Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series) Page 14

by Ryan, Rebecca J

  “She never said if she did, but I know she was married. Her husband died.”

  Julie sits next to Joan lying on the floor, she talks to her, stroking her hair and back.

  In ten minutes the ambulance arrives, I rush downstairs to meet the paramedics. The boy who I thought was Kevin was still by my car.

  "Hi, can I help you?"

  "My dad wanted me to come and check on Ms. Joan. Is she OK?"

  "I can't say for sure."

  "Is she alive?"


  "Good, I'll let my dad know."

  "Where do you live?"

  "Right across the street."

  Chapter 46


  Joan is going to make it. Seeing her lying in her room with her eyes closed on the floor so helplessly, like she was dead really shook me.

  The doctor said she had an heart attack, which could have been triggered by anything.

  However, stress is the usual suspect. I wondered what stressed her so. I want to be here when she opens her eyes so she knows she’s not alone. There is a knock at the door. It's Bo.

  "How is she?" He asks.

  "She is still resting, her heart rate has been steady, and she has moved, but she hasn't opened her eyes yet."

  "It must be the drugs," he says, smiling at me.

  "True, it must be some heavy stuff."

  "I am sure she’s in a good place," Bo says.

  "True, I didn't think of that. No wonder she doesn't want to open her eyes."

  "I went to talk to your neighbor across the street, John."

  "You did?"

  "Yeah, I wanted to see if he saw anything suspicious."

  "Meaning Kevin, right?”

  "I first asked him if he saw anything yesterday, and he said he saw Joan in the front garden as he usually does in the morning before going to work. She even waved good-bye to him.

  However, while driving to work, he realizes he forgot his phone so he goes back home to see Ms. Joan talking to a woman, who is screaming at her. He had never seen the woman before but she looked in her earlier twenties."

  "Really? That is strange."

  "He then went in the house to get his phone and told his son to keep an eye out on her," Bo says.

  "What happened to the woman?" I ask.

  "He said when he went outside again, the woman was gone, and Joan was packing her gardening tools in a rush."

  "The woman must have upset her to the point where she went in shock," I say, wishing I was there to protect her.

  "Could be."

  "Well, I am going to stay until she wakes up."

  "Are you sure?"


  "Are you hungry?"

  "I could go without eating but my stomach has been making firework sounds."

  "How about burgers? There is a good burger joint not too far away."

  "Sounds good."

  Bo leans down to kiss me, he really is sweet.

  "See you soon."

  I draw my attention to Joan, still in the same position. I would have loved to know her when she was in her prime, I'm sure she always had people guessing.

  I shake my head, feeling somewhat responsible for her situation. I should have suspected something was not right when I didn't see her when I came home. I should have wondered why she wasn't out like she usually is around five thirty.

  The door opens and it’s the doctor.

  "Hi are you her daughter?"


  "Are you family?"

  “Not blood wise, but I consider her family, she is my dear neighbor."

  "Is she going to be alright? What happened? Is it serious?" I ask, feeling myself get emotional, it never fails. My emotions don't know how to behave themselves.

  "She can, but she is weak. I can't go into details with you until she says it’s OK, not my rule, its the law, but I can say she needs to rest."

  “She was stressed.”

  "Yes, stress is the number one killer."

  I take a deep breath, “I will do my best for Joan to be taken care of, she is very important to me.”

  "Well, she is going to have to go to a rehabilitation center for six weeks," Dr. Ross says.

  "What? No that would depress her. I know that would crush her."

  "Well, I can't send her home in her condition."

  "How about seeing how she does before saying she will have to be there for six weeks. I know this would ease the blow. Please doctor," I ask.

  He takes a deep breath, “I'm open to your recommendation, but she still needs to wake up."

  “She will.”

  I reach over to hold Joan's hand and its warm, thankful she isn't cold remembering how my mother's hands were before she passed away. Tears start forming in my eyes, how I miss my mom.

  I then feel Joan’s hand move, "Joan, are you awake?”

  She squeezes my hand again, this time harder. I get up, keeping my hand in hers, wanting to touch her face with my other hand.

  "Joan, its OK, I am here."

  Joan moves her head, still her eyes closed. "Joan, it's Julie, I am here."

  I hear her moan, like she’s in pain. I lean down to kiss her forehead, her eyes open. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she smiles looking at me. She looks like an angel.

  "I am so thankful you are alright."

  She shakes her head, instead of speaking.

  "I'll be here for you however long you need me to be."

  She shakes her head again, squeezing my hand.

  "Are you thirsty?" I ask.

  She shakes her head up and down.

  "I'll be right back."

  She shakes her head again, wearing a larger than life smile.

  I am so thankful she is awake and responding.

  I walk out of her room and see Kevin talking to Dr. Ross.

  What is he doing here?

  I stay still, looking at him, talk to the doctor. I want to walk up to him but don't. I can only imagine what he’s telling the doctor.

  A nurse sees me at the door and smiles, I wave for her to come. She gets up from the nurses station, still Kevin and the doctor are talking. I open the room door and she follows me in.

  "Ms. Joan is up and is thirsty," I say quietly, looking over to the bed not wanting to be too loud.

