Kindred [The Angel Pack 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Kindred [The Angel Pack 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 22

by Maggie Walsh

  Micah placed a comforting hand on his father’s arm and gave it a squeeze. Papa Angel looked up with tear-brimmed eyes and gave Micah a thankful smile. “I loved your mother very much, Micah, and Alessandro loved your mother, Dante. But what we had was…”

  “It’s okay, Dad. I’m glad you had someone,” Micah whispered.

  “Thank you, son.”

  “I’m glad my father found love again and that he wasn’t alone for all those years after my mother passed. I always worried about him being lonely,” Dante offered.

  “It was still lonely, being so far apart, but we made it work.”

  “So what happened, Dad? Fallon said that you and Alessandro knew that Lucian and Brighton were up to no good and that you had been working together.”

  “With my visions, I was able to see them with that witch, Malachi. I told Alessandro about every vision I had and the two of us began to keep a journal of all of them, trying to piece together a timeline. Then my visions began to get longer and stronger. I started to see whole visions of things that were yet to happen. I saw you meet your mate. I saw Jesse become the Heart and you become the prophesied Alpha Prime. I saw all of you and the battles that you would have. But I knew that if I changed just one small thing from the visions that it could throw everything out of whack and we wouldn’t be here right now.

  “Alessandro and I agreed that, as much as some of the things killed me and we wanted to stop them, we couldn’t. We all have a role to play and a destiny in this fight. I am only an observer. Someone to record the events, not stop them from happening.”

  “When you were healing, you said that we all needed to face our pasts to move forward. Otherwise, the babies would be in jeopardy. Also that Gabriel had to find his powers and unlock them. What did you mean, and how did you know that Gabe hadn’t gotten his powers yet?” Micah asked.

  “Gabriel has had his powers for some time now, but being mated to the Guardian, a syphon, none of you knew it. I saw you battling the man in the castle. I saw that it was Gabriel’s powers that saved you and the fae realm. But the only way for him to be able to use his powers was for the Guardian to let his guard down. With his parents here, what better way to lose his control and his defenses? Gabriel’s powers were right there for the taking.”

  “So I have had them all along, but Taylor had been blocking them?” Gabriel asked in surprise.

  “I’m sorry, man of mine. I had no idea,” Taylor cried as he wrapped his arms around Gabriel.

  “It’s not your fault, sweet baby. None of us knew.” Gabriel held Taylor tight, comforting him.

  “And what about the past and the babies?” Phenex asked.

  “Most of these men here have had some pretty awful upbringings, and not just the mates coming in. For growth, to move forward, everyone needs to face their past and deal with it. Most of these men have done that, but some still need to work on it. It will come as time goes by, when it’s supposed to. But don’t hide from it, whatever it is. Be honest with yourself and face it. Only then can you as an individual move on and be better for the whole of you.”

  “And the babies?” Jesse asked.

  “If that man had been able to succeed in destroying the fae realm, along with the fae king and the dragon lord inside, that would have put the lives of the babies at risk. Noah would have been distraught over losing his father, and Dante and Dale would have never survived the loss of their mate. Therefore putting the babies in jeopardy. Gabriel needed to release his powers so that you would have come up with the idea you had, Jesse, and saved them and the realm.”

  “I still have so many questions, but you look like you could use some rest, Dad,” Micah added.

  “I am starting to feel a little tired. But we have plenty of time to talk now that we’re together again. Before you all go, tell me, how is my grandson doing? How is my Maddy?”

  Raith gave Papa Angel a big smile as he chuckled. “I spoke to Evan about an hour ago, and he said that the newly mated trio finally stepped out from the bedroom.”

  Papa Angel’s eyes went wide. “Two mates? Maddy got himself a cat shifter, huh? Good for him. He needs all the love and attention he can get. Gods know that mother of his never gave him anything.”

  “Now if only we can find the other one,” Micah mumbled under his breath.

  “The other one? What other one?”

