Stones: Acclaimed Biography, The

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Stones: Acclaimed Biography, The Page 55

by Norman, Philip

  It’s All Over Now 115

  and Jade 404–5, 429–30

  and James Brown 132–3

  and Jerry Hall 428–30

  Jerry Hall divorce 479, 482, 489–90, 493

  JFK Stadium 446, 451–4, 455–6

  and Jimi Hendrix 281

  Jumping Jack Flash 276–7

  Keith Richard conflict 432, 433, 497, 498–9, 500, 501, 503

  Keith Richard meeting 19

  Kent 461

  Knebworth House 426–7

  knighthood 500

  The Last Time 140

  Latin American trip 324–5

  Les Crane programme 111

  Let’s Spend the Night Together 199

  Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys 23, 30–1

  Little by Little 95

  logo 395, 507–8

  Loire chateau 461, 462–3

  Love You Live 436

  LSE 17, 22, 23, 46, 83

  and L’Wren Scott 506–7

  and Lynn Davies 219

  Maddox Street 282

  Magdalen College ball 117–18

  make-up 102

  Managua earthquake 416–17

  Mandy Smith story 473

  and Marianne Faithfull 125–6, 181, 184, 196, 261–5, 503

  Marianne Faithfull leaves 355, 388

  Marianne Faithfull’s problems 343, 344

  Marianne Faithfull’s suicide attempt 340–2

  and Mel Belli 362

  and Mick Taylor 317–18, 423

  mimicry 9, 23–4, 484–5

  Morocco 211, 213–17

  Ned Kelly 307, 309, 327–8, 342, 348, 386

  New Musical Express 99

  News of the World 201–3

  parent relationship 102

  Pathé, film 92–3

  Performance 298–301, 307, 386–7, 498

  Poland 219–20

  politics 32, 163, 278–9, 281

  power axis 167

  and Prince Loewenstein 346

  prison 242–3

  record producing 190

  Rich Stadium 458–9

  and Robert Fraser 134

  Rock and Roll Circus 302–4

  Rolling Stone 349

  second album 138, 139

  security 443–4, 460–1

  service station court case 143–4

  solo artiste 498–9

  songwriting 106–7, 126–7, 488, 497–8

  Stones first gig 42–3

  Sunday Night at the Palladium 200

  Sympathy for the Devil 293–4

  tax 391–2, 421–2, 508

  Thank Your Lucky Stars 82

  Their Satanic Majesties Request 270, 273–4, 277

  Tina Turner’s influence 354

  and Tom Driberg 278–9

  traffic offences 145

  Walkin’ the Dog 108

  We Love You 267

  World in Action 249–50, 251–4

  You Better Move On 94

  You’re So Vain 418–19

  James, Edward 204

  James, Elmore 36–7, 39, 194, 216

  Javitts, Jacob 417

  Jaymes, John 360, 362–3

  Jazz Club 42

  Jazz News 39, 42, 45

  Jefferson Airplane 358, 369–70

  Jethro Tull 302

  John, Elton 484

  John F. Kennedy Stadium 440–6, 451–7

  Johns, Glyn 62, 76, 141, 200, 212, 268, 274, 288

  Johnson, Robert A. 423–4

  Jones, Barbara 33, 335

  Jones, Brian 33–43, 90

  see also Pallenberg, Anita

  A Degree of Murder 212, 226

  Acid Test party 164

  Aftermath 177

  and Alexis Korner 27–8, 32

  America 111, 186

  and Andrew Loog Oldham 72–3, 105–6, 167

  and Anita Pallenberg 162, 165–6, 168–72, 181, 195, 218, 285

  Beatles 61–2

  Beggars Banquet 302

  and Bill Wyman 470

  and Bob Dylan 162

  British tour 187

  broken hand 186, 195–6

  and Charlie Watts 55

  childhood 33–5

  clothes 99, 104, 109, 162

  contract 296

  Cotchford Farm 308, 311–16, 320–6

  Crawdaddy Club 57, 58

  death 325–7, 336–9

  and Dick Hattrell 52–3

  in drag 187

  drugs 166–7, 171–2, 202, 219, 227

  drugs raids 223–4, 277–8, 283–7, 308

  drugs searches 219

  drugs trials 270–2, 274, 287

  first tour 87

  flat 45–6, 47, 52

  and Frank Thorogood 316, 321, 322, 323–5

  funeral 335–6

  groupies 179

  hair 98