  "Great," she says, walking to the bed. "It's nice to see you’re awake."

  "Tha..nk..s," she says dragging the word thanks.

  "Would you like apple juice, water or a soda?"

  She uplifts two of her fingers.

  "Water it is," the nurse says. "I'll let Dr. Ross know she is up.”

  "Great, can you have him come in...when he isn’t busy."

  The nurse looks at me, like she is not quite understanding.

  "You know I'll go and get him," I say. The last thing I want to happen is for Joan to get a heart-attack seeing Kevin, remembering how it was just yesterday that she went to the police station to report him lurking on our street.

  I open the door to see Kevin and Dr. Ross still talking. This time Kevin looks over to see me and waves. Dr. Ross looks my way too and smiles. I walk over feeling sick to my stomach.

  "Hi Julie," Kevin says.

  "Hi, what are you doing here?"

  "I went by our place and John our neighbor said that Joan was hurt."

  I nervously smile, "She is fine, as Dr. Ross has probably told you. Can I speak to you alone Dr. Ross?"

  "Sure, it was nice talking to you Kevin and if I need any legal help I'll be sure to contact you."

  "Thanks man, I just need a break...I have to go," Kevin says, looking at me.

  What a fool, I think. Does he not have any shame, but I knew there was no point in trying to get anyone to see who he really was, time would show this. I could only warn people, if they asked my opinion.

  "Nice boyfriend you have," Dr. Ross says.

  “He's not really my boyfriend.”

  Dr. Ross takes a second glance at me, "Well, how is Ms. Joan?"

nbsp; "She is up," I excitedly say. "I couldn't be happier."

  "You really do care for her," he says.

  "Yes, I do."

  "Let's go see her and go from there."

  I follow him, as he walks first in the door of her hospital room, she is now sitting up with the nurse next to her.

  "Julie, my dear, come here," Joan says.

  I rush over like a puppy dog wanting to be hugged by her, feeling tears in the corner of my eye lids.

  "How are you really feeling?" I ask.


  "Ms. Joan I would like to talk about what happened to you, because Julie is not your daughter or blood family I have to get your approval for her to be able to stay. Is this your wish?" Dr. Ross asks.

  "Yes, in my eyes and heart she is my daughter."

  "OK, I see the feelings are mutual. However, do you have any natural children?"

  The heart rate monitor starts rising, her heart is beating faster.

  "OK, you don't have to answer."

  In a few seconds her heart rate returns to normal.

  “Ms. Joan whatever happened to you earlier today almost killed you. Your heart needs to recuperate and be monitored so it doesn’t happen again."

  Joan shakes her head up and down in agreement.

  "I am suggesting you go to a heart rehabilitation center for a week and if they give the clear you can go home."

  "No, I don't want to go. I just want to go home."

  "Julie, actually changed my mind to a shorter stay, one week is the least I can do, or I can't be your doctor. I won't take the chance of you dying."

  My heart drops, man is he really giving it to her.

  Joan cries, "I don't want to die."

  "Joan, I will come and see you after work and if I can during my lunch time. Please don't leave me," I say, the same words I say over in my dreams to my mother.

  She reaches out to hold my hand and says, "Alright I'll go."

  "Good choice, however, you will have to stay here until the arrangements are done and then before you know it, you will be back home."

  Dr. Ross leaves and Joan and I are alone.

  "Julie, you are the answer to my prayers. I always wanted a daughter who loves me."

  "I do Joan, I do."

  Joan closes her eyes and falls in a deep sleep. I stare at her, wondering if she did have a daughter somewhere.

  I get up and lean to kiss her good-bye and leave. I call Bo once out of the room. "Where are you?"

  "I am a block away from the hospital, how is she doing?" He asks.

  "She opened her eyes, I'll tell you when I see you. I'll be waiting outside by the main entrance."

  I take the elevator down, I can hardly think straight. There were many questions still unanswered, and the most bothersome piece of the puzzle is Kevin.

  He is so annoying, having me believe he was going to respect my wishes, to only disregard them. Why does he want me so badly? From what I know about him, he has his reasons and I know it has nothing to do with love.

  Chapter 47


  I am hungry, but I am hungrier for Julie.

  I reach over and massage Julie's leg, she places her hand over mine. I move my hand in her inner thighs, she arches and moves her hand away. My dick starts growing, getting harder each time I rub between her legs.

  She reaches over and rubs my leg again, going up and down near my dick. My knees go week, fuck I want to be in that pussy of hers.

  I push on the gas, so much that both of our heads touch the headrest.

  "Unzip your pants," I say.

  With wide eyes she looks my way.

  "Now," I demand.

  She does as she is told. I reach over and slip my finger under her panties and finger her moist oasis, then suck my finger.

  "Ah, you taste so good. I want more."

  She moans, and lifts her pussy higher, I slip my finger deeper in her, she moves her hips. I take my finger out again, its covered with her juices, and suck it again. She keeps quiet.

  I can't handle this, I speed faster to my place. I rush to park, she comes to me and unzips my pants. I lift my butt off the seat, she pulls down my underwear, and says "I know you want this just like I do," going for my hard cock. I slowly thrust in to her mouth.

