Earthlight Space Academy Boxset

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Earthlight Space Academy Boxset Page 9

by Heather Lee Dyer

  I look up at Rand. “Yes, he was outside our tent when the phone rang.”

  Kai closes his eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to involve anyone else. I just wanted you and Cam safe.” He opens his eyes, and I can see the sorrow and regret.

  I want to hug him and tell him it’s all right, but with Rand right next to me it’s a bit awkward. So, I just look him in the eyes and hope he can read the unspoken words.

  Rand clears his throat. “Looks like everyone is heading inside. We better go.” He takes a step toward the front door. “What are you guys going to do with Cam? He’s too young to be at this school, right?”

  Kai breaks eye contact with me and turns to Rand. “I have an idea. I pulled a few strings this morning. I’m going to have Cam tested today.” He turns to me. “Cam’s so smart, I know he can do this.”

  “Tested for what?”

  “To get Cam into our school. He’s going to be the start of another pilot program. Smart kids like him will be able to go to prep school early if they can test at least as high as the other seventh graders here on the pre-space school tests. That’s only two grades higher than he should be. And I know how smart he is. He can do this, Anja.”

  “How in the world did you do that?”

  Kai looks toward the door. “I don’t have time to explain right now. You and Rand just need to concentrate on your own tests today. I’ll take care of Cam. I promise.” Kai looks at me, expectantly.

  I look between him and Cam. Cam is grinning like an idiot. I shake my head, giving in. “Okay. I know Cam is smart and deserves a chance. And I completely trust you, Kai.”

  Rand grabs my sleeve and pulls me toward the door. “Now that’s all figured out, we need to go.”

  Kai and Cam walk along behind us. “Cam, you behave for Kai, and try to blend in. We don’t need to draw any more attention to ourselves than we already have.”

  “I will.” He’s practically skipping alongside Kai. I just shake my head again and hurry to catch up to Rand. This is the day I’ve been studying so hard for. I need to just trust Kai to take care of Cam, trust Mrs. Mitchell to take care of Mom, and hope whatever military was coming over the horizon doesn’t figure me out. And for me to just concentrate on the tests. I work to push all my anxiety about everything out of my mind.

  I follow slowly after Rand, and we check in at the computer testing room. I log into the test with my palm on the portable bio scanner and a thumb print. I completely clear my mind and then visualize all the books Kai has given to me. I try to picture all the words and formulas I learned. I then start the first test.

  After the first few hours, they move us to the flight simulators. Although I’ve spent hundreds of hours in these high-tech flight simulators, my hands are clammy. As I go through the flight tests in several types of airplanes and helicopters, I finally relax into it and let my instincts take over. My heart rate evens out, and all that matters is getting through each obstacle and equipment failure the computer throws my way.

  By the time I’m finished with the test, my head feels like it’s stuffed with cotton, and my brain feels soggy. I’m so glad this portion is over. I’m confident I did well on the simulators, but I’m not sure how I did on the computer tests. They’re just a blur in my mind.

  I climb out of the simulator I’ve just finished, my uniform soaked with perspiration. I look over at Rand who’s smiling and doesn’t look like he even broke a sweat. Great. He probably aced everything.

  I stare past him, trying to get back to reality. My mind sluggishly pushes away all the science, math, aeronautics, and genetics that were just sucked out of my brain and into the computer and simulators.

  I start thinking about Mom and Cam again.

  I startle as I remember that Cam is here. With Kai. I sign out of the classroom and head down the hallway.

  “Wait up.” Rand jogs to catch up to me. He flashes me a self-satisfied grin. “I was the first one to finish.”

  “Really? How do you think you did? Cause I think I passed the simulators, but I can’t even remember any of the written questions right now. My brain hurts so much I think I bruised it.”

  “I did well, of course. Probably top five at least. Not as well as I’ll do Friday on the physical tests.” He nudges me with his shoulder.

  I catch myself just as I’m about to hit the other wall. I roll my eyes at him and continue down the hallway.

