Chosen, the: title given to Linden Avery
Circle of Elders: Stonedown leaders
Cirrus Kindwind: a Giant; one of the Swordmainnir
clachan, the: demesne of the Elohim
ClangorClang: a Courser
Clangor: a Courser
Clash: a Courser
Clave, the: group which wields the Sunbane and rules the Land
clingor: adhesive leather
Close, the: the Council chamber of Lord’s Keep
Clyme: a Haruchai, a Master of the Land; one of the Humbled
Coercri: The Grieve; former home of the Giants in Seareach
Colossus of the Fall, the: ancient stone figure guarding the Upper Land
Consecear Redoin: a region north of the Soulsease River
Cord: Ramen second rank
Cording: Ramen ceremony of becoming a Cord
Corimini: Eldest of the Loresraat
Corruption: Bloodguard/Haruchai name for Lord Foul
Council of Lords, the: protectors of the Land
Courser: a beast made by the Clave using the Sunbane
Creator, the: maker of the Earth
Croft: Graveler of Crystal Stonedown
Crowl: a Bloodguard
croyel, the: mysterious creatures which grant power through bargains, living off their hosts
Crystal Stonedown: home of Hollian
Currier: a Ramen rank
Damelon Giantfriend: son of Berek Halfhand, second High Lord of the Old Lords
Damelon? Door: door of lore which when opened permits passage through the Audience Hall of Earthroot under Melenkurion Skyweir
Dance of the Wraiths, the: Celebration of Spring
Dancers of the Sea, the: merewives; suspected to be the offspring of the Elohim Kastenessen and his mortal lover
Daphine: one of the Elohim
Dawngreeter: highest sail on the foremast of a Giantship
Dead, the: spectres of those who have died
Defiles Course, the: river in the Lower Land
Demondim, the: creatures created by Viles; creators of ur-viles and Waynhim
Demondim-spawn: another name for ur-viles and Waynhim; Vain
Desolation, the: era of ruin in the Land, after the Ritual of Desecration
Despiser, the: Lord Foul
Despite: evil; name given to the Despiser’s nature and effects
dharmakshetra: “to brave the enemy,” a Waynhim
dhraga: a Waynhim
dhubha: a Waynhim
dhurng: a Waynhim
diamondraught: Giantish liquor
Din: a Courser
Dire? Vessel: Giantship used by the Swordmainnir to convey Longwrath
Doar: a Bloodguard
Dohn: a Manethrall of the Ramen
Dolewind, the: wind blowing to the Soulbiter
Doom? Retreat: a gap in the Southron Range between the South Plains and Doriendor Corishev
Doriendor Corishev: an ancient city; seat of the king against whom Berek Halfhand rebelled
drhami: a Waynhim
Drinishok: Sword-Elder of the Loresraat
Drinny: a Ranyhyn, Lord Mhoram’s mount; foal of Hynaril
dromond: a Giantship
Drool Rockworm: a Cavewight; leader of the Cavewights, finder of the Illearth Stone
dukkha: “victim”, Waynhim name
Dura Fairflank: a mustang, Covenant’s mount
Durance: a cryptic barrier, apparently broken
durhisitar: a Waynhim
During Stonedown: village destroyed by the Grim; home of Hamako
Duroc: one of the Seven Words
Durris: a Haruchai
EarthBlood: concentrated fluid Earthpower; only known to exist under Melenkurion Skyweir; source of the Power of Command
Earthfriend: title first given to Berek Halfhand
Earthpower: natural power of all life; the source of all power in the Land
Earthroot: lake under Melenkurion Skyweir
Earthrootstair: stairway down to the lake of Earthroot under Melenkurion Skyweir
Earth-Sight: Giantish power to perceive distant dangers and needs
eftmound: gathering-place for the Elohim
eh-Brand: one who can use wood to read the Sunbane
Elemesnedene: home of the Elohim
Elena: daughter of Lena and Thomas Covenant; later High Lord
Elohim, the: a mystic people encountered by the wandering Giants
Elohimfest: a gathering of the Elohim
Emacrimma’s Maw: a region in the Centre Plains
Enemy: Lord Foul’s term of reference for the Creator
Eoman: a unit of the Warward of Lord’s Keep, twenty warriors and a Warhaft
