Vietnam, An Epic Tragedy

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Vietnam, An Epic Tragedy Page 91

by Max Hastings

‘filled us with sick anticipation’ Truong Nhu Tang p.58

  ‘I was scared to death’ Terry, Wallace Bloods: Black Veterans of the Vietnam War Presidio 2006 p.229

  ‘Okay, everybody’ Del Vecchio, John M. The 13th Valley Sphere 1983 p.3

  ‘it looked to me’ AI Spencer 12.3.16

  ‘back before it was’ ibid. 10.3.16

  ‘Capt. Henry Gole’ Gole Soldiering p.141

  ‘Are there still’ USMCA Finch MS Coll.1527

  ‘The first Vietnamese words’ Terry p.6

  ‘VC Number One!’ Elliott Mekong Delta Vol. II p.1005

  ‘Hell, no’ AI Kinne 2.10.16

  ‘Florid, bull-necked’ Snepp Irreparable Harm p.21

  ‘turned the forest white’ Col. Dang Vu Hiep Highland Memories People’s Army Publishing Hanoi 2000 p.86

  ‘It’s sort of’ USAHEC Oral Histories Medical Personnel Bystran

  ‘There was no’ Caputo p.107

  ‘We have no basis’ Ball to LBJ 1.7.65 Vietnam Documents

  ‘If we made contact’ AI Spencer 11.3.16

  ‘fired with its’ USMCA A/30/B/5/2

  ‘Keep the enemy’ Tran Quoc Tuan et al. History of the General Staff During the Resistance War Against the Americans to Save the Nation 1954–75 People’s Army Publishing House Hanoi 2010 Vol. III p.22

  ‘self-confident and proud’ Caputo p.32

  ‘was willing to do anything’ AI Boomer 3.3.16

  ‘the wilful and unilateral’ Ramsey MS III C2

  ‘The present leaders’ ibid. III C1

  ‘Vietnam Town Regains’ Elliott Mekong Delta Vol. II p.873; Higgins story Star 10.8.65

  ‘I smiled stupidly’ Caputo p.100

  ‘Some of them were not’ ibid. p.150

  ‘At his subsequent’ Solis, Gary D. Marines and Military Law in Vietnam: Trial by Fire US Marine Corps 1989 p.33

  ‘who had an exceptional’ AI Elliott 23.9.16

  ‘Menzies fiercely rebutted’ Edwards Australia and the Vietnam War p.184

  ‘We were building’ Ramsey MS II B37

  ‘As I was running’ AI Hoi 14.9.16

  ‘Are you trying’ AI Ly Van Quang 15.9.16

  ‘Unless you have’ AI Tran Hoi 16.9.16

  ‘We ought to be’ AI Uc 11.9.16

  ‘I must say’ Elliott Mekong Delta Vol. II p.786

  ‘The world never’ Luan p.291. Incident took place in September 1965

  ‘helicopters were sent’ ibid. p.290

  ‘Insensitivity to appearances’ Ky p.296

  ‘suspected military formations’ Ramsey MS p.32

  ‘I had one guy shot’ AI Hickman 22.2.16

  ‘The communists learned to exploit’ Ramsey MS p.32

  ‘morale languished’ Hiep p.87

  ‘They looked sad’ Elliott Mekong Delta Vol. I p.641 attack in 1964

  ‘Security Operations Against’ Nguyen Hung Linh & Hoang Mac Anti-Reactionary Forces: Chronology of Events 1954–75 Ministry of Interior Political Security Department III Public Security p.228

  ‘In that case’ Guardian Park obituary 28.3.10

  ‘To the glee of Hanoi’ Linh & Mac p.234 the killing took place on 7.1.66

  ‘Seeing the evidence’ Malcolm Gladwell interview on Revisionist History podcast June 2016

  ‘I hated the war’ Mai Elliott Sacred Willow p.324

  ‘I was suddenly struck’ Scotton p.156

  ‘fugitives from responsibility’ Clarke, Jeffrey J. Advice and Support: The Final Years pp.198–9

