Pleasure Bound

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Pleasure Bound Page 1

by Alyson Belle




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Thanks for Reading


  About the Author


  Fantasy Swapped Online: Book 2


  Alyson Belle

  Copyright © 2017 Alyson Belle

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All characters in this book are over the age of 18 (18+ only). All characters, locations, and situations are entirely fictional representations and any resemblance to real world scenarios are entirely coincidental.

  You can see more of Alyson Belle’s work, get in touch, and follow her blog on .


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  An excerpt from Pleasure Bound:

  Now that our skin was touching (or my skin was touching his illusionary skin, anyway), the tension was thick in the air. I could tell how badly he wanted me from a million small signals that a female body is perfectly calibrated to read in a man, and that same body was screaming for me to give in and let him attend to my ravenous, feminine needs. My sex felt hot and wet between my legs, the gems having long since morphed away back to the light blonde dusting of soft pubic hair, and I suddenly straddled Fiero, bringing my crotch into contact with the rapidly growing bulge beneath his loincloth.

  He growled with need, and I mewled my assent, grinding against him and shuddering with the little jolts of pleasure each pelvic rotation sent through me.

  “Take me,” I murmured softly into his glamoured ear, activating Seduce on my charmed pet.

  Fiero laid me back against the soft mulch of the forest floor, and I marveled at how complete and thorough the illusion I’d created was. I had to concentrate very, very hard to pierce through the veil that deceived all five of my senses, which were telling me I was about to be bedded by a strong, tan, handsome human prince—albeit one with a magnificent golden tail. He gently untied the laces binding my breasts, releasing them for the second time today, and slid my skirt off over my raised hips. I lowered my padded ass back down onto the ground and giggled as I spread my legs for him, letting myself be deceived by the illusion. If I wasn’t trying to pierce through it, it was shockingly good… almost as good as a polymorph spell in terms of deception.

  The dragon/human prince’s skin was pleasantly warm to the touch, and I writhed in delight as he nuzzled and stroked me up and down my entire body, wiggling in anticipation for the main event—my sex was screaming for his attentions, but he went to my breasts first, opening his handsome mouth and licking all over them, paying extra attention to the nipples. I purred as the pleasant sensations made me wetter and wetter. It felt heavenly—his roving fingers were thick and warm and reassuringly insistent.

  “All of you,” I whispered hoarsely in his ear. “I want to feel you fill me up and stretch me out…”

  I felt ridiculous saying such things, and my cheeks burned with embarrassment to think what a version of myself from two weeks past would think about me now, but I didn’t care enough to stop him—I wanted that hot, girthy dragonkin bulge I’d seen beneath his loin cloth. The feel of a man stripping my clothes away, lusting over my body, and touching the delicate curve of my hips, the soft arc of my back where two little dimples formed just below my waist, was all more amazing than anything I’d ever experienced as either Kromgorn or in real life.

  I spread my legs wide and held my ankles in the air with my own hands as he gently grasped my back and took me with a single grunt. I gasped and lolled my head back. First he went slow, letting me feel the heat of his body as he worked, but then his own need drove him faster, and his steady breathing shifted to a needy, frenzied panting.

  My pulse and breath quickened along with his, and I rocked my body against him, helping him in his efforts… My eyes widened suddenly at a new sensation: a warm, rough, insistent probing at my rear. I glanced down in confusion, confirming that his hands, feet, and other parts were all accounted for.

  But then—oh my god. His tail?

  Chapter 1

  I staggered out of my room at the top of Kirth’s inn, adjusting my skin-tight leather armor that I still hadn’t quite gotten used to, and made my way down the hall to my friend Jazzus’s room. My body was sore from all of the NPCs Erlix had been sending to my inn room to have their way with me, but the leveling had slowed way down and the NPCs were fewer and further between. I’d grown impatient waiting for my next lay, and I wanted to see what my friends had discovered in their research. Jazzus was bent over a book at her desk, her finger tracing line after line of arcane text, while our guild leader Topper peered over her shoulder and fidgeted impatiently with the pommel of his Holy Sword of Righteous Flame.

  Laying my eyes on a high-level epic quality sword like that drew a sigh of frustration out of me. Once, I’d been the one wielding a sword like that, leaping directly into the heat of battle as a half-giant barbarian warrior and laying waste to my enemies with some intense, high-DPS savagery and group-boosting shouts. Now, thanks to the stupid curse of our sworn foe Vierdimin, the Lich, plus some poor timing and bad luck on my part, I was stuck in the body of this tiny, busty, charisma-focused Human Courtesan whose primary skills and ability revolved around sex and seduction.

  Until recently, screwing dudes in-game—or even chicks for that matter—hadn’t been my idea of a good time. But I had to admit that there was a certain charm that came with playing a charisma-focused female Courtesan, now that I’d seen the power of what skills like Charm could do. Thanks to a well-time level boost potion and that skill, I was the only member of The Shining Army that was totally immune to Vierdimin and his whole guild of Secret Order cronies. It was only a slight advantage for us, but an extremely important one, and I felt proud to be able to help my friends despite being thrust into less than ideal circumstances (and being forced to take a lot of thrusting as well).

