Fatal Legacy

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Fatal Legacy Page 7

by Rebecca Deel

  “Black. Late model Dodge. Crew cab.”

  His eyebrows shot up, amusement glittering in the depths of his eyes.

  “What?” Her face burned. “My brother has the same truck.”

  “Rod will have more questions for you.”

  “What’s your easy question?”

  “Is Del your given name?”

  Del laughed. “Oh, no. I’m not going there.”

  “Come on. Your name can’t be that bad.”

  She smiled. “Figure it out.”

  He stared a moment. “I’m a cop.”

  “No cheating by looking it up.”

  He nodded. “I love a challenge. What’s my reward for getting it right?”

  “What do you want?”

  “A date with you.”

  Del’s heart hammered in her chest. “Deal. What’s your penalty for each wrong guess?”

  Josh stilled. “Do I have choices?”

  “I’m debating between requesting a real kiss or asking a question.”

  Heat flared in his beautiful hazel eyes. “Don’t waste your reward. I’m more than happy to exchange real kisses with you anytime, penalty or not. I’ll answer a personal question for each miss.” He paused. “At least, I’ll try. I may not be able to answer some questions.”

  Ivy’s laughter had them both turning their heads toward her as she carried a stack of books to the register. “This will be fun to watch. Josh, the deck is stacked against you.”

  “Kisses from a beautiful woman, guaranteed conversation, and a promise of a date. How can I lose?”

  Del thought she’d just been played, but couldn’t figure out the catch.

  Josh noted Serena’s yellow bug in the parking lot at his apartment complex. Maybe she knew Del’s real name. Wasn’t cheating by looking her up in the system. If he found out early, he could still tease her with outrageous guesses and add levity to stressful days. Military and law enforcement personnel had a macabre sense of humor. Like he told Ivy, he couldn’t lose.

  He switched off the engine and opened the hatchback for his Go bag. He needed more supplies and clothes. If the Feds made trouble as he and Ethan anticipated, Josh could buy more clothes anywhere. Some supplies secreted in his apartment would be harder to locate on short notice without attracting the wrong type of attention.

  He closed the hatch, locked his SUV. He climbed the steps two at a time and slid his key in the lock. The smell of burned food hit him as soon as he opened the door. He frowned.

  “Hey, squirt, if that’s a new dish you’re trying out, I’ll pass on a taste test.”

  Silence greeted his sarcastic comment. His brow furrowed. “Serena?”

  Not good. Josh dropped the bag by the door and pulled his Sig. Tension knotted his gut. Could the killer have targeted him, but surprised his sister? Serena had no chance against someone ruthless. She had courage in spades. Courage, however, wasn’t bulletproof.

  Quickly, Josh cleared his living room and small dining room. Made his way down the hall to the two bedrooms and bathrooms. Kitchen. Only place left besides the laundry room. With silent steps, Josh covered the few feet to the kitchen. He waited a few seconds. Heard nothing and peered around the corner into the room.

  The room was empty. Two pots were simmering on the stove. A third must have boiled dry because black smoke rose from the pan. He frowned. Where was his sister? He moved around the island to turn off the burner.

  His sister lay still as death, crumpled in a heap in front of the stove. “Serena!”

  Shoving his Sig into his holster, Josh dashed forward, turned off the burners and dropped to his knees. Hand trembling, he pressed his fingers to the side of her neck, blinked away the sting of tears when he felt a steady heartbeat. He didn’t see visible injuries.

  Josh grabbed his cell phone and punched in Ethan’s number.


  Ethan’s desk phone rang. “Yeah, Trudie?”

  “Sorry, Chief, I know you asked not to be disturbed, but Special Agent Craig Jordan is demanding to see you.”

  A flash of irritation rolled over Ethan as he glanced at the clock. He’d figured on at least another three or four hours before the Washington boys made an appearance. “Five minutes, then you can send him in.”

  He dragged one hand over his face. Turf wars with Craig Jordan. Not something he wanted to deal with again. Ethan grabbed his cell phone and punched in Rod’s number.


