Small Town Angel

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Small Town Angel Page 18

by K'Anne Meinel

  Abby couldn’t believe that this was Amy’s first time, she was a natural and the sensations were out of this world. She didn’t realize how hard her handhold was on Amy’s head as she rose up and ground her center into Amy’s face.

  Amy was smothering and thought, ‘What a way to go.’ It wasn’t uncomfortable, just intense and she held on as Abby bucked and twisted below her onslaught from Amy’s tongue and lips. Even her nose, running up the slit to Abby’s clit came into play as she bucked. If Amy wasn’t an active participant to the extra gush of fluids between Abby’s legs she would have thought Abby was faking it, she was so quiet as she silently orgasmed. Her only real noise, a series of gasps, as she intensely held Amy in place.

  Abby had learned to be quiet in all her lovemaking over the years. Getting caught would have resulted in embarrassment and humiliation. Later, it was just a habit, especially with small children who heard everything. She loved the sensations that Amy was causing and before she realized her near strangle hold on the poor woman, she ground out the series of orgasms that rocked through her straining body. Finally though she released Amy and fell back to the bed, disentangling her hand and wondering if she had pulled out any of the fine red hairs she so admired. She petted the head in contrition and waited for Amy to look up at her from between her legs.

  Amy smiled, knowing what she had caused. Her hair was nearly yanked from its follicles and she still managed to continue on until she wrung every last drop of moisture she could from her lover, the taste was incredible and it changed slightly in the middle of it all. She began to kiss her way north, wiping her cheeks on Abby’s skin until they met up for a deep kiss between them. Both could taste the other on their tongues but neither minded as they shared their passions, hands still caressing each other, calming each other.

  Abby finally pulled away, sorry to be the one to stop it, but she had to admit she was exhausted. Cuddling Amy in beside her, no longer on her long body with her much shorter one, she fit just right next to her. She pulled the blanket from under them, noting the wet spot, and pulled it over them. Their bodies had cooled considerably and neither had noticed until that moment.

  “Are you okay?” Abby asked. Amy hadn’t said a word.

  “I’m wonderful. And you?” she said in her familiar slow drawl.

  Abby smiled at that response. “I’m wonderful too,” she admitted.

  They stayed in quiet reflective splendor, enjoying the feel of each other’s body against them, sharing body heat as it warmed up under the blanket. When Abby began to doze off she shook herself awake.

  “I need to go,” she said quietly.

  “Do you?” was the mournful question in reply.

  Abby smiled, wishing she could stay. But there would be questions and she didn’t want them, not yet, not now. It was far too soon for them. “I’d love to stay, but…”

  “You have the children,” Amy sighed out the answer. Her arms tightened reflexively. “I still would like for you to stay.”

  “And I’d love to, but…” she repeated as she began to slip out from under the warm blanket, making sure that Amy and the heat remained behind. She could feel the cool air hit her naked skin immediately.

  “Aww,” she complained.

  Abby quickly dressed but she could tell that Amy was nearly asleep by her breathing. The thought of staying the night and saying she had a call was tempting, but she would have to write a report and with Bonnie as her clerk, that wasn’t a good idea. It had taken a long time for the two of them to work out an agreeable relationship between them. Bonnie hadn’t liked that Abby had loved her daughter and never forgave her for the fact that she didn’t die instead of her only daughter. There were times that Abby would have gladly switched places with her wife, the survivors guilt alone had nearly devastated her. If not for the fight with her parents over custody of the children, or her own family over things, she might have succumbed to the depression. Those two harmless little children were her reason for survival though. She didn’t want to rock the boat. “I’m leaving babe,” she breathed as she leaned over for a kiss. She hadn’t been able to find her underwear in the dark but didn’t want to wake up Amy in her search. She finally just pulled on her jeans and went commando.

  “Good Night Abby,” Amy wearily whispered. Her day had been just as full as the brunettes. She was exhausted.

