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Forgiveness Page 14

by Elise St. George

  I subtly change the subject because I think her reaction is just a knee jerk reaction to my dad possibly interfering again. His actions really hurt her the first time around, and I can tell that she hasn’t really gotten over it yet. The conversation changes the whole vibe, and I can tell that she’s more shaken then she’s admitting to me. We wrap up our conversation and I call Doug.

  “Hey, son. You figured out what to do about your dad yet?” he asks.

  I sigh. “No, but both Harley and her brother think we should get married now. That it would be the best way to protect her from dad.”

  “They may be on to something,” he tells me. “It would be harder for him to split you up if you’re legally married. Also, I talked to Ghost after you told me your dad found out. His VP is an IT guy, and he can make it harder for your dad to track you and Harley while y’all are living here in Atlanta. You may want to think about moving in together as soon as possible too.”

  I didn’t even think to talk to Ghost about getting his help. I’m sure he would help because he adores Harley. I call Ghost and confirm what Doug told me, and then I text Harley and let her know. Her text is very curt and I can tell that she’s a little upset that I wasn’t ready to jump all in on the elopement idea. I try to think about a way to make her see where I’m coming from, so I decide to call her mother.

  “Hey Ms. Janie,” I say.

  “Hey, Stevie Baby,” she responds. “What can I do for you today?”

  “I know you may not know my whole past with Harley, but someone is trying to actively interfere in our relationship again,” I summarize.

  “You’re talking about your father, aren’t you?” she asks. “I met your momma in the grocery store and she’s the sweetest lady, but based on the small conversation I had with her, I get the idea that your daddy isn’t the nicest person in the world.”

  “Yea, she’s one of a kind,” I say. “I am talking about my dad. Both of your kids seem to believe the best course of action is to elope so we can make it legally harder for him to interfere, but I think Harley would regret not having a wedding surrounded by friends and family. I don’t want that for her.”

  “Oh you sweet boy,” she says softly. “I can’t wait to call you son.”

  I’m so touched by the words that I’m speechless.

  “Hmmm,” I hear her say in the background. Then I hear her talking to a couple of other people before returning to the phone.

  “I may have an idea that can give you both what you want, but you have to trust me,” she says.

  “Of course,” I tell her.

  “Ok,” she tells me. “I know you’re an officer and New Year’s Eve is a busy day for y’all, but see if you can either get off work or work an early shift so you can bring in the new year with us at the clubhouse.”

  I text one of my coworkers to see if we can switch shifts and I’m pretty sure Doug would be fine getting over with finishing work early. I’m not sure what Ms. Janie has up her sleeve, but I hope it works.

  * * *

  It’s New Year’s Eve and Doug and I got the best shift. I can make it home in enough time for the party at the clubhouse, and he’s been invited to come along. He’s started hanging out with Ghost at the mother chapter a lot more, and I think he might finally prospect for the Burnt Kings. I won’t tell him, but I know Ghost is secretly hoping he will...he’s wanted Doug to be in the club for years.

  Doug and I ride down in my truck to Winslow, with his bike in the bed of the truck. He hasn’t had a chance to ride in the mountains for a while and he’s excited. Our little mountain town may be as dramatic as hell, but it has some of the most beautiful views. We pull into the clubhouse, and the prospect eaves me through. I pull in and Ace and Hawk are standing outside the clubhouse waiting for me, which is weird. We unload Doug’s bike while Doug introduces himself to the guys. They compliment him for his bike as soon as they see it, and he puffs up like a damn peacock. That bike is his pride and joy.

  “Why are we out here?” I ask.

  “We need to take you to the back so you can get dressed,” he says. I feel a little insulted because I think I look pretty good.

  “Get dressed for what?” I ask.

  “Your wedding,” I say.

  “My what?” I shout.

  “Your wedding,” Ace says with a twinkle in his eye. “Momma planned this so Harley could get married around her friends and family and your father won’t have enough time to manipulate it. It’s a secret wedding, and I’ve already weeded out all the possible club members who could spill the beans beforehand so they won’t be in attendance. That is my wedding gift to you and my sister.”

