Buttons and Grace

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Buttons and Grace Page 21

by Penelope Sky

  “You’re carrying my son. You have the right to be as mean as you want. Forget about it.”


  “I don’t care, Button. All I care about is us meeting our son. Now let’s go get him.”

  * * *

  Several hours later, Conway Barsetti arrived.

  He had my eyes. Her nose. My lips. Her hair.

  A perfect blend of the two of us.

  He was seven pounds of perfection, the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. He fit in just a single palm because he was so small. I loved my wife with all my heart, and it was hard to believe I could love anything more than her.

  But I did.

  My son.

  I stared at him for ten minutes, holding in my crook of my arm while Button drifted off to sleep. It was just the two of us. He looked me in the eye, his blue-green eyes shaped exactly like mine. He seemed just as interested in me as I was in him.

  I didn’t view my father as a role model. He had a lot of issues, a lot of sins.

  But I wanted it to be different with my own son. I wanted him to look up to me, to admire me, and to be proud of the Barsetti name. I wanted to protect him, to push him into becoming a man stronger than me. I wanted to teach him everything about the world, including the dark and twisted shit no one wanted to mention.

  I wanted him to be prepared for the hatred, the fear, the terror.

  So he could overcome it.

  I was already proud of him for just sitting in my arms.

  This was love in a whole new way.

  The door cracked open, and Cane poked his head inside. He noticed Pearl was asleep, so he motioned with his hands to ask if he could come inside.

  I nodded.

  He and Adelina walked inside, her stomach round the way Pearl’s had been six months ago. They took the seat beside me and tried to be quiet as they looked into my son’s face.

  “Aww…” Adelina covered her mouth as she gasped.

  Cane grinned. “That’s one handsome Barsetti.”

  I was already a proud father. “I know.”

  “He has your eyes,” Cane said. “But he looks like Pearl too.”

  “He’s so beautiful,” Adelina whispered. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” Now I couldn’t stop smiling.

  Cane looked up at Pearl. “How’s she doing?”

  “She’s exhausted,” I said. “Four hours of hard labor. She saw Conway and then drifted off to sleep.”

  “I’m not looking forward to that part,” Adelina whispered.

  Cane moved his hand to her thigh. “You’ll be great, Bellissima.”

  I hardly ever saw Cane without Adelina in tow. They were a pair, just the way Pearl and I were.

  “Anything we can do for you?” Cane asked. “I was going to bring flowers, but you guys don’t strike me as flower people.”

  “Because we aren’t,” I said with a laugh. “All we need right now is rest.”

  “You want us to watch the baby so you can take a nap?” Adelina asked.

  The last thing I wanted to do was let go of Conway. “No…I’m wide awake.”

  * * *

  Button breastfed Conway for the first time in the hospital room. She was still in bed, but she’d showered and changed her gown. She got a full night of rest because I took care of Conway until he started crying at dawn.

  I sat beside her and watched.

  Conway latched on and started sucking.

  “He already knows what he’s doing,” Pearl said with a chuckle.

  I grinned. “He’s just like me.”

  She chuckled then swatted my arm. “Conway will be a lot more sensitive than you.”

  “With a mother like you, I’m sure he will be.”

  Button seemed to forget I was there because she was too absorbed in looking at her son. She still looked radiant even though she was no longer pregnant. She still had a beautiful glow that surrounded her at all times. Her smile could light up an abandoned fireplace. “I got really uncomfortable at the end…but it was totally worth it.”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead then returned to feeding him. She was a mother in love. I used to be the only recipient of that gaze, but now I’d been replaced.

  It didn’t bother me at all. “So, when do you want to make another one?”

  She laughed as if I were joking.

  “I’m being serious.”

  She looked up at me, the smile in her eyes. “I need at least a six-month break.”

  “I can wait. Then we’re back at it.”

  “We haven’t even taken this one home yet.”

  “Doesn’t matter to me. Now that I’ve seen him, I know he’s the greatest thing that ever happened to me.”

  Her eyes softened as she looked at me.

  “As are you.”

  Epilogue II


  Adelina started to waddle.

  And damn, it was hot.

  She shook her hips as she moved, her stomach wobbling from left to right. She was already sexy, but being pregnant just made her irresistible.

  I couldn’t keep my hands off her.

  She sat beside me on the couch, her pregnant belly poking through her shirt.

  My hand automatically moved to her distended stomach, hoping to feel movement underneath. The first time I felt my baby kick, I was over the moon. I couldn’t think straight because I was blinded by joy. A year ago, the last thing I wanted was a wife and kids.

  And now, I was so grateful I had those things.

  “My parents are coming over for dinner,” she said. “Hope that’s okay.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  She pulled her hair into a ponytail and kept it off the back of her neck. It was a summer day, but the AC wasn’t enough to keep her cool when she was carrying another person inside her.

  “Want something to drink?”

  “No. I’m just a little uncomfortable.” She leaned back and rubbed her belly. “I still have three months to go. Pearl took it like a pro.”

  “Crow told me she was a nightmare.”

