Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series) Page 3

by Ryan, Rebecca J

  "You want to kiss it ," he says.

  I want to do a whole lot more I think, taking his cock in my mouth. Feeling such a rush that his huge dick is mine, in my mouth, licking it like it a lollipop. I see that he is about to come, thrusting into my mouth. I stop, reach in my purse for a condom, rip it open and slip it on his monster dick and fuck him, rocking him hard. He moans feeling my vagina, he keeps rocking and I keeping moving forward, rubbing my clit against his hard cock, man I am about to come.

  He lifts his ass in the air as he pounds into me as I keep rocking hard on him, rocking my pussy, wanting this fuck so badly. I feel utter joy and satisfaction feeling him rip my sweet spot, heightening my pleasure. "Keep going, faster, faster' and then we both let out a moan, coming at the same time.

  Dang, I have never been fucked so good. I fall on his chest, feeling his heart want out of his body, just like mine, feeling my pussy retract, still rocking, still wanting it.

  I am in trouble, my pussy will never be the same. He doesn't move and I if I had to die this very second I would have died happy, so happy.

  I wish this moment didn't have to end.

  Chapter 8


  About five minutes later, she lifts from my chest and rises from my dick, and she is back at the driver's seat.

  I am still semi-erect and if she were to start sucking me again, I'd be ready to go for round two. Watching her turns me on in a big way, and I know if she were to even touch my dick. I’d spring full length ready to pound that luscious pussy of hers again.

  Sadly this was a one time deal.

  I will have a hard time taking a shower tonight, not wanting to wash away her smell. Maybe I will jack-off thinking of her, sucking my fingers afterwards. Man, I just want to rub that clit again and get her going. She is a fucking machine.

  Damn, seeing her bare legs are torture. I imagine taking my tongue and licking her from bottom to top, fucking her with my tongue, having rise that sexy ass of hers again, rocking her hips while I keep sucking and fucking her with my tongue. Damn, I have to hold my hands down.

  She turns to look at me, with her sexy eyes, fuck I want her. What the fuck is happening to me. I don't even smile at her, what an ass I am.

  Julie lifts her sweaty ass from the seat, seeing it so firm and hard, remembering it rocking back and forth and how I was touching it as she kept rocking me, until I could no longer hold out. She rocked the cum out of me. Man, does she know what she is doing.

  I think she is ready to fuck again, waiting for her to touch herself, to tease me to no end, but no such luck. She lifts her butt to pull up her panty hose, and the quick sight of her jungle arouses the fuck out of me.

  I panic when I hear her phone vibrate, remembering that I shut my radio off for at least thirty minutes. I am lucky they haven't found me, and I can't say it is the first time for doing so. The last time I was warned that if it happened again I would be written up.

  She looks at me, waiting for a reaction, but I don't say a word. Say something, I think, but I don't know what to say after being fucked so hard.

  I am a bad boy, but this bad boy is in unfamiliar, scary territory. If I really considered this a fuck, there was no way in hell I would have let her practically take a nap on my chest. I would have pushed her off the second I blew my load. I would have left, with her feeling like this was only a fuck.

  Big mistake to be here for as long as I have. I just want to leave nicely if that’s even possible.

  "Listen, I got to if you don't mind, can you leave," she says, her voice cracking.

  I shake my head and say, "alright".

  She nervously smiles, I can see that isn't the response she wants, but I don't know what else to say. I feel like an idiot. I can't say you are candy to my eyes and I so want my dick in your pussy again and I sort of like you.

  "So, we are square, right? She asks, this time her voice is a little louder.

  I look at her, wondering what she is talking about, but then remember what I said earlier as a condition for her not getting a speeding ticket.

  "Yes, we are squared and I have forgotten your number." I say this, though I am lying through my teeth, I'll never forget it. But I can't afford to get written up and this sexual escapade if reported would have my ass kicked out of the force. I really needed to be careful, especially with a district attorney. I was threading in dangerous waters, though I would do it again in a heart beat.

