Destiny Forgiven

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Destiny Forgiven Page 17

by Leia Shaw

  She copied his circling, staying out of reach. He launched a Bolt toward her and she sprung back before it hit. Another came right after and she leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding it.

  Fuck. He wasn’t playing around.

  She dodged the next orb and sprung to a low-hanging branch on the closest tree. When a Bolt cracked against it, she jumped to the next. Higher and higher she climbed, as flashes of orange chased her.

  They stopped and the world seemed to go still. Balancing on a branch with her claws digging into the bark, she looked down below.

  Another uniformed figure stood, facing Saith. Inside, she sighed a breath of relief as she gazed down at his bald head.

  “Felicity, stay there,” Maddox said, keeping his gaze on his father. Inside, a storm brewed. He stayed calm by reminding himself that she was safe, and as far as he could tell, unharmed. When he was sure she wouldn’t move, he addressed his father. “Leave my mate the fuck alone. You’ve ruined enough of her life. And mine.”

  Saith turned to face him. “You won’t win this war, son.”

  “I’m not your son.” As he said the words, a weight lifted off his shoulders. With the declaration, a part of him, the dark part, died. There was a sense of relief but also sorrow. The father he’d once loved and respected was gone. And now Maddox had no family left.

  His father chuckled. “Changing your allegiance because of some slut doesn’t change your bloodline.”

  Maddox let loose a growl. Hot energy flowed down his arms, yearning to burst free. He held it back. He wanted to take his father alive if he could. Though he was angry and hurt at the betrayal, Maddox couldn’t hate him. Saith had turned into a pitiful, desperate man, so filled with hate that it poisoned his heart. But insulting his mate would only feed the storm. And if Saith threatened her again, Maddox just might snap.

  “You’re naïve to think that just because you toppled a building with some cheap magic, you can take down the entire Council. We’ve been doing this far longer than you’ve been alive. Get on the winning side of the war, or you’ll regret it.”

  Maddox inhaled deeply to keep his temper. “You have one chance to leave this place alive. Come with me today as my prisoner. James will take you to the Underworld and that’s where you’ll stay.”

  Saith snorted in response.

  “It may not be your favorite place but at least you’ll be alive.”

  “You expect me to bargain with you?” He took a threatening step toward him. “I made you.” His face reddened as he gritted the next words. “I made you into the most efficient soldier the Council has ever known. You had your whole life laid out in front of you and you threw it all away for some self-righteous bitch.” They stared each other down. Tension filled the air as he waited for his father’s move. Finally, he whispered, “I may be old but I can still crush you.”

  A Bolt shot from his hand. Maddox flinched, ready to defend himself. But instead of hitting him, it went straight up in the air. A branch cracked and a frightened snarl echoed in his ears.


  He let instinct take over and unleashed the storm inside him.

  As the branch fell, she twisted in the air and caught the trunk with her claws. A green light flashed across her peripheral vision. She heard a strangled shout. She clung to the tree, afraid to move or look down. Quiet settled over the area and with it an eerie sense of calm. Dead. He was dead, and she was next. Lethargy swept over her. She was tired of running and fighting. Tired of being afraid. If he was gone, she wanted to go with him. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited.

  “Come down, love.”

  At Maddox’s voice, a wave of relief swept over her. She slid down the trunk and made the final jump to the ground, landing on all fours. A few moments later, she stood, naked and shaking in front of him.

  She looked him over but tears made her vision blurry. He was standing, alive, not even bleeding. To her right, Saith lay in a puddle of red liquid, his shirt burned through, exposing his singed chest with a knife sticking out of it. It took her a moment to process everything.

  Maddox frowned at her then opened his arms. Not dead. Bursting into tears, she numbly walked into his embrace. He held her tight as she sobbed into his chest.

  He’s okay. He’s safe.

  “Shh,” he soothed, stroking her hair. “It’s over.”

