Debra Webb - Depraved (Faces of Evil Book 10)

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Debra Webb - Depraved (Faces of Evil Book 10) Page 20

by Unknown

  Dan and Lil’s husband, Blake, had taken the puppy out for a nice long walk and were now sitting on the landing having a beer. Maddie was sound asleep on the sofa. She looked like an angel.

  Tonight had been about celebrating survival. Spears was dead. He would never haunt their lives again. There were no words to adequately articulate how relieved Jess felt. It had been a long day. There would be counseling sessions and an investigation of the shooting in her future, but Jess didn’t care. It was over. Anyone who thought she might suffer any remorse or doubts about the decision to shoot Spears was wrong.

  The package delivered to Jess’s door had been their mother’s music box. She couldn’t understand why Spears would leave the package for her. Taking time to make the delivery with cops crawling all over the city looking for him didn’t make sense.

  Another mystery she might never be able to solve. Or, perhaps it was simply another sign of his decline.

  Jess grinned. “I think that’s exactly what they’re talking about. Ready for another one?”

  Lil’s smile fell. “There’s only one more.”

  Jess reached for the last letter in the music box. When she and Dan had finally arrived home they’d inspected the package left by Spears. The bomb squad had screened it so there was no reason to worry what might be inside. What they’d found was her mother’s music box. Jess had called Lil immediately. Dan had ordered pizza and made a beer and non-alcoholic wine run.

  As exhausted as she and Dan had been, they’d all enjoyed a pleasant meal together before the guys had decided to give the sisters some space. Men didn’t want to be anywhere around when there were tears, and there had been plenty. No matter what else had happened today, she and Lil had needed to do this tonight.

  Their mother had written letters to them. Understandably, she hadn’t been able to put much of the truth in her journal or share any of it with her sister. Toward the end things had become so complicated she’d urged Wanda to stay away. Though Helen Harris had loved her sister, it was reasonable to conclude that she’d feared Wanda’s drug use would end up being a liability for her family. Anything Wanda might have overheard could have cost Lee or any one of them their life. So, she’d scared Wanda off by warning her that Lee was involved with very bad people.

  The truth was, Helen and Lee Harris had both feared for their lives and the lives of their children. When he uncovered the killings taking place at the Brownfield farm, he was ordered to dig more deeply. A brief affair with Margaret Brownfield resulted in a daughter, Amanda. It was Lee’s struggle with doing the right thing by all his children, including Amanda, which levied the ultimate cost.

  There were still many unanswered questions, but Jess and Lil had decided that the past was right where it belonged—in the past. After tonight, the music box would be closed and locked for the last time.

  Jess opened the final letter, her eyes burning with renewed emotion. The letters had been like a portal into their parents’ lives. This one was dated, the day their parents died. “Okay. My turn to read, I guess.”

  Lil nodded. “Get it over with, I’m about cried out.”

  My sweet, sweet daughters,

  Each night I watch you sleep and I wonder what kind of lives you will have. I am terrified that your father and I won’t be able to protect you. I wish he had never accepted this job that has cost us so very much. I was so angry with him for so long, but then I realized, he was only human. He’d made a mistake. When we married I vowed to stand by him for better or for worse. What I realized was that I loved him and the two of you too much to walk away without trying to work things out. Our family deserved a fighting chance.

  Your father has decided to go to the FBI and demand protection for all of us. We made a decision that we wanted to bring Amanda with us. She is your father’s child and she deserves a chance, too. Margaret has agreed to allow us to raise Amanda. She will turn State’s evidence and help the authorities stop her father. She is afraid to trust anyone else so Lee and I are going to Scottsboro to pick them up. Lee wanted to go alone, but Margaret insisted that she wanted me to be there, too. I think she’s scared, though I’m not sure I really trust her. The truth is, your father and I are both terrified. Unfortunately, this is the only way. The heartless people Lee works for say they cannot help us without Margaret’s testimony.

