Dirty Judge (Dirty Series Book 4)

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Dirty Judge (Dirty Series Book 4) Page 4

by Sarah Bailey

  “You seem distracted.”

  I bit my lip and looked down at our joined fingers.

  “I’m just…”

  “Questioning everything and anything?”

  Glancing up into his eyes, I saw his amusement.

  “How did you know?”

  “You get a little furrow in your brow when you’re overthinking, even when you were young.”

  My heart fluttered. He noticed that about me. Did that mean he’d watched me back then too?

  “I do not overthink.”

  He smiled.

  “No? So you aren’t sitting there wondering why now?”

  Is he a mind reader or something?

  “Fine, you got me. Why now?”

  He stroked his thumb across my hand.

  “I like you.”

  “I like you too, but we don’t know each other.”

  Okay, so I more than liked him. I was pretty sure I’d been in love with him since I first set eyes on him. Even if it had only been an innocent kind of love in the beginning. Definitely wasn’t innocent now. The raw, intense sexual chemistry between us made innocent impossible. Adrian wanted to dirty me up and I wanted it too. So. Fucking. Much.

  “I know plenty of things about you, Tilly. How you insisted you hated all of my music even though I caught you sitting outside my bedroom door with Annie listening to it through the walls all the time. You can’t roll your tongue. You hate it when people slurp their cereal. You have a scar on your pinkie finger from when you almost cut the tip off. Your favourite milkshake is banana and you hate marmite… I could go on, but I think you’ve got the point.”

  I blinked. He remembered all of those things. All of those stupid things about me.

  “Why do you remember all of that?” I whispered.

  He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal, but it was a huge fucking deal.

  “I like you.”

  It wasn’t that simple. It couldn’t be. Why did he know all of that?

  The waitress interrupted us than with our drinks. Adrian thanked her as I was still reeling from his little admission. Little? It was a damn big admission.

  “Don’t overthink it,” he said when she left. “Let’s not talk about the past, hmm? Why don’t we just enjoy the here and now?”

  I nodded even though my mind raced at a million miles an hour. I shut it down knowing I was here to enjoy dinner with him. Here on a date. So I had to stow away those thoughts for later since I should take advantage of the fact he was right here and I could get to know him now.

  So I smiled and acted like I wasn’t affected by what he said even though my stomach was full of butterflies and a part of me desperately wanted to ask him if he liked me in the way I liked him all those years ago.


  “Where are you taking me now?” I asked as we walked down the street from Haze after the most amazing dinner I’d had in forever.

  The food had been incredible and the company, well let’s just say Adrian was actually very sweet. We’d discussed what we’d been doing in the past twelve years. He’d told me about his career as a barrister and how he’d become a judge. He’d gotten bored with defending criminals, which is why he now preferred civil cases. I could tell he was passionate about his work from the way he smiled when he talked about a few of the cases he’d handled recently. Of course, he didn’t reveal anything confidential to me.

  Me, on the other hand, hadn’t done very much other than party in my early twenties and settle down into a routine now I was twenty-eight. I had a small group of girlfriends who I saw regularly for drinks and dinner, but I’d never been a social butterfly.

  “You’ll see,” he said cryptically, giving me a wink.

  After a quick trip on the tube, he led me into a rather modern-looking block of flats. We rode up to the tenth floor. I didn’t say anything, but I had a good idea of what would happen next. My assumption was correct. As soon as we got through his front door, he was on me, pressing me up against the wall, his hands tangled in my hair as he kissed me.

  “Tilly,” he groaned, grinding into me and pressing kisses down my neck. “I want you so fucking much.”

  He slid a hand into my coat and started pushing it off me. I did the same to him, wanting desperately to have my hands all over him. He hadn’t let me touch him yet. He pulled away, his brown eyes dark with lust and took both of our coats, hanging them up behind the door. Then he held my hand and pulled me past his open-plan kitchen and living area into his bedroom. His bed was huge, but I didn’t have much time to take in my surroundings as Adrian was pressing me down onto it.

  I kicked off my heels as his fingers worked the buttons of my blouse. His mouth pressed to my chest, just above my breasts. He unzipped my skirt at the side and tugged it down. I stared up at him, aware I was almost naked whilst he was fully dressed. He unhooked my bra and tossed it away along with my blouse, leaving me bare. He was about to lean over me again when I stopped him with a hand on his chest.

  “I don’t think this is fair.”

  He cocked his head to the side.

  “What isn’t?”

  “Me naked. You clothed.”

  He smirked before slipping off the bed and tugging at his tie.

  “I happen to like you naked.”

  His eyes roamed across me, making my cheeks burn. I watched him start to remove his clothes, carefully placing his suit jacket on an armchair by the window.

  “Are you on birth control, Tilly?”

  Okay, Mr Blunt, ask all the personal questions why don’t you?

  I don’t know why I was getting weird about him asking. We were about to have sex so it was only natural to ask such things.

  “Yes. Why? Aren’t you going to use protection?”