  I look in every door as we pass. Just regular classes. After several hallways of this, still no sign of Cam or Kai. I start to panic, thinking maybe they figured us out and took Cam. Maybe they already have him detained somewhere. I start jogging down the hallways, frantically double checking each classroom again.

  Rand grabs my shoulder and spins me around to face him. “Calm down. We’ll find him. You’re so freaked out; you’re going down the same hallways. And you seem to have forgotten there’s the gym and outside still to check. Come on.”

  I nod, my eyes wide. He’s right.

  He grabs my hand and leads me down another hallway. I’m sure I already looked this way. I’m about ready to tell him that when I see a flash of Cam’s blond hair through a set of double doors. The gym. I stop right before the doors, looking through the little rectangle windows. Cam and Kai are wrestling on one of the big mats on the floor. I laugh silently, thinking how stupid I was to freak out. I take several deep breaths to even out my racing pulse.

  I’m about to go in, when I remember that Rand still has hold of my hand. I glance down at our hands entwined and quickly let go. I look up at Rand to see a flash of hurt cross his face. Just as quickly he replaces it with a neutral smile.

  I don’t know what to say that won’t hurt him even more, so I err on the side of humor. “Sorry my hands are all sweaty with all that running around. Thanks for helping me find Cam.”

  I turn and push through the doors before I can say anything else stupid or before Rand has a chance to respond. I bite the inside of my cheek and try to put on my most sincere smile.

  As I walk toward Cam and Kai, I scan the room for others. Looks like they’ve got the gym to themselves.

  “Hey, guys.” They both stop and look up at me from the floor. “I see you’re just goofing around while I was getting lobotomized.”

  Kai’s flat on his back with Cam pinning him down. Kai looks at me upside down with a goofy grin on his face. “How did you do?” Kai isn’t even breathing hard, while Cam is still trying to catch his breath.

  I run my hand through the length of my hair, pulling it out of the ponytail to dry my sweat. “I blocked everything out, like you taught me. But now I don’t know how I did. I was just telling Rand my brain feels bruised.” I smile and look behind me. Rand is slowly striding across the floor toward us.

  “I’m sure you did excellent,” Kai says from the floor. He’s still grinning like a kid in a candy store.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “What are you grinning about?”

  Kai pushes up, tumbling Cam on the ground. “Hanging out with your little brother is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I think I’ll adopt him.” He grins and messes up Cam’s hair.

  And Cam lets him. Without growling or grumping. Traitor. A grin tugs at my lips.

  Cam and Kai have always gotten along well. Normally we don’t have this much time to socialize, and of course when we’re on the other side of the Wall we have to be quiet. No wrestling matches on those late-night trips.

  “Great. Less food I have to round up.” I smile and wink at Cam. “Anyway, how did your testing go, Cam?”

  Cam gets on his feet and comes bounding over to me. “It was fun. Kai showed me how to use the computer, and it just asked me a whole bunch of questions. I did good, didn’t I Kai?” He turns back to Kai, hero worship in his eyes.

  “Actually, yes. The officials were very impressed. Cam scored at an eighth-grade level in all primary subjects. That’s four grades ahead of where he should be. You’ve done well with him, Anja.”

  I blush. “Thanks
. Mom and I have been trying to stuff whatever knowledge we can into him these last few years. And he’s been reading all my schoolbooks to annoy me.” I punch Cam’s shoulder.

  Rand comes and stands next to me. “So, what’s the next step for Cam?” He’s focused on Kai and won’t even look at me.

  Kai looks between Rand and me. “I’m not quite sure yet. I have to talk to my dad when I get home.”

  “Your dad? Why do you have to talk to him about my brother?” My pulse shoots up, and my mouth is suddenly dry.

  Kai steps toward me. “My dad is the head of the education integration program, as well as working on the BioGen projects. He designed the border schools to integrate our people. He’s trying to smooth things over a bit, despite what our governments have done. I told you he’s all right with me having friends over here.” He spreads his hands wide. “I’m kind of his first guinea pig. Since I haven’t died or defected, our government is letting other border schools be built.”

  Rand snorts. “Sure hope they give the others more money than this one.”