  and Helen Spittal 319–23, 339

  hobbies 279

  I Wanna Be Your Man 90

  inquest 334–5

  It’s All Over Now 114–15

  Jazz News letter 45

  Jumping Jack Flash 276

  legend 336–7

  and Linda Lawrence 100, 103–4, 168, 183, 198, 335

  Little Red Rooster 133

  Magdalen College ball 117–18

  and Marianne Faithfull 183, 184, 287, 340–1

  and Mary Hallett 312

  and Miles 305

  Mods and Rockers 97

  Moroccan trips 194–6, 211–18, 287–9

  musicianship 105

  New Musical Express 99

  News of the World 201–2

  Not Fade Away 95

  and Pat Andrews 36, 37–8, 46–7, 100, 198

  Pathé, film 92, 93, 104

  Redlands 208, 286, 287

  release celebration 274–5

  and Robert Fraser 154

  Rock and Roll Circus 303

  sacking from Stones 308, 309–10, 313, 338

  Saturday Club 53–4

  service station court case 143–4

  songwriting 167

  Stones first gig 42–3

  and Suki Poitier 226, 227, 287, 288, 289, 320–1, 335

  temper 287, 288

  Thank Your Lucky Stars 81, 82

  Their Satanic Majesties Request 273–4

  Through the Past Darkly 351

  and Tom Keylock 193

  treatment 227–8

  You Better Move On 94

  Jones, Darryl 475

  Jones, Lewis 33, 34, 36, 334, 335, 336, 337

  Jones, Louisa 33, 36, 335, 336, 337

  Jones, Paul 38–9

  Jones, Pauline 33

  Jones, Peter 63, 64, 70, 313

  Jones, Philip 80

  Jopling, Norman 63–4, 70

  Jovan Perfumes Inc. 449, 457

  Jove, David 256, 258

  see also Snyderman, Acid King David

  Juke Box Jury 160

  Jumping Jack Flash 276–7, 303, 353, 455–6, 464, 468

  Kantner, Paul 370

  Katchen, Julius 303

  Kaufman, Murray ‘the K’ 116

  Keeler, Christine 84

  Keeley, Charles 143–4

  Keith, Linda 286

  Kenny, Sean 191

  Kesey, Ken 164, 303

  Keyes, Bobby 412, 417

  Keylock, Tom 192, 193, 219, 227, 287

  and Allen Klein 348

  Brian Jones’s death 325–6

  Brian Jones’s funeral 335

  Brixton Prison 244

  drugs trial 241–2

  and Frank Thorogood 315, 338

  and Helen Spittal 320

  Hyde Park concert 329, 331, 333

  Moroccan trip 212–13, 216, 217

  Poland 220

  King, B. B. 350, 353, 357

  Kinney Services 395

  Klein, Allen 142, 150–61, 192, 408, 486

  and Andrew Loog Oldham 142, 155–7, 298, 508

  Apple 383

  and Beatles 150, 174, 265–6, 305–7, 347, 405–6

Bobby Womack 114

  Brian Jones sacking 309

  drugs case 223, 225

  films 282

  Hyde Park concert 330–1

  lawsuits 296–7, 405

  press reception 185

  and Shirley Arnold 191

  Stones break 346–8

  Stones sacking 384

  Klein, Betty 151–2

  Klossowski de Rola, Prince Stanislas see Stash

  Knebworth House 426–8

  Knox, Buddy 152

  Korner, Alexis 24–32, 36–7, 38, 39, 41–2, 55, 56, 309–10, 313–15, 316, 327, 330

  Korner, Bobbie 24, 31–2, 37, 315

  Korner, Sappho 315

  Kramer, Billy J. 69

  Kray, Reggie 427

  Kruk, Nicole 483

  KSAN 378

  Lady Jane 176, 177

  Landau Enterprises 488

  The Last Time 140, 146

  The Last Waltz 501

  Lavender, Eric 144

  Lawrence, Julian 104, 168, 183, 198, 335

  Lawrence, Linda 100, 103–4, 168, 183, 198, 335

  Lawson, Janet 323–5, 326, 334, 338

  Leach, Geoffrey 222

  Leary, Timothy 189

  Lennon, Cynthia 170

  Lennon, John 23, 88, 135, 183, 226, 262, 266, 384, 397, 462

  A Day in the Life 265, 430

  and Allen Klein 305–6, 307

  and Andrew Loog Oldham 88–9, 90

  and Anna Wohlin 321

  art college 21

  bed protest 275–6

  and Cynthia 170

  and Dick Rowe 75

  harmonica 61

  House of Commons 280

  I Wanna Be Your Man 90

  MBE 356

  Mick’s birthday 294

  mini Rolls 191

  and Murray Kaufman 116

  Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus 302, 303

  shooting 443

  songwriting 61

  Les Crane programme 111

  Lesh, Phil 360

  Lester, Richard 136

  Let It Bleed 317–18, 351, 359

  Let It Rock 395

  Let’s Spend the Night Together 193, 199, 418, 452

  Lewes prison 232

  Lewis, Elmo see Jones, Brian

  Lewis, Sir Edward 74, 80, 95, 157, 179, 225, 295, 384, 396

  Lichfield, Lord 396, 399

  Life (Richard) 188, 503

  Lindsay-Hogg, Michael 307

  Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys 15–16, 22–3, 28, 30–1

  Little by Little 95

  Little, Carlo 48, 54

  Little Red Rooster 133

  Little Richard 13, 86, 91, 102

  Little T and A 454

  Little Walter 21, 22

  Litvinoff, David 210

  Live Aid concert 499

  Live with Me 317–18

  Llewellyn, Ken 5, 8, 19

  Locke, Albert 200

  Lockwood, Sir Joseph 74, 225, 306

  Loewenstein, Prince Rupert 346–7, 384, 392, 465, 486

  The London Blues and Barrelhouse Club 27

  London records 295, 384

  Los Angeles Forum 350, 352–4, 362

  Love You Live 436

  LSD 164, 189, 209, 215, 216, 280, 367, 433

  see also Snyderman, Acid King David

  Brian Jones 171–2, 202, 227, 270

  News of the World 201, 202–3

  Sunshine at Redlands 203, 204, 206, 209, 256, 257

  Luna, Donyale 303

  Lundstrom, Astrid 338, 390, 471, 472

  Lynch, John 234

  Lynyrd Skynyrd 426

  Lyttleton, Humphrey 26, 34

  McCartney, Linda 397

  McCartney, Paul 23, 102, 135, 141, 265–6, 349, 384, 485

  and Allen Klein 306, 405

  and Andrew Loog Oldham 88–9, 90, 477

  Apple Organization 281

  Hey Jude 294

  I Wanna Be Your Man 90

  Indica Gallery 183

  Mick’s 26th birthday 294

  Mick Jagger’s wedding 396, 397

  songwriting 61

  McCowan, Anthony 222

  McGowan, Cathy 84, 85

  Macias, Bianca see Jagger, Bianca

  Macmillan, Harold 43

  McPherson, Elle 483

  McQueen, Steve 418

  McVie, John 317

  Maddox Street office, 281–2

  Madison Square Garden 351, 358, 381, 415

  Magdalen College ball 116, 117–18

  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 264–5, 268

  Malo, Ron 114

  The Man from Elysian Fields 501–2

  Managua earthquake 416–17, 422

  Mandel, Harvey 423–4

  Manfred Mann 38, 39

  Mankowitz, Gered 161, 162

  Manson, Charles 359, 362

  Marathon Music 488

  Mardas, Magic Alex 266

  marijuana see cannabis

  Marlborough, 11th Duke of 466–7

  Marley, Damian 504

  Marquee Club 26, 30, 42, 44–5, 47–8, 57, 79, 394, 504

  Marriott, Steve 298, 423

  Marsden, Gerry 69, 70

  Martin, Dean 111–12, 114

  Martin, George 26, 268

  The Master and Margarita 293

  Matthew, Brian 54, 80, 91

  Matthews, Gwen 139

  Mayall, John 316–17

  Maysles, Albert 358–9, 360, 362, 366–7, 373, 380–1, 386

  Maysles, David 358–9, 360, 362, 366–7, 373, 375, 376, 380–1, 386

  Meek, Joe 16

  Melody Maker 53, 98, 384

  Memo from Turner 301

  Michard-Pellissier, Maître 392

  Michelson, Marvin 437

  Microsoft 508

  Midnight Rambler 359, 376

  MI5 256

  Miller, Jimmy 284–5, 317

  Milne, A. A. 308, 311

  Minnelli, Liza 425–6

  Miss You 453

  Mitchell, Mitch 303

  Mod 178

  Monck, Chip 360, 361, 363, 365–6, 407, 414

  Money (song) 94

  Monkey Grip 432, 472

  Monterey Rock Festival 227

  Moody Blues 201

  Moon, Keith 397

  Moore, Scotty 20–1

  Moore, Stan 414

  Morad, Lucas 483, 490

  Morad, Luciana 483, 484, 490

  Morocco 186, 194–6, 211–18, 287–9

  Morris, Malcolm 229, 230, 233–4, 238–9, 243, 265

  Morrison, Jim 336

  Most, Mickie 154

