Knights of the Three Kingdoms- Volume 1

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Knights of the Three Kingdoms- Volume 1 Page 7

by Brian Davis

  Sir Alexander and the knights traveled back to their main campsite. Fay walked beside Sir Alexander as they proceeded through the large forest. He looked over at Fay, admiring her as she continued to walk in the same rhythm as his. She blinked, feeling his heavy gaze as her eyes were focused ahead.

  “What is it that mystifies your eyes?” She asked while her eyes remained ahead.

  “You remind me of someone.”


  “Lady Jetta.”

  “A woman?”


  “Why do I remind you of her?”

  “She is exceptional with a bow and arrow. Same as you are. I can tell by your skills the way you aim and fired that arrow. You aimed without hesitation. It takes great skill to do such a task.”

  “Who is this Lady Jetta?”

  “She is a knight. May I impose?”


  “You seem very young like myself. Your king highly puts his trust in you to aid us on our journey.”

  Her lips slowly cracked a half-smile.

  “Truly you don’t understand our race.” She said. “My age is considerably older than yours. I am a hundred-and-seventy-seven years-old.”

  “My God… you look as though you are only twenty-four! Why has God cursed us men?”

  “We have not come from the first man… we are the children from the fallen angels; that is why we are different.”

  “I do not understand…”

  “Your campsite is up ahead, is it not?” She asked by changing the subject.

  “Why yes. How can you tell?”

  “From the stench of flint and burnt amber.”

  “I… I do not smell it.”

  She remained silent while continuing to walk with him. Finally, Sir Alexander and his knights approached their campsite. The knights at the campsite stood and approached them. Sir Godfrey approached Sir Alexander.

  “My lord, you have returned finally. We were beginning to wonder.”

  “Wonder not. We have scouted up ahead and found no traces of any enemy.”

  Sir Godfrey lowered his eyes down at the elf.

  “An elf?”

  “Aye. They are many of them up ahead. They are friends of Merlin. Her name is Fay; she will aid us in our journey.”

  “May I speak with you alone?” Sir Godfrey asked.

  “Aye.” He turned and faced her. “Excuse us.”

  He walked away with Godfrey and they paused in front of Godfrey’s tent.

  “My lord, have you gone mad?”


  “She is an elf. When have you ever heard elves extended any aid for a human?”

  “You worry too much. I trust that she will aid us.”

  Sir Godfrey slowly shook his head.

  “Elves do not aid humans. They do not care for us, nor do we care for them or the trolls. She cannot be trusted, thus she is a woman… you bring a woman into our camp? What about the men in this camp?”

  “They will keep their desires contempt or I will gut them down one by one where they stand! She is with me… and she will aid me.”

  “Aye.” Sir Godfrey nodded. “Very well.”

  “Prepare the knights… we will camp here tonight and proceed in the morning.” Sir Alexander said while turning and walking away.

  He approached Fay.

  “Come.” He said while entering his tent.

  She slowly followed him inside his tent. She remained motionless while watching him removing his armor from his body.

  “There is a second quilt. You can rest here in this tent.”

  “Rest?” She questioned.

  “Aye. We rest tonight and proceed in the morning.”

  “Where will you rest?”

  “Here in this tent. I do not trust that you sleep alone with the knights around… you are safe here inside this tent with me.”

  Chapter 9

  Darkness continued to enshroud Sir Vladimir. His head throbbed as a small glow of light appeared in a blur vision. He could hear himself groan… felt something hard underneath him. He knew he was lying on something but what? The ground? But if it was true, why was the ground wobbly? His jaws clenched as the glow seemed to grow. He felt himself sitting up however; his hands appeared to be tied to something. He frowned as his vision now became clear; the glow in front of him was only the flame from a candle that was lit. His eyes squint over the throbbing that seemed to be pulsating behind his head. He now heard a strange male’s voice.

  “Well… looks like you came through.”

