The Lies We Believe

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The Lies We Believe Page 2

by Eden Rose

  “Beg me,” I demand as I bite her pussy lip. It’s as juicy as the rest of her but I love that it’s all her. “Tell me how much you missed my dick, my lovely,” I taunt her. I suck her clit into my mouth and lightly bite the bundle of nerves that has her squealing.

  “Fuck!” Audrey yells and begins to shake. Her delicious ass bumps against my face and I remove my mouth from her. “No!” She screams out in protest.

  I’m a man on a mission. “Beg me. Tell me how much you missed my fucking dick or I won’t let you come. Do it!” I pick up my left hand and then drop it on her ass with a whack.

  “God damn, you sadistic asshole!” She yells out and then pushes her face against the pillow to muffle her scream.

  A feeling of accomplishment floods over me and I smack her on the ass again. “No need to flatter me,” I retort and bite her pussy lip again. This time, I suck both lips into my mouth and suck them hard enough to have her trying to move away from me. “Damn,” I yell out as her orgasm rushed out of her and she shakes all over. Her come floods my mouth and I push my dick against the bed. “You’re going to pay for that,” I whisper to her.


  The rush of air hits my overheated skin as he leaves my body. I shivered from the lack of his body heat and I cried out as his hand connects to my ass again.

  “What… what are you going to do?” I ask him.

  Years ago, I remembered that he was a freak in the sack. He was constantly begging me to tell him that I was his and he was mine. I’m wondering if he is as proprietary as he was then.

  Deep down, I could care less if he asked me to sacrifice a virgin for him. He’s got me so horny.

  “I’m going to make you pay for coming without my permission. You remember the last time that I had you?”

  I look over my shoulder and flip my hair to the side. He looks beautiful as he watches me. His eyes are zoned in on my ass and I wiggle it for him a little. “Yeah.”

  Damien palms my ass in his hands and squeezes the fleshy cheeks. “Everyone that you had after me doesn’t count. Everyone that you had before me, doesn’t count. The only one that counts is me and what I want is for you to agree. If you can agree, I will fuck you so hard that you won’t know what to do with yourself.”

  Do I agree? Shit, I don’t give a fuck what he’s asking for. As long as he fucks me right now, I don’t care.

  Of course, I did have my orgasm.

  “Uh,” I stutter out as he unbuckles his pants. The Damien five years ago, is gone. The Damien now is hotter than before. He’s not as muscular as he was back then, but his body is still sexy. He’s got this v-shape between his hips and there’s a little tuft hair that is sticking out from behind his briefs.

  When he lets his pants drop, he begins unbuttoning his shirt slowly. Each button has me going even crazier. My clit is throbbing and my pussy is feeling the void from being empty. My lower stomach muscles are clenching from trying to reign in another orgasm from erupting.

  “Say it.”

  I nod my head and he smacks my ass again.

  “Say it. Out loud.”

  I open my mouth to respond but nothing comes out. Before I have a second to try and say something, a whack hits my clit. He just smacked my clit!


  “Yes, I’m yours! I promise. Do whatever you want with me. Just please, fuck me!” I yell out.

  I don’t even blink before he fisted his beautifully hard dick and is shoving it through my pussy. “Yesssssss,” I hiss out. There is about two seconds of pain that I feel from being penetrated for the first time in five years.

  Damien grips my hips and begins his punishing thrusts. There is just a bite of pain but it dulls to the pleasure I feel from him.

  “That’s what I thought, my lovely. Next time that I ask you something, I want you to answer it right away. Do you understand?”

  “Yes! Yes, sir!” I yell out.

  My elbows are shoved into the bed and my ass is beginning to hurt from his hips pumping his dick in and out. His dick swells in size and I hear his grunting behind me. Each pump of his hips has his heavy ball sac hitting me on the clit sending me into a constant orgasm. My orgasm hasn’t stopped since he pushed himself into me and I feel myself grow hazy.

  My eyes begin to close and my breathing slows as I begin to have tunnel vision.

  “Audrey! Audrey! Stay with me. Baby, I’m about to fill you so full with my come. Fuck me. You are the sexiest fucking woman.”

  The last thing I remember before I pass out, is his hand wrapping around my throat. He slid up my sweaty body and placed his hand around my throat and used that to help speed up his thrusts.

  And then everything went black.


  There’s something about fucking a woman unconscious and then there’s something about fucking a woman like Audrey unconscious. She’s such a power hungry person so the fact that I took away everything from her and she came so hard that she passed out? That’s amazing.

  I look up at the ceiling of my room and think back to the last time that I had sex. It was with Audrey and it was before everything went bad.

  I moved to California two years ago to get away from the memories of seeing Audrey everywhere. Everywhere I looked, I could see memories of us. It was horrible. I sold my house and used the money to build a house over here. It’s on the ocean and it’s pretty nice.