  “The Fed invasion has begun.”



  “Not my favorite fed in the world,” Rod almost growled. “He knows more ways to screw up a case than to close one.”

  “I have three minutes. Anything new to report?”

  “Just left the bookstore. Josh learned Del and Ivy saw a man driving by the Reece place yesterday.”

  Ethan straightened in his chair. “Enough to give us a description?”

  “Wore a Yankees baseball hat which left his face in shadow. Drove a black Dodge. Couple of unis are canvassing the neighbors, see if they can give a better description. Ethan, if he’s the shooter, he knows the women saw him. He’ll keep coming after them until we stop him.”

  “Gives the feds more leverage to take them into custody as material witnesses.”

  “Can we stop Jordan from taking them?”

  “Delay, maybe. This man might be a neighbor driving past. If a neighbor can identify the driver, we’ll keep him from taking them. If Jordan connects the break-in to Reece’s murder, we have no chance at keeping their safety in house.”

  “What if we tell Jordan the women are already in protective custody?”

  “Doubt it will fly. Get here as soon as you can.”

  “Two minutes.”

  Ethan clipped his phone back onto his belt and opened his office door. “Have a seat, Agent Jordan.” He didn’t bother offering his hand to greet the man. Didn’t feel like offering the perspiring man a cold drink either. Feds were tough. No need to coddle them. “What can I do for you?”

  “I’m taking over the Reece murder.”

  Ethan dropped into his desk chair and eased back. “Will your team analyze the crime scene and body?”

  “They’ll arrive in a few hours. I was wrapping up a case not too far from here.”

  “Lucky us,” he murmured. “I assume you want a copy of everything we have so far.”

  Jordan’s smile came across as smug. “We’ll double check your findings, of course.”

  “Tax dollars put to their finest use.”

  “Any witnesses?”

  “Two women were in the house, but saw nothing. Wrong place, wrong time.”

  “I want their names and contact information if they aren’t already in your report. I want to interview them myself.”

  “Of course.” Ethan didn’t mention the new information Rod had passed on minutes before. What Jordan didn’t know he couldn’t pursue yet. In the meantime, he and his team could double check Otter Creek’s findings. Never hurt to have another set of eyes on the evidence. The longer Ethan delayed Jordan from taking Del and Ivy into protective custody, the more time it gave him and Rod to arrest the shooter. This might be a fed matter, but it was still happening in Ethan’s jurisdiction.

  Rod knocked on the office door and slipped inside. He dropped into one of the two chairs in front of Ethan’s desk. He nodded at Jordan. “Made good time. Running this show by yourself, Jordan, or are you bringing the whole circus?”

  Craig Jordan scowled. “The Reece case is mine, Kelter. Federal judge, federal case, federal jurisdiction.”

  “Overstepping your bounds, Jordan. The U.S. marshals have responsibility for judge safety,” Ethan said. “Can’t resist sticking your nose into this one, can you?”

  “Look, I know you might have a few hard feelings, Blackhawk.”

  “A few hard feelings?” Ethan’s eyes narrowed. “You almost got my wife killed in that fiasco with Hans Muehller. I’m not likely to for
get that. Despite your cowboy tactics, I’ll give you what help I can. Keep me informed of your findings as you learn them. Any interviews you conduct will include one of my people.”

  “Wait a minute.”

  “My town, my people. You want to talk to my citizens, one of us will be with them. End of discussion.” At that moment, Ethan’s cell phone rang. He unclipped his phone and glanced at the display. He frowned. Josh. Ethan stood. “I need to take this. Excuse me a minute.”

  He walked into the bullpen and closed himself into the empty office next to his own. “Blackhawk.”

  “I need you at my place. Now.”

  On the move, Ethan yanked open the office door. “Why?”

  “I found Serena unconscious on my kitchen floor.”

  Breath froze in his lungs for an instant. “On my way.” He raced past the bullpen, his desk sergeant, and out into the heat. Cranking his SUV, he peeled out of the parking lot, hit his lights and sirens and sped down Main Street. She hadn’t been sick when he left the house this morning. His heart thudded against his chest wall. She was everything to him, his greatest gift. The possibility that something or someone might take her from him made him feel sick.