  I stared at him. He had his shirt off now and all I could see was ink splashed across his arms and torso. The first tattoo I’d seen when I had walked in on him accidentally was a geometric wolf on his bicep, but now he had more. Another animal sat across the left side of his chest. It was the first thing my eyes fell on, but I couldn’t make out what it was from the way he was standing as it wrapped around his ribcage.

  “That’s not very responsible. What if I told you I wasn’t on anything?”

  He smirked, walking towards me and standing at the end of the bed in only his boxers. They were dark in colour but I could see the outline of his cock straining against them.

  “Then I’d have pulled out.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but I didn’t get a chance to put my thoughts on the subject of him not using protection into words because he tugged off his boxers and my mind went completely blank. I swear my eyes just about popped out of my head at the sight of his cock. I mean, it was big which I’d been expecting since I’d felt it against me. However, I was not ready for the sight of five piercings running up the underside of his shaft.

  “Your dick is pierced.”

  I almost slapped a hand over my mouth.

  Point out the fucking obvious why don’t you?

  “I had noticed.”

  I couldn’t stop staring at it. At his hand wrapped around it, stroking up and down in a leisurely manner.

  “And you want to put that inside me?”

  “I’m hoping you’ll let me.”

  I swear my whole body was on fire from mortification, fascination and if I was honest, curiosity at how it would feel.

  “If I said no, this would stop right here?”

  He nodded although he didn’t look particularly happy about it. Obviously, Adrian wouldn’t force himself on me.

  I looked up at him. Who was I kidding? I’d wanted Adrian my entire life. So what if he had a pierced cock? So what if we worked together? So what to every stupid little doubt I had. They could all go to hell.

  “Can I touch it?”

  Chapter Six


  For a moment I thought Till
y might bolt so when she asked me if she could touch my cock, I almost let out a sigh of relief. I knew telling her I wasn’t going to use protection bothered her. If she’d insisted I would’ve, definitely wasn’t that much of a bastard. I usually did anyway, but considering I intended to keep Tilly forever, I didn’t want anything between us when I slid into her pussy.

  “Give me your hand.”

  She sat up and put her hand out to me. I took it and wrapped it around my cock. She let out a little gasp, but her green eyes darkened as if she was excited by the feeling of it. I carefully slid her hand up and down my shaft, allowing her to get used to the sensation of the barbells. Fuck, having her little hand on me made my cock leak pre-cum. It beaded at the tip. Tilly swiped it with her thumb and spread it across the crown, making me grunt.

  “Lie back, I can’t wait any longer.”

  She did as I told her, although her eyes betrayed how nervous she was. I crawled over her, pressing her legs open wide in the process. I leant down and captured one of her nipples in my mouth, my hand running over her other breast as I settled between her legs.

  “I haven’t said yes yet.”

  “I’ll go slow and be gentle, I promise. Or is it that you want me to use a condom? I will. Whatever you need.”

  I raised my head and she shook hers as she reached up and threaded her fingers through my hair.

  “No. It’s not that… I’m just scared… of all of this.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She looked away, her conflicting feelings present on her face. I couldn’t have her running from me now. Not when I was so fucking close to getting what I wanted.

  Her. All of her. Under me. Whilst I fucked her deep and hard.

  “What are you scared of? The sex? We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

  She licked her lip and closed her eyes.

  “I’m scared after we’ve had sex you won’t want me anymore. I’m scared this is just a game to you and I’m going to get hurt.” Her fingers tightened in my hair. “I’m scared of how much I want you. I’m scared you don’t feel the same way. I’m scared of everything.”

  I leant down, cupping her face and pressing her forehead to mine. She didn’t need to be afraid. I wasn’t going anywhere. I’d never let her go.

  “Look at me, Tilly.”

  She opened her eyes and stared into mine.

  “I don’t just want you… I need you. I need this. You and me. I’m right here. You have me.”

  There were so many other ways I could reassure her, but right now, I wanted her to know I was hers. I’d always fucking well been hers. Her small hand held my damn heart.

  “Kiss me, Adrian,” she whispered.

  So I did. I captured her lips with mine. Her other hand gripped my shoulder when I deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth with my tongue. Her sweetness was intoxicating. I couldn’t get enough. Enough of this. Enough of her.

  She arched into me, her hips undulating and causing my cock to slide along her pussy, coating me in her slick heat. I held back from groaning, so desperate to be inside her, but knowing I had to go slow. Had to make sure she was comfortable. I didn’t want to hurt her.

  “Please, god, please fuck me. I need you inside me. I want you so much.”

  Reaching between us, I gripped my cock and nudged it against her entrance. The head slipped in with very little effort on my part, she was so wet. Her nails dug into my shoulder when the first barbell slid in and she let out a little whimper. I stopped. My cock was so fucking hard and I wanted to be buried deep inside her pussy, but I wouldn’t do that to either of us. It could hurt me as much as it would her.

  “Don’t stop.”

  “Tilly, I—”

  “I said don’t stop.”

  She had her eyes closed so I couldn’t really tell if I was hurting her or not, but I did as she asked. The next one made her bite her lip and the third one had her panting. I was going as slow as I could. Her pussy fluttered around my cock, clenching and releasing. It would’ve been a tight fit without my piercings. Even with her being so wet, I knew she was struggling.