  Abby let herself out the front door, nearly tripping over Toby who was lying across the entranceway. She supposed he hadn’t understood what his two humans were doing back in the bedroom and had retreated into the living room to escape their weird antics. She smiled as she scooted him away and petted him to show there were no hard feelings. She locked the door behind her with the spare key she still had and headed home.

  * * * * *

  “I enjoyed last night,” she said shyly as she looked down on the redhead.

  Amy looked up, equally shy and smiled in return. “I did too,” she whispered so only Abby could hear.

  “Would you like to go out tonight somewhere?” Abby asked hopefully.

  Amy looked around her office where they were having this quiet conversation, past Abby into the store to see if they might be interrupted. “Do you think anyone will notice?” she asked.

  “You don’t want to be seen with me?” she fretted. She had known Amy was straight when she got into this and now…

  “It’s not that. I’m proud to be with you,” she hurriedly assured her. “I just don’t want to create problems for you.”

  “Problems for me?” she asked astounded.

  “Your standing in the community,” she pointed out, rising from her desk chair to shut the door.

  “You are worried about my standing in the community? What about yours?” Abby felt like laughing at this conversation.

  “What about mine?” Amy frowned, her back against the door she had just shut.

  “Well, people know that I’m gay, how about you?”

  Amy hadn’t really thought about that. Her damned curiosity! The attraction she felt for this tall brunette had been undeniable. She had woken with a smile on her face and a longing for more of what she had experienced the night before. It hadn’t been like being with a guy, oh no, it was so much…more. So sensual…so….she was distracted for a moment and returned to the conversation at hand. “You think they will mind?”

  “Do you care?” Abby sounded worried. She didn’t want to ruin this when it had only just begun. She’d thought about Amy until she drifted restlessly off to sleep, wondering what it would be like to hold her in her arms, all night long. Wake up with her, if she had a raspy voice, if she woke with bed-head. She wanted to know it all.

  “I don’t, but you have to think of your standing in this community,” she pointed out seriously.

  “My standing? They will probably think I corrupted you?” she laughed.

  Amy laughed with her, relieved that Abby wasn’t worried about it. If they ever came out publically, people would talk, but then, they would talk anyway. “I have something for you,” she admitted shyly and dug deep in her slacks.

  Abby’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as Amy pulled her bikini underwear out of her pocket. “Oh,” she said embarrassed.

  “Did you deliberately leave them so I’d have to see you to return them?” Amy teased, she was blushing furiously anyway.

  Abby, equally embarrassed shook her head as she nearly snatched the offending underwear out of Amy’s hand. “No, I didn’t, I just couldn’t….what happened to them?” she asked as she realized they were now crotchless.

  “I’m sorry, Toby actually found them first,” she apologized, blushing more if that was possible.

  Abby started sniggering at the mental picture and then Amy joined in. They were both laughing hilariously and finally were able to meet each other’s eyes over it. As the laughter subsided they exchanged a warm and loving look.

  * * * * *

  Amy was sitting on her porch, absently slapping away mosquitos. They weren’t too b
ad as she leaned back her chair, enjoying her evening. She was pleasantly surprised as she saw the familiar patrol car come down the road and watched it pull into her driveway. Abby pulled it around the back by the garage so it would be less noticeable. Amy leaned down and had a bottle of Northpoint’s Best ready and waiting when she walked up.

  “Hi there,” Abby smiled as she accepted the dark bottle. Easily she twisted the top off.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you tonight,” Amy commented as she took a sip of her own beer. Thomas had really outdone himself with this brew.

  “Yeah, me either, but I got lucky and Russell wanted to work,” she shrugged looking up under her lashes. “So, I magnanimously let him take my shift.” She grinned.

  “Yay for Russell,” Amy smiled at the grin and lifted her bottle to clink them together.

  Abby obliged her and asked, “May I sit down?”