  For a grown-ass man, I’ve sure been touched to the point of tears a lot lately. These people have no reason to accept me into their family, but they did as soon as they realized I loved their Harley. He leads me around the back and into a nice room where my mother is waiting with a tuxedo in her hand.

  “What are you doing here?” I say in surprise. Dad would kill her if he knew she was here.

  “There’s no way I would miss my baby boy’s wedding, especially after missing your engagement to that sweet girl. Janie Lynn called me and told me her plan, and we all got to work to put it together. Harley doesn’t even know what’s going on. She thinks this is just a New Year’s Eve party. Now, go in the bathroom and put your suit on,” she says as she shoos me away to the bathroom.

  I put my suit on in total disbelief. How the hell were they able to pull this off under my dad’s nose? Damn, now I see why he hates the club so much. They challenge his power and authority just by even existing. Once I put my suit on, my mom ties my tie for me.

  “I’m so glad we fixed our relationship, baby boy,” she whispers. “You’ve brought me so much in this past year that I never thought I could get back. I reconnected with Doug because of you, and I reached out to my dad to invite him to the wedding.”

  “Ghost is here?” I ask. She chuckles and I duck my head because I forgot to tell her that I met him.

  “Yea,” she says. “I was always afraid to reach out over the years, mainly so he wouldn’t see what a disappointment I became. I traded in my love of the club and my love of bikes to be a politician’s wife...I’m ashamed of what I’ve become, but he welcomed me back with open arms. He rode down here early this morning and we had a chat and cleared the air about a lot of things. I could’ve never done that if you and Harley didn’t meet one another. In a way, your relationship has brought a lot of healing to a lot of people in this club, even if you don’t know it.”

  I look at mom and hope one day she’ll leave dad and settle down in Atlanta with Doug. I know I should feel guilty for feeling that way about the situation, but my dad just isn’t a good person.

  “Where’s dad?” I ask.

  “Schmoozing with some local politicians like always. I’m only staying for the ceremony and then I have to go back and ring in the new year with your father,” she says sadly. I hug her until we hear a knock on the door and Ace walks in.

  “Ready, man?” he asks.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I respond. I walk out and realize that they redid the entire living room to be a wedding venue. It’s beautiful and I can’t wait to see Harley, and for her to see what the people she loves did for us.

  I stand in front of the room with Loki, Ace, Ghost, and Doug as my groomsman. If anything, I would say that Loki is my best man and I’m sure he volunteered for the job. The music starts and each of Harley’s bridesmaids walks out slowly.

  First, it’s Livy and I can feel Loki staring at her like she’s the most important person in the world. I really hope they work out. Second, is Ms. Janie Lynn Smith and I know that my girl is going to be just as beautiful and kind-hearted as this woman right here. Next, is my mom who weirdly enough was able to get super close to both Harley and her mom without dad knowing any of the wiser. I guess that’s what happens when you’re too focused on your career to pay attention to what’s going on in your pe
rsonal life. Last, but certainly not least is Brandon, which gets a chuckle from the audience but I couldn’t see him being anywhere else than at this wedding with us.

  Finally, my girl comes out and she is stunning. Hawk is walking her down the aisle since he’s been the most influential man in her life other than her brother and her uncle. The first of which is standing as one of my groomsmen while the other is officiating the wedding in his official capacity as a judge. I have a whole new level of respect for Ace once I realize that he gave up giving his sister away to show his support of me. These people have shown me more loyalty in a short time than my dad has shown me my entire life. I don’t know what’s been going on in the air lately, but I’ve been super emotional lately. Loki even hands me a Kleenex on the sly.

  “I don’t blame you,” he says. “She looks amazing, and you two both deserve this.”

  She’s got on a floor-length white gown with a long slit up one leg, and I realize that I’m glad that we’re getting married so soon. Hawk places her hand in mine and we just stare at each other until we hear Judge Reynolds clear his throat.