  Kai drills him with his dark eyes. “The New China government builds them, opens them, and pays for all the simulators and computers. Your government is supposed to support the rest; food, buses, books, and school supplies.” Kai’s hands are balled into fists. “Your government has decided not to send much support for those things.”

  I step in between the two boys. “Okay, okay. We get it. We all know both our governments suck. But they’ve also provided a way out of all this. The space station jobs. That’s what we need to focus on. Our future, not the past.”

  “Anja?” Cam’s little voice cuts through the tension in the room. “Can we go home now? I’d like to check on Mom.”

  I look over at Kai. He shakes his head. I turn back to Cam. “No, Cam, we can’t go home yet. Kai will be able to tell us more tomorrow.”

  “What about Mom?” Cam’s eyes are about to brim over with tears.

  “Can you check on her tonight, Rand? We’ll meet you at the bus stop in the morning.”

  Rand nods. “Yes, I will. But where will you two stay tonight?” He looks over at Kai, glaring.

  “Don’t worry about Cam and me. We have plenty of spots in the lava tunnels we can camp out for the night. There’s an opening not far from the school.”

  Kai rises and gets his backpack. “Cam and I were just going out back to eat lunch. We were waiting for you.” He’s looking at me, his back to Rand. I nod and follow him.

  At the door, I turn to Rand. “Coming? We’ll just find some shade and eat, then we can get back to practicing for Friday.”

  Rand hesitates. Then shakes his head. “No, I’ll just see you at practice.”

  I’m not sure what makes him dislike Kai the most; because he’s Chinese, or because he’s my friend. I shrug and follow Kai and Cam. Life is too short and too hard right now to worry about stupid stuff. I appreciate Rand’s friendship, but I need to ignore his resentment right now. I sit down with Cam and Kai and listen to them tease each other. I smile around my sandwich, wishing this moment would last forever.


  First Kiss

  During gym class, our instructor allows Cam to stay with us, even involving him in some of our workouts. Passing those tests has opened up a whole bunch of opportunities for Cam it seems. I’m still amazed Kai was able to pull such strings and so quickly. I had no idea his parents had that much power.

  Cam does well with sit-ups and pull-ups. It’s the long distance running that he needs to work on. But we already knew that. My endurance was built up with years of rowing on the Sound. Rowing takes both strength and endurance. Cam was too little back then to be in any sports, except Pee Wee soccer and t-ball. His strength comes from the last few years of field work.

  Those of us who are taking the physical test on Friday choose to do an extra couple of miles of running. I make sure Cam is situated with our backpacks and a book in the shade before we head out. Kai was able to find some eight grade texts for him to start reading.

  “You’ll be all right here?” I ask Cam.

  “If you think I’m going to run anymore with you guys you’re crazy.” He plops down in the grass. “Besides, I have my own schoolbooks now.” He’s grinning from ear to ear.

  I shake my head. “Whatever entertains you, little brother.” I laugh.

  “It’s better than the little kid books the field school has us reading.” He sits back up and pulls one of the new textbooks onto his lap.

  “True. All right, we’ll be back in a while.” Kai and I wave to Cam and head over to the path.

  Our class has traced a well-worn path in the desert. It loops around sagebrush and lava rocks and then meanders back to the school. Fifteen miles round trip. Rand, Kai, and I keep a fast pace in the hot sun. Pretty soon we’re far ahead of all the others. About halfway into the run, I point over in the distance at a small outcropping of rock. The formation looks like a lizard reclining on a small mountain. Hence, the name Lizard Butte.

  “That’s where the cave entrance is that Cam and I’ll use. It’s the safest right now, because it’s the farthest away from the canyon.” I turn and motion to Rand. “If for some reason the Unit is still in the canyon and is a danger to you as well, head out to the cave. It’s safe there, and I’m sure you can find the entrance.”

  He nods and puts on more speed, passing Kai and me.

  I increase my speed, but I feel Kai’s hand on my arm. I slow back down and look over at him.

  He’s frowning, staring at Rand’s back. “Do you think we can trust him?”

