Debra Webb - Depraved (Faces of Evil Book 10)

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Debra Webb - Depraved (Faces of Evil Book 10) Page 16

by Unknown

  Her hand shaking, Jess stared at her Glock. The urge to vomit hit like a kick to her stomach. She took a deep breath and steadied herself. “Detective Wells, call Dr. Baron. Let her know Nina is here.”

  As Lori made the call, Harper and Hayes secured the scene.

  Jess struggled to regain her composure as Harper picked up the weapon Nina had dropped. “You sure you’re okay, Chief?” He surveyed Jess.

  At this point, she realized there was no simple answer to that question. “I’m getting there.”

  Harper checked the chamber and then the clip. “Damn.”

  Jess met his surprised gaze. “What’s wrong, Sergeant?”

  “It’s not even loaded.”

  You won’t know who or what to trust, not even yourself.

  Spears’s words echoed in Jess’s head. He’d set this up, counting on what any good cop would do. “He wanted me to kill her.”

  How would Dan have ever looked at her again if she had killed Nina? Jess’s heart slammed hard into her sternum. Or if she had allowed Nina to shoot her, risking the life of the child she carried.

  As if he’d sensed that she needed him, Dan ushered Nina down on the sofa and covered her with his jacket, then he came to Jess and pulled her into his arms. “We’re okay, baby. We’re all okay.”

  Jess closed her eyes and leaned into his chest. He was right. They were okay.

  For now.


  UAB Hospital, Birmingham, 7:00 p.m.

  Jess waited outside the room where Nina and her family, including Dan, were gathered. They’d wanted her to join them, but it felt wrong. Nina didn’t need the added confusion and uncertainty Jess’s presence might trigger.

  Other than the bruises on her wrists and ankles where she had been restrained, Nina was unharmed… physically. It would take time to determine the damage to her fragile psyche.

  He said Dan would’ve come back to me if not for you.

  Closing her eyes, Jess pressed her forehead against the cool wall. She fought hard to keep the tears back. It was ridiculous to react this way. Nina had only been repeating what Spears had recited to her, no doubt over and over until she could no longer decipher the difference between the truth and his ugly words. She’d lost all touch with reality. The voices in her head had driven her. Even then she had fought valiantly. Jess had seen firsthand her struggle. Nina hadn’t wanted to hurt anyone.

  “You okay?” Lori placed her hand on Jess’s shoulder.

  Jess took a deep breath and nodded. She’d lost count of the number of times she’d been asked that question. “I am. Yes.” Incredibly, she kept the tears at bay.

  “You saved her life. Spears was counting on your cop instincts making you pull that trigger. He underestimated you.”

  Jess finally allowed her gaze to meet Lori’s. The words she’d held inside for the past hour and a half spilled out of her. “Nina pulled the trigger of her weapon. Three times. I risked the life of my child because I couldn’t shoot her before she attempted to fire at me.” She could only imagine how Dan would feel when he had time to consider how she had reacted.

  “Even if the weapon had discharged, Chief Burnett—”

  Jess held up a hand to stop her friend. “I know. There was a strong probability she wouldn’t have hit me anyway.” Jess fought for a decent breath. “But I took the chance. I keep telling myself I did it because I understood in that final moment what Spears wanted me to do. He wanted me to kill her and I couldn’t do it.”

  Lori hugged her. “You did the right thing.”

  “Oh my God. I got here as fast as I could.”

  Jess and Lori pulled apart at the sound of Gina Coleman’s voice.

  She hugged Jess. “Nina’s really okay?”

  Difficult as it was, Jess summoned a smile. “Physically she’s fine. We don’t know about the mental abuse. Spears did a serious number on her. She was off her meds for almost a week.” Jess couldn’t talk about the details just now—not and hold herself together.

  Gina pressed her hand to her chest. “Thank God. This has been a nightmare for Nina and the Baron family.”

  “I should check in with Sergeant Harper,” Lori offered. “I’ll be just down the hall.”

