The Love of Vincenzo: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles)

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The Love of Vincenzo: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles) Page 1

by Scarlett, Rosalind

  “The first time I laid eyes upon her, I was instantly mesmerized by her softness, her beauty. I knew at once that I was done for… never would I want another woman.”

  Vincenzo was reasonably happy with his life. He had a stylish place to live and a job most other men would die for— having sex with multiple partners every night and servicing wealthy clients in the VIP, male and female alike. For years now, he had been one of the star performers at Sanguelascivia, a swanky erotic nightclub in Venice for the Vampire elite.

  But then Giuliana wandered in to the club, a destitute young widow who had nowhere else to turn. She was nothing like the other women there at Sanguelascivia. Sure, many of them were gorgeous and naturally, he enjoyed fucking them, but none of them ever interested him in the least. Perhaps it was merely because Giuliana was not yet hardened by this lifestyle. She was beautiful in a soft and compassionate kind of way that he had not known in a long time.

  Never had Vincenzo seen anyone quite like her.

  And now, he could not seem to get her out of his mind.

  Nor did he want to.

  Vincenzo begins fantasizing about Giuliana during his every performance with the other women. Then he must agonizingly witness her initiation performance with two men. Will he be able to stand it, or will his emotion get the better of him?

  Will they ever be scheduled to perform together so that he may know the pleasure of being with her? It is as if someone is determined to keep them apart…

  But then something happens which forces Vincenzo to act quick, altering the course of both of their fates forever. He has to make the most difficult choice of his life— fleeing Sanguelascivia, and the woman he loves.

  Will he ever see Giuliana again or will he go through eternity longing for the one woman who has ever touched his heart?

  Chapter One

  I was awaiting my performance of the evening when it happened: the defining moment which altered my life, somehow changed the very man I was.

  Admittedly, I was more anxious about this particular performance than usual. It was one in which I would perform with another male as well as a female. Although, after more than four years of service there at Sanguelascivia, I should have been well accustomed to other males. Nevertheless, that sort of situation was just different.

  Along with the excitement such a novel experience provided was the sense of vulnerability. At times it disconcerted me, and then others, it roused me all the more. And I never knew which it would be until I was in the midst of it. Nonetheless, I must say that all considered, this had paradoxically become my favourite combination in which to be cast— the stimulating novelty of being sexual with another male, along with the naturally pleasurable female created a perfect balance.

  In one moment, I could feel completely in control, the all dominant male taking a woman sexually, and in the next, I would be cast in the opposite role, as the other male demanded my submission to or servicing of him.

  So it was due to my reflection over this that I did not see her immediately. My mind was far too preoccupied with deliberating over this ever present quandary when she had been led into the performer’s room. Focusing upon my own thoughts, I was standing there in the crowd of other performers, fully nude, as were most of them— male and female alike— something with which I was utterly at ease.

  Lucia, our director held up her hand to get our attention. “Everyone, please allow me to introduce you to Giuliana. She has just arrived at Sanguelascivia tonight and will be joining our troupe. I trust all of you will make her feel more than welcome.”

  Filled with disinterest, I sighed.

  Yet another.

  In a typical month at Sanguelascivia, I saw no less than half dozen new females come through there. The majority of them were not anything special, in my opinion, but then I suppose my standards were quite elevated after becoming accustomed to working with and having the opportunity to sample some of the most appealing female flesh in all of Venice. Though what most men would still consider pretty, those more ordinary women just failed to adequately excite me.

  Lifting my head out of sheer courtesy, my eyes found her easily.

  She exuded pure and innocent femininity. She did not come before her new workfellows fully nude in order to display all that she offered as did most of the new ones. Rather she was dressed in her flowing white night dress, which I found to be quite a charming breath of fresh air. Her cascading waves of lustrous chestnut hair which fell over her shoulders and across her chest framed her flawless face highlighting large childlike emerald eyes. Her skin, a lovely shade of caramel, invited caressing with its apparent silkiness.

  In that instant, I knew.

  Everything in my world was about to transform. In just which way that was to be, I simply could not yet fathom. But one thing I did know without question.

  Never would I be the same.


  Her enchanting eyes darted over the crowd nervously. Her eyes landed upon Gretchen, a fair skinned Dutch redhead who was not one of my particular favourites there. Giuliana, however, seemed to take an immediate liking to her, her cheeks flushing temptingly, her succulent lips curling up to reveal a smile which made me want to drop to my knees— and not solely for the reason I typically did before a woman.

  Indeed, her demure demeanour was quite endearing, which is perhaps why I was so drawn to her. While being around those sexually aggressive and experienced females all the time was unarguably great, it was a nice variation to see how a true lady behaved. On the other hand, sadly, I did not expect she would last there too long. I had seen her kind come and go before. If they forced themselves to remain too long, they would soon lose their minds.

  This line of work certainly did not suit everyone, particularly when it came to women. Of course, the majority of men who worked at Sanguelascivia remained on for quite some time. After all, what red-blooded male would not be up for being paired with an ever-changing variety of attractive sexual partners and instructed to perform the lustiest of carnal acts on a nightly basis?