  Eight minutes later, Ethan swerved into the parking lot and ran up the stairs to Josh’s home. His brother-in-law opened the door before he had time to beat on the door.

  “Living room,” was all he said.

  Pushing past him, Ethan strode into the living room and spotted his pale wife laying on the couch, pillow beneath her head, scowl marring her beautiful face. He dropped to his knees, raised a shaking hand to push aside her bangs. “What happened, baby?”

  “I must have a stomach bug. I’ve been guzzling mint tea by the gallon today.” She sent an apologetic glance at her brother. “I might be a little dehydrated. I kept vomiting. I think I cleaned up everything. Sorry, Josh.”

  He grinned. “No problem, squirt. What’s a little puke between siblings?”

  She laughed, then moaned. “Don’t make me laugh. My stomach muscles are sore.”

  He studied her pale face. “We need a doctor to check you, baby.”

  “I’m fine, Ethan.”

  He framed her face with his hands. “I need a doctor to tell me you’re okay. You scared me.”

  “Ditto,” Josh said, his voice soft. “Put the man out of his misery, squirt. I bet Ethan can pull some strings and get you checked out in under an hour.”

  “But what about your meals? I’m right in the middle of cooking.”

  “I may not be here much in the next week or so. Depends on what happens with Del. Come back later in the week if you feel better. I’ll clean up the kitchen and put everything away for now. What we shouldn’t keep, you can pitch. Deal?”

  Serena sighed. “Okay.”

  Some of the tension left Ethan’s muscles. He’d been prepared to fight her to get her cooperation. He slid one arm under Serena’s knees, the other under her back and lifted her. “Don’t,” he said, short-circuiting her protest. “I need to hold you.” Maybe then the invisible band around his chest would loosen enough for him to breathe again.

  He carried her down the stairs and placed her in the passenger seat of his SUV. After strapping the seatbelt around her, Ethan turned his head and brushed her lips with a gentle kiss. “I love you,” he whispered. If anything happened to her, he didn’t know what he would do, didn’t know if he could survive without her now.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you, love.”

  He made himself move back though he wanted to do nothing more than gather her as close to him as possible.

  On the way to the doctor’s office, he called Dr. Anderson’s receptionist and was told the physician would see Serena as soon as she arrived. He pulled into the parking lot. “Don’t move,” he ordered. “I don’t want you hitting the pavement if you should pass out again.”

  “Magnanimous of you.” Sarcasm practically dripped from her words.

  He grinned at her snippy attitude.

  They walked into the building that housed John Anderson’s medical office. His receptionist waved them through to an open examination room. Anderson’s nurse, Stacey, breezed in the room, stopped short when she noticed Ethan standing beside the exam table. “Chief Blackhawk.” She looked between him and Serena. “Which of you is Dr. Anderson to see?”


  “Tell me the details. He should be in shortly.”

  Minutes later, John Anderson knocked on the door of the exam room. “What’s this about you passing out, my dear?” He listened to her explanation, then said, “Let me examine you and we’ll talk, all right? Chief, wait in my office across the hall.”

  Though Ethan was reluctant to leave his wife, he knew Anderson would take good care of Serena. He trudged across the hallway and settled into a chair and waited what seemed like hours. His muscles twitched with the need to move so he gave up the fight and started pacing. He rubbed the knotted muscles at the back of his neck. What was taking so long?

  Finally, the exam room door opened and footsteps approached the office. The physician poked his head in the office and motioned for Ethan to follow him. Tension twisted Ethan’s gut. He stepped through the doorway and drew up short at the sight of his wife, sitting on the table, her face buried in her hands.

  Alarm roared through him. He hurried forward, cupped his hands around her shoulders. “Serena, what is it? What’s wrong?” All he could think in that second was she’d been diagnosed with cancer. Whatever it was, they’d deal with it together.

  She lifted her face. Tears poured down her cheeks, but there was a huge smile on her face. “Nothing is wrong. In fact, everything is absolutely perfect.”