  Jess nodded. She could not wait to get out of here. She hated the way hospitals smelled. She hugged her arms around her middle.

  “You sure you’re all right, Jess?” Gina rubbed Jess’s arm. “You’re white as a sheet. Can I get you something?”

  Jess shook her head. “I’m fine, really.”

  What a lie. She was so very far from fine. No point pretending anymore.

  The door opened and Dan stepped into the corridor. Like Jess, he looked as if he’d stumbled from a war zone.

  “Gina.” He flashed that smile of his that never failed to make Jess’s knees weak. “You should go in. I’m sure Sylvia will be glad you’re here.”

  Gina hugged him. “You need to take Jess home. She looks ready to collapse.”

  Dan pulled Jess against him. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.” He smiled down at her. “I told Sylvia you’d catch up with her tomorrow.”

  Jess nodded. She didn’t trust herself to speak.

  When Gina had slipped into Nina’s room, Dan turned a worried face to Jess. “We’re going home and talking about what happened.”

  Jess pulled free of his hold. “Sure.”

  She called a goodbye to Lori as she headed for the elevator. Dan did the same. Jess couldn’t look at him as they left the hospital. She didn’t want to see the contempt that would eventually fill those blue eyes.

  She hadn’t protected their child.

  9911 Conroy Road, 8:30 p.m.

  As soon as Dan had the door open, Bear burst out of the apartment. He was so happy to see them. His excitement almost made Jess smile.

  “I’ll take him for a walk.” She needed some air.

  Dan tossed his jacket aside. “I’ll come, too.”

  “No, you… you can set the table.” They’d picked up Chinese take-out on the way home. Jess should be starving, but all she felt was sick to her stomach.

  Dan reached for the leash. “I don’t think so.”

  Jess took the leash from him. “There are two officers right outside and I’m only walking around in the yard.”

  He made a face. “Take your Glock.”

  Jess dug it from her bag, the puppy trying to help. “Got it.” She tucked it in her waistband and smoothed her jacket over it.

  “You might need this.” He thrust a doggie bag at her.



  She’d almost made it out the door. She didn’t look back. “Yeah?”

  “You did the right thing. You trusted your instincts and Nina’s alive because you did.”


  Tears blurred her vision. She fought to hold onto the leash as she moved down the stairs. When he’d had time to think, Dan wouldn’t see it that way. He would be angry and rightly so.

  “Where’re we headed, Chief?” an officer called to her.

  She waved him off, couldn’t talk to anyone right now.

  Dusk had chased the sun away. Jess was glad. Maybe George wouldn’t spot her out here and come to chat. Her chest felt so tight it was almost impossible to get air into her lungs. Her stomach was churning.

  She was a mess.

  The sound of gravel crunching had her turning to see who had pulled into the driveway. Buddy Corlew. By the time he’d climbed out of the black Charger the two officers were already approaching him.

  God, would her life ever be normal again?

  Jess almost laughed. Had it ever been normal? She had no idea who her father really was—good guy or a cold-blooded killer? Did he and her mother die in an accident or were they murdered? She’d spent her entire adult life studying and chasing evil. How the hell could she expect normal?

  Buddy swaggered over. “Hey, kid. Why aren’t you answering your phone?”

�s inside.” Probably still on vibrate. Bear tried his best to get away from Jess and greet Buddy.

  Buddy scrubbed the fur behind his ears. “How did this happen?” He jerked his head toward the dog.

  Jess shrugged. “He just showed up and decided to adopt us.” She searched Buddy’s face. “What’s up?” If Buddy had carved time out of his night to drop by something was definitely up.

  “I had a visitor today.”

  Jess held tighter to the leash as Bear tugged against it. “And?”

  “John Kurtze. He claimed to be the personal assistant to retired FBI Director Drummond. You know anything about him?”

  “He retired before my time. He had a reputation for being a hard ass. Started several ground-breaking programs.” She shook her head. “I’ve never met him.”

  “Evidently, he knows you and he knew your father. His assistant warned me to stay out of it. He said you’d have your answers in time.”