  “He did not.”

  “Okay, he didn’t. But he did say she was difficult.”

  “Now I understand why.” She moved closer into my side and rested her hand on my thigh. “How about we invite Pearl and Crow?”

  “I’m sure they want to stay home with the baby.”

  “How will you know unless you ask?”

  I grinned. “You got me there, Mrs. Barsetti.”

  * * *

  We had dinner together on the terrace. The sun had just disappeared over the horizon, blanketing us with the cool breeze of evening. We dined on fresh baked bread, pasta Gerald made himself, Italy’s finest wine—and with great company.

  Adelina’s parents took to Italy well. They didn’t seem to miss the constant business of America. They loved the endless landscapes, the olive trees across the land, and the smell of wine and cheese everywhere they went.

  And having them there made my wife very happy.

  That made me happy.

  Pearl held Conway most of the time, but she handed him off to Crow when she needed to use the restroom or eat. Now she was engaged in a conversation with Adelina’s parents, a glass of wine in her hand for the first time in nearly a year.

  That left Crow and me at the end, in our own little world.

  I stared at him over my glass of wine, seeing him look happy without smiling. His son was cradled in a single arm, as if weightless. Conway was wrapped in a blue blanket, his eyes closed because he was asleep.

  Crow looked over the horizon before his eyes drifted back to me. He noticed me staring at him, so he said, “What?”

  “You look happy.”

  A slight smile stretched his lips.

  “Our whole lives, you never looked happy. And now, you’re happy all the time.”

  His eyes lit up, the usual darkness disappearing. “I don’t think I knew what happin
ess was until recently.”


  He held my gaze. “And you look happy.”

  “Because I am.”

  “If you think you’re happy now, wait until you meet your son or daughter for the first time. There’s nothing like it.”

  My eyes glanced down to Conway. “Yeah…I can only imagine.”

  Epilogue III


  Adelina’s pregnancy wasn’t as smooth as Pearl’s.

  The baby struggled during delivery, so they had to perform an emergency C-section.

  I had to wait in the waiting room until they were finished.

  And fuck, I was scared.

  Crow was there beside me the whole time. He didn’t feed me false words of comfort. His silence was all he could offer me, and I took it gladly.

  Until the nurse brought me into the room.

  And introduced me to my son.

  I held him in my arms and felt his heaviness. He was only six pounds, but he felt dense. The weight of responsibility fell on my shoulders, and I suddenly held something priceless in my hands. It was important than all of my assets.

  It was my family.

  I turned to Adelina, who was covered in sweat and tears. “Bellissima, are you alright?”

  “I’m okay,” she whispered. “It was just scary there for a second. But we’re both alright.”

  I cradled my son and kissed her on the forehead.

  “We need a name,” she whispered. “We’ve been arguing for a while, but we need to decide.”

  I hadn’t known if we were having a boy or girl, not like Crow did. This was a surprise for both of us because she’d wanted it that way. But at the same time, I wasn’t surprised at all. It seemed like I’d always known what would come out of her. “Carter?” Now that I’d met him, seen him with my own eyes, I felt like I knew him.

  Adelina nodded. “Yes…Carter.”

  I sat at the bedside with him in my arms. I spent all my time taking care of my wife, but now I had to make room for one more person. But with someone so small, it shouldn’t be a problem, not when my heart was so big. “Thank you, Bellissima.”

  “For what?” she asked.

  “Giving me my boy.” I brought him to my lips and kissed his forehead. “I’m a dad…it’s weird.”

  “It’s not weird,” she whispered. “It’s right.”

  “Yeah…” I felt like I was hogging him, so I transferred him back to her arms. “You did all the work. Your turn.”

  She smiled and cradled him to her chest. “He’s perfect. I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful baby.”

  “No, you couldn’t.”

  “Carter and Conway…they’ll be the best of friends.”

  “I’m sure they will be.” I pictured them playing together the way Crow and I did. Our children would have their own siblings, but I knew our kids would always be close. We lived five miles apart, and we would always live five miles apart from each other. “Your parents are here. They’re eager to see the baby.”

  “I know.” She stared down at Carter. “But I want it to be just the three of us a little longer.”

  We sat in silence together, admiring the little man we made together. I never would have imagined my life like this. Five years ago, I was a criminal who killed without thinking. All I cared about was money and power. But now, I didn’t think about the business that I gave to Constantine. I didn’t think about making money. I didn’t care about any of those things. All I really cared about was my family—and not just the three of us.

  Crow and I had both turned our backs on our legacy. We could have followed in our father’s footsteps, but we took our own path. We made our own lives while honoring the Barsetti name. Now we were surrounded by our wives and children. Life would pass quickly, but we would enjoy it so thoroughly.

  How did I get so lucky?

  Adelina turned back to me, knowing my mind had drifted. “What?”

  I smiled at her, watching the love of my life hold my son. “Nothing…nothing at all.”