  She leaned back to look at him, just to make sure it was really him. Maybe she was dead and dreaming. If so, she didn’t want to wake up. His face and clothing were smudged with what looked like soot, like he’d walked through fire.

  “I can’t believe you…you…killed him.” She sniffled. “Are you all right?”

  His brow creased and he gripped her tighter. “He was trying to hurt you.”

  “I know, but…” She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. “He’s still your father.”

  “No. He lost that role a long time ago.” Hugging her closer, he placed a kiss on her head.

  “Are you hurt?” She’d forgotten. With frantic fingers, she undid his buttons, needing to see he was unharmed.

  He chuckled and grabbed her hands then stilled them against his chest. “I’m not hurt.”

  She laid her head against his chest and inhaled his scent. All Maddox. All comfort and love. “Thank you for coming back to me.”

  “I promised.”

  When his hand drifted from her hair, down to her back then lower just above her ass, she remembered she was naked. The adrenaline must have kept her from feeling the cold.

  “Sage and James? Are they okay?”

  He sighed and rubbed his hands up and down her back. “I don’t know. I followed a tunnel from my father’s office out of the building just before it collapsed. I saw the orange light through the trees and ran straight here. The prison is destroyed though. I can only assume that means Sage succeeded.”

  She nodded against his chest. They needed to go check but right now she didn’t want to move. Hugging him tighter, she kissed the skin showing where she’d unbuttoned the shirt.

  “We need to go, love,” he murmured against her hair.

  “I know.”

  “Where are your clothes?”

  “I don’t care. Can’t we just stand here a while? Like, forever? I’m afraid to let you go.”

  He cupped her cheek in his hand and held her against his chest. “What are you afraid of, sweet girl?”

  Tears spilled over. She could barely choke out the words. “That you’re not real.” That you’ll disappear as soon as I let go and I’ll be alone.

  He was quiet for a long moment, making her wonder if she really was imagining this. “Do you feel my heartbeat?” he finally asked, softly.

  She focused her attention to the thump thump under her cheek. “Yes.” Then his chest warmed. His skin against her cheek grew hot like he had a fever.

  “Do you feel that?”

  “Yes.” It almost burned. “What is it?”

  “Magic. You do it to me. You make me strong.”

  She’d never heard of magic like that. He’d always been more talented than most sorcerers his age. But this… Gradually, the heat faded. This was amazing.

  “Do you believe I’m real now?”

  Yes, but she still didn’t want to let go of him. It was difficult, but she did it anyway. The fate of Sage and James weighed on her. She needed to be sure they were safe.

  She peered up at Maddox. “I’m ready.”

  Her clothes were in a bundle a few feet away. She turned and looked down at Saith’s lifeless body. A shudder rocked her. Maddox laid his jacket over the top of him.

  “He’s really dead,” she said, numbly.

  “I wish he’d given in and gone to the Underworld,” he mumbled.

  “I’m sorry.” Tears fell again. He’d already been through so much, and now he had to lose his dad too – the last of his family. At one time they’d meant something to each other. “I wish it could’ve been different too.”

  Guilt formed a pit in her s
tomach. Maybe if she’d stayed with Dalton, or went to Adfer Falls instead, his father would be alive. Now, Maddox would always have that on his conscience.

  “It’s not your fault, Felicity.” He kissed her head then stepped over the body and picked up her clothes. “I didn’t see any other choice.” With a deep sigh, he nodded his head. “I think it’s for the best. The longer he was in the Council, the more his humanity slipped away.” He handed her the bundle of clothes, keeping his gaze on the covered body. “That place is like poison. It was too late for him to change. He wouldn’t have given up trying to kill you.”

  After pulling on her clothes, she grasped his hand and squeezed it.

  They headed toward the prison, walking in silence but holding hands tightly, as if they were both afraid the other would suddenly slip away. As they drew closer to the fortress, the scent of the salty air grew stronger.

  The large piles of brown rubble in the distance looked promising. When they stepped out of the trees, and saw the extent of the wreckage, her jaw dropped.