  I am praying the next letter I write to you will be a happier one. If not, please know that your father and I love you very much and we have tried every way we know to protect you. In the event the worst happens, I am also praying that your Aunt Wanda will be able to take care of you. Reverend Henshaw will protect these letters for you. When it’s time, he’ll see that you get them.

  With all my love, Mom

  After more tears and hugging, Lil swiped her cheeks. “Do you think Margaret Brownfield really wanted to help or do you think she’s the reason they’re dead?”

  Jess considered the question for a bit. “Part of me believes she set them up. That she did what her father told her.” She thought of Amanda’s story about her mother taking her to the funeral home to say goodbye. “Except, I do think Margaret loved him—in whatever way she could. I guess we’ll never know that part.”

  Lil tucked the final letter back into the music box and closed it. “This is all we need to know. Our parents loved us and died trying to protect us.”

  “That’s all that matters,” Jess agreed.

  Lil groaned. “We should get home. I never stay up this late.” She set her wine glass aside and hugged Jess. “I’ll call you tomorrow. We have to get started looking for your wedding gown.”

  Jess shook her head. “This wedding is not supposed to be a big event. It’s supposed to be a small family gathering.”

  “Jess.” Lil took Jess’s face in her hands. “Katherine Burnett has waited a long time to give her son this wedding.”

  “What?” Jess’s jaw dropped. “He’s been married three times for heaven’s sake.”

  “And all three times the ceremonies were private little trips to the courthouse or out of the country that didn’t even include his parents. Katherine needs this. They’re prominent people in this town, Jess. Let her show off for goodness sake. She’s gone to a whole of trouble to clear the way.”

  Jess rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it. I have all this paperwork to do about my one and only previous marriage and I’m not even Catholic.”

  “There are rules, Jess, but you don’t need to worry. Katherine has everything under control. By the time she and their priest are done, you can be married in the church with the usual wedding mass, you just won’t be able to receive communion when Dan does.”

  “How do you know all this?” Lil wasn’t Catholic.

  “Katherine explained everything in great detail.” Lil smiled. “It’s interesting.”

  “St. Paul’s cathedral is huge. It’s ostentatious. It’s…” Jess groaned. “She’s going to invite hundreds of people, I just know it.”

  “Only two fifty.”

  Jess’s mouth gaped again. “Oh my God.”

  “Deep breath,” Lil instructed. “Now, deal with it. I’m helping her plan this wedding. I need the practice for when Alice gets married.”

  “I thought this wedding was supposed to be about me and Dan.”

  “Ha! Make a note for future reference, sis, weddings are for the mothers. In this case, I’m standing in for mom.”

  Jess rolled her eyes and got up. “Come on. You need sleep. You’re delirious.”

  Lil lifted Maddie into her arms. Jess kissed her sweet forehead. There was a lot more hugging at the door.

  When Lil and Blake were on their way, Jess went back inside and crawled onto the couch. Dan and Blake had obviously worn Bear out tossing a ball to him. The pup was curled up on the rug next to the bed. Jess was pretty sure she heard him snore at least once.

  Dan locked up.

  “I’m exhausted just thinking about this wedding.” She had made a promise to herself when she’d walked away
from the showdown with Spears. From now on, she was going to have a real life—one that included more than work. But did it have to include two hundred and fifty people and a huge cathedral?

  Dan sat down next to her and pulled her into his lap. “Let them have their fun. Pick out the dress and flowers you want and let them do the rest.”

  “And music. I’m not letting anyone else pick the music.”

  Dan laughed. “And the music. Mom and Dad want to make this special for us. I’m okay with it if you are.”

  “It’s a lot of money.” Jess didn’t even want to think about how much.

  “If it makes them happy, that’s what matters.”

  Jess heaved a big breath. “Okay, so December 19. That will make me around five months.” She groaned. “I’m going to be huge. How am I supposed to pick out a dress now when I’m continually expanding?”