  I turn away to open the car door and I feel unsteady, this has never happened to me before.

  "Careful," she says, hearing her giggle.

  I smile, thinking I'll try, but it will be hard when my world was just rocked by you, a beautiful, intelligent person. But I will never tell her this.

  Fuck, why did life have to throw curves and serious pussy around to only take it back.

  Chapter 9


  Getting off of him felt like my heart was being ripped out. I could have stay on his chest until the end of time. Listening to him breathe in and out was pure heaven, like a lullaby, thinking how close I was to him. Him still being in me was mind blowing. I wanted to start again, feeling he was still semi-erect, wanting another round, but he seemed distant.

  It was a one time deal.

  I am going to the mall later and smell as many bottles of cologne I need to find his. It won't be hard, because I know this smell, like I know mine especially since it is all over my sex. Even if I don't see him again, I like the idea of having a piece of him readily, so I can dab a smell whenever I want, triggering my body to pound my finger like it’s his dick. Ah, I can't believe this is happening. I am so torn.

  I know he is an alpha male, never joining lustful sex with love. It is all about sex and being fucking primal, but Lord I have never ever felt such desire and need for a person like now.

  But what just happened was no more than two incredibly horny adults, wanting to fulfill each other's fantasies, screwing each other's brains out.

  Which was very much accomplished. Fuck, it was, more than I ever thought could be. So I am a little sad, thinking how he could grin his dick, hitting my sweet spot each time, like a sharpshooter, was just a one time deal. How depressing, but I knew this was how it went.

  I made it easy for him to leave, not wanting to stretch an awkward situation longer than it needed to be.

  I appreciate that he wasn't acting like an asshole, like we didn't have mind blowing sex, but I can't deny that I wish he would have wanted to see me later.

  I know I was a little bitchy with my stupid are we squared comment. I suppose the lawyer side of me wanted to make it loud and clear not to fuck with me.

  I turn around and reach for my Coach purse behind the driver's seat. I threw it over once I got the condom out. Man, sliding it on his 9 inch dick, got me excited. So thrilled that it slid on with no problem so I could slide down on him, and what a joy that was, feeling it go so very deep in me, intuitively rocking against it, as it teased my clitoris making it rise in pleasure, feeling my juices gush, until I came, falling into his chest for mercy.

  I frantically look for my make-up bag, which found its way to the bottom of my oversized purse.

  I open it to find my lipstick, face powder, blush and eyeliner, realizing I only need to reapply my lipstick, otherwise I am set. My face color looks healthy and I can't help but smile, thinking the thousands of moans and groans and thrusts I did to achieve my glow.

  My hair is no longer in a bun, I actually like the loose hair pieces framing my face. I look sexy, and I laugh, talking out my cell phone to take a selfie. Hey why not, I worked hard for this sultry style, moving my hips, riding the pony, my mind in the gutter.

  I take my hair down, a wave of his smell intoxicates me, probably from when I was resting on his hot chest. I take a deep breath and feel overwhelmed with this cop, who happened to rock-me-out-of-this-world.

  My phone vibrates, shit it's Heather, my filterless assistant. Whose favor expression is "What the fuck?" I
love her though.

  “Girl, where are you?"

  "I'm in the parking garage, just about to get out of the car?"

  "Mr. Burn’s is here, wanting to see you."


  "He said he wants to talk to you about setting the Brady case. He said he has been calling you and left you messages."

  Shit, I think. Come on think of an excuse, my mind going completely blank. So the best thing is to bend the truth.

  "I got pulled over...actually a few of us did for speeding, it was a mess. I am here now. Mr. Burns needs to take a chill. He is just mad that I won’t go out with him.”

  I knew I had to get my ass in the office. Mr Burns is a smart ass, with a mouth that won't stop. Needless to say, he gets attention real fast, and I don't need any of it, especially now.