  “We’ve gathered here today to tie together two lives that have seemed to be barely missing each other over the past few years. From my research, this young man fell in love with my niece when she punched a boy on the playground for making fun of him and he’s been sprung ever since,” he starts. The crowd chuckles and my ears turn red.

  He looks at us both with nothing but sincerity in his eyes. “You already know, but your life together will be full of ups and downs and you must lean on one another to weather those storms. Don’t balk at the first sign of trouble, but face it head-on as a unified front. That is how your marriage will be a success, and how your love will survive the test of time. Now Steve, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?” he asks.

  “I do,” I say without hesitation Harley lets a breath that she was holding before her uncle turns to her.

  “Harley, do you take Steve to be your lawfully wedded husband?” he asks.

  “I do,” she says and I let out a breath I didn’t think I was holding either.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” he says. “You may kiss the bride.”

  Everyone cheers while we kiss, but the only thing I’m focused on is this woman who is now my wife. My wife. All the bridesmaids and groomsman walk out together, and everyone laughs when Brandon loops his arm through Doug’s with a wink. Doug laughs and the ceremony is over.

  Afterward, mom leaves but everyone stays to have a party and ring in the new year together. Ms. Janie insists that we take pictures before we have a reception, which gives the guys time to clear out the wedding ceremony chairs and set up for a party. I’m so happy right now, there really isn’t too much that could ruin this moment.

  We kick off the reception and let me tell you, bikers know how to party. We ring in the new year together and I make sure to kiss my new wife when the clock strikes midnight. We kiss passionately and when the kiss is over she looks at me with nothing but the utmost love, and I’m sure the same is reflected in my eyes.

  “Til death do us part,” she whispers.

  “Until death do us part,” I tell her. “New year, new us, and a new life. I love you, Mrs. Hanks.”

  “I love you, Mr. Hanks,” she tells me.

  This the best moment of my life and I hope it never ends.


  Chapter 31 - Harley, 23 years old

  Five years later...

  It’s been five years since Steve and I got married, and it’s crazy that it’s been so long. We’ve been really happy and I’m growing to love him more and more every day. He made detective the first time he took the test, making him the youngest detective in the department and he loves it. It’s much more challenging than when he was a regular patrol officer, and I think he’s glad he decided to make that career move.

  Loki and Livy are super quiet about their relationship, and I’m not really sure if they’re together or not. Sometimes she looks at Loki with such sadness and I always ask what’s wrong but she never tells me. I hate that she doesn’t feel comfortable enough to confide in me when I’m supposed to be her best friend, but Steve told me to give it time. I have a feeling Loki told him what’s going on, but he refuses to tell me and it’s frustrating.

  Doug retired from the police force and joined the Burnt Kings’ mother chapter, and now he goes by his road name, Bear. The club has been protecting us from Steve’s father, but that means his mom can’t come around as much or it would look suspicious. Steve doesn’t want me to know, but I know his dad has been looking for us. I just don’t understand why a man would use the next five years to look for a son he doesn’t care about just to ruin a relationship that shouldn’t matter to him.

  The club also got us an apartment, and all the apartments on our floor are owned or rented by members of the club so I have no concerns about our safety. One of the prospects rents the apartment next door and we’ve become close, much to my husband’s dismay. I don’t have the heart to tell him that the prospect is gay and has been extra nice to me ever since he met Brandon.

  Brandon is in law school and we barely get to see him because he studies constantly, but when we do see him, we try to make the moments count. I finished a degree in Mathematics and joined Teach For America. Thankfully, they placed me at a school in South Atlanta so I wouldn’t have to move, but I really enjoy it. I’ll probably continue teaching once my obligation with TFA is over, and I’m also thinking about going back to school so I can teach at the university level.

  I also began to volunteer at a local shelter and I love it. After seeing how many of my students were teen moms, homeless, gay youth, etc. I started working at the shelter as a math tutor and I love it. School just ended, and I’m heading towards the shelter until when get stopped by a woman.