  Dan laughed. Jess felt the pleasant sound rumbling from his chest.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “You will be the most beautiful bride ever.” He kissed her forehead. “Besides, Lil says you won’t even look pregnant until you hit month six. You’re so tiny a little expanding won’t matter. Trust me.”

  “I don’t believe her or you.”

  Dan’s arms tightened around her. “I don’t care how much you expand, you’ll still be perfect to me.”

  “Whatever.” She smoothed a hand over his chest. She loved this old Brighton Academy t-shirt he wore. It was more than two decades old. She remembered him wearing it back in high school. The only reason it hadn’t burned in his house was because it was at his parents’ house. His mom kept almost everything from the years before he left home. “Did Nancy Wolfe call about a closing date?”

  “Two weeks from Monday,” Dan confirmed. “Then we can start making the house our own.”

  “Maybe Lil and I will go over there tomorrow afternoon. She can help with paint colors.” Since the house was unoccupied going in without advance notice shouldn’t be an issue. The previous owner had accepted a new job in Tennessee and moved last month. He’d wanted the family settled into their new home before school started.

  “We need to start shopping for furniture,” Dan reminded her.

  Furniture made her think of all he’d lost when his house burned. “I spoke to my realtor in Virginia. She said I can sign a power of attorney so she can take care of the closing for me.” Jess had no desire to go back there. “She’ll even hire a moving company to pack up my things and ship them down here. Everything except the furniture.” All the furnishings conveyed with the house. “I still have pictures and stuff from before… when we were together.”

  He stroked her hair, his touch making her want to wiggle even closer. “Even the locket.”

  “Yes.” The white gold locket had been his first gift to her. He’d had their photos mounted inside and chosen a delicate matching gold chain to hold it. He’d said he wanted to be sure he was always next to her heart. “I still have the first engagement ring you gave me, too.” She held out her right hand. “I could wear it on this finger.” She wiggled her ring finger.

  She felt his lips stretch into a smile against her forehead. “You kept it all this time.”

  “I kept every part of us. I boxed it up and packed it away, but I could never part with any of it.”

  “I did the same thing.”

  She leaned away from his chest so she could see his eyes. “I know. I found the pictures when I was poking around in your house.”

  “Sneak,” he teased.

  “Speaking of sneaky, what’s this I hear about the possibility that you might be running for mayor?”

  He laughed. “You’ve been talking to Gina.”

  Jess had checked on her at the hospital. The relentless reporter was a little bruised and battered but that hadn’t stopped her from making a live appearance for the evening news from the ER.

  “I did. She said Senator Baron is spearheading the effort to make it happen.”

  “You and I will decide if I run, when the time comes. For now, I’m more than happy being chief of police.”

  “Mayor Burnett.” She grinned. “It has a nice ring to it.”

  “Mrs. Burnett is all I have on my mind right now.”

  “Can it really be, Dan? After all these years and all the insanity with Spears, can it finally be our time?”

  He brushed his lips across hers. “Today.” He kissed her again. “Tomorrow.” Another, deeper kiss took her breath. “And every day after that.”

  Dan stripped off the t-shirt she wore and relieved her of her bra. She tugged his tee over his head and gasped at the feel of his hot skin against her breasts. He tugged her sweat pants and panties down together. She kicked free of them and then it was time to get his jeans and boxers out of the way.

  He carried her to the bed and came down on top of her. Her body hummed with need. She glided her hands up his chest and around his neck. “I love you, Dan.”

  He kissed her nose and then her chin. “I love you.”

  He cupped her breast in his hand and flicked his thumb across her taunt nipple. She shivered, felt that tug of desire deep beneath her belly button.

  She parted her legs and wrapped them around his, opening wider in invitation. Dan filled her in one thrust.

  It didn’t matter that the lights were on or that she was over forty and no longer had the perfect figure she’d had at seventeen when they made love the first time. He took his time and cherished every part of her.