  My Deepest Gratitude…

  Thanks so much for sticking with Crow, Cane, and Pearl through this incredible adventure. They aren't just characters to me but real people that I adore. When I'm making a cup of coffee in the morning, sometimes I wonder, "What are the Barsetti Brothers doing today? Working at the winery?"

  I have a new series in mind that I'm excited to share with you. Once it's available, you'll be the first to know! I know it's hard to accept the end of the Buttons Series. I admit, I cried when I wrote the last ten pages of this story. But in the meantime, my good friend Victoria Quinn has a HOT new release coming out next month. You've probably already heard about it and even read some of it, but she allowed me to include the FIRST HALF right after this message. Diesel Hunt and Tatum Titan are soooo sexy. The sex isn't just amazing, but the story is absolutely addicting.

  If you decide to purchase Boss Lady, keep in mind that this first half will be available in that book. So you'll be reading the same half that you've already read. Just wanted to give you a head's up so you wouldn't be surprised!

  Thanks again for being an awesome fan. Your support means the world to me.

  * * *



  Boss Lady by Victoria Quinn


  The skyscrapers of Manhattan gleamed under the bright sun as it peeked over the horizon. My office faced the west, so I got to see winter sunsets when the sun sank behind the horizon and disappeared.

  My hand moved across the document I was marking up, filling my silent office with the quiet scratching of the pen tip against the thick paper. Sometimes I was in the mood for dead silence, focusing on my work with such discipline I could rip a hole in it with my pen alone. And other times, like today, I was in the mood for a quiet tune.

  I grabbed the remote, hit a button, and Frank Sinatra’s voice filled my space.

  Floor-to-ceiling windows took up the back wall of my office, and my white desk matched the bookshelves on either side. The dark wood at my feet was covered by a gray rug, and the two blue armchairs faced my desk with a white coffee table in the center.

  It wasn’t dark and foreboding like most offices I’d been to. My goal wasn’t to intimidate potential clients and partners, but to expose them to the sleekness and elegance I preferred. There was always a fresh vase of flowers on the coffee table.

  It was one luxury I couldn’t live without.

  The door to my office opened, but I didn’t look up from my work, knowing exactly who it was.

  Jessica walked inside and set the coffee cup and saucer on the edge of my desk. A silver spoon rested on the white plate. It clanked from her jittery movements. She was either experiencing a caffeine crash, or she was just nervous.

  Since it was her first week, I knew which one it was.

  “Here you are, Ms. Titan.” She moved the cup closer toward me, spilling a drop on the white wood. “Oh god, I’m so sorry.” She patted it dry with a napkin.

  “That’s alright.” I smiled with my eyes peering down. I remembered my first day of work. I had been just as nervous as she was. Before I lost my train of thought, I finished what I was doing and dropped the silver pen that was the perfect width for my slim fingers.

  That’s when I noticed the cream-colored coffee.

  Jessica had just turned away to head back to her desk.

  “Jessica.” I called her back without raising my voice.

  “Yes, Ms. Titan?”

  “Call me Titan.” It saved time instead of stating two words every time she tried to address me. My first name was rarely uttered by anyone, only those who crossed the line of my inner circle. And even then, they usually called me by a nickname instead.

  “Oh…sorry.” She cringed, her hands balling into fists at her own stupidity.

  “It’s okay, Jessica. These things take time.” I looked her in the eye and smiled. “I like my coffee black with two sugars.” I pushed the cup closer t
o her, sliding it across the textured wood until it was easily accessible.

  She realized her third mistake with another cringe. “Of course. I must have gotten confused with…” She trailed off, unable to find an excuse for her lack of commitment. “I’ll fix this right now.”

  “Thank you.”

  She picked up the saucer and the cup, breathing harder than necessary. It seemed like she was a soldier in the military and I was her drill sergeant. She was scared to make the slightest mistake because that would cost her ten push-ups.

  “Can I give you some advice, Jessica?”

  “Of course.” She gripped the saucer closer to her, standing at attention with her eyes trained on me. They were bigger than usual, a permanent look of surprise on her face.

  “It’s okay to make mistakes.” Throughout my life, I learned more from my failures than my successes. When I accomplished a goal, there was nothing to gain from it. But my failures always led to greater success down the road. Failures were the moments that stuck with you, the ones that kept you up late at night. “But it’s not okay to repeat them.”

  She nodded slightly, expressing her understanding.

  “I give new employees two weeks to learn the ropes. So take a deep breath and relax. The more you overthink it, the more mistakes you make. Just be confident.”

  “Of course,” she said breathlessly. “I guess…never mind.”

  “What?” Vague comments and vague questions irritated me. I liked conversation to be clear and concise. When there were misinterpretations, that led to wasted time. And there was nothing I hated more than wasting time.

  “I’m just intimidated by you, Titan.” She finally broke our locked gazes. “Extremely.”

  “You know what I do when I’m intimidated by someone?”

  She let out an involuntary chuckle.

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh…you aren’t joking.”

  I lowered my eyebrow and suppressed the little smile that wanted to form on my lips. “I give them a reason to be intimidated by me. So, Jessica, do your worst.”


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