  "I'll be right there."

  I open the car door to find that my legs are sore but I am not complaining. They feel just like they do after a good run. I carefully walk down to the third level, my heart jumps when I see a police car parked. Could it be him?

  Hold your horses, I think, reminded that we are next to the courthouse, where hundreds of police cars come and go throughout the day. Yet, I turn to look at the driver's side of the patrol car to see it's empty.

  I walk to the elevator, taking a deep breath, praying Heather worked her magic if Mr. Burns was being difficult.

  As I walk in my office, Mr. Burns is waiting for me, looking at me like a dog in heat. Eyes bugged out and I immediately notice his greasy hair. I wonder if the guy even slept.

  "Where have you been?"

  I look straight at him, with dark eyes. If there is anything that I can't stand is for a man to ask me where I have been. I just shake my head, no need in responding, he is not even my boss.

  "You look like you ran a marathon with your flushed face."

  I smile back and think why not blow him off his feet.

  "Sort of," I say.

  "I see, it suits you well, maybe I should take up running," he says.

  '"Shall we get back to business with the Brady case. I have a full day ahead of me, and I am sure you do too."

  He agrees, asking first if he could get some coffee and of course I agree.

  Chapter 10


  I return to my cop car as I like to call my second home. A name I took from watching Batman as a kid.

  I feel strange, not like I am fully in my body yet, somehow feeling detached, like I don't feel it. How did she manage to do this?

  What just happened between Julie and I was spiritual and I am floored thinking I have never risen to such sexual heights. It was like she has a magic spell, her pussy nurtured my dick like a perfect glove. I never really believed in magic, but I do now.

  I had two miss calls, one from Paul's lawyer.

  I call him back on his cell phone, but he is not picking up. I wonder how Paul's deposition went. I have been to plenty to know they can be stressful, being sandwiched in between two lawyers in a small room, questioned by both, every word being taped and your ass on the line.

  Lawyers with their tricky questions, Paul isn't stupid, but he crumbles under pressure, hopefully he listened to my advice.

  Stay calm.

  I call Mr. Burn's office, and he isn't there, but his assistant Charlie is, and I ask to talk to him.

  "Hi, Officer Brady," he says.

  "Hi, Charlie, how did Paul's deposition go? I see Mr. Burns tried calling me, but I was working."

  Yeah, working my dick into Julie's jungle, I think, grinning.

  "Well," he says, dragging out what I feel to be bad news. "It didn't happen, it got postponed."

  The tone of his voice dropped considerably and I knew he was afraid of telling me why.


  "Wait, a moment," Charlie says. I hear foot steps walking away to close a door.

  "Paul, got involved in a jail fight, again."

  "Jesus Christ, why wasn't I told of this sooner. Paul was targeted, because he is not a fighter. Fuck...this is unbelievable."

  "We are getting the details now, supposedly he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't think it was intentional. You know how jails can be," Charlie says.

  Fuck yes, I do know how jails are, but I find it strange he got involved in another fight.

  "So where the fuck is Mr. Burns? What is he doing about it?" I ask, feeling frustrated.

  "He is at the district attorney’s office, talking to the prosecuting attorney handling the case, hoping to get some answers, and to see if anything can be worked out to get your brother out."

  Shit, this is serious, first he tells me that the fight Paul was in was not intentional again, yet if that was the truth, why would Paul's lawyer be at the opposing sides office wanting to get him out?

  I’m pissed, my little brother was the opposite of me, he wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone screw a girl he didn't love, nor hurt anyone's feelings. He would just shut his mouth, yet if he would bend backwards if he fell head-over-heels for someone. Maybe he did and someone didn't like it.

  There was a girl that came to mind, what I could remember she recently arrived from Italy. She works with him at Sal’s Pizzeria or I should say worked with him. Now that Paul was charged with armed robbery against the owner, Salt. When I asked if they were dating, he got mad and changed the subject.