  “Hey, Harley,” she says to me. I look at her weird because I feel like I know her but I’m not sure.

  “It’s Crystal,” she says with a sneer.

  Oh shit, that is Crystal. Well, damn. If I didn’t understand the term ‘rode hard and put up wet’ before...I definitely do now. She looks extra rough.

  “Oh hi,” I say.

  “Oh hi,” she says in a mocking tone. “What are the chances I come across you? You know, Steve’s father has been trying to find the two of you ever since someone tipped him off that you filed your marriage certificate at the Winslow court. I can’t wait to tell him you’re at a shelter. My how the mighty have fallen.”

  “Well, I actually work at this shelter. What are you doing here?” I ask.

  “My daughter and I stay here every once in a while when things get hard,” she says with an attitude. I’m not one to judge and I definitely do not feel like any child should be homeless, but it’s hard to feel bad for Crystal. It seems to me like karma bit her in the ass.

  “Where’s your daughter?” I ask. She points to a cute little girl that looks to be around six or seven years old. Her clothes are a little worn, but she’s an adorable child.

  “Right there,” she says nonchalantly. “Doesn’t she look a lot like your husband?”

  “Excuse me?” I say.

  “Your husband,” she says. “I got pregnant right before graduation and had his baby. His family was helping me out until recently and I ended up here.”

  My mind is racing and I look at the little girl again, and she does look like Steve a little bit. Someone tells her a joke and she starts laughing out loud, it’s a full belly laugh that sounds exactly like my husband’s. I start to have a panic attack, causing the shelter director to come to check on me. I tell her I’m fine before telling her that I can’t volunteer today due to personal reasons. She looks between Crystal and me, frowns at Crystal, and then nods.

  I walk out of the shelter with Crystal’s laugh trailing behind me and head straight to my apartment. The whole time I’m thinking that Steve had a child that he didn’t tell me abo
ut, especially since we’ve been trying to get pregnant for the last couple of years. I’ve had a few miscarriages, but we haven’t told anyone and we’re looking into other options. So to find out he has one already is mind-blowing to me.

  I’m trying to keep calm, but I’ve actually tutored that child every once in a while when there was a shortage of tutors for certain age groups. It’s easier to teach other subjects for the younger kids so I’ve taught her every once in a while. She’s a sweet child, even if she’s a little shy.

  When I get to the apartment, I open the door and Steve is drinking a beer with Bear and Ghost. The look on my face must show pure rage and anger because Bear and Ghost stand up and walk out of the apartment as soon as they look at me. Bear looks at Steve with sympathy while Ghost pats him on the shoulder and Steve just sits there oblivious. When I hear the door shut behind me, I start yelling.

  “You have a fucking daughter with Crystal that you didn’t tell me about?!” I yell.

  He looks shocked by my statement, and then guilty for a second. As soon as the guilt hits his eyes, I walk out of the apartment.

  “Where are you going?” he asks.

  “None of your goddam business,” I snarl at him.

  I jump in my car and just start driving. I’m not quite sure where I’m driving, but I somehow end up at momma’s house. I probably went through every stage of grief during that car ride so by the time I get to momma’s house, I’m drained and exhausted. Momma opens her door when she sees my car pull up and just stands there with her arms wide open. Steve must’ve called her but I’m not sure, and I just walk straight into her arms and start sobbing. She holds me and rocks me from side to side.

  “It’s ok, baby girl,” she tells me. “It’s ok.”

  Maybe coming to momma’s house wasn’t a smart idea because now that I’m here seeing her, I realize that I don’t want to end up like momma. I don’t want to be that woman who has a man that cheats on her and hides things from her all the time. I don’t want to live my life like that. She cooks me my favorite meal and we sit there in silence and eat. She puts her hand on mine and looks at me with a sad look. It’s a look of a woman who never wanted her daughter to experience the betrayal that she’s experienced.


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