Dirty Judge (Dirty Series Book 4)

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Dirty Judge (Dirty Series Book 4) Page 6

by Sarah Bailey

  “Adrian, we can’t do this in here,” she whispered as her hands curled around the arms of the chair. “What if someone comes in?”

  “It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

  I didn’t give a shit. Seeing Tilly in my chair made me hard as a fucking stone. This woman did things to me. I couldn’t help myself when she was around. Besides, few people were about at this time. Sure, someone would come to close up at some point, but who gave a shit. Next time I sat here, I’d remember every moment. The thought of it consumed me. I needed this.

  So before she could protest further, I buried my head between her legs, running my tongue along her clit.

  “Oh god,” she choked out.

  “You were saying, Judge?” I murmured.

  “Your… your sentence…”


  I slid two fingers inside her hot, wet pussy, making her hips buck.

  “Orgasms… many, many orgasms.”

  I grinned before latching my mouth on her clit again. Tilly’s hand left the arm of the chair and dug into my head, pushing me closer. I continued thrusting my fingers inside her and driving her higher with my tongue. Adoring the little pants and gasps out of her mouth.

  She told me no one had ever given so much thought to her pleasure before. I wanted to give Tilly everything. That included satisfying her each and every time I had her at my mercy. My girl deserved only the best. Watching her fall apart from the mind-numbing ecstasy I gave her made me eager to give her more. I would quite happily bury myself between her legs forever. Just like this.


  She came hard around my fingers, bucking and trembling as she tried to stifle her moans. The moment I felt her slump in the chair, I pushed it back so I could get out. Next thing Tilly knew, I’d picked her up and placed her on the desk behind us, stepping between her legs. Making quick work of my fly, I tugged my cock out and notched it to her. Tilly didn’t protest as I slid inside her. Her hands gripped my shoulders, holding onto me for dear life.

  “I’m in charge here, Miss Evans, and what I say goes.”

  She looked up at me, biting her lip as my cock slid home, impaling her pussy with its metal accompaniments. Fuck, she felt so tight around me. Her beautiful pussy gripping me, fluttering and pulsing in the most delicious way.

  “Yes, Judge.”

  I groaned. Hearing her call me that made my cock throb.

  “Say it again.”

  “Fuck me, Judge.”

  The breathiness of her voice made me pull back and thrust harder. Her nails dug into my suit jacket and her resulting moan gave me all the more incentive to fuck her without restraint. Tilly had got used to the feeling of my piercings inside her. Some days I had her begging to fuck her so hard, she screamed. But right now, in the courtroom, I couldn’t have her crying out too loudly or risk someone finding us in here. I dreaded to think what kind of fallout could ensue from that. There was no need to get me or my girl fired from our jobs.

  “Harder,” she panted.

  I buried my face in her neck, kissing her flushed skin.

  “I expect you to address me correctly, Miss Evans. We are in court.”

  “Please, Judge, I’m sorry.”

  I gripped her hips, anchoring us together as I gave her what she’d asked for. The exquisite pleasure of being wrapped up in her tight, sweet pussy and enacting this fantasy I’d had of the two of us since I’d laid eyes on her again made me greedy.

  “Fuck, I don’t know why you saying that gets me so worked up.”

  Her hands left my shoulders and threaded in my hair, holding me closer.

  “Give it to me, punish me with your cock, Judge.”

  I couldn’t deny her a single thing. Tilly gave me the world by agreeing to be mine. She set me free from all the guilt. Every day when she smiled at me, her green eyes glinting with affection, it lessened the ache in my chest. It proved we were meant for each other. That I hadn’t been mistaken all those years ago when I’d recognised my soulmate in her.

  My hands left her hips, moving up to tangle in her hair as I breathed in my stunning girl.

  “Tilly,” I whispered. “My beautiful girl. Promise me you’ll never leave me. Promise you feel what I do. Promise me this is real.”