  “I think so, Kai. He’s just, well, adjusting. The hope of making it to the Academy is what’s gotten him through losing both his parents and surviving on his own. So, this week is important to him as well.” I elbow him without missing a step. “And I think he might be jealous of you.”

  “Me? Why? I think it’s more likely he hates me.”

  “Well, maybe a little of that too. But I think he’s jealous of our friendship.” I look away and study the horizon.

  Kai slows down and places his hand on my shoulder, slowing me to a walk. After we’ve caught our breath, he steps in front of me, forcing me to stop inches from him. “You mean, he likes you as more than a friend?” Kai’s face is etched with concern.

  My eyebrows shoot up. “Maybe? I’m not positive. It’s not like he’s said anything.” I look down.

  “And what are your feelings for him?” I barely hear the question; Kai’s voice is so quiet.

  I look up. He’s studying me, watching me for a reaction. “Kai, I just got to know Rand. We’re just friends, and barely at that.”

  “Friends? Like us?”

  I smile. “No, of course not. We’re best friends, right?” I give him a playful punch on the shoulder.

  Kai grabs my hand. “Anja, you know I care about you a lot. And Cam.”

  I hesitate. “Yes. We wouldn’t have survived this far without you, Kai.”

  Kai lets my hand drop as if it burned him. He turns and starts walking.

  I stand there watching his familiar stride. What? Wait a minute here. I’m missing something. What did I say? I play back our conversation in my head.

  Oh crap. I run to catch up.

  It’s my turn to cut in front of him. He stumbles to a stop, his face a blank mask.

  “Talk to me. What am I missing?” I want him to say it. My heart races as I look over his gorgeous face glistening wet with sweat. He’s so handsome, and I’m just, well me. I don’t understand what he would see in me. I don’t want to ruin anything between Kai and me by assuming something and being wrong. That’s why he has to say it first.

  Kai looks away, his profile a multitude of expressions.

  My stomach drops.

  Then he faces me, determination showing in his jaw line. He’s learned to hide his emotions, but I’ve learned over the last year to read his moods. Usually. I don’t know right now though, if this intense, soul-bearing stare is good or bad.
My heart feels like it’s going to race out of my chest.

  “I know we live in a very screwed up world, and it would be very difficult to have a future together. But I really like you. As more than a friend, more than someone who likes to help you and your family.” His eyes plead with me to understand. His posture is tense. “Do you understand?” he asks quietly.

  I hesitate, a million thoughts racing through my mind. I slowly reach for his hand. “I feel the same way.” I swallow as I stare at him.

  His eyes get wide and a smile slowly stretches across his face. I find myself staring at his full lips, flushing with adrenaline.

  I let go of his hand and take a step backward. “But, honestly, I just don’t see what you see in me. You could have any girl, any girl at all. But me, well I come with a lot of baggage; Cam, a dying mother, and everything that comes with being a poor immigrant in this world. Wouldn’t you rather have a nice rich, Chinese girl that’s more worthy of you? One you don’t have to sneak around to be with?”

  I stop breathing. Kai isn’t saying anything. He’s just looking at me. Maybe he’s considering my words, maybe he sees the wisdom in dating someone from his side of the Wall.

  After what feels like an eternity, I finally speak up. “Well? Please say something. I don’t want to lose your friendship.” I try to keep the desperation out of my voice, but it’s there anyway.

  I feel tears coming, so I look down and blink.

  Kai takes my chin gently in his hand and pulls my head up, so we’re staring into each other’s eyes. I see amusement, kindness, and hunger in his eyes. He then slowly pulls me to him. Inches away from each other, I smile and meet him halfway. He kisses me gently at first, then he puts his hand behind my neck and his other hand on my lower back, pressing me to him. Our kisses mix with the sweat dripping down our faces. The salty kisses, along with the gentle pressure from his hands makes my whole body tingle. All the pent-up emotions and the reality of our broken world fall away as we kiss under the hot sun. Out of breath, we finally separate. I rest my forehead against his, my eyes closed, both of us pulling in ragged breaths.


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