A Wolf's Oath

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A Wolf's Oath Page 3

by Alli, Jennifer T.

  No, that’s Tobias’ right. Damn it! he cursed. “Come with me,” he ordered.

  “Where are we going? Are you going to give my daughter back to me?”

  You’ll be getting something alright. It probably won’t be in your best interests though.

  Chapter Four

  A loud banging at her door startled Erica into wakefulness and she jolted up from where she lay curled at the edge of her sister’s bed to glare at the door. Go away, she groaned desperately striving to return to sleep. The insistent banging refused to fade and her brother groaned at the sound, turning restlessly in his sleep. I’d better go and see who the hell that is before they wake up. Forcing her body to rise from the bed, she stretched raising her arms high over her head to ease the knotted muscles she had acquired from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. The knocking at the door continued and she stumbled towards the door cursing her visitor before she had even seen them. It had better be damn important. Unlocking the door she staggered backwards as Anna rushed into her home.

  “Eric, I can’t believe you!” Her friend gushed, arms gesturing wildly as she threw herself back against the well used sofa in her living room.

  “Well good morning to you too Anna.” She smiled, taking a seat on the table directly in front of her friend. “I hope you had a restful night’s sleep. Now where are my manners? How are you this morning? Me? I was doing very well, getting some well earned rest when I was rudely awoken by this loud banging on my door. Someone had better be dying or something Anna for you to wake me up like that,” she muttered, her tone distinctly bitter.

  Her friend’s eyes roved her tall frame frowning. “What are you still doing in that dress? Don’t tell me you wore it to sleep,” she chided. “I can’t believe you Eric, there are wrinkles in it now. You should be more careful. Always take a dress like this one off before you go to sleep.”

  Running her hands over the now crumpled material, Erica felt her own anger being chipped away. “Sorry Anna, I didn’t mean to sleep in it, I was just so tired from last night. Is it ruined?”

  “Don’t be silly,” she sighed, “I wouldn’t give you a dress that couldn’t withstand a little rough handling especially when I know exactly who is going to be wearing it. You might try your best not to damage it but knowing you you’d slip or something and get it a little dirty and maybe even a bit torn, in this case you just slept in it. It’s actually in a lot better a condition than I would have thought with you as the wearer.”

  “Thanks,” she scoffed. “You have so much faith in me.”

  “Of course I do Eric, what sort of a friend would I be if I didn’t.”

  “A poor one I suppose.”

  “Exactly.” Anna’s brow furrowed as she realised that she had yet to confront her friend on the important issue that had drawn her here so early in the morning and she shot from the chair to her feet. “Eric! I can’t believe you. I really just don’t understand how your mind works. I thought I was your best friend but I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to get my head around what you did.”

  Grasping her friend’s hand, Erica guided her back to the chair. “What are you talking about Anna, you’re my best friend, you’re the one that understands me best. Now take some deep breaths and calm down enough that you can explain what you’re ranting about coherently.”

  “I’m talking about last night. You just ran off.”

  She winced. “I’m sorry about the shoes Anna, I swear I’ll try and buy you a new pair as soon as I can.”

  “I’m not worried about the shoes, besides I found them exactly where you left them.”

  “Are they alright?”

  “Would you listen to yourself Eric? You’re worried about a pair of shoes. That just isn’t you. The shoes are fine, that isn’t the problem.”

  “Then what is?”

  “Eric, when a guy expresses interest in you, the one thing that you mustn’t do under any circumstances is to run off as though you were being chased by the hounds of hell.”

  Her heart stuttered at Anna’s rant, her treacherous body longing for the feel of his warm fingers against her skin once more while her wolf resumed its pleas. Want him. Want him.

  Shut up, she snapped, looking at Anna with disbelief in her gaze. She wouldn’t have said anything to him. Anna wouldn’t betray me like that. “Anna what exactly happened? Don’t leave anything out.”

  “I spoke to the man you were talking to last night, Sebastian, do you remember him?” She continued, not allowing her friend to answer the question. “Now he was a cutie, what the hell was wrong with you? When a man that looks like that says he’s interested in you, don’t run.”

  “What did he say to you Anna?”

  “He told me that he said he was interested in you.”

  That he was, she confirmed. Interested in keeping me with him for life. “What else?”

  “He said you were beautiful and that he enjoyed spending time with you.”

  Beautiful? She tossed the word around in her mind, struggling to ignore her body’s reaction to his compliment as heat spread through her. Nobody ever calls me beautiful, she mused, revelling in the idea of appearing beautiful to someone before remembering who had delivered the compliment. Stupid hair. Cursing she draped her hair over her shoulder gathering the long strands within her grasp. Should just cut the damn thing. I’m not going to though, she conceded before she began twisting the strands into a single rope wrapping it severely in a tight bun.

  “He also said that he’d like to apologise for whatever he said to upset you. He seemed genuinely apologetic. What the hell did he do wrong? Probably nothing right? Eric, you’ve got to relax a little more. Taking care of Dylan and Wyatt must take it out of you. It’s not a bad thing to want to spend time with someone. No one would see it as a weakness I swear.”

  “Is that all he said?”

