Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series) Page 8

by Ryan, Rebecca J

  Nicole looks up with her dark watery brown eyes staring right at me.“ He is at a very bad place, locked up like an animal.”

  I want to say more but I can’t. I don’t want to ignite her emotions to where she may do or say something to Sal.

  “I got to go,” Nicole says, as she walks through the swinging doors.

  When I return from adjusting my contact, Sal is sitting in the high top chair Nicole was sitting in, giving me a hard stare.

  "Julie, now that the case is over, let's forget about it. No more talking about it or it could be a problem later. Understand? Am I making myself clear?”

  I look at him, seeing a very upset man. His face red, noticing a bottle of gin next to a shot glass a few inches away from his fingers.

  “Yes, it’s over,” I say, walking towards him, wishing I could just disappear. There is something sinister about his message about the case being over and how we shouldn’t talk about it anymore, like he’s all knowing and I should listen or else. His tone is giving me the creeps. I want to say, I’m happy it’s over so I don’t have to see or talk to you ever again.

  He smiles, reaching for his shot glass. It’s full, then he gulps it down until the glass is empty. I’m sick watching.

  "Be careful of that new man of yours."

  I look at him, feeling a wave of fear roll down my back. How did he know about Candy Cop?

  "Who I see is really none of your business," I say, feeling like I just landed after a fifty foot drop. I feel so violated by his warning.

  "Well, I am only looking for your best interest, doll."

  Really Asshole, I think.

  "He shouldn't even be a lawyer, that Mr. Burn or whatever the hell his name is, he screwed this case up. I know the likes of him. He better not come here anymore. I'm pissed. You got it?"

  I realize he is not talking about Candy Cop, thankful I did not storm out of the pizzeria, however, there was something puzzling by his statement. I am not sure why he would think Mr. Burn's and I were together. The only reason I could see was if he had told Sal we were.

  I walk out of Sal's with a burning desire to bust Robert's ass, and I have no idea why Sal felt threatened by Robert. I must be missing something.

  I call Robert to give him the news. He picks up on the first ring.

  "I was just thinking about you. Any news?"

  I pause before I respond, not wanting to give him any false hope, "Yes, I will be filing papers to have the charges dismissed against Paul Brady, just as soon as I get to my office."


  "Yes, really."

  "This only means what I thought all along, Sal is a bastard."

  "What comes around goes around," I say, hoping to send a clear message to Robert. I don't trust him.

  "When will he be out? So I can call his brother and let him know of the good news."

  "Tomorrow, hopefully around lunch. Like I said, I have to submit the paperwork first, hoping Judge Johnson will sign them before he leaves for the afternoon."

  "Awesome, now let’s celebrate. How about a drink tonight?"

  "Robert, it is not official yet, and I am kind of seeing someone," I say, hoping he takes the hint.

  "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. It's only for a drink and nothing else. You know I saved your ass. Sal was going to make you look like an idiot. He had you wrapped around his finger.”

  I shake my head, I can't stand pompous men.

  "I'll text you as soon as the judge signs,” I say, wanting to get the hell off the phone.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve over assholes, that’s it” I say.

  There is a silence over the line.

  “So I’m suddenly an asshole?” Robert asks.

  “If the shoe fits, then yes, but I am too tired for anymore games today. I just want to go home.”

  “Meet me for a drink, you’ll see I am not an asshole,” Robert says.


  I drive back to the courthouse parking lot, relieved the case is over, but not liking that Sal played the system and me, and now I have another asshole to deal with. Did he really try to pull off that we were a couple to Sal? And if he did, why was he talking to him. He had no right to go behind my back and talk to the opposite side.

  I submit the dissolution case papers to Judge Johnson's office and his secretary remarks that the papers should be signed by the time he leaves. I’m thankful that Paul Brady's last night of jail is tonight.

  Driving home, I think of Candy Cop. The thought of him gets me aroused. He gets me horny, ready to ride his stick. I can’t help but smile, my sexual appetite has been on a high since he pulled me over. Who knew speeding would lead to blissful sex. I just hope he decides to pay me a visit tonight and not just watch.

  As I drive down my street, I look to see if there are any suspicious cars. There aren’t.

  I open the front door, ready to take a nap, just wanting a little shut eye. I feel emotionally whipped, hoping a fifteen minute nap will energize me and get my juices flowing again.

  I lay on the couch, shutting my eyes, feeling myself drift into sleep when my cell phone rings. I look at it, it’s Joan, my neighbor. My heart races, is she calling me about Candy Cop?

  "Hello," I say, trying not to sound too excited.

  "Your friend just walked in your backyard."

  My eyes pop open, my heart feels like it just started a race.

  Pure adrenaline calls me.

  "Oh, thanks. I'm on my way to the back to see him."

  "OK hun," Joan says nervously.

  "Thanks again, this will be the last time you’ll see him go through the back way, so don't worry."

  "OK, but I would feel better if I could meet you in the front and we could go together. We live in a crazy world, maybe it isn’t your friend.”

  "No, it’s him. I know it is."

  "You can never be too sure,” Joan says.