  “Maddy has a twin that we just found out about. Not even Maddy knows about him yet.”

  Papa Angel’s eyes lit up. “Another grandson? Well, this truly is a wonderful day then, isn’t it? Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “We’re still looking for him and need to take a trip to Nebraska, but I’ll let you know if there is anything you can do. Thanks, Dad.”

  “How are you going to tell Maddy?”

  “Now that he and his mates have finished claiming each other and have come up for air, I was going to ask them to come here. I have a proposition for each of them.”

  Papa Angel gave Micah a mischievous smirk. “I’m sure you do.”

  “Do you know what we all discussed about Matthew’s future, Dad?”

  “Yes, I have seen it. And I think it is the perfect thing for him. Ash and I would have died out there had it not been for Maddy’s quick thinking.”

  “I agree, Papa. I was just acting when things needed to get done, but Maddy thought everything out first and came up with some great plans,” Ash added.

  “That’s why I think this will be a perfect fit for him. And the council has agreed.”

  * * * *

  “Come on in, you three, and take a seat,” Raith offered as he opened Micah’s office door.

  “What did you need to see us about, Dad?” Maddy asked as he walked toward the couch with his mates.

  “Micah will be in in a minute and then we can start. Papa Angel is up and moving about, so Micah took him for a walk around the yard,” Raith offered as he joined the trio.

  “Then Grampy will be okay?” Matthew asked excitedly as he sat forward on the couch.

  “He’s going to be fine, Maddy. Thanks to you,” Micah said as he and Jesse walked into the office. Micah took a seat on one of the chairs and Jesse sat on his lap. “So you three look good. I take it your mating is fine.”

  “Yes, Alpha. Thank you,” Josh answered shyly.

  “Good, then let’s get right to business. Josh, I know you’re not ready to take over the tattoo shop. But you do have your job back when you’re ready.”

  “Thank you, Alpha.”

  “Rick has been dealt with and is no longer manager of the shop. But here is what we propose. Milo, you know how to run a small business and you wanted to run your father’s bike shop, correct?”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “I, along with all my enforcers, have motorcycles, as well as a few other members of the pack. But each time we need to have them serviced, we have to drag them into the city to the closest shop. So what I would like to do is build on the tattoo shop. I want to have a bike shop attached to it, because what’s better than tats and bikes, right?” Micah said with a chuckle. Everyone laughed with him. “So, once I have the bike shop built, I want you to run it, Milo. I will own it, but I will give you the option to buy. We’ll work out a payment schedule, and you can pay it off as slow or as fast as you want. The only stipulation will be that if you ever decide to sell, for any reason, it can only be sold back to me or my estate, and I will give you the full market value at the time of sale. As for the tattoo shop, the same option will be given to you, Josh. You have a job there for as long as you want. Dave is now the manager, and we have discussed with him about teaching you the business so that one day you can run the shop. When you feel you are ready and you want to take ownership, then we’ll arrange that. Until then you can work there, learn everything you need to learn, and make payments toward owning it if you want.”

  “That’s incredible, Alpha. Wow. I-I don’t even know what to say. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. After
talking with Lexi and allowing him to buy the café for Bailey, I got to thinking. What better way to make our family members feel a connected bond to the pack better than to own a part of it. Jesse now owns the club and Bailey owns the café, and any other member of our family that wishes to own a part of our territory will be given that option. But of course, everything would be sold back to me if ever the time comes. I want everyone to feel like they have a place in this world. A connection to our pack.”

  “Thank you, Alpha. I would love to take you up on this opportunity. I have always dreamed of running my own bike shop and custom building bikes. But I have no collateral to start with.”

  “You are mated to my nephew and I have faith in you. That’s all the collateral you need. I will pay everything to have the shop built. You will work with the architect to design exactly what you want. Don’t hold back. Make it your dream shop and I will have it built. Fill it with everything you will need, and every piece of machinery you dreamed of having in it to create the shop you want. I’ll just be glad I don’t have to haul my bike into the city anymore.”