  “Hey, Krom.” Topper glanced at me as I strolled into the room, his eyes lingering on my ample chest that strained against the tight leather holding my boobs securely in place. It was weird noticing things like that now. I’d always assumed girls made shit like that up for attention or that it would be flattering if it happened to me. It was kind of flattering, but after a while you also noticed they missed things you said because they were imagining fucking you. I knew that’s what he was doing because I’d done it myself to girls a thousand times IRL and as Kromgorn.

  “It’s Lacey now,” I said tersely, reminding him that we’d agreed to just treat me like the character I was playing as long as we were trapped in the game by Vierdimin’s hacking magic.

  He nodded. “Right, Lacey, sorry. Shouldn’t you be leveling?”

  I sighed. “There aren’t new NPCs to fuck, and the XP has really slowed down. I think we need to expand Erlix’s multi-level marketing ploy to other towns or something.” The dirty little halfli
ng had had the genius plan to whore me out at rock-bottom prices to level me quickly and offer a network of pimps half the take for spreading the word about the hot piece of ass in the town of Minsc in Lorengarde, but it was a one-time deal—no repeat customers. That was because of how Courtesans leveled. You got the most XP for fucking a new NPC for the first time, and I’d spent the last few days getting banged my most of the NPCs in Minsc. It had allowed me to rocket up to level 43 and join my team in time for the battle with Vierdimin. Sadly, he’d disappeared with his lieutenants before we could capture him and force him to release us.

  Jazzus looked up from her research and shook her head. “I told you guys that I don’t think this plan is going to work much longer. The devs would never have allowed a loophole that could level a character all the way to 80 without any danger… even a social class like the Courtesan.”

  Topper frowned. “I was hoping you were wrong, but I guess she’s only gained two levels in the last few days.”

  He pointed to the tag floating above my head, which said, Lacey, Lv. 45 Human Courtesan. I knew in my heart that Jazzus was right. I’d been hoping, like Topper, that she was wrong, but each new lay was barely moving my XP bar now. At least it was still a good time.

  “NPCs in the city top out around level 38 with the exception of the faction leaders, and I don’t think you’ll have much luck getting a level 85 raid boss like King Algin into bed,” Jazzus continued. “We need to find a new plan. She’s not going to gain any more levels staying on her back in the safety of the inn room upstairs.”

  “What am I supposed to do, then?” I asked. “We need to get me to 80 as soon as possible.”

  “Really, we should all be leveling,” Topper said. “We know that Vierdimin’s crew has the level advantage on us to begin with, and they’re not going to sit around on their hands now that they know we’re gunning for them. I already sent the rest of the guild out to do just that. If Lacey isn’t getting levels here anymore, we should go out and join them.”

  “We need to focus on power-leveling her especially, though,” Jazzus insisted, nodding toward me. “I haven’t found anything in my in-game research that would allow us to break the game the way Vierdimin did to trap us all here, which means I still have no idea how to reverse it.” She shoved the book away from her and cursed. “It’s useless. I wish we had another high level mage to help. Where’s Haxor when you need him?”

  We all stared at the floor in uncomfortable silence. Haxor the Spellblade had been a member of The Shining Army until just recently, when he’d turned on us and joined The Secret Order in the hope that Vierdimin would eventually let him out of the game. The betrayal still stung, since he’d been close friends with all of us. He had also been one of our highest level players at level 68, so losing him put us in an even worse position against Vierdimin and his cronies.

  “Have you heard any updates from outside the game?” I asked in an attempt to change the subject.

  Topper nodded grimly. “Iciez logs in now and again and passes along updates, although I don’t let her stay for long just in case Vierdimin has some way to trap new players who are careless enough to enter. The news isn’t good. Players were trapped in game worldwide, and our bodies are all in comas outside the game. Most of us are on life support machines and nutrient drips in the hospitals. Unplugging the hardware jacks from our bodies doesn’t change a thing. It’s not pretty, and the government is in an uproar demanding answers. A group of concerned parents is lobbying to have the game shut down for safety reasons, and the only reason they haven’t yet is because no one knows what’ll happen to those of us still trapped inside.”

  “Shit,” I muttered. “That’s not good.”

  “No, and it gets worse…” he continued. “Iciez says the parental lobby is gaining steam. It’s hard for politicians to argue with videos of tearful mothers blaming Fantasy Realms Online for throwing their children into a coma. Nongamers don’t understand how real this is, and it doesn’t make sense to them that we could still be ‘in’ here if we’re disconnected out there.”

  “It doesn’t make much sense to me either,” Jazzus mumbled.

  “And yet,” Topper replied. “Here we are.”

  “So we need to move fast,” I said. “If Vierdimin doesn’t release us soon, you’re saying we could all wind up deleted or worse?”

  Topper shrugged. “I have no idea. But Vierdimin is the one who has our answers. And right now you’re our best shot of forcing him to talk… you just won’t be able to do much at all to him until we get your level maxed out.”