  Just then, Giuliana’s lovely eyes landed upon me, locking with mine. My mouth remaining stationary, I unwillingly conveyed my interest through my eyes, causing her breath to hitch. If I had been one of our patrons— a Vampire— I was more than certain I would have been able to detect the pulsing of her veins as the blood rushed through them in response. That knowledge instigated my own blood commence to rushing, thickening the organ between my legs. For the first time, I actually felt mildly embarrassed, and was grateful that my form was likely hidden with me near the back of the crowd.

  Lucia spoke again. “Giuliana here is a virgin… a virgin to knowing the pleasures of a woman, that is,” she added facetiously.

  Well, that certainly does nothing to help my condition!

  From Giuliana’s rather discomfited reaction, it was more than clear that she was not accustomed to this sort of provocative dialogue in her presence.

  No, I cannot imagine she will be here all that long— if she even makes it beyond her first night, that is! Sigh… That is rather unfortunate. I can only hope that I shall have the occasion to relish her in the short time she is here.

  “Now, which of you would like to volunteer to delight her in the pleasures of women?”

  Without thinking, I began to raise my hand, abruptly cursing myself for having not been born a woman.

  Oh, how I wish I were a woman right now! I would have not missed being the first to volunteer to initiate her to all the pleasures she would ever know!

  As I foc
used upon her lovely face, I perceived that her expression was an interesting mixture of intrigue and what was it… ambivalence, perhaps?

  “I shall,” the redhead volunteered enthusiastically in her Dutch accent. She turned to Giuliana, “I am Gretchen.”

  Appearing relieved, Giuliana smiled coyly as she stepped forward to take the privileged woman’s outstretched hand.

  “I am Giuliana,” the angel spoke. I loved the way in which she enunciated each syllable of her name with delicacy. Yes, the markings of a true lady. “I am most pleased to be of your acquaintance.”

  Her voice was soft, the most lyrical voice ever I had heard. The sound of it awakened something deep within me that I did not even realise I possessed.

  “We shall see how pleased you are to be of my acquaintance in a short time.” Gretchen’s tone was clear in her intent, only making me all the more envious. She winked at her, and Giuliana giggled nervously.

  To my surprise, Giuliana, gazing up through her lush mahogany lashes, stole a parting glance at me as the redhead led her from the room, and out of my sight for the time being. If I was not mistaken, her look told me she was disappointed to leave my sight, as well.

  Ah, Vincenzo, get ahold of yourself! What would a gem like her want with a rogue like you?

  Disregarding my own mocking inner voice, I was anticipating the next time I would see her. Perhaps if I were fortunate enough, I would be the first to initiate her to the stage performance, just she and I alone with no one to intrude on that amazing moment. Already, the thought of her being presented to another male was making the blood within my veins seethe.

  The vision of this angel who had been sent to me, combined with the tempting image of her being introduced to the pleasure of Sapphic sex affixed in my mind, I went into my performance of the night already far more aroused than usual. My show of the night was a scene in which I performed with a female as well as another male. Naturally, I could not refrain from imagining the female to be Giuliana.

  Which should have been a little difficult, considering the female was a tall, voluptuous Spanish Brunette, not nearly as soft and dainty as my Giuliana. Still, nothing could chase away the image of her in my mind and my eyes saw only her.

  Sven, the male, was blonde, a fairer skinned Swede. Having performed together many times before, I would have to say he was by far my favourite male with whom to do a show, for more reasons than one. Moreover, he was the only other guy at Sanguelascivia whom I considered to be my friend. With my strong jaw, deep green eyes, long, wavy black hair and bronzed skin, he and I made for a striking visual contrast— which is likely why we had often been cast together. I would imagine that was especially the case the time we had done our trio with that redhead.

  On stage, with the Spanish female sandwiched between us, the three of us took turns kissing one another, our hands roaming over one another’s bodies as though it were the first time we were discovering one another. Sven and I bent down to suckle at the woman’s large breasts. Her fingers set to twirling through our hair as she sighed in contentment.

  As I continued on her, he lowered further still to his knees before me. Knowing what he would do, I took a deep breath, reveling at the feeling of his mouth descending over my enlarging organ as my tongue remained occupied with the contrasting feminine nipple.

  Feeling my cock rapidly swell to full size under the teasing of his mouth elicited me to crave something more. Withdrawing my mouth from her nipple, I motioned for the female to climb atop my face.

  While waiting to taste the female juices I had so come to adore, I closed my eyes and focused on the Swede’s mouth busy on my cock. He was just as talented as any woman who had serviced me— I might even go so far as to say even more so.

  Ah, yes, suck it…

  I inhaled in the scent of pussy descending upon my face, the soft labia pressing against my lips. My imagination wasted not a second in taking over and magically she was Giuliana, it was Giuliana’s flesh pressed into my mouth, begging for my pleasure.

  While I set to work on her, I felt Sven’s mouth abandon my cock. Not knowing what would come next, I waited. The next thing I knew, I was feeling the sensation of his rigid organ brushing against mine as he rubbed his body over mine. Then, leaning forward so that our bodies were fully pressed together, he pushed her forwards a bit, commencing to tonguing her orifices while my tongue focused on the sensitive nub in front. Resettling myself, I resumed my pretense that I was pleasuring the angelic Giuliana.