  Two and a half years ago, I decided to sell off my practice to Simon. He loved the building and the patients so he willingly took everything over. Now it’s just me out here.

  Last year, I opened up my new practice in the center of L.A. and I already have some amazing clients. I know that Audrey is working as a dentist because I took the liberty of looking for her as soon as I moved out here.

  Plus, last year, some things began happening. One day, I came outside to my car and the front windshield was smashed in. The police claim that it was an accident or something because there were no prints. Then I started to receive creepy messages. The first message was sick and was about me fucking some girl. I don’t know who is doing this, but it has got to stop.

  Tell me I moved out here because of her and I would punch you in the face. Tell me that I would punch you in the face because I’m hiding the fact that it’s the truth… Well, it is.

  After leaving her in the alleyway all of those years ago, I felt like the biggest piece of shit. Probably because I was. What kind of man breaks up with a woman days before she’s going to court against her rapist? An evil fucking man.

  My hands are tucked behind my head and Audrey is spread out next to me and is currently snoring. I know that she came really hard, but I can’t believe that she passed out afterward.

  “Fuck,” she whispers next to me.

  I roll over to my side and see her with the sheets tucked up around her neck. “What’s wrong?” I ask her and place one hand on her hip.

  “This was bad. Very bad.”

  Before I could what was bad, she’s jumping out of bed and is pulling on her clothes.

  Stupidly, I begin to panic. We haven’t had a chance to discuss anything that had happened all of those years ago. If she leaves now, there could be a chance that I won’t see her again so that I could tell her why I did what I did.

  This woman deserves to know why.


  Did I just have a one night stand with my ex? I do believe I did. And to add to that, it’s the day of my brother’s funeral. I’m a fucking horrible person.

  Once I’m dressed, I can hear Damien as he’s breathing heavily and watching me. “Where are you going?”

  I shake my head and shove my feet into my shoes. “I’m leaving. This was a bad idea and you know it.”

  I’m almost at the door when Damien grabs my shoulders and pushes me against the wall. His lips land on mine and he begins to kiss the ever loving fuck out of me. Since he’s still naked, I can feel his dick as it grows to it’s full length against my thigh.

  “You are not g
oing anywhere. We have shit to talk about and I’m not letting you leave.”

  With more courage than I knew I had, I shake my head and then push against his shoulders. Damn, his body is still hard as a rock. “We have nothing to talk about. We fucked. That’s all there is to it.”

  As I slip away, he grabs me tighter and shoves me against the wall harder than before. “We have a lot to talk about. I refuse to believe that you just used me for sex.”

  “But I did!” I yell at him and I take this time to make my escape out his front door.

  Once I’m in the driveway, I look around to see where I’m at. Damn it. I’m going to have to find my way home and I have no idea where the hell he lives.

  I pull my phone out and then dial Liz. “Hey?” She answers me and then let’s out a sigh.

  “I need you to come get me. I don’t know where I am but I’m lost.”

  I can hear the door open and Damien is running at me like someone is chasing him. He’s dressed in his briefs and nothing else.

  God damn. Why does he have to be so beautiful?

  “Audrey! Wait!”

  I shake my head and then yell: “No! Stay! I don’t want you near me!”

  I’m shaking my head from side to side frantically trying to get him to see that I mean it. I can’t have him touch me again. I need to go home and forget about this day.


  Did my ex girlfriend seriously use me as a booty call? I think she did. Oh fucking shit!

  I’m staring dumbfounded as I’m looking at her face and she’s watching me. She told me to stay like I was a damned dog. What the fuck is this shit?

  “No! You are going to come back inside and you are going to have an honest conversation with me regarding what the hell just happened out here!” I’m walking towards her and she turns away from me.

  It’s seconds before I actually realize what the hell she just did. She took off running down the street and kicked off her shoes as she did it.

  For a total of thirty seconds, I try to think about what the hell to do. Do I go and follow her? Fuck! I look down at my naked self and then shrug it off.

  If she wants to talk to me, she knows where I live. I’m not going to chase her.


  I have spent the past two weeks staring at the bed that we laid in. The very bed that I fucked the shit out of Audrey. I knew that in this very moment, that I would just about anything to get my hands on her again.

  “Dr. Alexander, have I been flossing good?” The lady in my chair asks me. I have my fingers in her mouth and I’m trying to focus on pulling her tooth. The problem is, I have zero motivation for being at work.

  My phone at work begins to ring. I take off the glove on my right hand to answer the phone. Once I’ve answered it, I place it to my ear. “Dr. Alexander’s office. How may I help you?”

  I wait a few seconds and I don’t hear anyone saying anything. I check the phone to make sure that I actually answered it and it says that I did. “Hello?” I ask into the phone. Still nothing. I hang it up and then shrug.

