Educating Sophia (The Moran Family Book 5)

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Educating Sophia (The Moran Family Book 5) Page 20

by Alexis James

  The guys are all drop dead gorgeous. And that’s saying something since three of them are related to me. Jace and his brother Jack (Sabrina’s best friend), round out the group of hot groomsmen, and for a moment I wish I’d insisted that Caleb be a part of the bridal party. But, as he’s told me repeatedly, he’s new to our family and is still learning his place in it. Besides, he said in my ear when he got me alone, this way he can give me dirty looks and no one will be the wiser.

  Yep, dirty looks. Number twelve.

  I’ve still got our list of twenty tucked away in a box under the bed. Our bed, in our apartment, the one we moved into within weeks of us getting back together. Like most everything else with our relationship, it was fast. And damn near perfect.

  We’ve had a few hurdles along the way, but for the most part it’s been smooth sailing for me and my professor. I brought him home at Thanksgiving to meet the entire crew, and suffice it to say that Mama fell in love. The two of them are thick as thieves, kind of like me and Ezra, who came with us on that visit as well as every one thereafter. This family of mine keeps growing by leaps and bounds. And you know what, I wouldn’t change a thing.

  Bella leans over and grins at me. “You guys are next.”

  My sister is silly, but she’s probably right. While she and Jace are perfectly content to live together, there’s been no talk of weddings or engagements. Sure, I might sport my rock for a good many years, but I have no problem with that. Caleb and I will get hitched when the time is right.

  “Hey, maybe we can have a double wedding,” I suggest. She doesn’t balk, so I have to assume it is something to consider. There could be worse things in life then sharing my wedding day with my big sis. In fact, I’d feel honored to do so. I have a hunch Caleb would too, since he and Jace have developed this weird bromance with one another. Then again, so have he and Cruz, which is even weirder. For the first time in his life, my big brother actually has a friend that isn’t a sibling. Imagine that.

  I walk down the aisle with a spring in my step, catching the eye of the handsome professor and his father as I pass. I’m such a lucky girl. I have this big, beautiful family that’s continually growing and changing. I’ve got two nieces and a nephew that I love to pieces. Oh, and there’s another one on the way.

  Poor Marco. I’m not sure how he’s going to survive fatherhood.

  Taking my place at the altar, I look out into the audience and smile. My gaze immediately finds Caleb’s. He and I have settled into a nice life in New Orleans. I’m substitute teaching until I find something permanent and helping him out in his office because he always gets behind on grading.

  And for a few other reasons.

  We’ve done our fair share of fulfilling long-held fantasies in that space, that’s for sure. The first time he shoved me up against his office door and made love to me, it felt like we’d come full circle.

  When he laid me across his desk and fucked me hard, hand over my mouth as I screamed out my release … Well, let’s just say that’s a fantasy we’ve revisited more than a few times.

  We’re freaky like that.

  He mouths, “I love you,” and surprisingly my face heats. He’s so incredibly free with his emotions now, telling me often how he feels about me and never caring if anyone else might hear. I love so many things about my man, but his ability to take control and equally hand it over is quite possibly his most endearing quality.

  Well, that and the way he touches me. Everywhere.

  Number five, in case you were wondering.

  I glance over at the girls standing next to me. These amazing, strong, beautiful women who I’m lucky enough to call my own. And now Sabrina is joining those ranks, officially becoming one of us, even though she’s technically been one for a long time now. I’m grateful to her for making my brother happy, grateful to the others as well for bringing my siblings the kind of peace and tranquility I have in my own life. This is a damn good life we have. Knowing how easily I tried to walk away from it still haunts me. Mama says we’re all entitled to one or two big mistakes in life. That one … Well, I’ll probably never ever feel like I can make amends for it.

  Mama smiles at me, her blue-green eyes twinkling with happiness as she sits next to Papa in the front row, hand in hand. It hits me right then and there, like a slap to the face or punch to the gut, that none of us would be here had they not met and fallen in love all those years ago. Me and my siblings wouldn’t exist and our significant others and spouses would have gone on to marry other people. I’ve always been grateful for my parents, but never more than right at this exact moment. How silly is that … to suddenly realize something that is such a duh moment in life.

  I never said I was the smart one of the group.

  Bella reaches for my hand then turns to her left and reaches for Amita. A moment later, all five of us are locked together in solidarity, which speaks more to who we are as family than to who we are as individuals.

  This family of mine, we love hard. We fight dirty. We trust one another without hesitation. This family of mine is truly blessed. I am truly blessed. There will never again be a day when I forget that.

  “You may now kiss the bride.”

  I’ve been so zoned out, contemplating my life, that I’ve missed the entire ceremony, brief as it was. That’s Roman for you, in a big hurry to make this woman his. He’s waited long enough. He deserves it.

  He’s such a softie, all teary-eyed as he cups her face with his hands and presses his lips against hers. Makes me so happy to know that he’s being taken care of, that he’s loved, that he’s protected by his now-wife. Ironic, since I balked at Cruz and Marco for wanting the same for me. Crazy how life works sometimes, isn’t it?

  Since losing and subsequently finding Caleb again, I’ve reevaluated my relationships with my siblings. I’ve been a piss poor sister since moving to Louisiana and becoming Miss Independence. I’ve been so caught up in living my own life and doing my own thing, I’ve neglected the people who are most important to me. People who would have gladly helped out and made my life easier had I not been too proud to ask. I’ve been working to change that, but it is going to take time. I owe them that. I owe Cruz the most, because he fully stepped outside his comfort zone and sought me out. Then he did the same with Caleb. Marco eventually did the same too, though he’s clearly too focused on impeding fatherhood to concentrate on much else. Poor guy.