  Jess wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or not. “I’ll ask Gant about him.” The whole situation was strange. Could her father have been an agent with the Bureau? Or was he one of the killers they failed to catch?

  “I heard about Nina Baron. You and Dan okay?”

  That was it. She couldn’t hold back anymore. All the emotions she’d put on hold burst forth. “No. I am not okay and I doubt Dan is either.” She took a breath. “I’m pregnant, Buddy, and I need this Spears business to end. I need it to end soon.”

  “You’re having a baby?” Buddy stared at her as if she’d just told him she was not only pregnant but that he was the father.

  “Are you deaf?” she groused. “Yes, I’m having a baby.”

  Buddy grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her against his broad chest. “Congratulations, kid. I better be invited to the wedding.”

  “Of course you’ll be invited. I’m just a little overwhelmed right now.”

  “I know.” He patted her back. “This bullshit needs to end. You deserve some damned peace.”

  She didn’t mean to cry. Dammit. The tears wouldn’t be kept at bay any longer. “I want that son of a bitch. I want to put a bullet between his eyes.” She drew back and scrubbed at her cheeks with her free hand. “Tomorrow, you and I are going to make a plan to get him. Do you hear me, Buddy Corlew? We’re going to trap Eric Spears with what we both know he wants.”

  “Jess,” Buddy argued, “you’re not thinking straight.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Bear suddenly jerked loose and lunged away. “Bear!” Jess started after him.

  “Hold on. I’ll get him.” Buddy took off after the puppy.

  Jess wiped her face and shoved her hair back. She had to calm down. Being this upset wasn’t good for the baby. She trailed after Buddy. The puppy was digging furiously at the flowerbed beneath George’s kitchen window.

  She couldn’t wait to have her own yard. Having a pet changed everything. She could only imagine how much things would change when the baby came.

  Buddy pulled the dog back and smoothed the dirt and mulch he’d disturbed. “Bad dog,” he scolded.

  “I’m sorry I fell apart on you.” Jess felt like a pathetic child. She was stronger than this. This was exactly what Spears wanted.

  “Come on.” Buddy held the leash in one hand and put his free arm around her shoulders. “You just need a good night’s sleep. I’ll walk you to your door.”

  “You’re a good friend, Buddy. I meant what I said. We will talk tomorrow.”

  Dan was at the bottom of the stairs when they reached the garage. “How’s it going, Corlew?”

  “It’s going.” He passed the leash over to Dan. “Congratulations. Jess just told me you two are getting married and having a kid, too.”

  Dan extended his free hand. “Thanks.”

  The two shook hands. Jess could only stare. Wow. Maybe there was hope that these two could be friends after all.

  “Well, I’ve got a hot date waiting for me.” Buddy gave Jess a wink. “Talk to you tomorrow, kid.”

  When he’d driven away, she and Dan climbed the stairs in silence.

  Maybe she should go ahead and bring it up to get it over with. Why try to pretend it hadn’t happened. Inside, Dan locked the door and set the alarm. She looked away from the place where he’d knelt on the floor while Nina held a gun to his head… just like ten years ago. How had Spears known? Had he read her medical file?

  “We should eat before it gets cold.” Dan removed the leash from Bear’s collar.

  Jess shrugged. “I’m not really hungry.”

  Dan walked toward her and those damned tears brimmed in her eyes again. He took her face in his hands. “Talk to me.”

  “I…” Her lips trembled and she had to take a moment. “I didn’t protect the baby. If Nina’s weapon had been loaded—”

  Dan smiled down at her, his eyes suspiciously bright. “You’re beating yourself up for no reason. You did the right thing. We both did.”

  “What if—?”

  He touched his finger to her lips. “What if didn’t happen and we don’t need to think about that—ever.”

  “She blames me for what happened between the two of you.” Her legs had started to tremble. She wasn’t so sure she could trust herself to stay standing right now.

