Double Obsessions

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Double Obsessions Page 25

by Charlotte Sloan

  “What? Am I not good enough for you?” Terrell teased lightly as he gently caressed her face.

  Evelyn frowned, thinking she had upset him. Terrell chuckled before sniffing the air, “Well… by that smell I would say that he is downstairs making breakfast.”

  Evelyn looked amazed as she looked at Terrell. “Breakfast? Really?” Waking up to breakfast with her lovers had been on Evelyn’s criteria for a perfect threesome. She smiled and suddenly kissed Terrell.

  “What was that for?” He asked, a little shy.

  “Well… for making last night special and for making this morning special as well,” she said honestly as she wrapped her arms around him.

  Suddenly, Collin entered the room and smirked. “Hey… no loving without me!” Both of them chuckled. “Breakfast is ready,” Collin announced. He was now the one wearing the apron as he smiled.

  Terrell and Evelyn quickly tossed on some clothes before making their way downstairs. Collin had outdone himself with the breakfast because on the table was pancakes, bacon, eggs, muffins, fruit, etc. Evelyn’s eyes went big as she looked at all the food.

  “A buffet fit for a Queen!” Collin said cheekily before kissing her cheek. Evelyn could feel herself blush as she looked up at him. These men seemed to be straight out of her dreams and she smiled in pleasure.

  Eventually, they all sat down and ate breakfast happily. Evelyn couldn’t help realizing that this was just like her perfect threesome. She smiled happily as she took a bite of her bacon.

  “Why are you smiling so much?” Terrell asked.

  “Well… I have been thinking about a perfect relationship for a very long time… and I have to admit that you guys are coming pretty close to fitting the bill.” Evelyn blushed darkly as she admitted this to the two men.

  Collin chuckled but looked proud. “I’m glad. So does that mean you are going to date us now?” Collin asked hopefully.

  Evelyn was a little taken aback by the offer and blushed in response. She could feel her face become bright red at his words, but eventually she nodded. She wanted nothing more than to have a serious relationship with these men. They were everything she ever wanted in a pair of lovers. She smiled and before she knew it they were in a group hug together.

  “But… we are all pretty dirty from last night… Shower anyone?” Terrell offered as he looked at his two lovers. When he had gotten into a relationship with Collin he had assumed he would always be with Collin and only Collin but now that he had experienced a love life with Evelyn he knew he couldn’t continue without both of them in his life.

  Evelyn smiled happily and nodded as the men ticked another aspect off her perfect threesome dream. They were just getting better by the minute.

  She was giddy as they went into the bathroom together. Soon enough they stripped off the minimum clothing they had on and managed to squeeze into the shower together.

  They were very good about washing one another. It seemed all three of them were getting equal attention and Evelyn was glad for it. She had been so terrified of the green-eyed monster, but she felt that this time he wouldn’t show his ugly head. For some reason, she couldn’t see the men getting jealous. For some reason, she pictured her life with these men. She imaged herself growing old and happy with them.

  As Evelyn daydreamed about these things she felt Terrell’s hands on her chest. He was washing them with a lot of soap and Evelyn moaned loudly in response to his groping. He was very good at messaging her tits.

  “I never thought you would be a tit kind of guy Terrell,” Collin commented as he watched his lover fondle Evelyn’s tits. Terrell smirked and looked at Collin.

  “Neither did I but these things are great!” Evelyn chuckled as Terrell continued to make her moan. In the end, the shower was an amazing experience that just brought them even closer together. Evelyn couldn’t have been happier.

  Chapter 10

  Now, two years after their first date, the three of them were happier than ever. Their relationship had never once soured due to jealous sentiment and everything was perfect.

  Evelyn, when she had called out for help did not think that Monica would solve her problems. She did not think that her best friend Monica would be the answer to all her problems, but somehow Monica had indeed turned Evelyn’s whole life around.

  She had set up her best friend on a blind date with Terrell and Collin and it had been the best thing that had ever happened to Evelyn.