  In the anteroom at the back of the church, we gather around to hug the newlyweds. Caleb strolls up and slides his hand in mine, our fingers lacing together as easily and as naturally as my parents’ do. Everything is perfect about this moment. And like my family, I wouldn’t change a thing. Not one, single thing.

  The End

  Writing the acknowledgements for this final book of the Moran series is truly bittersweet. These characters have become a part of my family for the past few years; living, breathing people who it feels like I have to say goodbye to. Thankfully, their stories will live on long after I jot down these final few words. And though it is a bit sad to say goodbye, I am so excited about all the new projects on the horizon.

  The idea for the first book in this series, “Saving Cruz”, came out of nowhere (as most story ideas do). The entire Moran family was born in the matter of a few weeks after that first idea, though their stories took much longer to complete. I knew I wanted Cruz to have strong family ties. What I didn’t know is how much blood, sweat, and tears I would bleed into seeing the entire family come alive on the pages of each book. I adore this family (no shocker there). I want to listen to Spanish guitar music in Cruz’s living room. I want to drink a shot of tequila with Marco. I want to hug Roman and Emmy. I want to have a girl’s day with Bella and Sophia, soaking up their strength and independence. I want to eat Mama’s homemade enchiladas, sit on the couch next to Papa, and go out drinking with Mia, Amita and Sabrina. And— let’s be real for a second— I really, REALLY, just want to stand back and look at each and every one of the guys (shirts off, of co

  This entire series (and the 2 books I released prior to it) would not have been possible had a certain someone (the hubby) not given me a firm, but gentle shove in the direction of self-publishing. Without his encouragement, my little hobby of writing would have stayed a secret. Without his shove forward, I’d never be staring up at a bookcase with 7 books lined up on it that I have written. Without his constant praise, I would have bowed out gracefully after the first book. Mark…you’re my rock, the voice in my head, the love of my life, and the only person who knows me completely. Thank you…for everything.

  Let me be the first to say that I (we) have two of the most amazing kids in the world. T & J…I know I’ve said it before, but being your mom is something I’m grateful for every single day. We are so very proud of the adults you’ve become and of the lives you are making for yourselves. You both will always be my babies.

  By now, most of you know how awesome my parents are. They have immersed themselves in this silly little endeavor of mine; always supportive, encouraging and bragging about my books to anyone who will listen. Mom and Dad….if this past year has taught us nothing else, it’s that we MUST cherish every single day as if it were our last. I’m so incredibly honored to have you as my parents.

  I’m Italian, so like the Moran clan I know a thing or two about family dynamics, as well as the fierce love and protectiveness that comes with being a part of such a large family. My cousins— the entire lot of them— are my very best friends. My only wish is that we could see each other more often. Thank goodness for the internet! (I thought I’d never say that.)

  Deb….I know I thank you often for being my wise counsel and beta reader, but I need to thank you again. And again. And again. You truly make me a better writer, and your support and encouragement is something I will never take for granted.

  Max….I am so grateful to have been one of your chosen few. Every time I send you a manuscript I’m terrified…and grateful. Very, very grateful. You push this writer’s brain of mine hard in only the best of ways. You’ve made me better at my craft and I know it will only improve from this point on.

  Stacey…Thank you for always being flexible, for answering my stupid questions, and for always getting right back to me when I email you in a panic. Your professionalism is so appreciated.

  Giselle….I feel so very fortunate to have you on my team. Each and every time you flawlessly pull off a cover reveal or book blitz for me I’m stunned and grateful. You make it all look so easy. Thank you for ALL you do for me!

  Sam…you stepped up to complete the cover of this final book with grace. I’m certain it was not an easy task to design a cover for the last book in a series and have it not stand out as different. You’ve done a beautiful job of bringing Sophia to life. I thank you for taking a chance on me and for putting up with all the crazy emails. I promise, next time it won’t be this chaotic.

  To all the bloggers and readers who give of their time to read my books and review them, I cannot thank you enough. I’m humbled and honored to have you in my corner.

  Te amo!

  Educating Sophia is the fifth and final book in The Moran Family series, but it can be read as a standalone. Other books in the series:

  Saving Cruz

  Taming Marco

  Breaking Roman

  Revealing Bella

  Alexis James lives in sunny California, where she was born and raised. When she’s not spending time with her hubby of almost 30 years, you can find her tapping away on the computer or reading obsessively. Introduced to books at an early age by her mom, she has a great passion for a good love story, and the occasional murder mystery too. She’s always searching for the next, heart-tugging romance, and has recently become a huge fan of M/M love stories. She enjoys a good date night, an inexpensive bottle of wine (red in the winter, white for summertime), and any story that can make her smile and/or cry. She and her family enjoy camping anywhere and everywhere, and her favorite spot by far is the Grand Canyon.

  Alexis is the proud mom of two adult children. Being a mom is her greatest joy and she’s happiest when the house is filled with her kids and their friends.

  Alexis’s first novel, “Losing Faith”, was released in September 2014. Her second novel, “Loving Emma”, is a standalone, though it does feature some characters from “Losing Faith”. The first book in The Moran Family series— “Saving Cruz”— was released in October 2016. It is the first of 5 in the series.

  She invites you to visit her author pages on Facebook and Goodreads, and her website: She frequently posts blogs on her website about whatever strikes her fancy and has recently started posting a Recipe of the Month. You can also follow her on Twitter (@alexisjames27) or you can email her at: [email protected].

  Alexis loves to hear from her readers, so please don’t hesitate to reach out and share your thoughts on her books. For the latest news on upcoming releases and giveaways, signup for her newsletter.

  Losing Faith

  Loving Emma

  The Moran Family series:

  Saving Cruz

  Taming Marco

  Breaking Roman

  Revealing Bella




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