  Puzzled, he turned toward the grinning doctor. “Doc? Care to enlighten me?”

  “Congratulations, Chief Blackhawk. In seven months, you’re going to be a father.”


  Josh scraped the last of the mysterious burned mass from the pot and dumped the mess into the trash. He suspected the pan might be toast, but he’d try cleaning the charred metal before he pitched it in the trash. While he scrubbed, he wondered what the doctor would say about his sister. He hadn’t been that afraid for her since she’d been taken by Muehller.

  More scrubbing led him to the conclusion that the pan was a lost cause. He dumped murky water down the drain and slid the pan into the trash bag near his feet. He’d need to stop by the kitchen place off Main Street in the next few days and buy a replacement.

  He glanced at the clock. Almost time for the bookstore to close. Why didn’t Ethan call? Maybe Dr. Anderson was busy. Serena wouldn’t be happy if she wasted her afternoon in the waiting room. He grabbed the trash bag and hauled it to the dumpster.

  Josh grabbed the rest of his gear, stuffed it in his Go bag along with clothes, and locked up. After storing his gear in his SUV, he cranked the engine and reached for his phone. He punched in Ethan’s number.


  Josh frowned. What was up? Ethan sounded strange. Squealing and laughing in the background? “Where are you?”


  “You took Serena from the doctor’s office to the store? She must not be that sick.”

  “You driving?”

  “I’m headed to the bookstore myself.”

  “I’ll talk to you when you get here.”

  Josh was about to ask for details when the call ended. Okay, that was odd. More than a little worried, he put the SUV in gear and pushed the speed limit to the store. He found a parking space close by and jogged up the street half a block. He shoved his way through the front door and stopped. His mother and all three sisters were huddled close together, Serena held tight in his mother’s embrace. Tears flowed freely from all but Megan. No surprise. Meg didn’t cry easily. She did, however, sport a huge grin on her face. Huh. So whatever news came from the doctor’s visit, it must not have been bad.

  He located Ethan sitting in an armchair nearby and made his way to his side. H
is brother-in-law sat with a cold Coke in his hand, his expression somewhat blank. “Hey, what’s going on? Is Serena okay?”

  Ethan’s gaze dragged up to Josh’s face. “She’s fine.”

  He frowned. She’d been out cold on his floor not two hours ago. “So what did the doc say?”

  “Serena’s pregnant.”

  Stunned, Josh turned to the knot of women that now included Del and Ivy. His heart squeezed. His baby sister was having a baby of her own. “Does Dad know?”

  “We left a message for him to call when he gets a chance.”

  Josh clapped his brother-in-law on the shoulder. “Congratulations, Ethan.”

  “Thanks. Can’t take it in.”

  He chuckled. “Drink your Coke. Got a feeling this is just the beginning. Wait until the baby gets here.”

  Ethan groaned. “Please, I haven’t processed the fact we’re having a baby yet, much less what happens in seven months.”

  “You do remember the squirt is one of triplets, right? Wonder if multiples run in the family?”

  His brother-in-law paled. “Don’t go there.”

  Josh laughed and turned toward the group of women. Serena noticed him approaching and broke away from the pack. She grinned and rushed into his open arms. He wrapped her close. “Congratulations, sweetheart. You’re going to be an amazing mother. Just spare my old heart and don’t pass out again. Don’t think I can take it.”

  His gaze rested on Madison, noticed tears on her face. “Is Maddie okay?” he murmured. He knew this day would come, but this must be so hard for his tender-hearted sister. Madison’s car accident a couple years earlier resulted in injuries which prevented her from having children, something he knew still grieved her.

  “I called Nick from the doctor’s office. He promised to be here soon. Ethan and I told Maddie before anyone else.” Serena tightened her grip around his waist. “She’s happy for us but the memories hurt.”

  “She’ll be okay. We’ll all help. The most important person in her corner is Nick. He adores her, squirt. He’ll help her through this.”

  Serena nodded and pulled away. “It’s so unfair for Maddie. She deserves everything.”


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