  “Hmmm, yep, okay,” Amy pretended to consider. She watched as the woman sat down in one of the Adirondack chairs and Toby came over to greet her now that she was ‘helpless.’

  “You don’t mind that I came by?”

  “No, not at all,” she teased back at Abby’s tone.

  “Well, I could have called…”

  “Yes, you could have. But then I would have had to get up and answer the phone. Or, I could have let it go to the machine…” she pointed out.

  “Then that would have defeated the purpose of my calling.”

  “Yes, I believe it would have.”

  They shared a smile at their lighthearted teasing.

  “So how was your day?” Abby took a hearty slug of her beer. She looked at the label, barely able to make it out in the fading light of day. “Thomas really is out-doing himself,” she commented.

  “Yes, he is,” Amy agreed. “My day was productive. It amazes me how many people come through this little town.”

  “Yes, the tourists really make our town this time of year. They are trying to get in their last hurrah before fall sets in and school starts. Makes my job pretty busy too.”

  “Yeah, I saw those kids you nabbed. Must have really been fun to arrest them,” she teased with a grin.

  “They were so sick, all over the cell,” Abby remembered ruefully with a grin. “They sure pissed off Bonnie! She gave them such an earful. All over homemade wine.”

  They laughed over the foibles of tourists and even some of the locals. “I saw Lenora with all her feathers ruffled over that developer arguing for condos.”

  “Some of the locals want to keep the quaint old world feel of the village. They don’t want modern development.”

  “I’d have to agree,” Amy hoisted her beer for another salute.

  “You run an emporium that caters to people’s love of nostalgia, of course you would agree,” she answered wryly. She looked up and asked, “How do you do what you do? How do you know exactly what people want or need?”

  “I’ve observed people for a long time. My Grams taught me exactly how to cater to them without giving too much away. People will pay for what they want. Who woulda thunk I could get four dollars for a hotdog much less seven for a hamburger?”

  Abby laughed but she had to agree. Some of the prices on food in the places that catered to the tourists were exorbitant. Some of the locals didn’t even bother to eat in town. The Emporium was actually one of the more reasonable places to eat, with her variety of sodas and ice creams much less the candies and the services she really had a good thing.

  They chatted some more about the town as they watched clouds rolling in, listening to the crickets on the late summer’s night.

  “Here it comes,” Abby said and barely got the sound of it out of her mouth before a ting ting noise began around the quiet of the cabin. The crickets stopped chirping as the water began to come down, harder and harder. A clap of thunder was followed almost on top of a big flash of lightening.

  “We better go inside,” Amy said as she got up from her chair to scoop up the bottles and calm her cowering dog.

  “It’s going to be a doozy,” Abby said as she watched out the front window.

  “Sounds like it.” They both listened to it pour down on the roof and watched through the flashes of light as it lit up the front yard and they could see the buckets of water coming down.

  “Would you like me to start a fire?” Abby asked as she gestured to the fireplace.

  Amy sighed. She was running out of wood…and time. She was going to have to make some decisions soon. It was a good thing that The Emporium was doing so well or she wouldn’t have the money to continue. With the death of her grandmother she no longer had a fall back.

  “You don’t want a fire?” she misinterpreted Amy’s silence.

  “No, of course I do,” she hurriedly said, coming back from her thoughts.

  “Anything wrong?” she asked from where she was about to strike a match at the laid logs and kindling, something she admired about Amy, she seemed to always be prepared.

  “I was just thinking, not too long now and I will have lived here a year,” she noted.

  Abby lit the match and applied it to the newspaper; there, there, and there. When the flame was eating up the paper and begun on the wood she threw the nearly burnt match into the flames. She stood up and clapped her hands together. It didn’t matter what time of year it was, a fire was always a nice thing. With the rain coming down, it was romantic as hell and she was delighted to spend time with Amy. “I’m glad you moved here,” she said giving her a smile.

  Amy put down the empty bottles of beer on the table and went to take the taller woman in her arms. “I am so glad I met you,” she said sincerely.