  My fantasy inspired me to lick her as none before and in no time she was climaxing, her juices running all over my face. Urging her to rise up more onto her knees, I sensed Sven preparing to enter her. At once, I expelled the thought of Giuliana from my mind, not wanting to imagine her in that scenario. With the brunette hovering just several inches above my face, I was treated to the rousing view of his long cock sliding into her taut cunt, the juices dripping down on me.

  For several pumps I watched before scooting out and coming around the front of her. I smiled at Sven as cock in hand, I offered it to her already open mouth. There is nothing like watching a woman being fucked and sucking cock simultaneously. It is most definitely one of my favourite scenarios of which to be part, whether I am the one doing the fucking or the one being sucked.

  Though it felt great, ironically, her sucking did not feel quite as good as his, but perhaps that was because she was not able to give me her undivided attention. Or perhaps it was that I was merely tiring of women and becoming more intrigued by men? Who knows? The sexual psyche is a mysterious thing after all, most times not even understood by the one to which it belongs.

  I am finding myself staring more at his flexing muscles than I am at the sway of her breasts.

  Once again, I found my mind drifting back to Giuliana, and with a single thought of her taking my cock into her mouth, the sensation in my groin intensified rapidly. Finding myself exasperatingly distracted by the Spanish female’s thick black hair, I closed my eyes to allow myself to become lost in the fantasy.

  I was roused back to reality as Sven withdrew himself from the woman, prompting a whimper from her, and my cock still in her mouth, he came around and standing before me, offered his long, pink cock to mine. I took it in readily, relishing the contrasting sensation of the taste of female juices upon a hard male organ. Quickly becoming lost to the lust of servicing his organ while simultaneously having mine serviced by a woman sent my stimulation into rapid overdrive.

  Knowing I would surely lose myself if I did not change it up, with one last suck on him, I contritely rose from my knees, my cock pulling from her mouth, and moved around back of her.

  “Turn over,” I commanded huskily. The female swiveled her body until she was lying flat upon her back. Positioning myself between her thighs, I rubbed my erection over her slick vulva, her wet flesh parting for me eagerly. Placing the crown of my cock at her opening, I relished the feel of it sliding inside, her moist warmth gripping me and pulling me in. The sensation felt so good, I had to still myself for a moment, taking a deep breath so that I may preserve the experience.

  Lowering himself to his knees beside her head, Sven’s long cock swung over her face teasingly. She grabbed hold of it eagerly, bringing it to her mouth. The sight of her sucking him was stimulating in more ways than one. Watching this, along with the swaying movement of her large breasts, I found myself becoming increasingly stimulated with each successive thrust into her.

  I so wanted to imagine she was Giuliana, yet not wishing to imagine her in that way, I quickly renounced the thought. Nevertheless, her image danced its way through my mind and though I tried to focus on the sight of him simply being devoured by this insatiable Spanish female, Giuliana’s face flashed back and forth across the scene. Finally giving in, so that I could imagine it was her body I was ravaging, I permitted myself to see only Giuliana’s face, and though it was sucking my cohort, my lust had long since surpassed my reason and it only served to arouse me more.

p; Sven began groaning low and I knew, he too, was nearing the finale. At last, I could no longer hold myself back for all the overstimulation of my mind and body. Feeling the tightening of my groin muscles, followed by the gathering of my testicles, I knew it was imminent. A second later, I felt the familiar sensation of the buzzing shoot through my penis. With a low growl, I withdrew from her cunt just in time for my spunk to spurt all over her abdomen.

  Upon witnessing this always provoking carnal display, Sven groaned low in his throat and the female sensing what was coming, released his cock from her mouth. With that, his now purple, engorged head exploded into an eruption of fluid spraying all across her ample breasts.

  The amplified energy emitting from the Vampire audience was unmistakable as we three collapsed atop one another for a moment of recovery before clearing the stage for the next act. By then, I knew well that they would be zealous to drink of us, riding off our pleasure, our bodily fluids made all the more rich by the sexual chemicals rushing through our veins to combine with our blood.

  To them, there was no better time in which to drink from a human, which is why the Succubi practised ritualistically the way they did, only feeding from their victims after a thorough sexual seduction. The blood in this condition acted as a drug, intoxicating them with our sexuality. Since, physiologically, their bodies were largely sexually unresponsive for all intents and purposes, this was the closest they could ever have to experiencing the physical sensation of sexual lust.

  Chapter Two

  The story of my path to Sanguelascivia may not be as poignant as others, but at least it is honest. I was born in the South of Italy to a family of peasants, the youngest of ten children. Unlike my older brothers, who followed in the path of our hardworking Father without question, I never could quite resign myself to the fact that working the land was all I was put on this Earth to do. Most described me as the free-spirited youngest child. But for me, it was much more than that. After watching my Father work himself to death at the too young age of forty-two, I was determined to find a better way for myself. My own way.


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