  I look down, her eyes looking up my way. She keeps sucking, and I am seconds away from coming but I know that would be selfish. I take my hand and give her butt a slap, she stops and pulls her mouth away and says, ”that hurts."

  "Come up, sit on me," I say. "So I won't do it again," this time I smile.

  She quickly takes her underwear off as I recline the car seat all the way back. Fuck the wait of having my dick in her is torture.

  She climbs on top and we both let out a whale of a moan, "I've been wanting to fuck that pussy of yours all day, seconds were torture."

  "Ah," she moans.

  "I can talk dirty to you all day."

  I can't help touching her body, her ass has back, just the way I like it. She thrusts her pussy into my dick. She’s getting wetter and wetter. I reach for her pussy, feeling my dick go in and out of the wonderful. I touch her clit, she’s grinding harder into me. I keep rubbing it, quicker and harder until she comes.

  I feel her tiredness, but I am no where near done. I am just starting.

  "Let's go inside, I have a surprise for you."

  Julie looks at me, "I like surprises."

  "You'll like this."

  She gets off of me to sit back on the passenger seat, pulling her pants back on and I do the same as I watch her.

  "This night reminds me of last night,” Julie asks.

  “A little, but tonight is going to be better," I say.

  "We will have to see about that?" She says.

  "Is that a challenge I say, feeling the pressure."

  She doesn't answer, but as soon as the front door opens I swoop her in my arms, and she laughs. I take her to the bedroom where the surprise is.

  "Roses, how did you know I love roses?" She asks.

  "I had a hunch, plus your cheeks are red when we are together," I say.

  "How sweet.”

  "Don't start crying on me, I am not done."

  She leans in to kiss me on the lips, she has never done this before. I have always been the one who kisses first, her lips taste like creamy butter and I want more.

  Her lips draw me into her, my dick gets harder and harder, fuck those lips of hers are addictive. She opens her mouth, our tongues touching. I just want to rip her clothes off. I just can’t control myself. I lean into her, she falls back on the bed, moaning each time as I press hard into her body.

  I keep kissing her, unbuttoning her shirt, wanting to see her breasts. Damn, her black bra has her looking like a Victoria Secret model, I undo it and feast on her breasts sucking away at her nipples.

  She arches back, I reach down between her legs, pulling down her underwear, fuck she is so wet. I want to have her, but I don't want it to end. I want to stretch this out as long as I can. But then she says two highly effective words.

  "Fuck me," she says. "I want to feel you inside."

  Those words are all I need to hear to get me to come.

  "As you command," I say and slip my dick in her. "Ah," I moan.

  I keep thrusting into her, staring at her beautiful eyes, feeling lost in them, that I forget to even pull out when I come.

  Chapter 48


  Did he just come inside me? What was he thinking? Does he want to trap me?

  I get up, feeling his cum stream down my legs, I don't know how I feel. It's not that I don't like Bo because I do, but I’m not ready to be a mother.

  "What's wrong?" Bo asks.

  “What’s wrong? Are you serious? You just came inside of me.”

  He gets out of bed, I can see he’s hurt.

  “Say something.”

  He turns around, he really is gorgeous, I can see him ego has been hurt, probably thinking he is only good for sex

  "Next time I will have a box of condoms on the night table."

  "Are we having our first fight?" I ask.

  "I don't know."

  I walk back to the bed, sitting on the edge feeling like I am about to cry, how is it that everything was perfect until I opened my mouth?

  "I am not ready to be a mother, that's all."

  "Would it be that bad?"

  "No, but I am not ready. I want to plan for it, you'd understand if you knew the reason why I feel this way."

  He walks over and sits next to me, reaching for my left hand, staring at me.

  "My mother is gone."

  He looks at me, "What do you mean gone? Did she leave?"

  "No, she is in heaven."

  "What happened?"

  "Well, I'm still trying to fit the pieces of her death, each time I try, I get upset and emotional. The doctors said it was a combination of medications that she took that stopped her heart, but I don't believe it. She was unhappy."

  "That is awful."

  "Anyway I feel so overwhelmed right now, with Joan and Robert,” I say.


  “I use to work with him."

  "What about him?” Bo asks.

  "I thought I told you?"

  “No, you didn’t but I do know him,” Bo says, looking down.

  “You do?” I didn’t even say his last name.”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure it is the Robert I know,” Bo says. “He was my brother’s lawyer.”

  Thump goes my chest, Bo had to be Paul Brady’s brother. I remember looking at Paul at the deposition thinking he looked familiar; they had the same eyes.

  “Paul Brady is your brother?”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “My word, this is a small world. Why didn’t you tell me before?” I ask, “I would have said something to you if the tables were reversed.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well you could have just said something about it, I mean it would have come out eventually.”

  “I didn’t know until after our first hook-up at the parking garage. I only knew after I called Robert asking what he was going to do about Paul getting ruffed up in prison. I asked him who Sal’s lawyer was because I wanted to talk to whoever it was. But when I heard it was you, I just didn’t know what to do.”


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