  Which was why Evelyn had decided to name her first born child after her friend. She would name her little girl Monica in honor of the best friend that had brought her together with the fathers of her soon to be born daughter.

  Evelyn never thought that her perfect threesome would become a reality but as she thought of her future together with her two lovers and soon to be born daughter she knew she was living the life she always wanted.



  Finding You

  Brad Wyatt opened his eyes. The clock beside the bed read 4:48. He wondered just what had woken him. The noises in the house had changed since Brad’s son had gone to college last fall. He’d be home in just a couple of more weeks for break, which would undeniably bring the noise level back up. But for now, the bedroom was still dark. Everything seemed to be in its place. Brad blinked, attempting to go back to sleep.

  Suddenly, the bedroom door eased open. Brad turned into the hallway light.


  “Stels?” he asked. Stella turned to face him, her eyes moving towards him in the darkness.

  “I’m sorry, did I wake you?” She crawled onto the bed to sit beside him.

  “No. How was taping?” Stella was the lead actresses on an extremely popular television show. She sometimes taped well into the middle of the night. Brad never knew exactly when she’d come home.

  “Eh.” Stella crawled into bed beside him. She wrapped her arms around him. “Fans are upset about last week’s episode.”

  “Fans are always upset about last week’s episode.” But he knew what she meant. Stella’s character had made an unpopular romantic choice by selecting one man over another. The fans were now in an uproar. They usually were. Stella’s fans were incredibly passionate about both her and her character, Erika Day. While Brad used caution, and encouraged her to, he didn’t let it weigh on him—or them.

  “What time do you have to leave today?”

  “Eight.” Brad kissed her forehead, his fingers tangling into Stella’s long dark hair.

  “Mm.” Stella snuggled closer. “No time for a real nap then.”

  Brad’s family was one of the wealthiest in Seattle. He worked alongside his father and brother in their real estate investment firm. He had always known money, but he had never been one of those kinds that took it for granted. When he was young, he’d started working with his dad. When he’d gone to college, it was to get a degree to work specifically with his dad. He’d lived his life around this company, and it had paid off.

  Brad had recently started expanding their firm into Canada. It required a good deal of time and travel. It was his location today. He hated leaving Stella. That was the one downfall of his job.

  Brad had met Stella shortly after he’d divorced his first wife. Their relationship had been strained for years from his travel schedule. Finally, she’d decided that she couldn’t take it anymore. Her way of showing it was the natural route of the affair. Brad had caught her in bed with the other man. He’d hired the divorce lawyer the next morning.

  Fortunately, he and Maureen had a prenuptial agreement. She hadn’t walked away with a dime of his family’s fortune. He’d been shy of women until he met Stella. Stella had a huge advantage: she had her own money. She didn’t care how much money he had in the bank. All she cared about was him.

  It was truly the best relationship he had ever had in his life.

  “You need to get some sleep,” Brad murmured against her hair. Stella lifted her head.

  “I’m not in the mood.” Her lips
were moving to his. Brad suddenly had an idea of what she had in mind.

  “If you’re implying what I think you are, then good.” Stella shifted herself to straddle him. She tugged off the black sweater she was wearing. Her bra was plain. Stella was pretty basic when she filmed late at night.

  “Is this how you want to start your day?” She lowered her head to his.

  “Yes, please.” Brad lifted his hands to her breasts.


  Brad awoke to the ringing of his phone. Beside him, Stella was curled in a warm, naked ball. She stirred lethargically, barely lifting her head. Brad detangled her from him as he turned over to reach onto the nightstand for his phone. He didn’t know quite how much time had passed since they’d fallen asleep. He swiped his finger across the screen.

  “Hello?” He brought it up to his ear.

  “Brad. It’s Steve.” His brother’s voice came across the line. “Get up. It’s bad.”

  “What is it?” Brad was sitting up in bed.

  “It’s Dad. He’s dead.”