  Michelle is a patient of mine that has been with me since I opened my practice. I took to wearing a wedding ring because I got tired of all of my patients trying to hit on me or setting me up with someone that they knew. I didn’t want to tell them that I’m waiting for Audrey to come back to me.

  “Yes, Michelle. It looks great in there. I’m so proud of you.”

  She beams with pride and then opens her mouth back up so I continue working. If she was doing such a good job on flossing then I wouldn’t need to be pulling her teeth.

  “Damien Alexander!”

  The sudden outburst of my name has me turning around to see Audrey staring at me. She’s pissed as hell and has a good reason to be.

  “Yes, Audrey Michaels,” I say passively. I knew she was going to be mad but I didn’t think it would make her this mad that she’s showing up while I’m work.

  She stomps over at me and her long brown hair is flowing down her back. It moves like a curtain around her face as she walks. This woman is beautiful.

  There’s a piece of paper in her hand and she’s waving it in front of my face. “I can’t believe you did this! You are such a fucking asshole!”

  Michelle tenses up and then places her hand on my hand lightly. “Is everything okay, Dr. Alexander?”

  Audrey laughs out loud and then looks at her and then at me. “Yeah, is everything, Dr. Alexander?”

  My shit eating grin takes residence on my face and then it falls when she waves the piece of paper in my face. “I can’t believe that you went into my house and into my room. And then, after you break into my house, you change my alarm clock and fill my room with flowers.”

  Her chest is rising and falling fast.

  “What did you change her alarm clock to?” Michelle asks me and starts taking the gauze out of her mouth.

  “Yeah, tell her! Tell her what the hell you did!”

  I smile and then look at my patient. “Her alarm clock is Saving Abel, I’m Addicted To You.”

  Michelle’s smile starts to fall from her face as she realizes that I’m taken and I’m not interested in being with her.

  I’m not going to lie to you, I have a smug grin on my face as I watch Audrey huff from being pissed off at me. I knew she would be pissed that I broke into her house and changed her alarm clock. However, in my defense, she hasn’t been returning my calls.

  She has her arms crossed across her chest and she looks pissed off at me. “Stay out of my bedroom. Stay out of my house and stay the hell out of my life! I mean it, Damien!” She yells at me and then turns on her feet to walk away.

  Mission was definitely successful.


  By far, that man is the most infuriating man I have ever met. And the worst part? I fucking still crave him. Even after that momentary relapse in my better judgement, I still want him.

  I’ve been feeling incredibly guilty since I left Damien and the truth was, I was going to see him before he broke into my house. What kind of asshole does that? A sick man.

  Even as I storm out of his practice, I still have this nagging feeling of turning around and going back to him.

  What good can this do? Truthfully, what benefit could either of us get from talking to each other about what happened five years ago? Am I supposed to forget that he broke my heart and left me in the alleyway? No! Am I supposed to forget that I tried contacting him at home before I moved back to California and he refused to see me? Am I supposed to honestly fucking forget that he had his friend, Kurt, drop off my check to me while I was at home and withdrawing from classes?

  I can’t forget about it. The past five years have been hell on me as I’m remembering everything about Damien. I’ve missed him too much and just seeing him… That sent me off in a tailspin and now I want more.

  What’s worse, I know that he fucked with me before, and I don’t care anymore.

  Yawning, I stretch out my neck at work and look over to the clock. The sad thing is, whomever said that thing about a watch pot, is right. The clock is moving disgustingly slow.

  I close my eyes for a matter of two seconds and all of a sudden someone is knocking on my door. “Who is it?” I ask and look over at the clock again.

  Damn it. We only moved a minute!

  “Hey, girl!” Liz’s pretty blonde head slips in through the crack of my door. Knowing that she’s never understood boundaries, she bursts through the door and then takes a seat in front of my desk.

  I giggle and then accept the coffee that she’s handing over to me. Her blue eyes are dancing with mischief and I’m wondering what the hell she is thinking! “What’s goin’ on, girlie?”

  She takes a sip of her coffee and then makes a stink face over the bitter taste of it. The coffee is known to be extremely strong and be blacker than shit. “Sick. When can they spring for a good coffee?” Liz places her tiny feet on my desk and then wiggles them a little bit.

  We’ve been working in the
same hospital for the last three years. Once I finished school, I got a job in the oncology department as their dentist. It’s a rewarding job but it’s really sad to see what the cancer and chemotherapy is doing to some of their mouths.

  “I take it you didn’t go to the guest’s dining hall? You know they have better food than the break room.”

  “Well, that’s not why I’m here.”

  I roll my eyes and take a sip of the scalding coffee. “And do tell why you are here?” I ask with exaggeration.


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