  He turned his attention to the voice and saw a dark skin man with a short beard evenly-trimmed with a baldhead. He noticed the man holding a sword that belonged to him. The man slowly pulled the sword out from its sheath.

  “This sword is made out of the finest iron that I’ve ever encountered.”

  Sir Vladimir rested his head back on the wooden wall behind him.

  “Where am I?” Sir Vladimir asked.

  The man smirked as he placed the sword back into its sheath.

  “Can’t you tell? You are on a ship.”

  “So it was you who struck me from behind.”

  “Only a fool doesn’t know his surroundings.”

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is none of importance to you, but if you need to know dog, I am called Calvin the Terrible. What might your name be?”

  “Vladimir. So you struck me from behind, robbed me of any riches that I had, and now supposedly I’m your prisoner, why?”

  “Because I ordered it-that’s why!” A feminine voice gained his attention.

  Vladimir drew his attention to the wooden stairs where he saw a woman with long curly black hair, wearing a blue scarf around her head, black hose with a black and red tunic. She slowly walked down the wooden steps. Vladimir’s eyes narrowed.

  “You…” He mumbled. “I saw you at the tavern.”

  “That you have…” She mentioned.

  “Who are you?”

  “I am called Sheena… the Queen of the ocean.” She approached and stood next to Calvin.

  Vladimir shifted his eyes over at Calvin.

  “So I see… a barbaric dog is tamed by a sea witch… I always knew where there’s a dog, the owner is always near.”

  Calvin slowly approached and swung his back hand, smacking Sir Vladimir across his face.

  “I would stay your tongue, outlander.” Sheena advised.

  “He calls himself, Vladimir.” Calvin snarled while spitting on him.

  “Vladimir… an interesting name for a rat.” She said.

  “My I ask why have you taken me as a prisoner?”

  “There is something that you seek that I want… the ambulant called Abaddon.”

  Sir Vladimir’s eyes widen.

  “What do you know of it?”

  “The question is… why are you seeking the Abaddon?” She asked.

  “Truly you do not know of its power.”

  “Nor do I not need to know of it. I am a thief… I collect and sell to the highest bidder. I found the map in your pocket that directs you to this ambulant that is hidden in the Fire Mountain.”

  “That’s all you are…? Just a thief?”

  “I am an exceptional thief… not just an ordinary thief. I see that your sword is made out of the finest iron… are you a warrior?”

  “How about you untie my hands and test me for yourself?”

  “Savage, aren’t we?” She smirked. “I will determine the outcome of your fifth, rather I prefer you dead or alive to feed the sharks, it matters to me not. You’re my prisoner now… besides, you may become a hefty price after all… when sold to the highest bidder.” Her lips drew back into a short smile.

  She turned and walked away. Sir Vladimir’s eyes were glued to her ass cheeks that the hose she wore pressed against them. She silently walked up the stairs as Calvin smirked and walked up the stairs to the deck. Sir Vladimir lowered his head and clenched his jaws.

approached the rails of the deck and stared out into the ocean. The skies turned a grayish color as a storm threatened to rip the skies apart. The tides rose and crushed down on the ocean, teasing to overturn the ship. Her sailors stood on the deck, manning the sails. Calvin approached and stood next to her.

  “I say we rid that outlander’s head and feed his body to the sharks.”

  “I give the commands on this ship, do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes your highness, I was just suggesting…”

  “I did not ask for your suggestion. Check on the sailors… make sure that the sails are intact so that they can withstand the currants of the wind.”

  “Aye, your highness.” There was bitterness hidden within his voice as he turned and walked away from her.

  She lowered her eyes down at the sea, watching the tides rise. A storm was approaching, she knew.