  The enormous amount of debris made it clear just how big the place had been. Smoke mixed with dirt, creating a thick wall hard to see past. Hints of toppled building peeked through. Orange flames, small and dying, were satisfying to watch as they destroyed what was left.

  Sage stood in front of it, bent over with her hands on her knees. James appeared at her side and put an arm around her waist to support her.

  Holding Felicity’s hand tight, Maddox walked to them.

  Sage turned her head and smiled. “You’re not dead,” she said, panting. Her face was pale and she looked exhausted.

  Maddox smiled back. “Neither are you.”

  “Glad to see you well,” James said as he and Maddox exchanged a meaningful look – the manly acknowledging of their bond as friends and that they were each happy to see each other alive.

  “This isn’t the end,” Maddox said, dropping his heavy arm across Felicity’s shoulders. He pulled her in and placed a kiss on her forehead.

  “It’s not the end, no,” she said, “but it’s a big step toward it.”

  “Is it gratifying to see it burn?” Sage asked.

  Maddox inhaled a deep breath and looked over the pile of debris that used to be the only home he knew. It was gratifying for Felicity and she hadn’t experienced the same level of trauma Maddox had.

  After a moment, he nodded. “It is. Now I can finally start my life. The one that was stolen from me.” He squeezed her tight against his body and stared down at her. “A life with you. I may be broken and scarred, Felicity, but I promise my love for you is perfect. Will you have me?”

  She smiled. “Forever.”


  6 months later

  The sound of the cascading waterfall drowned out all other noises. Felicity sat on a large boulder, weapon in hand, and waited. Her dark clothing blended into the night. Quiet and still, she looked for signs of movement. To the right, a shadow appeared. She gripped her knife harder. The figure glided closer. She held her breath. In the dark, it was impossible to see his face but she recognized the body well enough.

  It lumbered toward her and she readied herself for it. Closer. Closer…

  She leapt from her place on the rock and landed just in front of her victim.

  “Whoa!” His masculine voice rose up over the sound of the falls.

  Holding the knife at his neck, she grinned. “Gotcha.”

  Chuckling, Maddox peeled it from her hands. “I knew you were there the whole time.”

  “Did not!”

  Without another word, he shoved his shoulder into her belly and slung her over his shoulder.

  She screeched as the world tipped upside down. “Maddox! Put me down!”

  He strode, confidently, across the boulders, balancing perfectly even with her struggling on his shoulder. “What’s the matter, little kitty? Can’t shift and get away?”

  She froze. “You want me to? I know you like scratches on your back but I don’t think you’d like them with my claws.”

  “Mmmm. You might be surprised.”

  As she considered shifting just to prove a point, he stopped and lowered her to the ground. They were on the edge of the basin. Water misted up from where it splashed from the chute into the pool. It felt nice against her sweaty face. She was glad it finally felt like summer.

  Taking her face in his hands, he pressed his thumb on the dimple in her chin. When he leaned in to kiss her, she ducked. Giggling, she backed away from his dark glare.

  “Brat,” he teased. “Take off your clothes.”

  She crossed her arms. “What’s in it for me?”

  Even in the dark, she could see his wicked grin. “You know what, sweet girl. Now take them off before I rip them off. I’m not a patient man and I don’t know how attached you are to your undergarments.”

  With a flirty smile, she said, “Who says I’m wearing any?”

  He stilled, his eyes wide, then he snapped, “Take them off now, woman!”

  With a start, she bent over to remove her shoes. He laughed then smacked her ass. “That’s better.”

  She rolled her eyes but doubted he could see it in the dark. “Pushy, pushy,” she mumbled.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  After both shoes were off, she slid her pants down next. She hadn’t been teasing about the underwear and the light spray of water tingled across her naked flesh. On the other side of the pool, away from the falls, a flame appeared. What the hell was he doing? It lowered toward the ground then stopped a few inches from it. A candle? Then another appeared a foot or so away. And another. Maddox was lighting candles and setting them down on the rocks.