  Wayne Wyatt had suffered a heart attack and had fallen over in the living room of his home. His wife—Brad and Steven’s stepmother—had called paramedics. There was nothing they could do.

  That had been a week ago. Brad had moved through funeral arrangements like a zombie. He hadn’t expected to see himself running this company without his father—at least not in the near future. If it hadn’t been for Stella, he didn’t know how he would have survived.

  Now he was on his way to meet with his father’s lawyer. Allan had specifically asked Brad to come alone. There was something that he wanted to discuss without Steven. Brad could only imagine that something wasn’t good.

  His phone was ringing in his pocket. Brad stopped in front of the office building to pull it out. Immediately, he frowned. The caller ID read Melissa.


  “Oh, Brad.” She sighed sympathetically. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks.” Brad answered stiffly. “Um…. how’s Jason?”

  “He’s fine. I didn’t think I should bring him to the funeral. I’m so sad he’ll never get to know his grandfather.”

  Brad had been sleeping with Melissa when he met Stella. Upon meeting Stella, he realized that there was no comparison between the two. He’d broken things off with Melissa.

  What he hadn’t been expecting was for Melissa to show up pregnant three months later.

  There had been a million reasons not to tell Stella. His number one reason was that he didn’t want to tell Stella. He didn’t think that Stella would want to get involved with a man who had gotten another woman pregnant. She’d want him to go back to Melissa. And he didn’t want Melissa; he wanted Stella.

  So every month, Brad dropped an obscene sum of money to keep Melissa quiet. Every now and then, he got away to visit Jason. Jason was almost two now, and starting to remember more and more. Brad hated not seeing the little boy, but he knew there was absolutely no telling Stella now. If she found out, it would crush her and their marriage.

  “I know. It bothers me too.” Brad paused. “Look, Melissa, I need to go. I’m meeting with my dad’s lawyer today and—”

  “Oh, right, of course. I’m sorry. I just wanted to check on you. I was worried about you.” He heard the sympathy in her voice. He didn’t want sympathy from her.

  “Is everything ok?” he asked, this time more harshly. “I mean, Jason’s ok? You’re ok? The money is covering everything?”

  “Yes. Of course.” Melissa’s voice had an edge. “Sorry if I’m bothering you, Brad.”

  “I’ll call you soon, I promise.” Brad assured her. “Let me if there’s a problem with Jason.”

  “Yes, Brad.” Her tone had definitely hardened. “I’m sorry to intrude. Maybe next time I’ll just shoot Stella a quick tweet about it.” The line went dead. Brad sighed.

  He usually got on edge when Melissa called. He never knew when she was serious or just bitter. Melissa had threatened to tell Stella a number of times over the years. So far, she hadn’t attempted. At least that Brad knew about.

  Brad turned his attention to the matter at hand. He took the elevator up to Allan’s office. The secretary ushered him into the conference room. Allan was only steps behind him.

  “Brad! Thanks for coming over so quickly.” Allan shook his hand.

  “Yeah, of course. I figured that things were important if you wanted to see me alone.” He was also nervous. He had no idea what Allan might have to tell him.

  “Well,” Allan sat down across from him at the large conference table, “Brad, there’s really no easy way to say this. Your father’s will was…not what we expected.”

  “Not what we expected?” Brad remembered that Allan hadn’t actually done the will. Wayne had let a family friend do that particular paperwork. Allan had just been the executor.

  “No.” Allan reached into the manila envelope he had laid on the table. Pulling out a set of papers, he set them on the table in front of Brad. “Brad, your father left you everything.”

  Brad was stunned. His father had left him everything? Really? He couldn’t believe that—not for a second. Steve had been the older brother. He’d worked just as hard as Brad. So why was he getting everything?

  “That can’t be right.” Brad shook his head. “Allan, there’s no way. He wouldn’t have cut Steve out.”

  “He did.” Allan shrugged. “And I have no idea why. But it’s right here, in black and white. You can read it yourself.”

  Brad didn’t need to do that. He believed it.