  “Wow, I can’t believe all of this. Thank you, Alpha,” Matthew added.

  “And as for you, Maddy,” Micah said, and turned his attention fully to Matthew, “there are times when I expect you to address me as Alpha, but this isn’t one of them. I was quite happy with Uncle Micah,” Micah said with a smile. Maddy returned the smile and looked down at his lap. “Now as for you, the council and I were all very impressed with the way you handled yourself in Montana. The way you took charge and responsibility, you planned things out and studied your options before you acted. You thought on your feet and made sure you made it back to Ash and my father safely. You didn’t take any unnecessary risks and followed through. After talking with my father, Ash, the council, and Raith, we are all in agreement. We think you would make a great enforcer.”

  Maddy’s eyes went wide in shock from Micah’s words. “What? Really?”

  “Yes, son. We want you to be a part of the first class of trainees at the new training facility,” Raith added with pride.

  “I would train to be an enforcer, but would I have to leave and go to another pack?” Maddy asked in concern.

  “No, Maddy. We can always use more enforcers here and council guards. You can take the training as far as you like, and we will evaluate you along the way, of course. But your mates are laying down roots here and we wouldn’t ask you to leave them.”

  “Wow, I don’t know what to say.”

  “How about yes?” Jesse said with a smile.

  “Yes. Absolutely yes. I would love to be an enforcer and take care of our people. Maybe guard the council.”

  “Then welcome aboard, recruit. With so many of the fae here now, our building schedule has been cut in half, and we are hopeful that the first class will be ready to go by the fall,” Micah informed him. “Until then, Raith and I agreed that it may be a good idea for you to come here every day and to train with the enforcers. They can get you started on fighting techniques and get you ready for when the training facility opens.”

  “That would be great, Alpha…um Uncle Micah. Thank you for having faith in me. I promise I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t. Now down to something more serious. Raith,” Micah looked to Raith to finish.

  “Maddy, what I am about to tell you is going to be a shock, but I think you have a right to know,” Raith began.

  Maddy looked at Raith in concern. “What is, Dad?”

  “While we were searching for you and found your real birth certificate, we uncovered something else.”

  “What is it? Was my mother an alien too and never told me?” Maddy asked with a nervous laugh.

  “No, son, but you have a twin. Your mother gave birth to two boys.”

  Maddy sat quietly, just staring at Raith. Josh laid a hand on his back, and Milo took one of his hands in his. “Maddy, are you okay?” Josh asked.

  “So that fucking bitch who called herself my mother had twins, but never told me about it? What happened to the other baby? My brother?”

  “Alison was convinced that the hospital was lying to her and she didn’t have twins. She refused to acknowledge the other baby, and then one day she just disappeared from the hospital with you. The other baby was put into the human foster system and was eventually adopted. He lost his parents to illness and accidents and was sent to live with a grandmother in Nebraska. That’s the last information we could find,” Raith explained.

  “So I have a brother, a twin, out there somewhere in the world that was raised by humans? We have to find him,” Maddy said in a panic.

  “We’re doing everything we can to do just that, Maddy. We were going to go to Nebraska to talk to the grandmother, but Josh’s heat started and we needed to find you first. But Jesse and I are still planning to head out to Nebraska to see what we can find,” Micah explained.

  Maddy looked to Raith. “And what about you?”

  “I wanted to be the one to go, but Micah thinks it’s a bad idea with this Minos and his threat against me and my mates.”

  “I want Raith to stay close to home and not even leave the pack house right now unless it’s an emergency. Jesse and I will be heading out to Nebraska in the morning.”

  “Should I go with you? Maybe if he sees me it will help?” Maddy offered.

  “If you would like to go with us and your mates agree, then that’s fine, Maddy. We would welcome your input,” Micah offered.

  Maddy looked at Josh and then at Milo. “What do you think, mates?”

  “Whatever you want to do is fine with us, babe. If you want to go with the alpha couple or if you want us to come too, then we’ll do whatever you need,” Josh offered.