  Mother’s Little Helper 177

  Muddy Waters 13, 24, 31, 42, 114, 115

  Muggeridge, Malcolm 197

  Murdoch, Rupert 425

  Murray, Craig 361

  Murray, Pete 81–2

  Muskett, Oliver 419

  My Life in Pictures (Hall) 507

  Nanker Phelge Music 90, 157, 296–7

  Nanker Phelge USA 296–7

  Nash, Graham 95, 313

  National Federation of Hairdressers 97–8

  National Jazz and Blues Festival 83

  National Jazz League 26, 30, 44, 56

  Ned Kelly 307, 309, 327–8, 342, 348, 386, 488

  Nellcôte 401–2, 403–4, 416

  Neustatter, Dr Walter 274

  New Musical Express 82, 86, 91, 93, 99, 277

  New Wave Theater Group 256

  New York Times 353, 456

  The New Yorker 508

  New Zealand 140

  Newport Jazz Festival 14

  News of the World 197–9, 201–3, 239, 243, 249

  Brian Jones scandal 35

  drugs raid 210

  drugs trial 248

  libel action 255

  Mandy Smith story 473

  We Love You 265

  Newsnight 500

  Newton, Helmut 429

  Nicholls, Janice 82

  19th Nervous Breakdown 176

  Nitzsche, Jack 139, 301

/>   No Expectations 294

  No Security tour 487

  Norris, David 41

  Not Fade Away 13, 94–5, 96, 109–10, 127

  Nutting, Anthony 345

  Off the Hook 139

  Oldham, Andrew Loog 65–73, 475–7, 484, 486

  Aftermath 176

  and Allen Klein 142, 155–7, 298, 508

  American tours 109–10, 111, 116, 185–6

  Australia 140

  Beatles 69, 88–9, 90

  and Brian Jones 72–3, 105–6, 167

  British tour 141

  and Chrissie Shrimpton 178

  coolness 269

  Decca 77

  December’s Children 159

  drugs case 225

  drugs raid 193–4, 209

  flat 100

  Immediate 189–90, 298

  lawsuits 296–7

  and Marianne Faithfull 125–7

  mini Rolls 191–2

  money 141–2

  New York 298

  Not Fade Away 93–4

  Olympic Sound 77–9

  Ready, Steady, Go 179

  and Reg the Butcher 137

  Ronettes 93

  Stones debut album 108–9

  Stones debut single 80, 81

  Stones fan club 79

  Stones first tour 88

  Stones image 96, 98, 99, 103

  Stones second album 138–9

  Stones songwriting 106–7, 497–8

  Stuff 475

  Sunday Night at the Palladium 200

  Olympia theatre, Paris 130, 134, 185, 385

  Olympic Sound 77–9

  Olympic Studios 226–7, 268–9, 285, 317, 319, 320

  O’Neal, Ryan 429

  Only Lovers Left Alive 158, 282

  Ono, Yoko 183, 276, 303, 305–6, 384, 397

  O’Rahilly, Ronan 56, 60, 127

  Orton, Joe 194

  Osborne, John 243, 265

  Otis, Shuggie 423

  Out of Our Heads 159, 161

  Out of Time 177, 190

  Oxfordshire Young People’s Association 464

  Page, Jimmy 212, 423

  Pai, Dr Daniel K. 460

  Pain in My Heart 141

  Paint It Black 185

  Pallenberg, Anita 162, 164–6, 168–72, 181, 218, 321, 336

  A Degree of Murder 212, 226

  and Bianca Jagger 390, 404

  black arts 292–3

  Canada 435

  Cheyne Walk 344–5

  drugs charges 418, 433

  Exile on Main Street 404, 405

  heroin addiction 345, 400, 402, 404, 407, 431, 435–6

  Jamaica trip 431

  and Keith Richard 211–12, 213–14, 217, 280, 438

  Latin American trip 304

  Mick’s wedding 399

  Monterey Festival 227

  Moroccan trips 186, 194, 195–6, 211–17

  Nellcôte 401

  Olympic Studios 285

  Performance 283, 299–300, 386, 498

  Sympathy for the Devil 294

  Tara’s birth 430

  warrant 416

  wedding 430

  Paris concert 130, 134, 385

  Parker, Charlie 34

  Parker, Lord Chief Justice 248, 250–1, 252, 274

  Parkin, Molly 439

  Parnes, Larry 50, 51, 68

  Parsons, Gram 370, 423, 505

  Passaro, Alan 380–1

  Pathé, film 92–3, 105

  Pendleton, Harold 30, 42, 44–5, 47–8, 57, 394


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