  Boarstall Castle…

  The Paladins Knights stood around inside the courtyard of the castle, waiting for King Wallace’s son to arrive. More horses galloped through the crush gates of the castle and soon, a young frail man, who sat arrogantly on horseback, slowly galloped forward through the courtyard. His hair, sand-colored, straight and short… his face was smooth baby-like. His chin titled upward as he galloped past the knights that stood on each side. The horse stopped and he slowly climbed down from the horse. His armor was black with a black cape draping down from his upper rear shoulders to his tailbone. He entered the main ward of the castle and stepped inside the Great Chambers.

  The knights lowered to one knee and balled their heads.

  “The throne is mine for the taking.” King Wallace’s son named, Adam said. “Where is the queen?”

  “She is locked in the dungeon, along with the rest of the surviving knights.” Sir Franklin said.

  He quickly turned and faced Sir Franklin with his eyes stretched.

  “Surviving knights? How dare you… how dare you allow the surviving knights to live!” He pointed his finger at him.

  “The knights are no threat. They are locked in the dungeon.”

  “My father perfectly made it clear to kill all of his enemies! Did he not give you an order?”

  Sir Franklin slowly approached, eyes never blinked.

  “I only answer to your father…”

  “You will now answer to me when my father is not present! I am king here of this castle… behead the surviving knights!”

  “Your Majesty, they have surrendered!” Sir Walter protested.

  “You!” Adam turned and pointed his finger at him. “You do not question my authority! Do as I say or your head will be cutoff by its stump! We will make an example of the Castilians Knights, and anyone who opposes my father!”

  “Yes, your Majesty.” Sir Walter lowered his head.

  “Also, you say that the queen is in the dungeon?”

  “Yes, your Majesty along with a lady knight.” Sir Walter added.

  “A lady knight? How interesting… bring the queen to the keep, slaughter the rest of the knights with the exception of the lady knight. Keep her alive for now.”

  “As you wish.” Sir Franklin frowned with his lips twisted.

  Sir Franklin stood in the narrow passageway that led to the wooden door of the dungeon. He faced Sir Walter with anger in his eyes.

  “That little toad of a King Wallace’s son! How dare he make an example out of me in front of the knights! I answer to him? Ha! If he wasn’t the king’s son, he’ll be answering to the tip of my blade!”

  “Aye, however, he is the king’s son. As dreadful as it sounds, we are bound to answer to him as well. I will bring the queen to keep where he waits for her.” Sir Walter opened the wooden door and stepped inside the dungeon.

  Sir Franklin lowered his head.

  “Do not overwhelm yourself in distaste over your position in giving services to the king’s son.” A feminine voice attracted his attention.

  He turned around and saw Dorrella standing in the center of the passageway. The torches on the brick walls on both sides were lit. His eyes dipped inward.

  “You… I didn’t pass you in the passageway?”

  “It matters not how I arrived here.” She said while slowly approaching him. “I am a sorceress… bound to do more than the norm could understand. Once again, I have helped you into achieving such events.” She boasted.

  “I did not ask for your aid! I was capable of defeating the knights and taking over the castle without the aid of your spawn beast of hell!”

  “Do not be sure of yourself, valiant one.” She approached, only inches away from him. Her finger traced his chest armor while her eyes locked into his. “This is twice that I have rendered my aid to you.”

  “Are you asking for my service?”

  “My valiant knight… you are in service to me… I can see the hatred in your eyes… you do not like to be in service to no one.” She mumbled while walking around him. “And you shouldn’t.” She replied with her lips inches away from his right ear while standing behind him.

  “What are you suggesting?” He turned and faced her.

  “A partnership.” She regarded him with a flirtatious gaze while withdrawing her eyes from him.

  “Go on.” He mumbled.

  She turned and faced him.

  “With you by my side, you can be your own king… have a kingdom of your own in your name.”

  “Are you saying that I should rebel against the king?”

  “If you prefer to be at his services for the rest of your life… and not to mention, but to serve his son as well… Do as I say and you should have a kingdom of your own.”

  “And in return?”