  ‘The existential question’ AI Eiland 14.11.16

  ‘gave us the chance’ An memoir p.30

  ‘From his perspective’ ibid. p.37

  ‘this does not mean’ ibid. p.40

  ‘They were especially’ AI Sutton 12.11.16

  ‘some of the cutest’ USAHEC Sidney Berry Papers Box 38

  ‘especially liked’ USAHEC Berry Letters Box 40

  ‘US killed-in-action’ RMcN memorandum of 30.11.65 Porter ed. Vietnam Documents pp.400–1

  ‘withdrawal with honor’ Shapley p.361

  ‘he did not regard’ Schlesinger Journals 21.1.66 p.243

  ‘It turned out to be’ AI Spencer 16.3.16

  ‘I would be nowhere’ on 2.1.66 USAHEC Berry Letters Box 40

  Chapter 12 – ‘Trying to Grab Smoke’

  ‘That’s the infantry’s’ Finlayson, Andrew Rice Paddy Recon McFarland North Carolina 2014 p.127

  ‘trying to come up’ USAHEC Company Commanders’ Oral Histories Box 7 File 3 Hood

  ‘the biggest surprise’ Terry p.238

  ‘Camrahn Bay was’ ibid. p.258

  ‘I didn’t believe’ ibid. p.36

  ‘The children thought’ West p.51

  ‘Medic Charlie Shyab arrived’ AI Shyab 11.11.16

  ‘The doctors and nurses’ AI Rogers 6.3.16

  ‘It looked like a full house’ AI Kinne 2.10.16

  ‘If I had been’ Caputo pp.184–5

  ‘He has been talking’ USAHEC Berry Papers Box 38

  ‘Why are men fighting’ Bonville, George You Ain’t Nothing But a Swamp Rat Professional Press 2016 p.139

  ‘Just look out’ ibid. p.98

  ‘an NVA general staff’ on 7.9.65 Tuan Vol. III p.24

  ‘The plan that was’ ibid. p.65

  ‘helicopters filled the air’ MG Huynh Cong Than On the Long An Battlefield: A Memoir as told to Nguyen Huu Nguyen People’s Army Publishing House 1994 p.113

  ‘They called for’ Sharp & Westmoreland Report on the War in Vietnam US Government 1969 pp.113–14

  ‘Our weakness is’ USAHEC Vietnam War Documents Box 2 Folder 15

  ‘like trying to grab’ West p.31

  ‘the head of a third’ Ramsey MS I B 7–11

  ‘The more I see’ USMCA Chaisson letters JA/A/5/6

  ‘To me, the mark’ Gole Depuy p.173

  ‘It’s very popular’ ibid. p.195

  ‘Up at 3.30am’ Bonville p.153

  ‘She was maybe’ ibid. p.167

  ‘I thought: “What’ AI Sutton

  ‘it was a cool hat’ AI Eiland 14.11.16

  ‘We looked after’ Terry p.23

  ‘He spent his’ AI Nelson 12.11.16

  ‘Goddam. This is’ Terry p.8

  ‘By a peculiar’ Scotton p.73

  ‘Old papa-sans were’ Bonville p.384

  ‘Man, he loved’ AI Nelson 12.11.16

  ‘You stupid Americans’ Bonville p.175

  ‘The only thing they told us’ Terry p.4

  ‘Only two other patrol’ Solis pp.53–4

  ‘You think it’s just’ Terry p.15

  ‘There’s just a bitch’ AI Nelson 12.11.16

  ‘Sometimes it was serious’ ibid.

  ‘Mike Sutton was’ AI Sutton 12.11.16

  ‘In one two-month’ M company of 3/7th, between 15 November 1968 and 15 January 1969. USMCA Hardwick MS A/30/J/5/1

  ‘The prongs proved’ Terry p.20

  ‘innocent people died’ AI Nelson 12.11.16

  ‘The enemy does not’ Lu Mong Lan in Santoli p.155

  ‘Not many of the kids’ AI Hunt 13.11.16

  ‘Vietnam started going equally’ AI Nelson 12.11.16

  ‘personally to direct’ Than p.120

  ‘The people did not’ ibid. p.116

  ‘There is a fundamental’ USAHEC Company Commanders’ Oral Histories Box 6 Folder 1 Dan Campbell