  “I would like you both there with me. If that’s all right with you, Uncle Micah?”

  “Of course is it, Maddy. Our plane leaves at eleven, and there’s plenty of room for the three of you. So why don’t all of you go share your good news? I know my father is waiting to see you and meet your mates. Josh, the tattoo shop is waiting for you when you’re ready to return to work, and Milo, I’ll have the designer contact you at Evan’s. That is where you all will be staying?”

  “For now, yes,” Maddy answered.

  “Good,” Micah said and stood up with Jesse. “Why don’t you go introduce your mates to Grampy and then go home and get some rest? Be back here by nine in the morning. In the meantime, I’ll also contact Evan about expanding that house of his so that there’s more room for everyone.”

  “That would be great, Uncle Micah. Thank you.”

  * * * *

  “Oh my fucking gods, Milo, yes!” Josh yelled out as Milo pounded into his ass from behind. Josh was on all fours in the middle of their bed. Maddy lay beneath him in a sixty-nine position as they sucked each other’s cocks and Milo fucked his ass.

  Maddy reached up and grabbed Josh’s ass cheeks, pulling them farther apart as Milo plowed into him. Maddy swallowed around Josh’s cock, sending him into speechlessness. Josh finally gained enough of his mind back and engulfed Maddy’s cock in his mouth, swallowing him down the best he could. The three of them continued to suck and fuck until Milo’s grip tightened on Josh’s waist and he threw his head back.

  “Fuck! I’m coming, mates!”

  Maddy and Josh doubled their efforts to bring each other to completion. Milo was the first to climax and emptied his load into Josh’s tight ass, screaming out his release. Maddy came next and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt Josh swallow all of his seed. Then Josh shot his load down Maddy’s throat, and Maddy swallowed quickly to catch every drop of the delicious honey from his mate.

  The three pulled apart and rearranged themselves side by side with Maddy in the middle. Josh cuddled up to his right side, laying his head on Maddy’s shoulder and throwing his arm over Maddy’s stomach. Milo lay on his back on Maddy’s left as he panted, trying to catch his breath. Finally, Milo rolled toward Maddy and entwined his fingers
with Josh’s on Maddy’s stomach. He leaned up on his elbow and rested his head in his hand as he looked at his two mates.

  “What is it, Milo?” Josh asked.

  “I just thought that my life was over when I lost Frankie. But now lying here with my two mates, the men I love, looking at a bright future, it just feels surreal sometimes, ya know?”

  “I agree. I never thought I would have anyone love me. I never thought I deserved it. But now I have you two, my dad, my Grampy, a twin out there somewhere, and a whole huge family, as well as a future as an enforcer. It just feels like a dream sometimes.”

  “Maddy, you were always worth love, babe. You just needed to see it for yourself,” Josh added and kissed Maddy’s jaw.

  “I know that now. I owe most of that to the two of you for never giving up on me. For accepting me for who I am and for understanding me. Thank you, mates.” Maddy’s voice was choked up with emotion.

  “No matter what happens, Maddy, we will always be here for you. We will always have your back, and be here to catch you if you fall. You never have to do it alone anymore,” Milo said and gave Maddy a gentle kiss.

  “Thank you, mate. I love you two, you know that, right?”

  “Yes, Maddy. And I love you two, too,” Josh said and cuddled in closer to Maddy as his eyes drooped with sleep.

  “I love you both, too. And I can’t wait to see where our future takes us,” Milo added as he lay down and cuddled against Maddy’s other side.

  Maddy lay in the dark with his two mates softly snoring beside him. He stared up at the ceiling, thinking about what Milo had said and about a bright future. He never thought he would have a future at all, forget a bright one. Now he had everything he had ever hoped for and then some. He only hoped that when they found his twin, that he would accept all of them, too. For the first time in his life, he felt like he truly belonged and that he was loved. He couldn’t wait to start another day.




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