  “Back to square one.” I blew my cheeks out in frustration and swept my pretty, curling hair back over my shoulder. It was always falling in my eyes now, and I hadn’t yet figured out the equivalent of an in-game hair band. I kept forgetting to ask Jazzus what she recommended, but her hair was close-cropped and functional. It was a setting you could only change at character creation until they released barber shops, which was a low priority feature. For now, I’d just have to deal with it, like a few dozen other annoying things about being trapped in a girl’s body.

  “What we need to do is take her out into the wild and find some hostile NPCs for her to seduce or charm,” Jazzus said. “She’s got all those skills based on manipulation and control. Isn’t it time she used them? That has to be how the developers intended her class to progress.”

  Topper scratched his head and looked me over, and I fidgeted under his gaze, wishing again that chicks didn’t have to wear such skimpy armor. “That makes sense,” he said. “I wish there were other high level courtesans around we could ask.”

  We all knew there weren’t. Until I’d approached the class methodically and actually tried to level it up to get good, there had been no other player in the game willing to use the class as anything but a joke to fool around in. Sex in-game was realistic and fun, but there was no overlap between people who took their gaming seriously and people that wanted to grind out levels in a sex den using skills designed to titillate and distract their enemies. Even my avatar had started out that way, since Haxor’s girlfriend had thought it would be funny to make a sexy nympho who dumped all her points into charisma. That was how Lacey had become Lacey the Courtesan. At least I was half-decent with a bow, too, thanks to high Agility and Dexterity scores.

  As we stood in the room attempting to think through a fast way to level me up, I started getting an itchy feeling between my shoulder blades. I glanced around, confused. Usually I only got that feeling right before something went wrong, or when someone was stealthed and sneaking up on me… something was wrong. I could feel it.

  “Guys…” I began, but I was too late.

  “You have bigger problems than how to level Lacey up,” a gruff voice announced.

  Chapter 2

  Haxor, Lv. 70 Half-Elf Spellblade un-stealthed in the middle of the room and slapped some kind of arcane device in the middle of Topper’s back. Topper gave a strangled cry and collapsed, twitching on the floor.

  Jazzus cursed and sprang to her feet, grabbing her magical staff from beside the desk and beginning to gather swirling arcane energies to defend herself, but Spellblades were a class designed to fight mages. Haxor gestured and used Psychic Knife on her, silencing her and causing her magic to wink out without a trace.

  “Damn it, Haxor, why are you doing this to us? You want to get out of the game as badly as we do!” Jazzus shouted.

  “You’re all idiots if you think there’s any way out other than doing exactly what Vierdimin says,” Haxor said matter of factly. He shook his head. “Stop resisting. It’ll all go easier on you. Why not join us?”

  I spit on the ground. “Join The Secret Order ? You’re a bunch of lowlife trolls with no honor or class. I can’t believe you, Haxor. They corpse camp newbies and exploit the game as often as they can! How can you join up with trash like that?”

  “Because it’s the rational thing to do. I’m not sure if it’s playing around as a human sex toy that rattled your
skull or if you’re really just that stupid, but invincibility isn’t the same as actually being able to win, Lacey.”

  “So you just give up and throw your lot in with assholes? We trusted you, and you betrayed us!”

  He frowned. “Jeez, maybe you have become a girl. It’s like you’re not even listening. You can’t win!”

  “That’s not going to stop us from trying. Some of us have real courage even when things get tough, Haxor.”

  If the barb touched a sore spot with Haxor, he didn’t show it. He just shrugged. “Fine. Have it the hard way. You might be able to keep Vierdimin charmed for a while, Lacey, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take out all of your support player by player.” He put two fingers between his lips and whistled. The thumping of boots sounded from the hallway and three of Vierdimin’s highest-level lieutenants poured into the room: Nambla, Lv. 62 Half-Elf Rogue , Wugduz, Lv. 65 Ogre Shadowknight , and Lefay, Lv. 69 Dark Elf Wizard .

  Lefay smirked at Topper twitching on the floor as she entered and gestured toward me. “This is the faggoty perv getting off on playing a girl?”

  “Shut up!” Jazzus hissed. “Homophobic bitch.”

  Lefay just laughed, twirling her staff in one hand, while Wugduz picked up Topper’s immobilized form and tossed him over his shoulder.

  Ignoring Lefay’s taunts, I leapt over and tried to pry Topper away from Wugduz, but the massive ogre simply ignored me. My strength was pitiful, and no matter how hard I tugged at the paladin’s cloak, I couldn’t budge him from Wugduz’s iron grip.

  Nambla smirked at my struggles. “Just ‘cuz we can’t hurt your ass doesn’t mean we can’t hurt your friends.”

  Haxor advanced on Jazzus while she waved her staff menacingly, but the threat was empty while she was cut off from her magic. She brought the cudgel-like end of it down on Haxor’s head as hard as she could, but she shrugged off the blow and slapped a second device like the one that had disabled Topper to the middle of her chest. She convulsed and crumpled like Topper had, and I watched helplessly while he picked her up and loaded her onto his shoulder.


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