Eoward: twenty Eoman plus a Haft
Epemin: a soldier in Berek Halfhand? army, tenth Eoman, second Eoward
Esmer: tormented son of Cail and the Dancers of the Sea
Exalt Widenedworld: a Giant; youngest son of Soar Gladbirth and Sablehair Foamheart; later called Lostson and Longwrath
fael Befylam: serpent-form of the jheherrin
Faer: mare of Lord Callindrill
Fall: Haruchai name for a caesure
Fangs: the Teeth of the Render; Ramen name for the Demondim
Fangthane the Render: Ramen name for Lord Foul
Far Woodhelven: a village of the Land
Father of Horses, the: Kelenbhrabanal, legendary sire of the Ranyhyn
Favoured, the: courtesans of the gaddhi
Findail: one of the Elohim; the Appointed
Fields of Richloam: a region in the Centre Plains
Filigree: a Giant; another name for Sablehair Foamheart
Fire-Lions: living fire-flow of Mount Thunder
fire-stones: graveling
First Betrayer: Clave-name for Berek Halfhand
First Circinate: first level of the Sandhold
First Haft: third in command of the Warward
First Mark: the Bloodguard commander
First of the Search, the: leader of the Giants who follow the Earth-Sight
First Ward of Kevin’s Lore: primary cache of knowledge left by High Lord Kevin
Fleshharrower: a Giant-Raver, Jehannum, moksha
Foamkite: tyrscull belonging to Honninscrave and Seadreamer
Fole: a Haruchai
Foodfendhall: eating-hall and galley aboard a Giantship
Forbidding: a wall of power
Forestal: a protector of the remnants of the One Forest
Fostil: a man of Mithil Stonedown; father of Liand
Foul’s Creche: the Despiser’s home, Ridjeck Thome
Frostheart Grueburn: a Giant; one of the swordmannir
Furl Falls: waterfall at Revelstone
Furl’s Fire: warning fire at Revelstone
gaddhi, the: sovereign of Bhrathairealm
Gallows Howe: a place of execution in Garroting Deep
Galt: a Haruchai, a Master of the Land; one of the Humbled
Garroting Deep: a forest of the Land
Garth: Warmark of the Warward of Lord’s Keep
Gay: a Winhome of the Ramen
ghohritsar: a Waynhim
ghramin: a Waynhim
Giantclave: Giantish conference
Giantfriend: title given first to Damelon, later to Thomas Covenant
Giants: the Unhomed, ancient friends of the Lords; a seafaring people of the Earth
Giantship: a stone sailing vessel made by Giants; dromond
Giantway: path made by Giants
Giant Woods: a forest of the Land
Gibbon: the na-Mhoram; leader of the Clave
Gilden: a maple-like tree with golden leaves
Gildenlode: a power-wood formed from the Gilden trees
Glimmermere: a lake on the plateau above Revelstone
Gorak Krembal: Hotash Slay, a defence around Foul’s Creche
Gossamer Glowlimn: a Giant, the Fi
rst of the Search
Grace: a Cord of the Ramen
Graveler: one who uses stone to wield the Sunbane
graveling: fire-stones, made to glow by stone-lore
Gravelingas: a master of the stone-lore
Gravin Threndor: Mount Thunder
Great Desert, the: a region of the Earth; home of the Bhrathair and the Sandgorgons
Great One, the: title given to Caerroil Wildwood by the Mahdoubt
Great Swamp, the: Lifeswallower, a region of the Land
Grey Desert, the: a region south of the Land
Grey River, the: a river of the Land
Grey Slayer: plains name for Lord Foul
Greywightswath: a region north of the Soulsease River
Greshas Slant: a region in the Centre Plains
griffin: lion-like beast with wings
Grim, the: (also the na-Mhoram’s Grim) a destructive storm sent as an attack by the Clave
Grimmand Honninscrave: a Giant; Master of Starfare’s Gem; brother of Cable Seadreamer
Grimmerdhore: a forest of the Land
Guard, the: hustin; soldiers serving the gaddhi
Guardian of the One Tree, the: mystical figure warding the approach to the One Tree; ak-Haru Kenaustin Ardenol
Haft: commander of an Eoward
Halewhole Bluntfist: a Giant; one of the swordmannir
Halfhand: title given to Thomas Covenant and to Berek
Hall of Gifts, the: large chamber in Revelstone devoted to the artworks of the Land