  Tilly shuddered against me. Her hands left my shoulders and gripped my face, pulling it away from her neck. Her eyes were wild with emotion and desire.

  “I’m right here. This has always been real, Adrian. Always.”

  Her words banded around my chest, squeezing tightly. The determination and sincerity in her voice broke me clean in half before Tilly stitched me back together with a hand on my face. She stroked my skin, reminding me of how much she cared.

  I’m so in love with you, Matilda Evans. I always have been.

  The thought startled me. The truth of it rang in my ears. I did love her. More than life its-fucking-self.

  Instead of telling her, mindful of not wanting to scare Tilly away, I fisted her hair in my hand and forced her into arching her back. I ran my other hand down her chest, cupping her breast through her blouse and running my thumb over her nipple. She gasped before moaning.

  “I’m going to punish you,” I murmured. “Just the way you deserve.”

  Her green eyes sparked with fire and I burnt alongside her.

  “Yes, Judge.”

  I pinched her nipple between two fingers, making her buck. Then I pressed her down on the bench, holding her there with my hand still fisted in her hair. Leaning over her, I ran my nose up her face.

  “You’re such a bad girl, Miss Evans.”

  “I’m only bad for you, Judge.”

  My response was to pull out and slam back in, making her cry out with the force of my cock driving into her tight pussy. I straightened, letting go of her hair so I could grip her hips again. Giving it to Tilly in hard, punishing strokes, she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Her hands curled around the edge of the desk to anchor herself.

  I let go, not caring if this was too loud nor if the pleasure was bordering on pain. Tilly took it all without complaint. Her eyes dared me to give her more. To test the boundaries between us. To never stop. Giving in to the desire permeating the air. Driving us both to oblivion.

  “Fuck,” she cried, letting go of her lip. “Please, Judge… please.”

  My hand left her hip, pushing her skirt higher so I could gain access to that needy little clit of hers. So I could make her come so hard, she almost passed out. I stroked her with my thumb, making her buck, whimper and beg.

  “Come, Miss Evans, milk my cock.”

  She panted and squirmed, fighting with her own innate need. Then she gave me what I asked for. Her back arched off the desk, her fingers going white from her grip on it.

  “Adrian, oh god, fuck.”

  Seeing her come apart sent me over the edge. I grunted as the first wave of torturous pleasure hit me. Her little pussy clamped down so hard on my cock, it drove me crazy. I spurted deep inside her, claiming my sweet girl as my own all over again. The one who had the keys to my heart and soul.

  Now more than ever I knew I should never have walked away all those years ago. Even though Tilly was sixteen and I was twenty-three. I should have taken what I wanted. Her. But then would be as happy as we were now? Would it have worked?

  I didn’t have answers to those questions. And I didn’t want to live in regret any longer. I just wanted her. Forever.

  Tilly smiled at me when I pulled out of her and sat back in my chair. Her green eyes twinkled with her contented happiness. This woman could light up the entire world with her intoxicating presence.

  “I wanted to ask you something,” I murmured as she sat up.


  “I’m going to an acquaintance’s engagement party this weekend and I would like it if you came with me.”

  Her eyebrow quirked up.

  “As your date?”

  “As my g

  Her face flushed. I hadn’t called her that before. We’d never talked about it, but we were a couple whether or not Tilly realised it.

  “Well, how can I say no to that?”

  I reached out and took her hand, running my thumb across her palm.

  “You can always say no.”

  “I want to go with you.”

  Leaning over, I placed a kiss on her hand, which trembled in my grasp.

  “Then that’s settled.”

  Having her with me on my arm would make me the luckiest man alive. I wanted the world to know she’d chosen to be with me. That I’d been graced with such an amazing woman to stand by my side. Nothing could make me happier other than her agreeing to stay with me for the long haul. I wanted everything with Tilly I’d never had with my ex-wife. A relationship built on love, trust and mutual respect.