  So romantic. Other girls would be swooning right now, but she was used to it. The wooing, the romance – it was as if he were trying to make up for lost years in a matter of months.

  She lifted her shirt over her head, smiling like a dork, then carefully made her way toward him. The cool rocks against her bare feet felt good and reminded her of old times. She teetered a bit on one boulder then Maddox was there, holding her arm and smiling down at her.

  “You look even more beautiful in candlelight,” he whispered.

  His naked chest was just inches from her face. She wanted to kiss him, lick him. “Thanks.” The word came out raspy and she cleared her throat. Fuck, he was hot.

  He gestured to the water. “After you.”

  “You just want to check out my ass,” she said, laughing as she bent down and lowered herself into the water. “It’s cold!” It was too early in the summer for the water to have warmed up. She hissed in a breath when it hit her sex.

  Behind her, she heard Maddox slide into the water. “Come here. I’ll warm you up.”

  She turned and smirked at him, backing away like she was going to make a run for it. With a growl, he grabbed her arm and yanked her closer, then scooped her up, taking her mouth roughly. Maddox was wild and animalistic at times, which was odd considering he wasn’t a shifter. If he were, his predator form would have been terrifying.

  Sex with him wasn’t sweet and shy like it used to be when they were younger, but she craved the roughness and passion he gave her now. Edgy, badass Maddox had his appeal, especially in the bedroom.

  His kisses went from punishing to sinful, and she felt him harden against her thigh. Heat rippled through her. Her mouth moved against his and she started to feel lost in him, wanting to give him everything.

  With a groan, he pulled away. “Sorry I was late tonight,” he whispered. “I hate keeping you waiting.”

  “You weren’t that late.”

  “Actually, I was on time until I ran into Keyon.” He chuckled. “He wanted to come with me but I said no. I’m surprised he didn’t follow me.” As if he suddenly thought he might be watching, Maddox turned and peered into the forest around them.

  The day they’d destroyed Marwolaeth Du, they’d returned to the hospital to check on Keyon only to find him sitting on a man’s lap. Emaciat
ed and crying, he held the boy and wouldn’t let him go. As it turned out, Keyon’s father was one of the freed prisoners. Now they both lived in the colony and Keyon came to visit often when Maddox and Felicity were there between missions.

  “How’d the meeting go with James?” she asked.

  Still holding her in his arms, he leaned back against the rock wall and set her on his lap. His body had lost its urgency. She’d have to fix that.

  “Good. The Council is almost completely flushed out of Caerwyn. I have no idea where they’re getting their resources but it shouldn’t be too hard to track them down now. Especially with Cristian’s pack helping.”

  “Yeah.” She chewed a nail, thinking through the last six months of work they’d been doing to shut down the Council. “Werewolves are good for that.”

  “Don’t think,” he told her then pulled her finger away from her mouth. “This is supposed to be time to relax. There’ll be plenty of time for thinking in the morning.”

  “Mmm.” She wrapped her legs around his body then gasped when his erection prodded her entrance. He never needed much encouragement from her. Shifting over, she rubbed against him, smirking, “Are you going to help distract me?”

  He rumbled low in his chest. “Yes, I am.” Gently, he nipped at her chin.

  A shiver ran the length of her spine. His lips moved down her neck and she groaned. “You’re a pretty good distraction,” she murmured.

  “Just pretty good?”

  “Mmmm.” She pressed her forehead against his and closed her eyes. Warmth from his body and his familiar scent wrapped around her, making her feel safe and protected. The scars on his arms told a tale of suffering and pain, and there were times when she could see the nightmares that still lurked, but they were growing more distant. Now, her Maddox laughed easily, though not as boisterously as he used to. But more important than that, he’d forgiven himself. Now, he loved deeply and wholly. What happened in his past, who he’d been, what he’d done, didn’t matter anymore.


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