  ‘Fellman was something’ AI Harrison 11.3.16

  ‘We enjoyed what we did’ Hickey in PBS’s Vietnam: A Television History

  ‘claimed to have killed’ Washington Post magazine 18.1.87

  ‘I was taken to’ Santoli p.128

  ‘I really didn’t have’ USAHEC Medical Personnel Oral Histories Purcell, Shirley

  ‘far eclipsed any’ Hoang Ngoc Lung p.124

  ‘constantly handled defoliants’ Luan p.205

  ‘Most of the problems’ Edwards p.402

  ‘We knew we were going’ USAHEC Company Commanders’ Oral Histories Fich
tl, Theodore

  Chapter 13 – Graft and Peppermint Oil

  ‘The newly affluent class’ Mai Elliott Sacred Willow p.314

  ‘For us “Western’ Hayslip p.xiii

  ‘These changes did not’ Dong Van Khuyen

  ‘deplored the typical case’ Vien in Sorley Generals p.311

  ‘Black-market currency’ much of the account that follows derives from Marshall, Jonathan ‘Dirty Wars: French and American Piaster Profiteering in Indochina 1945–75’ Asia-Pacific Journal Vol. XII Issue 32 No. 2 August 11 2014, and from the author’s contemporary knowledge

  ‘the police officer responsible’ Ky p.162

  ‘[surpassed] the capacity’ George S. Prugh in Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 4 (1980) 1–93

  ‘The ring was eventually’ Solis p.161

  ‘I had expected’ Meinheit MS given to author

  ‘Everything I touched’ Ky p.167

  ‘I admire Hitler’ Siemon-Netto, Uwe Duc: A Reporter’s Love for the Wounded People of Vietnam 2013 p.121

  ‘If Americans, who’ Ky p.249

  ‘the army was being’ USAHEC Westmoreland history Book 6 tabs G-4, B-2, B-1

  ‘Before I let you’ Ky memoir p.212

  ‘a tangle of’ New York Times 3.4.66

  ‘Americans are active’ Nguyen Duy Hinh in Sorley Generals p.741

  ‘Thieu knew how’ AI Sheehan 5.3.16

  ‘Gradually it dawned’ Mai Elliott Sacred Willow p.317

  ‘excellent propaganda material’ USAHEC Wheeler Papers Box 2

  ‘If tree-leaves’ An memoir p.55

  ‘We killed an awful lot’ AI Sutton 12.11.16

  ‘Vietcong brutality was’ AI Elliott 23.9.16

  ‘Yes, Neil’ August 1966 in Sheehan Lie p.621

  ‘where they could’ Mai Elliott RAND p.83, quoting South-East Asia Trip Report p.18

  ‘I have the answer’ ibid. p.88

  ‘What can you do’ ibid. p.103

  ‘Oh, I talked’ ibid. p.133

  ‘friction, the contingent’ Howard Captain Professor p.173

  ‘appalled by the enormous’ Thompson p.15

  ‘This is crap’ Mai Elliott RAND p.180

  ‘We’re going to out-guerrilla’ Life 11.11.66

  Chapter 14 – Rolling Thunder

  ‘My solution’ LeMay, Curtis with MacKinlay Kantor Mission with LeMay Doubleday 1965 p.565

  ‘It is hard to bomb’ Ramsey MS IV A5

  ‘If we were going to’ USAHEC Oral Histories Transcripts, Weyand

  ‘Really, the policy’ Oral Histories interview Bundy quoted Clodfelter Limits p.63

  ‘It seemed as if’ Nichols, John B. & Tillman, Barrett On Yankee Station Bantam 1988 p.16

  ‘What’s a military convoy?’ quoted Clodfelter Limits p.121

  ‘for most of his presidency’ Palmer p.37

  ‘If you told him of’ Cooper p.420

  ‘The absence of a single’ Clodfelter Limits p.128

  ‘If LBJ only kept up’ Schlesinger Journals 28.7.66 p.251

  ‘It looked as if we had wiped’ Mersky, Peter & Polmar, Norman The Naval Air War in Vietnam Annapolis 1981 p.121