Hamako: sole survivor of the destruction of During Stonedown
Hami: a Ramen Manethrall
Handir: a Haruchai leader, the Voice of the Masters
Harad: one of the Seven Words
Harbour Captain: chief official of the port of Bhrathairealm
Harn: one of the Haruchai, protector of Hollian
Haruchai: a warrior people from the Westron Mountains
Healer: a physician
Hearthrall of Lord’s Keep: a steward responsible for light, warmth, and hospitality
Heart of Thunder: cave of power in Mount Thunder; Kiril Threndor
Hearthcoal: a Giant; cook of Starfare’s Gem; wife of Seasauce
Heartthew: a title given to Berek Halfhand
heartwood chamber: meeting-place of a Woodhelven, within a tree
Heer: leader of a Woodhelven
Heft Galewrath: a Giant; Storesmaster of Starfare’s Gem
Herem: a Raver, Kinslaughterer, turiya
Hergrom: one of the Haruchai
High Lord: leader of the Council of Lords
High Lord’s Furl: banner of the High Lord
High Wood: lomillialor, offspring of the One Tree
Hile Troy: a man formerly from Thomas Covenant’s world; Warmark of High Lord Elena’s Warward
Hiltmark: second in command of the Warward
Hirebrand: a master of wood-lore
Hoerkin: a Warhaft
Hollian: daughter of Amith, eh-Brand of Crystal Stonedown
Home: original homeland of the Giants
Horizonscan: lookout atop the midmast of a Giantship
Horse, the: human soldiery of the gaddhi
horserite: a gathering of Ranyhyn in which they drink mind-blending waters in order to share visions, prophecies, and purpose
Hotash Slay: flow of lava protecting Foul’s Creche; Gorak Krembal
Hower: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Loerya
Hrama: a Ranyhyn stallion, mount of Anele
Humbled, the: three Haruchai maimed to resemble Thomas Covenant; a reminder to the Masters of their limitations
Hurn: a Cord of the Ramen
hurtloam: a healing mud
Huryn: a Ranyhyn, Terrel’s mount
Husta/hustin: partly human soldiers bred by Kasreyn to be the gaddhi’s Guard
Hyn: a Ranyhyn mare; mount of Linden Avery
Hynaril: a Ranyhyn, mount of Tamarantha and then Mhoram
Hynyn: a Ranyhyn stallion; mount of Stave
Hyrim: a Lord, son of Hoole
Illearth Stone, the: powerful bane long buried under Mount Thunder
Illender: title given to Thomas Covenant
Imoiran Tomal-mate: a Stonedownor
Infelice: reigning leader of the Elohim
Irin: a warrior of the Third Eoman of the Warward
Isle of the One Tree, the: location of the One Tree
Jain: a Manethrall of the Ramen
Jass: a Haruchai; a Master of the Land
Jehannum: a Raver, Fleshharrower, moksha
jheherrin: soft ones, misshapen by-products of Foul’s making
Jous: a man of Mithil Stonedown; son of Prassan; father of Nassic; inheritor of an Unfettered One’s mission to remember the Halfhand
Kalina: wife of Nassic; mother of Sunder; woman of Mithil Stonedown
Kam: a Manethrall of the Ramen
Karnis: a Heer of First Woodhelven
Kasreyn of the Gyre: a thaumaturge; the gaddhi’s Kemper (advisor) in Bhrathairealm
Kastenessen: one of the Elohim; former Appointed
Kelenbhrabanal: Father of Horses in Ranyhyn legends
Keeper: a Ramen rank; one of those unsuited to the rigors of being a Cord or a Manethrall
Keep of the na-Mhoram, the: Revelstone
Kemper, the: chief advisor of the gaddhi; Kasreyn
Kemper’s Pitch: highest level of the Sandhold
Kenaustin Ardenol: a figure of Haruchai legend, paragon and measure of all Haruchai virtues
Kevin Landwaster: son of Loric Vilesilencer, last High Lord of the Old Lords
Kevin’s Dirt: smog-like pall covering the Upper Land; invisible from below, it blocks health-sense
Kevin’s Lore: knowledge of power left hidden by Kevin in the Seven Wards
Kevin’s Watch: mountain lookout near Mithil Stonedown
Khabaal: one of the Seven Words
Kinslaughterer: a Giant-Raver, Herem, turiya
Kiril Threndor: chamber of power deep under Mount Thunder; Heart of Thunder
Koral: a Bloodguard; assigned to Lord Amatin