  I was mindful of not moving too fast despite wanting her with me at all times. For us to build a future with each other. To come home to each other every day and experience all the little things in life which should mean nothing, but really… it meant everything. Nights curled up in front of the TV. Lazy weekend mornings in bed. Holding hands whilst strolling through the city on warm summer’s day. Those were the moments I craved with her even more than the mind-numbing sex we shared.

  I pulled her underwear out of my pocket and handed it back to her, knowing she’d want it. When we’d tucked ourselves away so we could go clean up in the staff bathroom, Tilly turned to me with a shy smile.

  “So… I’m really your girlfriend then?”

  I bit my lip before tugging her closer.

  “Yes, if that’s what you want.”

  She didn’t respond with words. Rising up on her tiptoes, she kissed me, providing her answer with her mouth on mine. When she settled back on her feet, she took my hand and pulled me away towards the door behind us. It was time I took her back to mine so I could feed her and press her down on my bed afterwards, ravaging her beautiful curvaceous body all over again. And I hoped she’d stay the night so I could wake up next to my girl, feeling like the most contented man alive.

  Tilly would be where she belonged.

  With me… always.

  Chapter Nine


  I don’t know what had got into Adrian, but when I arrived outside his front door and he opened it, it only took one look from him before I was unceremoniously pulled inside and shoved up against the wall. His hands tugged up my dress and his fingers were inside my knickers before I could take a breath.

  “Tilly,” he groaned against my lips. “Fuck, this dress.”

  I’d put on my prettiest one for the occasion. The little black dress every girl has in their wardrobe. It clung to my curves and I felt sexy in it. Clearly, Adrian approved judging by the way he was already unzipping himself and tugging my knickers down my legs.

  “Adrian, we’re going to be late,” I protested when he shoved my dress higher, although my voice sounded weak to my own ears. We both knew I could never resist him.

  He hoisted one of my legs up around his hip and stroked my clit, making me melt for him.

  “I’m not going to this damn engagement party with a raging hardon for you. I can’t wait until later, Tilly… I need you now.”

  The sheer depth of his desire radiating from his dark eyes had me shutting my mouth and letting him impale me inch by inch on his hard length. I bit my lip as each piercing slid home, trying not to whimper. No matter how many times we fucked, the intensity of having him inside me never faded.

  “If I didn’t know how old you are, I might accuse you of being a horny teenage boy,” I murmured when he buried his face in my neck, kissing my skin.

  “I’m making up for lost time.”

  I couldn’t help smiling. Adrian made no qualms about wanting to be between my legs at every available opportunity. Whether it be with his tongue, his fingers or his cock, he couldn’t get enough.

  He pushed me up higher on the wall, forcing me to wrap my legs around him to stay upright. Hands banded around my thighs, keeping me pinned whilst he fucked me in short, sharp thrusts, making me pant and moan.

  “So perfect, so beautiful,” he whispered, peppering kisses along my jaw.

  This man made me feel alive. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t alone in the world. Adrian was home to me. Every time we were together, the feeling grew, the love I had for him flared and pulsed, reminding me I never wanted to let this man go.

  Sex between us was mind-blowing, but it was the after I loved the most. The post-coital bliss where we cuddled up together as we came down. That’s when the world was at peace. I didn’t worry about the future or what us being together meant. It was me and Adrian. Nothing more. Nothing less.

  I’d watched Adrian grow from a boy into a man. A beautiful man who knew what he wanted in life. He strived to be the best he could, but he was also weighed down with worries and doubts. I tried to soothe him the best way I knew how. Our past no longer mattered. The future was all I wanted to see.

  It didn’t take long for us to find our mutual release in each other. Adrian grunted my name as I cried his, shaking in his arms and wondering how the hell he’d managed to hold me up. I wasn’t exactly light. He pulled out of me and set me on my feet when we’d stopped panting, giving me a bright smile.

  “If you’ve messed up my makeup, I won’t be happy,” I threatened as he stepped back. His grin only got wider.