  “Jess, that was Spears talking. Nina would never have said any of those things. She was an accomplished attorney with her own practice, but she wouldn’t stay on her meds. Our marriage ended because it needed to end, not because of you or even me. We may never fully understand exactly what went wrong, but the family hopes the hospital in New York will be able to help her.”

  Jess bit her lips together and fought unsuccessfully to hold back the next onslaught of tears. “I guess you’re right. It was just difficult to hear those things.”

  “Some of what she said was true,” Dan confessed, his voice low and filled with hurt.

  Jess searched his eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “Jess, I’ve spent my whole life in love with you. It was never going to work with anyone else because you are the love of my life and, until the day I die, I will love you with all that I am. I couldn’t love anyone else the way they deserved to be loved.”

  Jess reached up and caressed his strong jaw. Her lips trembled into a smile. “I think we might have to reheat dinner… later.”

  He kissed her so tenderly her whole body wept with need. When her knees would have buckled, he swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He took her Glock and placed it on the nightstand, and then he started to undress her. She slipped the buttons of his shirt free and bared his chest to her desperate hands. The heat of his skin took her breath.

  God how she loved this man.

  He unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She shoved his shirt off his strong shoulders. While he unfastened her bra, she removed his belt. His trousers and boxers were next. He dragged her panties down her thighs and she stepped out of them.

  They climbed into bed together. Across the room she was aware the puppy was into something—their dinner probably—but she couldn’t have stopped touching and kissing Dan if her life had depended on it. The feel of his hands on her skin and his lips on hers was all she needed. He kissed his way down her body, hesitating on her belly to pay special attention there. With his hands and mouth he loved every part of her, bringing her to the very edge of her sanity.

  It wasn’t until he was deep inside her that she felt whole again. The voices and images of the day slipped away and there was only the two of them.

  She held on as long as she could. To let go would allow reality to creep back in and reality was too terrible…

  Spears was still out there.


  Jefferson County Courthouse

  Thursday, September 16, 9:15 a.m.

  “I can’t believe the Court changed the date of the custody hearing without telling anyone,” Jess huffed as she hurried up the steps.

  “Clerical error,” Lori said, keeping time
with Jess.

  “I’m glad Lil had the foresight to call and confirm the time.” Jess certainly hadn’t thought to verify the date and time of Maddie’s hearing. The adoption would take time, but today was about custody until then. It was a formality really, but it had to be done.

  Lori opened the door for Jess. “You have been a little busy.”

  Jess couldn’t argue with her friend’s reasoning. With the hearing this morning there had been no time to discuss the plan to trap Spears. Jess was beginning to think fate was trying to tell her something about that idea.

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better today.”

  “Me, too,” Jess admitted, the heels of her shoes tapping on the marble floor. She had to give Dan credit. He’d helped her work through it. Her body still tingled when she thought about last night. Making love with Dan had healed the wounds of the day. No one else had ever been able to soothe her that way.

  “Looks like they’ve already started,” Lori whispered as they approached the courtroom where the hearing was scheduled.

  Dammit. How could she be late for Maddie’s custody hearing? Deep breath. Jess reached for the door, opened it, and came face to face with her sister who was in tears.

  “What happened?” Jess demanded. She looked from her sister to her brother-in-law.

  “Maddie’s ours,” Blake announced with a broad smile.

  Lily threw her arms around Jess and sobbed like a child.

  “For heaven’s sake, Lil,” Jess fussed, battling her own tears. “I’m not supposed to cry today.”

  Blake ushered them into the corridor and toward the doors Jess and Lori had only just entered. “We can pick her up at five this evening.”

  “We’re having a dinner in her honor this Saturday,” Lil said, wiping her eyes. “You and Dan have to come.”

  “Well, of course,” Jess fretted. “I’ll drop by and see her tonight, too. If that’s all right.” If her sister had special plans for the three of them Jess certainly understood.

  “You know Maddie will want to see you. Bring Dan, too.”

  “It’s a date,” Jess promised. She chose not to remind her sister that if there was a murder or another move by Spears she might not be able to come by either night. Why ruin this special moment with reality?


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