5, 107, 121, 135, 218, 220
McGlinn, Joseph 71
McGonagle, Liam 72, 73
McGovern, Ted 93, 94–5, 98, 99, 100, 101, 211
McGowan, Kieran 134
McGrath, Paddy 28
McGuinness, John 190
McInerney 145
McKevitt, Christopher 222
McKillen, Paddy 116, 120–1, 122
McLaughlin, Dan 149–50
McLoughlin, Ray 26
McManus, John 185, 264
McMenamin, Maura 121
McNamara, Bernard 116, 118, 122, 163, 164
HBOS loan for Burlington Hotel 125, 144
tax breaks and 123–5
MacSharry, Ray 32, 226, 258
McWilliams, David 158, 161, 193
Magee, Cathal 95, 99, 103, 189, 236
Mahon Tribunal 118, 131
Major, John 113
Manor Park Homes 144
Mansfield, Jim: Citywest Hotel 119
Maplewood 119
Mara, P. J. 45, 104, 118
Marren, Enda 104–5
Martin, Micheál 195
Mater Private Hospital 96, 97
media, coverage of property market 157–62
medical cards for the over-seventies 205, 206
Meenan, James 70
Merchant Banking Ltd 10, 11
Merrill Lynch 60, 172, 181
International Bank 118
Merriman, Alan 95, 104
Merrion Capital 87–8
Merrion Hotel 187
Miltown Malbay 30
Mitchell, Jim 107
Molloy, Pat 32, 257–8, 259
Monahan, Phil 131–2
Monarch Properties 131
money laundering 142
Moody’s ratings 243
Moore, Diarmuid 24, 25
Moore, Joe 8, 12–14
Moran, Joe
Manor Park Homes 144
Moran, Mark 96–7, 98, 99, 100–2, 103, 104, 231
and the 2008 banking crisis 194
Morgan Stanley 48
Moriarty Tribunal 26, 74
Moroney, Tony 104
Morrison, Ian 71
Mortell, Maurice 35
100 per cent 141
building societies and 14, 16, 105
the mortgage war 138–44
sub-prime 83, 171–2
Moynihan, Michael 67
Mulcahy, Tom 24–5, 27, 51
Mulryan, Sean 107, 108, 116, 122, 205
Ballymore Properties 119, 122
Mulvihill, Liam 101, 103
Munster & Leinster 7
Murgatroyd, Paul 157
Murphy, Fergus 3, 103–4, 194, 202–3, 214
Murphy, Gerry 38, 43, 45, 47–8, 55, 59
Murphy, Kevin 241
Murphy, Russell 28–9 165–6
NAMA (National Assets Management Agency) 242–6, 260–1, 264, 265–6, 269–72
The Nation magazine 119
National Assets Management Agency see NAMA
National Bank 7
National City Brokers (NCB) 45, 47, 176
National Consumer Agency 156
National Gallery 124
National Irish Bank 32–3, 70, 135
National Pension Reserve Fund 244, 251
National Toll Roads 163
National Treasury Management Agency, Somers 242, 243–4
nationalization 180, 182, 193, 216–17, 260
Anglo Irish Bank 216–17
NCB (National City Brokers) 45, 47, 176
Neary, Patrick 1–2, 79–80, 81–3, 84, 87–92, 159, 205
29/30 September 2008 crisis meetings 89, 191, 194
2008 dinner with banking elite 1–2, 4
ban of bank stock short selling 4
fining of Irish Nationwide 3, 81–2
Lenihan and 91, 211–12, 215
Sean FitzPatrick and 203–4
Neill, Terry 32, 133
Nevis 68
New Century Financial 171
Northern Bank robbery 142–3
Northern Rock 90, 110, 172, 186, 197
Nugent, Jim 124
O’Brien, Aodha 156
O’Brien, Denis 55, 107, 121, 139
O’Brien, Tony 50, 135
O’Callaghan, Owen 131
O’Connor, Dan 238, 240, 258
O’Connor, Donal 58, 216, 217–19, 245, 258
O’Dea, Mary 2, 68, 77–8, 79
O’Donnell, John 238
O’Donoghue, Cliodna 160
O’Donoghue, John 114, 124
O’Donohoe, Paschal 249
O’Dowd, Fergus 67
O’Dwyer, James 108
O’Ferrall, Rory 233
O’Grady, Niall 159, 173
O’Grady-Walshe, Tim 74
O’Herlihy, Bill 104–5
O’Mahoney, Tiarnan 40, 55–6, 57, 58, 59, 121
Brennan and 248
payoff 61, 211
on Royal Trust Bank, Austria 47
salary 53
O’Malley, Des 13, 14, 22
O’Regan, Michael 119
O’Reilly-Hyland, Ken 73, 74–5
O’Reilly, Liam 65, 66, 71, 118
as chief executive of the Financial Regulator 76–7, 78–9
O’Shea Farren, Linda 99, 103, 104
O’Sullivan, Maureen 249
Parknasilla Hotel, Co. Kerry 125
Parkway 43
Patterson, Brian 1, 5, 76, 77