  She did the same, touching, tasting, taking, and giving until they collapsed together. Later, Dan whispered sweet promises to their baby.

  For the first time in a long time, Jess couldn’t wait for tomorrow.


  Saturday, September 18, 6:05 a.m.

  Jess eased out of the bed. She didn’t want to wake Dan. Last night was the first good night’s sleep either of them had managed in months. After the way he’d made love to her, he needed his rest.

  On her way to the bathroom, she paused long enough to check her cell. Force of habit. She smiled as she read a text her ex-husband and friend had sent her last night. Gant must have brought him up to speed on the Spears situation.

  Congratulations! I knew you would get that monster! I expect an invitation to the wedding, by the way.

  Living in L.A., Wesley would still be sleeping at this hour. She sent a reply anyway.

  Thanks. You will definitely get an invitation.

  She shivered when her bladder reminded her she’d better get a move on. Having to hurry to the bathroom a dozen times a day was just another perk of being pregnant. While she sat on the toilet, Bear padded in and started licking her legs.

  “I guess you have to go, too,” she whispered.

  He looked up at her with those big brown eyes.

  “I thought so.”

  After she’d taken care of business, she pulled on the sweats and t-shirt Dan had slipped off her last night. She stepped into her flip-flops and grabbed the leash. As quietly as possible, which wasn’t easy with Bear getting more and more excited at the prospect of going outside, she disarmed the security system and crept out the door.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Jess stopped and surveyed the driveway. She smiled. It was nice not to see a BPD cruiser and two officers parked there. As grateful as she was to the department’s finest, she was immensely relieved they were no longer needed. She drew in a big breath of morning air. This early was about the only time it was bearable outside during Alabama summers.

  Bear tugged at the leash. She let him lead. It was so quiet. Most folks were still in bed. Who wanted to be up this early on a Saturday morning?

  In a few days, it would officially be fall and eventually the weather would start to cool. Maybe after she and Dan were settled in the new house they could take a vacation. They needed a vacation. Some place far away from police work and wedding plans.

  Bear left a puddle in the grass next to the driveway. Jess hoped that was all he had to do
right now. She’d forgotten to bring a bag. She was quite certain George would not be pleased if he stepped in dog poo.

  George had likely heard the news about Spears and would be grateful to no longer have to deal with BPD surveillance and strange people showing up with guns. She laughed. George Louis hadn’t had a clue what he was getting into when he’d offered his garage apartment to Jess.

  Granted, he was one strange man, but she doubted guns and serial killers were among his life experiences until she came along.

  Jess was glad their new home had already been beautifully landscaped. Unlike her landlord, she did not have a green thumb. Work around the house had never been one of her priorities.

  The leash jerked free of her hold. Bear launched across the yard like a rocket.

  “Bear! You come back here!” He listened like most perps did when chased. He wasn’t turning around much less coming back.

  Jess rushed after him. She had a feeling he was headed for that same flowerbed under the kitchen window that he loved so to scratch around in. Thank God the new property had a nice fence around the backyard. She wasn’t chasing this dog on a regular basis though she probably should since she needed the workout.

  “You are a bad boy.” She grabbed the leash and tried to pull him away from the flowers. He was having none of it. The harder she pulled the more frantic his digging became.

  “Bear,” she muttered, hoping she wouldn’t disturb George. He was always up bright and early. Jess doubted he wanted his morning routine interrupted by a naughty dog. “Stop digging right now.”

  Bear pulled something free of the dirt and mulch.

  Jess stared at the thing the pup now held in his mouth.


  That couldn’t be… human?

  Jess dropped to her knees and started pushing dirt and mulch away from the base of the mound that served as a bed for the lovely flowers she and Bear were effectively destroying. Didn’t matter… all she could do was dig.

  Her fingers curled around an object and she pulled it loose. Her anatomy class kicked in.


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