  “Yes. Oh wait, there was one other thing. He asked which clan you were in so he could deliver his apology in person.”

  Shock filled her and she was momentarily stunned into silence. “Did you tell him Anna? Did you tell him?”

  “Well of course I did.” She smiled. “He’s a nice guy Eric, you’ve just got to give him a chance.”

  Her head fell into her waiting palms. “What have you done Anna? Why did you tell him?”

  “Eric what’s wrong? It’s not as though it’s the end of the world. He just wants to get to know you better and be friends.”

  Her head shot up at Anna’s failed attempt to reassure her. “Do you have any idea who he is?”

  “Don’t be silly,” she giggled, “I already told you who he is, his name is Sebastian.”

  “Yes that’s his name. Lord Sebastian of the Southern clan, my supposed mate.”

  Anna’s eyes widened at the revelation of his true identity a sinking feeling rising in her stomach. “What? Are you serious?”

  “Of course I am. I went to the stupid party at your request and the first man I meet immediately says that I’m his mate. I knew I should never have gone to that stupid thing. I told you I had a bad feeling about it but you just told me to stop trying to get out of it.”

  “I’m not psychic Eric, there’s no way I could have known he was going to be there.”

  “Well he was and he claims that I’m his mate.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I told him to get lost, said I wanted nothing to do with him and that he should leave me alone.”

  “Did he get the message?”

  “I thought maybe he had, I ran and he didn’t follow. I spent most of the night awake just waiting for the second that he would come barging in here demanding that I accept him.”

  “But he didn’t?”

  “No. Apparently he decided to use a different tactic and went to you, asking you questions about where he could come and find me and you told him didn’t you?”

  “Eric, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. He never said a word about him being your mate.”

�He isn’t my mate!” she hissed aware that her siblings still slept in the next room and unwilling to wake them with news that could have such a drastic impact on their lives.

  “Ok, so he’s not your mate. But the fact is he didn’t say anything about the possibility of you being mates, all he said was what I’ve already told you. I didn’t know.”

  Silence reigned as Erica tried to gather her thoughts and Anna waited for her to calm down. “I’m surprised that you’re not suggesting that I just accept his claim,” Erica mused aloud.

  “I’m your friend Eric, I know about you and if you don’t want a mate then I’m not going to suggest you take one.” Especially if your potential mate is him.

  “Aren’t you happy with your mate?”

  “Of course I am, Michael is wonderful to me.”

  “Then why aren’t you saying I should go off with Sebastian? Don’t you think I would be happy?”

  “Eric, you’ve never wanted a mate,” she breathed, remembering her friend’s intense dislike of the idea of being mated to anyone.

  Not true Anna, not true. There was a time once that I really wanted one, but now….Never. I’m never going down that route. “What do you think I should do?”

  “Run,” Anna answered simply. “He’s going to be coming after you and if I were you then that’s what I’d do. I would run so far and so fast that he’d never be able to catch me.”

  “I can’t do that Anna. What about Wyatt and Dylan? I can’t just leave them here alone.”

  “You’ve got a point Eric, but so do I. We both know that he’s coming for you, it’s in their nature. He’s not going to want to let you go. Now that I know who he is to you I’m actually surprised that he’s not here already.”

  “So am I. I thought that he would have given me an hour at most before he began to chase me.”

  “He’s an odd one.”

  Remembering his nervous actions, so at odd with the cocky young males that she had grown up with she had to agree with Anna’s assessment. Yes he’s a little bit odd compared to the wolves I’ve known. But odd doesn’t mean bad.

  No it doesn’t, her wolf concurred. He may be different from the wolves here, but he’s ours.

  He has nothing to do with us.

  Ours, it purred before it disappeared from her thoughts.

  “So what are you thinking about doing then?”

  “I’m not going anywhere, this is my home and I belong here.”

  “And Sebastian? The full moon is coming soon, he will follow you here.”

  “Then let him, it doesn’t mean that the message will be any different. I want nothing to do with him.”

  Chapter Five

  Sebastian hadn’t thought it possible, but the second night without his mate was somehow worse than the first. His mind was filled with loud howls as his wolf ranted and raved, rattling frantically against the confines he had enforced on it as it struggled to gain control of Sebastian's mind and direct his actions. The day had proved to be a long one that had only served to test his patience and with his wolf constantly demanding that he return to their mate’s side, his usual calm had suffered, faltering under the immense strain. Reasoning that Erica wouldn’t appreciate a surprise night visit from her unwanted mate, he decided to stay the night in his rooms on the estate, preparing himself for the uphill battle that awaited him. While he had received little sleep the night he had first met Erica, he received none this night and the strain was beginning to become evident. His eyes were becoming bleary and blood shot while thin white stress lines were beginning to bracket his mouth.

  Realising that sleep was a distant dream, he chose to spend the night in a large armchair sat directly in front of one of his room’s windows. Heavy eyelids strove to close while angry growls from his wolf kept ensured that they never remained shut for long. The first streaks of colour on the horizon acted as a signal and he shot from the chair, fully clothed and determined to reach her. If only for the sake of my sanity, I’ve got to convince her to accept my claim. This wolf will be the death of me.