  “No, that’s ok.” He didn’t really think that he could handle seeing it right there in front of him. “So what do we do?”

  “Well….” Allan sighed. “Brad, as much as I hate to say this, you better get a lawyer.”

  “But I have you.” Brad was momentarily confused. “Why do I need a lawyer?” Allan gave him a look that Brad suspected he reserved for particularly dumb clients.

  “Because I have a feeling that Steve is going to contest the will. You need representation. I can’t do it because I’m representing your father’s estate. It would be a conflict of interest.”

  Brad couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What made it worse was that they were talking about a company worth billions. They could tie up assets for years. He groaned, closing his eyes.

  “What do we do?”

  “Do you want me to tell Steve?” Allan sounded sympathetic.

  “It might be best.” Brad looked up at him. “Allan, I swear, I never got into any type of deal with my father that might set this up. I don’t know why he did it.”

  “I believe you.” Allan assured him. “But Steve won’t. He’s going to be hurt. I don’t know why your father would have done this. It wasn’t like him at all.”

  “He never mentioned it?” Brad was desperate. He was clawing at straws in hopes that something would explain everything.

  “No.” Allan shook his head. “He never even indicated it. We had a lot of conversations. We’re never going to know why he set it up like this.”

  “Unless Steve has an answer,” Brad muttered. Allan seemed to consider this possibility.

  “I suppose. Do you think Steve knows anything?”

  “Hell if I know.” Brad pressed his face into his hand. “Shit, Allan.”

  “I know.” Allan looked grim. “Let me talk to Steve. Maybe I can make him understand.”

  “Do you believe that?” Brad didn’t.

  “No.” At least Allan was honest.


  Brad had started to drive himself home, but then stopped. He didn’t want to sit around by himself waiting for Steve to call. Stella was on set. He’d go see her. Maybe that would make him feel better.

  Brad parked his Lexus next to Stella’s. He got out, glancing at himself in the mirror. He looked good for how close he was to fifty. His dark hair had grayed in a way that made him look distinguished. He kept it on the longer side, but it
could easily be tamed for professional appearances. While he’d gone clean shaven for a while, he’d let it grow in this week more for convenience than anything. He hadn’t put in his contacts today, instead relying on his thick-framed, black glasses. He thought he looked elegant. Or at least, he hoped so.

  A crowd of fans was clustered around the main entrance. Brad knew what to do. He immediately veered towards the security stand next to it.

  “Hey! Mr. Wyatt!” The muscled young man in the booth exclaimed. Brad knew him. He went with Stella to a lot of conventions. He was one of their favorite security guards.

  “Hey, Tom.” Brad glanced towards the fans. “Can you take me?”

  “Sure. I’ll take you all the way to Stella’s trailer.” He got up and came outside. He walked towards the gate, unlocking it. The fans took notice, turning. They immediately recognized him.

  “Ohmahgawd, it’s Brad!”

  “That’s Stella’s husband!”

  “Brad! Hey! I follow you on Twitter!” Brad grimaced. He was normally pretty good with fans, but he wasn’t in the mood. Unfortunately, he had to keep up appearances for Stella’s sake.

  “Hey, guys!” He turned, waving to the crowd. They waved back. He saw the flash of cell phone cameras.

  “You’re a patient man,” Tom told him as they started along the back of the set.

  “I have no choice,” Brad muttered.

  Stella’s trailer was first. She was the most sought after on the show, so she got the closest and the nicest. She was also the fan favorite, but that was another story. Brad thanked Tom and knocked on the door before walking in.

  Stella looked over. She was laying on a sofa, her script open against her knees.

  “Hey, baby!” She got up, coming over to kiss him. Brad wrapped his arms around her. Stella was gorgeous. She was a foot smaller than him, and with a very petite frame. Her long hair fell in coal-black waves down her back. Her eyes were just as dark. He had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life. “What brings you by?”

  “I had a rough morning.” He rested his forehead against hers. Stella’s hands reached up to tangle in his hair.


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