  “I only ask to be your queen. And of course, with the Abaddon in my hands, along with the dragon at my command, none oppose you. The lands will be united in your name. You can surly take revenge of your brothers and sisters. Have the heads of your brothers… enslave your sisters. All I ask of you is to serve me willingly, while temporary serving your king. Seek the Abaddon… find it… return it to me… and all shall be promising to you.”

  “But what about the task now?”

  “Focus on the task… focus on conquering and seeking the Abaddon. I will continue to aid you… this will be our secret. And soon, I shall lie in your arms like a queen should do to her king, and share the lands with you.” She smiled while standing only inches away from him.

  Adam stood in the room of a keep. He held a crossbow in his hand. Suddenly, he faced the door as it opened, and Sir Walter entered with the queen. Her hands were tied in front of her. Her long hair draped down over her back.

  “You may leave us.” Adam ordered.

  Sir Walter silently walked away while closing the door behind him.

  “Who are you?” The woman boldly asked.

  “You are a bold one for a queen. I can tell by the sharpness of your tongue. I am the son of King Wallace.”

  Her eyes stretched as she rapidly blinked them.

  “Your castle is now in my grasp. Your king leaves you unattended, why?” Adam asked.

  “I am separated from King Percy. It was his wishes.”

  “Ah… separation… how noble of him.” He sarcastically advised.

  Her eyes lowered at the crossbow in his hands.

  “This.” He lifted the weapon up. “Do you fear it?”

  Her lips parted to speak hastily, but suddenly, paused. She took a deep swallow while lifting her chin up proudly. “No.” She answered, and she watched his lips slowly crept upward into a smile.

  Sir Vladimir sat with his hands tied in front of him with a thick robe tied around his waist that was tied around the base of a mast that was inside the lower deck. He watched the sailors sat at a round table eating beef. The sailors laughed as Calvin the terrible tossed scraps of food at him. Sir Vladimir closed his eyes, trying to contain his anger. Calvin stood from the table and slowly approached him.

  “There’re scraps for you… just like scraps for a dog.” The sailors laughed
over his sarcastic mocks.

  Sir Vladimir lifted his gaze up at him.

  “Anyone who serves is considered a dog. Unlike you, who serves a sea witch you’re more like a rodent.”

  “I’ll show you a rodent you…” He lifted his hand to strike, but paused over a dominate order.

  “Stay your hand!” He looked over at Sheena who now stepped out of her small cabin-like room. Calvin retreated backwards.

  “This treacherous dog defouls your name!”

  “I have heard and seen what took place.” She said while approaching. “He is my prisoner… you will not harm him.”

  “As you wish.” He turned with a short grim on his face and walked back to the table.

  She now looked down at Sir Vladimir.

  “You should learn to tame your tongue outlander. The sailors are not too keen of you being here.”

  “I’m not too keen of being here myself, while watching your sailors stuff their faces and fell their bellies, I only sit here and starve. Do you treat all your prisoners like this?”

  “Only you.”

  “May I impose?”

  “You may.”

  “If your intentions are to sale me, wouldn’t it be wise for you to keep me healthy for more loot?”

  “They will buy you as you set fit. Otherwise, you will be slain.”

  “I oppose no threat to you. I am only on my own personal journey for the Abaddon.”

  “In which it is now my desire to search for this Abaddon.”

  “Where are we sailing to?”

  “We? It is of no concerns of you on where I’m sailing, outlander.”

  “On the contrary it is… since I’m on this ship as a prisoner.”

  “If you have the need to know, we are sailing west on the Red Sea.”

  “The Red Sea?”

  “You know of it?”

  “Aye. Perhaps we can search for the Abaddon together?”

  He watched her lips curled upward into a smirk.

  “You…? Decide to help me? Ha! Why should I take your offer when I have men of my own in search for this Abaddon? The only use you have for me is to sale you… otherwise; you will be tossed off this ship and into the bellies of sea creatures.” She quickly turned and walked away to the table.

  She grabbed a plate of scraps and approached him. She laid the plate of scraps in front of him with bread and a bowl of water.


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