  “How many more?”


  “Oh god.”

  I stroked her face.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  Her eyes flew open.


  The forcefulness of that word startled me. The determination in her eyes made me more than a little proud of her. I watched her carefully as I pressed the fourth one inside her, but her expression didn’t change. I didn’t dare say anything as I slid the fifth one home and impaled her completely with my cock. She stared up at me for a long moment and I couldn’t tell what she was thinking until she opened her mouth, “I’ve never been so full in my life. I mean, shit, Adrian, your cock is big enough without all the added extras. What possessed you?”

  I bit my lip to keep from smiling.

  “Just wanted to.”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “I just had it done, that’s it. There’s no big thing behind it. It feels good.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” she muttered, looking away.

  I flexed my hips and she let out a strangled moan of pleasure and pain. Now I was in her, I wanted to fuck her with deep, long strokes and bring her to the brink. Leaning down, I found her ear and ran my tongue along the lobe.

  “You want to know how it feels, don’t you? To have my pierced cock thrusting in and out of your wet little pussy.”

  She squirmed, her nails biting my skin.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Show me how it feels.”

  I’d told her I would be gentle, so when I pulled out, I took it slow and did the same when I pressed back in. Tilly whimpered, but she didn’t tell me to stop. I set a leisurely rhythm. Her pussy was so warm and wet. She clenched around me with each thrust, as if she didn’t want me to leave. Tilly needn’t be worried. I wouldn’t be leaving this pussy any time soon. Hell, I never wanted to leave. She was more than I could’ve ever imagined.

  Tilly Evans was everything.

  “Adrian,” she whimpered into my neck. “Adrian, god, please… you feel so… it feels so… god, I don’t know how to explain it, but I want more. Please give me more.”

  She hooked one of her legs around mine as I increased my pace. I groaned because she felt so fucking good. Her hot, beautiful curvaceous body pressed against mine. My cock sinking into her perfect pussy. I’d never forget this moment. Never forget the way she panted and moaned my name. Or how she clung to me as if I was her lifeline.

  As much as I wanted to be gentle, she made it very difficult when she moved against me, her hard nipples rubbing against my chest with each thrust. I couldn’t help pounding into her harder. Her nails dug deeper into my skin, but I didn’t mind the pricks of pain.

  “More, oh god, more. I’m going to come. Fuck.”

  Hearing her beg had me thrusting harder and deeper. Tilly clung to me, moaning my name like a prayer. Then she shattered and her pussy clamped down so hard on my cock with her climax I thought I’d fucking pass out. Her little cries of pleasure brought me to the edge and sent me over it. I groaned, my cock spilling inside of her as she continued to milk me. The sensations were almost overwhelming. Because it was her. It was Tilly I’d fucking come inside. Her pussy wrapped around my cock. The pussy I’d wanted for longer than I cared to admit.

  We lay there for a long time, neither of us speaking. I tried to gather my thoughts, but I couldn’t. The whole thing had been wonderful. Everything and nothing liked I’d imagined.



  “Where’s your bathroom?”

  I planted my hands on the bed and pushed up, staring down at her.

  “Next door along.”

  Her green eyes were cautious.

  “Can… can you let me go then?”

  I chuckled before carefully pulling out of her,
my cock still semi-hard which was a very unusual occurrence. Then again, this was Tilly. I think my cock was hard eighty per cent of the time I was around her. I sat back against the headboard as she scrambled off the bed and hurried out of the door. Grabbing tissues, I cleaned myself up before tossing them in the bin.

  When she came back, she looked a little nervous. I put my hand out to her and she came willingly. Wanting to make sure she knew she wasn’t allowed to go anywhere, I tucked us both up under the covers and made her lay her head on my chest.

  “Was that okay?” I asked.

  “Are you asking if I enjoyed it when I clearly just came all over your cock?”

  I smiled and stroked her hair.


  “No, it was terrible, I never want to have sex with you again.”

  She looked up at me, her eyes full of amusement.

  “Very funny.”

  “Ask a stupid question…”

  “Get a stupid answer.”

  I remembered her saying it to me when she was younger when I’d asked her if she was okay after she’d accidentally run into the patio doors which were closed. She’d ended up with a huge red mark on her forehead. She’d said, “I’m absolutely fine, not like I almost knocked myself out or anything.” Tilly had always had a sharp tongue and a wicked sense of humour when she wasn’t acting so self-conscious.

  She reached up and stroked my jaw, smiling. My heart ached from that simple touch.

  “Whilst I’m pretty sure I’m going to feel it tomorrow, I wouldn’t change it for the world. And I very much want you to fuck me again.”

  She shifted up higher so she could reach me.

  “So you like my accessories then?”

  I felt her smile as she kissed me.

  “Maybe I do,” she mumbled against my mouth.

  My hand tangled in her hair, pulling her closer.

  “Good. I want to thrust my metal clad cock in your pussy again.”

  She squirmed, her body rubbing against mine and making my cock jerk. Jesus fuck. I would be hard again quickly if she wasn’t careful. I wasn’t sure she could take another round after the way I’d fucked her. Although she had asked for it.


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