  ‘Rostow was the most’ Dobrynin p.141

  ‘I was looking for’ Broughton, Jack Thud Ridge Lippincott 1969

  ‘I heard them scream’ Thompson p.86

  ‘It’s not done’ ibid. p.93

  ‘Me or the war’ Nichols & Tillman p.35

  ‘They got knee-walking’ ibid. p.48

  ‘They could fill’ ibid. p.52

  ‘about three minutes’ ibid. p.110

  ‘Foul deck’ ibid. p.111

  ‘The first sign’ Broughton p.93

  ‘I thought they might’ Terry p.271

  ‘I never hated’ ibid. p.280

  ‘If my father got’ AI McDaniel 14.11.16

  ‘how few readers’ AI Snepp 10.9.16

  ‘casual toleration’ Ramsey MS II B42

  ‘What did my wife’ AI Nolan 12.3.16

  ‘Anyone who is not’ Broughton p.65

  ‘You sweated so badly’ ibid. p.67

  ‘It was a magnificent’ Nichols & Tillman p.64

  ‘For the pilots who fought’ ibid. p.119

  ‘The price of admission’ Palmer p.33

  ‘a selected series’ 9AF Manual 2-6 and 3-2 quoted Clodfelter Beneficial Bombing pp.243–4

  ‘In any two-week period’ USA Today 27.7.86

  Chapter 15 – Taking the Pain

  ‘even if we must’ Huy Duc p.152

  ‘To our people’ MP interview Ky

  ‘A teenager said’ AI Nguyen Van Hien 5.10.16

  ‘We had an ideal’ AI Nguyen Thanh Binh 14.10.16

  ‘For years Vietnamese’ AI Pham Thanh Hung 8.10.16

  ‘It was a terrible time’ AI Do Thi Thu 7.10.16

  ‘His story was’ AI Pham Thanh Hung 8.10.16

  ‘He duly went’ AI Pham Dai 17.9.16

  ‘One day her mother’ AI Hung 8.10.16

  ‘The name Nixon’ Voina Vo Vietname … Kak Eto Bylo [The War in Vietnam – How it Was] Glazunov et al. eds Moscow 2005

  ‘Yet on some days the’ Kien memoir p.15

  ‘Endless columns of lorries’ Zaitsev, Anatoly Na Gromykovskikh Kovrakh [On Gromyko’s Carpet] Moscow 2001

  ‘Some strangers took’ Kuin Hiong memoir

  ‘We were good kids’ AI Do Thi Thu 7.10.16

  ‘felt no animosity’ AI Pham Thi Khanh Phuong 6.10.16

  ‘“unsound” class background’ AI Phuong 6.10.16

  ‘he has not yet’ Kien memoir p.52

  ‘I was very keen’ AI Kislitsyn 27.2.16

  ‘extremely chic’ AI Miroshnichenko 12.2.16

  ‘It was a special’ AI Panov 21.2.16

  ‘The peasants would kill’ ibid.

  ‘Vietnamese feeling against’ AI Malevanyi 22.2.16

  ‘A radar controller peered’ AI Zalipsky 3.2.16

  ‘Two bright spots’ Kien memoir p.107

  ‘Even my old eyes’ Pribbenow, Merle L. ‘The –ology War: Technology and Ideology in the Vietnamese Defense of Hanoi 1967’ Journal of Military History Vol. LXVII No.1 (Jan. 2003 pp.175–200) p.178

  ‘and maybe allow’ AI Zalipsky 3.2.16

  ‘I was so scared’ Kuin Hiong memoir

  ‘delicious, with’ AI Zalipsky 3.2.16

  ‘Anything can happen’ Isaev, Petr in Glazunov et al.

  ‘joked with the local girls’ AI Zalipsky 3.2.16

  ‘recalled a song’ Zaitsev

  ‘there would be nothing’ AI Miroshnichenko 14.2.16

  ‘Our military specialists’ Kommesant Vlast Weekly No.19 26.5.1998 p.79

  ‘the Russians wrote’ Gaiduk p.71

  ‘A member of’ Col. Le Ngoc Bon et al. in Glorious History of the Heroic People’s Security Forces Hanoi 2006 p.34 translated by MP