Patton, Barbara 99
Paulson, Henry (‘Hank’) 180, 181
pension funds 95, 152–3, 211, 251
National Pension Reserve Fund 244, 251
People Before Profit Alliance 249–50
Permanent TSB 141
O’Grady 159, 173
Pernod Ricard 28
Phoenix magazine 81
PMPA (Private Motorists’ Protection Association) 12–14
PMPS (Private Motorists’ Provident Society) 13
Porter and Irvine 47
Power, Jim 148–9
Pratt, Maurice 135, 143, 151
PricewaterhouseCoopers 220
report to Lenihan 225–6
Pritchard, David 238, 258
Private Motorists’ Protection Association (PMPA) 12–14
Private Motorists’ Provident Society (PMPS) 13
property boom 85, 119, 128–9, 161–3
Ireland’s property bubble 59, 60, 83, 85, 106, 129, 132, 145, 149, 151–2, 159, 161
Spain’s property bubble 255–6
UK 158–9
property developers
Anglo Irish Bank and 52–3, 59–60, 84, 175–8
bank competition and 84
Fianna Fáil and 114–32
Fingleton and 108, 110–11
at Galway tent 114–17
and the K Club 119–22
NAMA and 242–3
property loans and the banking crisis 84–92, 143–4, 162, 165, 261
property loans with Irish Nationwide 84, 234
tax breaks for 123–32
see also specific developers
property market/industry
2006-7 sell-out 163–6
boom and bubble see property boom
crash see property slump/crash
estate agents 153–7, 165
and the media 157–62
prices see property prices
slump see property slump/crash
US housing market 171
see also construction industry
> property prices 9, 159, 161–2, 173, 261, 262, 266
house prices 85, 128, 141, 145, 151, 152, 154–9, 161–2, 170, 173
property slump/crash 158, 159, 160, 171, 175, 212, 259
Provincial Bank of Ireland 7
Prudential Assurance 48
Purcell, Aisling 108
Purcell, Gerry 108
Quigley, Dermot 91
Quigley, Des 219
Quilligan, Declan 208
Quinlan, Derek 121, 125–6, 163, 164
Quinlan Private 110, 125
Quinlan, Ronald 208
Quinn Direct 176, 177
Quinn Financial Services 176
Quinn Group 176, 177
Quinn Healthcare 177
Quinn, Lochlann 26–7, 51
Quinn, Ruairi 138–9
Quinn, Sean 121, 175–8, 183, 245
Quinn Group 176, 177
Rabbitte, Pat 127, 223
Rabobank 94, 95, 101, 262–3
Radisson Hotel, Galway 125
recapitalization of the banks 206–8, 221–2, 237–8
Redmond, Mary 31
Redquartz 119
Registrar of Friendly Societies 13
regulators 64–92
2003 reform 75–6
Central Bank (pre-2003 split) 65, 70–7
Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority see Financial Regulator
Registrar of Friendly Societies 13
in the UK 71–2, 81
Reuters 182
Reynolds McCarron & O’Connor 36–7
Reynolds, Albert 107, 113, 115
Rhatigan, Padraig 116
Richardson, Des 115, 118
Ringsend, Irish Glass Bottle site 125
Roche family 164
Roche, Tom 163
Roche, Tom Snr 163
Ronan, Johnny 116, 118
Treasury Holdings 118, 119
Ross, Seamus 116, 118, 121, 122
Rowan, John 40, 53, 55–6, 57, 61, 211
Royal Bank of Ireland 7
Royal Trust Bank, Austria 47–8
RTÉ 1–2, 65–6, 68, 156
Future Shock: Property Crash 158–61
Lenihan and the nationalization of Anglo 215–16
Liveline 186
Morning Ireland 196, 222
Prime Time 90, 154–5
property market 158
Questions and Answers 195
Sean FitzPatrick 203–4
Ruane, Jim 96, 99, 103
rural renewal schemes 124, 127, 129–30, 132
Ryan, Eamon 195
Ryan, Eoin, Jnr 247
Ryan, Eoin, Snr 247
Ryan, Jim 247
Ryan, John Archibald 28
Ryan, Louden 28, 71, 257
Ryan, Sarah 247
Ryan, Tony 29–30
Ryder Cup 121
Savills 164, 165
Savoy Hotel group 126
Scanlon, Gerry 21, 22–3, 24, 25
Scannell, Yvonne 93, 97, 99
Scottish Provident 48
Scruffy Murphy’s pub 104–5
securities 83, 171, 252
shareholders 153, 175, 240
AIB 22, 174–5, 234, 238, 240
Anglo Irish Bank 48–9, 175, 219
CFDs and 177–8