  This did not make any sense, making my head hurt. This situation is odd, but I had to get to the bottom of this. I have to save my brother.

  "So, who is this prosecutor?" I ask angrily. "Whoever, this person is, they better get my brother out of jail before he gets hurt or it will be on them."

  "Her name is Julie White."

  My face completely drops, and I feel like I was just punched in the stomach, wanting to fall over and hopefully snap out of this nightmare. I kept quiet.

  "Bo are you still there."

  "Yah, just got a radio call, sorry. Got to go."

  I wasn't lying to Pete, I really did. I pull out of the parking spot feeling detached from my body again, having no idea what the hell I should do.

  Taking deep breaths, thinking how the heck could this even be possible? I just keep thinking I am going to wake up from this bad dream.

  Chapter 11


  Heather got Robert and I coffee, yet not without a text saying that I owed her big time.

  "So what is it with Paul?"

  "As you know he got roughed up earlier for the third time, though the prison guards keep saying Paul was in a bad spot, mixed between two rival gang members."

  "It happens and often more than once. Paul could have looked at someone the wrong way."

  "True, but his aunt, who happens to work at social services is ready to tell her boss to get involved. She thinks Sal, his ex-boss, had some pull in getting Paul roughed up to keep quiet."

  I role my eyes, "Please, don't you even think that is a bit far-fetched? I think this aunt is full of hot air. If she was so concerned she would have used her connections by now. I'd just blow it off. It doesn't change the facts."

  Robert gave me the fuck you look.

  "Come on Robert, you did something to her, and she’s now pissed."

  He looks up, letting out "you got me" grin.

  "So what? We fooled around."

  "See that is your real problem. When are you going to learn that sleeping with a client is a big no.”

  "Well, she sort of came on to me. I can't reject pussy."

  I shake my head, thinking of Candy Copy. How he used that word over and over again in the patrol car.

  "I am here because I want to settle this damn case."

  "Sure you are, you just want to get rid of this aunt who is ready to blow your cover. Right?"


  "So, what are you proposing?”

  "Drop the charges."

  I blankly look at him, clearly thinking he has lost his mind again. There was evidence that could convict Paul. His prints were on the gun.
/>   "This is a pretty slam dunk case, with his prints on the gun. They cannot be ignored."

  "True, but there is a reason. Sal forced him to hold the gun. Paul is terrified of guns."

  Often I am told the most bizarre scenarios about cases, and what I have learned hidden in them are sprinkles of truth. This has peaked my interest, maybe there is an angle I did not consider.

  "What would be the motive for Sal to lie?"

  "His aunt believes Sal set Paul for a fall because he was getting to close to his granddaughter Nicole."

  "OK I'll see what I can do. I'll dig a little deeper."

  "I'd like you to dig deeper in me."

  "Get your mind out of the gutter."

  "You know me too well, maybe its because we are soul mates."

  "Please Robert, let's keep this real." I say, an expression I learned from Heather. She is always keeping it real in the office.

  "Friends with benefits would be better."

  "Out before I just forget you were even here," I scream, Heather opens the office door.

  "Can you show Mr. Burns the way out?"

  "Most definitely."

  Robert walks out, knowing I mean what I say.

  This case was turning to be the likes of Law and Order. I have to admit I have a responsibility to dig a little deeper. Though it was circumstantial, it was enough for me to look into and ask Sal about.

  Then I think of the mysterious alpha cop, toying with the idea that maybe he could assist me with the case, with his street smarts; I’m sure he would have some good pointers. Though I couldn't help think how his dick could point its way in my mouth, my pussy area and again and back in my mouth.

  Focus, Julie, I tell myself.

  It was just a one day affair.

  No way in hell he wants to talk to you after the show you put on.

  My number one priority now is justice, and if Sal is really a bad guy, he will go down, even if he is my client. I will find away for this case to disappear if needed. First I have to see all the cards, and if there are even worth pursuing.


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