  I just want to hang up the phone, but I know Joan good enough that if I did, she'd be knocking at my door thinking the worst.

  "I will call you back."

  "Good idea, I’ll be waiting and please don’t be too long.”

  I say a quick good-bye and get off the phone. I know she means well but come on already. I’m not a child.

  I look through the blinds, not seeing him, but the hedges are tall and that is where he was last time, knowing he is probably behind them is giving me a sexual rush.

  I’m hoping to be moments away from feeling our warm bodies interplaying, scoring. Taking deep breaths, hoping to settle myself down. Still my heart is thumping hard against my chest.

  Take it easy or you won't have any dick tonight. I smile, thanking my humor for taking a stab at my stubborn and overwhelming anxiety. It's still there, but it’s not taking every once of my being.

  I tip toe down the stairs, feeling ready to see him. My breathing has returned to normal, and I feel like Cinderella going to meet her prince.

  I walk down the back door hoping Candy Cop is still behind the hedges waiting for me. I realize I have to call Joan. I have to make this fast.

  The thought of him is exciting me too much. The night air is intoxicating, the moon is hidden in the clouds. It is an overcast night, making me feel like I’m in another place and time. I wonder if he will make a move tonight or will I have to.

  Walking down the pool steps I let out a little grin, remembering last night. I was so horny for him and to think he was watching me gets me excited again.

  I start to swim across to the other end of the pool, thinking of him watching me. How I want him, that I waste no time, my juices are flowing and my private is just pounding, getting larger and plumb for him.

  I find the pulsating jet, it seems weaker tonight. Yet I aline my womanhood right on it, slowly warming up my clit, rocking my hips up and down. Feeling a pleasurable build-up, my VJJ is loving it; the joy of having its pleasure button touched the right way is mind blowing.

  I keep rocking, faster with eac
h motion, riding it like a bull, my body working itself. The build up getting more pleasurable and steamy. I feel seconds away from coming, wanting him more. The pulse feels so good, hitting my clit. My pleasure grows thinking of him watching me, I wonder if he is jacking off, following my rhythm.

  I call to him and he walks over. He demands I get out of the pool.

  Chapter 28


  I broke a rule, I’m still in her bed.

  I can't help watching her sleep. Her body is right next to me, her face is inches away from mine. Julie is flawless. There is nothing about her that I don't like, physically and emotionally.

  I stay still watching her breathing, inhaling and exhaling, taking in each breath.

  I lift my left hand and lightly touch her cheek, it is still flushed from the lovemaking we did. I hold my breath, damn I know I am in trouble, because I have never used the word lovemaking in my life. This is the first time I have ever got lost looking at a girl's face, wanting to know her world, her life.

  I look at the nightstand it is 3 am. I have to go.

  But I don’t want to. I want to stay here with Julie.

  Chapter 29


  I wake up to find him gone. Why did I think he would stay? Come on Julie, get a grip, but the romantic part of me thought it was a real possibility.

  The sex was too good, it had passion that a one nightstand never included. It was more like lovemaking. He has a way with my body, like my curves and creases were created for him. He knew my sweet spots, his expertise knew how to make my body tremble from the pleasure he was giving me. He even managed to do this with just a look. He was my maker.

  I roll over to the side he slept on, holding the pillow his beautiful head graced for a few hours, smelling his undeniable scent like if it were him.

  I debate if I should take a shower, I don't want to wash him off but if I don’t, his smell will be a trigger for me. I go and take a shower, feeling relaxed much like after a good run.

  Time to get serious, I think. I have a ton of work to do and new cases to review and get in motion.

  I arrive at work at 8:30 a.m, I am surprised to see Heather.

  "What's up? You know you don't have to be here until 9:00?"

  She looks up to smile, but I already can see she is sad about something.

  "What's wrong?"

  "The usual men stuff, but I’ll be alright."

  I realize our professional relationship has sort of shifted, because I never knew she had a boyfriend. Yes, she freely gave her opinions but she never spoke about her love life and I knew not to ask, until now.

  "What happened?"

  She looks up, her eyes watery looking like they are on the verge of a serious downpour of tears.

  "I'm stupid that's what it is, nothing more to say."

  "You, my slick sidekick, the one who is smarter than most of the office staff here hands down. Come on girl spill it,” I say, hoping this will get her to open up.

  A tear rolls down her cheek and another follows and another, and Heather is having a hard time wiping them away.

  "Ah, Heather."

  She looks down, looking sad and defeated. I walk over and bear hug her. Heather's head is on my shoulder, she is crying like an unconsolable little child, having a hard time breathing because she is so worked up. I just keep patting her back and say it’s going to be alright.

  "What happened?"

  Now that she is settled down, she sits down and starts talking.

  "I went home to find our lawnmower on the neighbor's lawn. Justin's car was in the driveway so I thought he was home, because sometimes the neighbor borrows the mover when his is acting up. Justin and I would get in these fights about the neighbor borrowing the lawnmower. Anyway it doesn’t matter anymore.”

  I keep my eyes on Heather, noticing her breathing becoming labored, like it is hard for her to speak.