Korik: a Bloodguard
kresh: savage giant yellow wolves
krill, the: knife of power forged by High Lord Loric, awakened to power by Thomas Covenant
Kurash Plenethor: region of the Land formally named Stricken Stone, now called Trothgard
Kurash Qwellinir: the Shattered Hills, region of the Lower Land protecting Foul’s Creche
Lake Pelluce: a lake in Andelainscion
Lal: a Cord of the Ramen
Landsdrop: great cliff separating the Upper and Lower Lands
Land, the: generally, area found on the map; a focal region of the Earth where Earthpower is uniquely accessible
Landsverge Stonedown: a village of the Land
Landwaster: title given to High Lord Kevin
Latebirth: a Giant; one of the swordmainnir
Law, the: the natural order
Law of Death, the: the natural order which separates the living from the dead
Law of Life, the: the natural order which separates the dead from the living
Law-Breaker: title given to both High Lord Elena and Caer-Caveral
Lax Blunderfoot: a name chosen by Latebirth in self-castigation
Lena: a Stonedownor, daughter of Atiaran; mother of Elena
Lifeswallower: the Giant Swamp
lianar: wood of power used by an eh-Brand
Liand: a man of Mithil Stonedown, son of Fostil; companion of Linden Avery
lillianrill: wood-lore; masters of wood-lore
Lithe: a Manethrall of the Ramen
Llaura: a Heer of Soaring Woodhelven
Loerya Trevor-mate: a Lord
lomillialor: High Wood; a wood of power
Longwrath: a Giant; Swordmainnir name for Exalt Widenedworld
Lord: one who has mastered both the Sword
and the Staff aspects of Kevin’s Lore
Lord-Fatherer: title given to Berek Halfhand
Lord Foul: the enemy of the Land; the Despiser
“Lord Mhoram’s Victory”: a painting by Ahanna
Lord of Wickedness: a-Jeroth
Lords, the: the primary protectors of the Land
Lord’s-fire: staff-fire used by the Lords
Lord’s Keep: Revelstone
loremaster: a leader of ur-viles
Loresraat: Trothgard school at Revelwood where Kevin’s Lore is studied
Lorewarden: a teacher in the Loresraat
loreworks: Demondim power laboratory
Loric Vilesilencer: a High Lord; son of Damelon Giantfriend
lor-liarill: Gildenlode
Lost, the: Giantish name for the Unhomed
Lost Deep, the: loreworks; breeding pit/laboratory under Mount Thunder where Demondim, Waynhim, and ur-viles were created
Lostson: a Giant; later name for Exalt Widenedworld
Lower Land, the: region of the Land east of Landsdrop
lucubrium: laboratory of a thaumaturge
lurker of the Sarangrave, the: monster inhabiting the Great Swamp
Mahdoubt, the: a strange old woman; a servant of Revelstone
Mahrtiir: a Ramen Manethrall; companion of Linden Avery
maidan: open land around Elemesnedene
Maker, the: jheherrin name for Lord Foul
Maker-place: jheherrin name for Foul’s Creche
Malliner: Woodhelvennin Heer, son of Veinnin
Mane: Ramen reference to a Ranyhyn
Maneing: Ramen ceremony of becoming a Manethrall
Manethrall: highest Ramen rank
Manhome: main dwelling place of the Ramen
Marid: a man of Mithil Stonedown; Sunbane victim
Marny: a Ranyhyn, Tuvor’s mount
marrowmeld: bone-sculpting; anundivian yajna
master-rukh: iron triangle at Revelstone which feeds and reads other rukhs
Master: commander of a Giantship
Master, the: Clave-name for Lord Foul
Masters of the Land, the: Haruchai who have claimed responsibility for protecting the Land from corruption
Mehryl: a Ranyhyn, Hile Troy’s mount
Melenkurion abatha: phrase of invocation or power; two of the Seven Words
Melenkurion Skyweir: a cleft peak in the Westron Mountains
Memla na-Mhoram-in: a Rider of the Clave
merewives: the Dancers of the Sea
metheglin: a beverage; mead
Mhoram: a Lord; later high Lord; son of Variol
Mill: one of the Seven Words
Minas: one of the Seven Words
mirkfruit: papaya-like fruit with narcoleptic pulp
Mistweave: a Giant
Mithil River: a river of the Land
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