  Find her. It’s low growl rumbled through his mind no less anxious than it had been at the start of the night.

  We’re going to find her right now, so just be quiet I’ve had enough of you. Life was so simple before I met her, back then you were quiet. The wolf growled but otherwise remained silent, content to allow the insult now that they were on the path to retrieving their mate. Sebastian's feet slammed hard against the stone floor and as he neared the entrance he sighed in relief, glad beyond measure that there were no obstructions to his leaving as there had been the previous day.

  Escaping unhindered from the estate, he headed west, certain that he was headed towards his mate even without using his enhanced senses to track her. The location of all clans was directly linked to their name with the royal clan and its estate directly in the centre of all eight, so that no clan had to travel farther than another to reach it. The land where the clans were found were owned by the royal clan, who safeguarded it’s keeping and ensured that the lands never left the ownership of their people. The homes of all wolves within the different clans were scattered over the large areas of land. Though the clansmen lived and worked together they were very careful not to build too many of the common areas close together lest they attract the attention of outsiders. Despite the fact that the clans were not overtly hostile towards humans they didn’t welcome them either. Too many difficult questions had arisen in the past when human neighbours realised that while they continued to age, those around them did not. The land was now privately owned and all newcomers could easily be chased off leaving the wolves alone in relative peace.

  The distance to his mate’s home wasn’t far but with his wolf roaming his mind anxiously, it seemed to take hours as he continued to run westward, more refreshed than he had been since he had first inhaled her delicious aroma now that he was working in unison with his wolf rather than fighting against it.

  She’s close, his wolf pointed out as the strong smell of fellow wolves greeted his nose informing him that he was now firmly within the West clan’s territory. His pace slowed as he was forced to finally do more than simply run. Lifting his head to the breeze, he inhaled deeply sifting through the many scents that filled the area until he located the one unique to his mate. Erica. He smiled, allowing his feet to guide him to her location. His pace was slow as he savoured her sweet fragrance, walking unseeing through the trees in the direction that her scent was strongest.

  A small house came into sight and as the smell of apples intensified he knew that this was his mate’s home. He walked calmly down the path suppressing the urge to simply run to her door, kick it down and claim her for his own. He raised a hand to the sturdy wood of the door preparing to knock when the sound of laughter caught his attention. Moving slowly in the direction of the giggling he came upon a small green clearing where his mate was teasing two small children. Content to simply watch her for the minute, he remained firmly hidden in the shadows far away enough that he could see her while ensuring that she wouldn’t catch his scent.

  Hanging upside down from the branch of a tree her arms dangled above the children’s heads as they leapt into the air striving to catch her. Although her appearance was vastly different from the one time he had seen her, she was still beautiful to him. Her long hair was no longer visible, tied back messily away from her face and he found himself longing to see the silky strands once more. Dirt streaked her cheeks while a large shirt concealed the curves of her body. Though he cursed the loose material of her shirt, the jeans she wore emphasised the length of her legs and he felt his ire recede.

  The laughter continued to flow from her lips as the children ran around the tree, climbing on top of each other as they tried to reach her. One day soon, she’ll laugh like that because of me. He smiled at the thought. As she jumped down from her perch on the tree, his feet began moving forward, intent on reaching her.

  Erica’s laughter stopped abruptly as she saw his appr
oach and her heart began to race, pounding hard against her ribs. What’s he doing here? she hissed, before her eyes landed on the confused expressions on her sibling’s faces. He would have to come now wouldn’t he? His face was flushed as though he had just done a great deal of work. Probably ran all the way here, the idiot. His walk towards her was unhurried and his eyes wandered over her frame, his gaze almost searing in its intensity, she could feel her treacherous body reacting to his nearness. Her mouth felt dry and she licked her lips, her disloyal body preparing her to receive his touch.

  Want, her wolf whined and she groaned at it hearing its voice. Want him. Take him, we belong with him.

  Another word out of you and I swear I won’t be held responsible for my actions. I’ve told you before that you should get used to the idea of being without a mate and I meant it. We’re not accepting him.

  “Erica?” His voice floated to her ears and she had to resist the temptation to savour the sound.

  Tugging at the hem of her shirt, Wyatt looked at her with questioning eyes. “Erica, who’s that?”

  Her eyes flitted to Sebastian once more, remembering the worries her siblings had had on the one night she had left them alone. I can’t let them know. I can’t tell them that he wants me as a mate. Plastering a wide smile on her face, she hoped that Sebastian wouldn’t contradict her. “This is Sebastian, a friend of mine.”

  So I’m a friend now? I seem to have made progress in my absence.

  “Oh,” Wyatt shrugged.

  “Is there anything to eat Erica? I’m hungry,” Dylan whined.

  “There should be something in the fridge,” she replied, her eyes refusing to leave Sebastian's.

  “Good I’m hungry too.” Wyatt grinned before grabbing Dylan by the hand and running off in the direction of their small home.

  Covering the distance between them, Sebastian came to stand directly in front of her. “Hello mate.”

  Her eyes widened, turning to watch her siblings run out of earshot. “Don’t say that!” she hissed. “I’m not your mate, I thought I had made myself clear.”


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