  They exchanged a kiss and then just held each other, each lost in her own thoughts.

  “Let’s sit on the couch for a while and enjoy the storm,” Amy offered. The lightning and thunder were pretty consistent…and loud.

  “So, what are you going to do?” Abby asked after they were cuddled on the couch together, Abby’s arm around Amy’s smaller frame.

  “Do?” she asked puzzled.

  “Your lease to own is almost up on both the cabin and then the store. You’ve made the store a success so you’ve proven that.” She was proud for her, everyone seemed to like her.

  “Yeah, I’ve thought of that,” she said sadly.

  “What, you don’t want to stay?” she joked, inside though she was starting to quiver in fear.

  “It’s not that, it’s just that I’m…scared,” she admitted honestly.

  “Scared? Of what?

  “Of actually buying these places. I mean, this place could use a makeover. It’s definitely in need of a heating system,” she gestured to the fireplace. “I’m going to have to buy some more wood. I saw Jacob Meyers in town the other day and it reminded me.”

  “Well, we can extend your lease on the store if you aren’t sure,” she said. She was disappointed though. If Amy bought the store, that meant she would stay.

  “Oh no, it’s more practical for me to buy,” she assured her and looked up to see the worry on Abby’s face. She reached out and cupped her face, loving it when Abby leaned into her hand with her cheek. She settled back down on the couch, her head in Abby’s lap. “I guess I should go to the bank next week,” she commented idly.

  Abby was relieved. She had fallen in love with this woman and despite knowing nothing of her past, the future looked pretty good. She looked down at the woman in her lap and leaned down for a kiss.

  * * * * *

  Abby’s arms wrapped around her, feeling the nipples harden against her hands. Amy quickly wiped the drool with the back of her hand from her lax mouth where she had been breathing so hard.

  “Don’t look at me,” she told Abby.

  “What do you mean? You don’t want me to make you feel like this?” she asked as her hand caressed from shoulder to waist. The warmth of her hand giving them both pleasure.

  Amy shuddered in response, enjoying the feel of the skin being touched so intimately. “I
t’s a sin,” she said prudishly.

  “How can loving someone be a sin?” she asked simply, earnestly.

  Amy twisted slightly in her arms to look over her shoulder at Abby. “You love me?”

  Abby nodded and kissed her shoulder, the sensation causing a tingle in her lips. Amy got a corresponding tingle in her own body. “Yes,” she breathed as she continued kissing her way down Amy’s bare back, using the suction of her lips to raise the skin along her spine.

  “Ohhh,” Amy moaned in delight at the sensation. She waited until Abby finished at the base of her spine to roll over and take the brunette in her arms. “I want you,” she stated unequivocally, pulling Abby down on top of her.

  Abby smiled in delight, not disappointed that Amy hadn’t told her that she loved her too, merely satisfied that they were together and enjoying each other. She reached between Amy’s legs as the redhead reached between Abby’s. Together, straining against one another, they pleasured each other until the late hours of the night.

  “I wish you could stay,” Amy said sadly as Abby got up to get home before the kids got up.

  “I wish I could stay too,” Abby told her as she leaned in for a kiss, shrugging into her bra. She turned and Amy fastened it for her, caressing down her long back and watching as the goose bumps rose on her skin.

  “I guess, eventually we will have to work out something, an arrangement?” Amy hesitated to ask.

  “What do you mean?” she asked as she reached for her shirt to button it up.

  “Eventually we are going to have to let people know we are a couple.”

  Abby smiled at the thought. This sneaking around they had been doing for months was fun at first but now she wanted to declare that this was her woman and she loved her. “I’d like that,” she admitted honestly. She had waited patiently for Amy and this declaration made her over the moon. She reached for her panties.

  “No leaving any of that here,” Amy teased pointing to the panties. It had become a joke between them that Abby had ‘deliberately’ left her panties that first time.


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