  “So what happened?” I ask again.

  "I go inside but Justin isn’t home."

  My heart tightens, thinking he is in the neighbor's house screwing the neighbor's wife, but I will let her tell me.

  "You probably already guessed what he was doing," she says, taking deep breaths like she is going to strike.

  "You tell me."

  "He was screwing the bitch."

  My heart drops thinking this is anyone's nightmare.

  "So you saw them?"

  "Yes, I sure did, the both of them. It makes me sick how they were at each other like two horn dogs," Heather says.

  "It just makes you realize how you can't trust neighbors anymore."

  "Nah, you can't."

  "What did you say when you caught them? I bet she was fearing for her life when she saw you,” I say.

  Heather blankly looks at me, "There was no she, he was screwing Julio."

  I left like I was side punched. What in the world? I thought.

  "What an asshole."

  Heather smiles, now thinking what I said may have when over the edge.

  "Girl, you crack me up. I haven't heard that word in ages, but you’re, right. He is an asshole."

  I smile back.

  "What are you going to do?"

  "Well, he knew not to come back, he knows I don't play. His car is now in Julio's driveway so for now nothing."

  "My God, how situations can change in a second. Still I am sorry you are going through this."

  Heather smiles, "The good thing is that we are not married, so I don't have to deal with that sucker anymore. I tell you, men are cheats."

  I give her a hug, realizing one can never really know a person. I wonder if Candy Cop is a cheat. I hope not.

  I get word that Paul was released from prison and the case is officially closed. Yet I can't get rid of the feeling that Sal created this entire mess. Note to self, "move on, even when you don't want to".

  Chapter 30


  Mr. Burns just called, and said Paul will be released from prison by 11:00 am. Perfect just before lunch time.

  In the meantime I will be staking out at the local liquor store. There was an anonymous call saying that the owner is selling alcohol to underage kids from the neighborhood without even asking for an ID.

  I pull in a beat up laundromat across the street, giving me the perfect view of the liquor store. My binoculars ready to use if I see any teenagers walk in the liquor store.

  It's still midmorning, around 10:30am. The caller said he often sees underaged kids buy beer before lunch when there’s not much action.

  I like the quiet time of a stakeout; I like looking around studying a scene, and not having to drive. People think I like speeding and chasing after criminals but I don't. It has gotten to the point where I’m thinking of other options in this field, one that doesn't require to be on the hunt in a car for most of the day.

  I lean back getting comfortable in my seat, keeping my eyes on the liquor store's front door, its still dead. No one is walking by it or going inside.

  I raise my hand to smell Julie on my fingers, I smell her private area. Man, she just drives me wild in a way that just doesn't make my penis go crazy but also my heart. I feel unlike myself. She has somehow has possessed me. Something has got to give.

  I remember a time when Paul and I were teenagers, mom warned us about getting serious with a girl that puts out. “They're the ones to only have fun with", she said. They are not the ones to bring home or marry. But I have to disagree, I tried this with Bethany. We did everything but screw. I realize now that I must have not been that attracted to her, like I’m to Julie or otherwise I would have stuck around.

  I keep my eyes on the liquor store, there have been a few customers going in and out of the establishment, but all over the age of 21. I have an hour left of the stake out until I can leave to pick up Paul from prison. I call Mr. Burns for an update just encase anything has changed.

  "Hey man, its Sargent Brody," I say.

  "Drop the titles, hey man yourself."

smile, shaking my head because Mr. Burns tries too hard to be hip.

  "So, is my brother still getting out today?" I ask.

  "Yes sir. He is. I just called and he should be ready to be discharged in an hour. Aren't you happy this case is officially over?"

  I smirk and say, “Very much I still don't know what really went down at Sal's, but who cares now. I am happy my brother is a free man.

  I hear Mr. Burns take a deep breath, “Personally I'm fucken thrilled, this case could have ended real bad with Paul’s prints on the gun, but let's not even go there. It's over."

  "I hear you. I'm going to take Paul out to celebrate."

  "The only good thing besides this bitch case being over, is my chance to take the hot prosecuting lawyer out for a drink. I hope I can loosen her up tonight, because she is tough as nails,” Mr Burns says.

  My heart drops, is he talking about Julie? I know she was the prosecuting lawyer but there may’ve been others assisting her. I try not to get too excited but still I feel like a jealous boyfriend just seconds away from telling him to stay the fuck away from her.

  "That's right you didn't see her, you left a few minutes before she arrived at the deposition. It's all good man. She would leave you with a hard on and her constantly on your mind. It’s a good thing you didn’t is all I have to say.”

  Robert is really pissing me off.

  “Got to go man,” I say.

  “OK, say hello to Paul and see you around.”

  Chapter 31


  I buzz Heather,"Can you come in?”

  In seconds there’s a knock at my door. Heather walks in with a semi-smile, the light from the office window shines on her swollen eyes, making them noticeable. I realize she must have been up all night crying her eyes out. Though her ex was an asshole for cheating on her, it doesn't take away that she loved him and still probably does.

  "Hi," Heather says.

  "Hello, girl friend."


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