  “You look beautiful to me whether or not you have messed up makeup.”

  I rolled my eyes before slipping away from him and hot-footing it to the bathroom. Thankfully, our quickie hadn’t left me too dishevelled and I easily fixed my hair and makeup after cleaning myself up.

  Adrian still stood in the hallway, having put himself away when I came out. He whisked me out of the flat and we were on the tube five minutes later.

  “You never did tell me who got engaged,” I said as we sat side by side holding hands.

  “Dom and Clara. His parents were friends with mine for years, although sadly his father passed away some time ago.”

  “Are your parents going to be there?”

  He shook his head, his eyes hardening.

  “No, they’re out of the country.”

  I did wonder whether Adrian and his parents had fallen out, but I never thought to ask him. Just like I hadn’t pried into what was really wrong with Annie. He’d tell me when he was ready to.

  “So you and Dom stayed in touch?”

  “Yes, he’s a few years younger than me, but we catch up from time to time. I never thought he’d settle down. Always seemed to be the eternal bachelor. I’ve not met his wife-to-be yet, but I hear she’s lovely.”

  I reached over and brushed a piece of lint off his lapel. Adrian caught my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing my fingertips before I could retract it. The affection in his dark eyes heated my skin. It felt good to be with him like this. Knowing he wanted me to be a part of his life.

  “I look forward to meeting them.”

  “And I look forward to showing you off.”

  My face burnt at his words.

  “That proud to have me on your arm?”

  “Not just proud, Tilly, honoured. I’m a lucky man and I know it.”

  His compliments always gave me a fluttery feeling in my chest. Adrian was such a beautiful man inside and out.

  “Shush you.”

  “It’s the truth.” He kissed my fingertips again. “I’ll never take you for granted.”

  “Nor will I. You make me so happy.”

  I leant forward so he could kiss my lips. It was gentle and light, mindful of us being in a carriage full of people. I rested my head on his shoulder when I pulled away, content to just be with him. He kissed the top of my head, making me want to curl myself around him and never let go. Adrian would keep me safe. But was my heart safe with him? I didn’t yet know.


  When we arrived at the venue, I gawped at the setting. There were white balloons and flowers everywhere with twinkling fairy lights curling around the trellises of the rooftop garden. Simply stunning. I wondered how much money these people had since this clearly cost a pretty penny.

  “Dom is in investment banking,” Adrian murmured in my ear, answering my unspoken query. “Come, let’s say hello to the happy couple.”

  He pulled me towards where two people stood staring at each other with clear affection in their eyes and champagne glasses in their hands. The man had light brown hair, amber eyes and his suit moulded to his body like it was pasted on him. He was very tall, towering over the woman who was blonde like me, but her eyes were grey like storm clouds.

  “Adrian,” came the man’s deep, sultry voice as he reached out his hand.

  “Congratulations to the both of you… is this your Clara?” Adrian replied, shaking the man’s hand.

  “Yes, yes… Clara, this is Adrian and…?” Dom’s eyes fell on me, eyebrow raising in question.

  “My girlfriend, Matilda,” Adrian supplied.

  The man reached out and grasped my hand, bringing it to his lips.

  “Charmed. I’m Dominic, but you can call me Dom.”

  “It’s nice to meet both of you,” I said as he let go of my hand and I shook Clara’s. “Congratulations.”

  Clara gave me a bright smile, her eyes twinkling with happiness.

  “Thank you so much.”

  I looked down at her hand, spying the huge rock on her finger.

  “Oh, that’s beautiful.”

  Adrian stepped away from me to speak to Dom whilst Clara’s smile widened. We let go of each other’s hands, but my eyes were still on the diamond on her finger.

  “Isn’t it? I did tell him it was too much, but he never listens. What Dom wants, he gets.”

  She looked over at her husband-to-be, clear affection and love written all over her face.

  “Honey, I’ve told you a million times, let the man spoil you,” came a voice from our left. “You deserve it.”


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