  ‘Had we been’ an exchange on 23.8.66 quoted Gaiduk p.80

  ‘China dispatched’ Han Nian Long (ed.) 1988 Contemporary China’s Diplomacy, China Social Science Publishing House, p.34; Wang Taiping (ed.) 1998 Diplomatic History of the People’s Republic of China (2), World Knowledge Publishing House, p.35

  ‘More than 170,000’ Han Huanzhi (ed.) 1989 Contemporary China: Military Work of the Chinese Army (2), China Social Science Publishing House, p.514; Historical Research Department of Academy of Military Sciences PLA China (ed.) 1988, Chinese People’s Liberation Army Sixty-Year Event Record, Beijing: Military Science Publishing, p.616

  ‘Fifty-seven-year-old’ this account derives from Long, Guilin Memoirs Beijing 1996 pp.176–7

  ‘North Korea initially’ Col. Nguyen Van Minh, M.-G. Pham Van History of the Resistance War Against the Americans to Save the Nation 1954–75, 8 vols Military History Institute of Vietnam Hanoi 2008 Vol. V p.271 Hanoi 2001; & letter to Tuoi Tre newspaper 17.8.2007

  ‘Salisbury encountered’ the author was comparably bamboozled on a 1971 visit to China as a reporter for BBC TV

  ‘Even if a pilot’ Thompson p.45
  ‘A February 1967 poll’ Lou Harris in Washington Post 12.2.67

  ‘In 1966 the air campaign’ Pentagon Papers Gravel Edition IV p.136

  ‘Because it is in the interests’ quoted in Ulysses S. Sharp, Strategy for Defeat Presidio Press 1978 p.99

  ‘The frustration comes’ quoted in Mersky & Polmar pp.180–1

  ‘I can’t tell you’ Halberstam pp.138–9

  ‘a direct, frontal attack’ Institute for Defense Analyses JASON study 29.8.66 in Pentagon Papers p.505

  ‘The US campaign may’ Hoeffding, Oleg Bombing North Vietnam: An Appraisal of the Economic and Political Effects RAND Corporation publication RM5213 available online p.22

  ‘Hanoi has reaped’ ibid. p.v

  ‘there is some possibility’ USAHEC Wheeler Papers Box 2

  Chapter 16 – Waist-Deep in the Big Muddy

  ‘the aggressor and the’ New York Times 7.5.67

  ‘When I challenged’ AI Scotton 18.9.16 – he spoke in September 1967

  ‘inexhaustible masochism’ Kissinger, Henry The White House Years Boston & NY 1979 p.112

  ‘More capable’ Sorley, Lewis ed. The Abrams Tapes 1968–72 Texas Tech 2004 p.36

  ‘I had read’ Terry p.202

  ‘Unfortunately I could not’ Finlayson Rice Paddy Recon p.66

  ‘hurt by evidences’ McNamara private letter to Michael Sissons 23.3.67

  ‘We admire his ideology’ AI Ramsey 22.9.16

  ‘Statistics show’ much of the data that follows derives from Baskir, Lawrence M. & Strauss, William A. Chance and Circumstance: The Draft, the War and the Vietnam Generation Knopf 1978

  ‘a cynical avoidance’ ibid. p.7

  ‘My dad could never’ AI Graham 6.3.16

  ‘If we had been called up’ Baskir & Strauss p.49

  ‘The draftees who fought’ ibid. p.9

  ‘bearing any burden’ Charlton & Moncrieff p.137

  ‘US Army historian’ to the author 6.11.17

  ‘and you will regret’ AI Sen. Larry Pressler 21.1.17

  ‘There were no’ AI Rogers 6.3.16

  ‘It was obvious’ AI Scotton 11.9.16

  ‘royally chewed out’ Palmer p.60

  ‘is that you’d send’ USAHEC Oral Histories transcript

  ‘a little bit sensitive’ USAHEC Oral Histories Felletter, Vincent

  ‘Regional and Popular Forces scored’ Hunt 9th Division p.93, May 1968

  ‘A wall graph eventually showed’ ibid. p.97

  ‘Abrams later fulminated’ Abrams Tapes 18.4.70 p.407

  ‘a shameful 9th Division rampage’ Scotton p.240

  ‘dread of protracted war’ Wirtz, James J. The Tet Offensive: Intelligence Failure in War Cornell 1991 p.34


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