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drdaddy Page 4

by Sullivan, Piper

  “Please Kane,” I begged not even caring how weak and desperate I sounded. In that moment I was weak and I was desperate for more of the feeling that rushed through me. It was pure bliss. Ultimate satisfaction. An out of body experience. It was nothing like the orgasms I gave myself. Nothing at all.

  “Please what?” his mouth and his teeth teased me, nipping my lips, my jaw and my ear.

  “Please, fuck me.” I wouldn’t fool myself into thinking we were doing any more than fucking. It was the only way this would work.

  “Whatever the lady wants,” he joked.

  “But you should know I’ve never done this before.” He gave me that look that men give women who say things like I’ve never done this before. That look that said, “Sure whatever you need to tell yourself.” But that wasn’t the case here. “I mean it Kane. Never. Done. This.” I motioned between our bodies. “Got it?”

  I saw the moment he did get it because his eyes reflected shock, disbelief. Denial. “But how can that be?”

  “Time was never right before. But my body wants yours. I’m trusting you to make this good.”

  “It’ll be better than good,” he promised and cut off my next words with a kiss that mimicked the slow, agonizing entry as he pushed inside me. “Fuck,” he groaned and pushed through that final barrier, swallowing my cries and moving his hips in a slow satisfying move that quickly took me beyond pain and right into pleasure.

  “Yes. I feel so full.”

  He grinned down at me. “You’re good for my ego.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You know you’re big.”

  “Still like to hear it,” he told me and sank all the way in to the hilt. “Fuck you feel so good.”

  He lifted my legs and the next time he thrust in I saw stars explode behind my eyes. “Yes, you too. I…you feel, oh fuck.” I couldn’t speak, couldn’t even really think. I could only feel the way he pressed against every nerve ending, shooting off random sensations across my body. “Kane,” I moaned.

  His strokes came deeper and harder but he kept up a steady pace that kept me dangling, waiting for that final push into oblivion. Holding me close with his arms wrapped around the back of my head, our foreheads touched and he kissed me as good as he fucked me. But it was so slow, so intense that I felt a warm burning in my chest just moments before the dam broke and my orgasm washed away every other thought in my mind. He tore his mouth away and stared at me, dark and intense. “Rory.”

  “Yes, Doctor.”

  He growled, actually growled, in my ear and his hips sped up, pumping hard and fast, deep into me until he stilled, then vibrated as his own pleasure shook us both. “Fuck, Rory!” But his movements didn’t stop, they only slowed as one hand snaked between us and rubbed slow circles over my clit until another orgasm washed over me, left me wrung out.

  “Damn,” I panted when I finally got air in my lungs. “Worth the wait,” I said to him in the dark room. Definitely worth the wait.

  And definitely not over.

  * * *

  Having sex with Kane had been a mistake. A monumental one of my own making, which meant I had no one to blame but myself. Though I didn’t regret it because let’s face it, Kane was an amazing lover. I knew that even though I had nothing to compare it to because he’d been attentive, offering up drugging kisses that made my knees weak and my pussy drench with arousal. The man knew the terrain of a woman’s body and he’d wasted no time exploring very inch of mine.

  So, like I said, a mistake.

  Because even now with my body still sore in places it had never been sore before, I wanted more. More of him and more importantly, more of us together. It had been three agonizing days since that night of bliss and I still hummed with pleasure. Thoughts of him and all the things we hadn’t done yet plagued my mind. My dreams were filled with thoughts of him doing even more wicked things to my body which I happily returned. Shower time had gotten so distracting I had to make quick work of pleasing myself before all the hot water disappeared.

  At work however, I remained completely professional, handing over research and answering his questions with no extraneous chitchat. We weren’t friends despite one night of intimacy, and I was pretty sure that he still held disdain for me. But people all around the world slept with people they didn’t like, didn’t love and sometimes didn’t respect. Why should I be any different?

  I wasn’t, and I knew that, so I decided I would only remember the night of pleasure instead of the scowls he often tossed my way, or snide comments about my alleged aerobics thesis. So at home I ignored him the same way he avoided me.

  I had plenty to worry about that had nothing to do with my gorgeous neighbor, so I focused on that, finishing up my thesis and submitting it to the committee. My book was officially done and submitted for critique as well. All I had to do was wait. For feedback, for rejection or for success beyond my wildest dreams.

  In the meantime, I decided to get started on my next work of fiction. I had already decided that my night with Kane would serve as inspiration as I worked on my outline. Sydney found me relaxing out back with an ice-cold beer and my laptop.

  “Hey Syd, how’s it going?”

  She shrugged her bony shoulders on display in an adorable white dress covered in sunflowers. “Okay. Want to watch a movie with me?”

  It was clear to me the little girl was starved for female attention and I knew exactly how that felt, to desperately want that one thing that would make you normal. A mom. She was funny and smart and gave the best cuddles so I had no problem spending time with her.

  “Sure but only if you promise nothing scary.”

  Sydney grinned showing off her gap-toothed grin. “I don’t like scary movies Rory. They give me bad dreams.”

  “Me too kiddo.” I’d had my fair share of nightmares over the years, especially after trying to survive after my mom took off.

  “You do?” I nodded and she looked in awe, as though she didn’t think adults had such concerns. “About what?”

  “All kinds of stuff. Scary movies, failing classes. Getting fat.” She giggled and her eyes wandered to my screen.

  “Whatcha doing?”

  “I’m working on another book.”

  “For kids?”

  “Sorry this book is for big girls.” I saved my document and closed the laptop. “Come on let’s go pick out something super girly.” She took my hand and we crossed the yard, chatting about our favorite movies. Inside my apartment, we got settled with popcorn and peach juice, blankets at the ready and settled onto the sofa. “What did you pick out?”

  She hit play and smiled. “It’s about beauty pageants!”

  I grinned as Miss Congeniality began to play on the TV. “Isn’t this a little before your time?” Her only response was an exaggerated shrug so we settled in, laughing along to the antics of Sandra Bullock at her best.

  It was nice, just relaxing in front of a movie with no drama. Being with Sydney was easy and that was exactly what I needed. Thirty minutes in a knock sounded at the door, and even if I didn’t know who it would be, my body knew it loud and clear.

  “It’s probably Daddy,” she said sounding resigned.

  I pulled open the door and sure enough there was Kane, looking like the sexy doctor he was. Black hair mussed like someone had been running their hands through it all night, silver-blue eyes sparkled mischievously. Faded jeans hug low on his hips and a royal blue t-shirt hugged his chest and biceps deliciously. “Yes?”

  “I heard this is where the cool kids hang out.” He flashed a smile that was so close to the one he wore when he sank inside me that I had to white knuckle the door to keep from moaning aloud.

  “We’re watching a chick flick,” I told him in hopes of discouraging whatever he was thinking.

  “Great. I need to get in touch with my feminine side, isn’t that right Sydney?” He stretched a look over my shoulder, flashing his pearly whites at his daughter.

  “You’re a boy, you don’t have a feminine side,�
� she said, feeling out the unfamiliar word on her tongue.

  He gave a mock scowl. “Does this mean I can’t join you ladies?”

  “I don’t mind Daddy!”

  And what could I say after an enthusiastic declaration like that? Nothing, so I stepped back and opened the door to let him inside. “Go on, then.”

  “You sure?”

  I arched a brow at him. “Do you care?”

  “Nope,” he said popping the word like a little boy.

  I shook my head and took my seat beside Rory, hoping like hell Kane chose the seat beside his daughter. Of course that was hoping for a bit too much, and I found myself sandwiched between the Royals. It was bad enough that his fresh from the shower masculine scent wrapped around me and left me feeling hot and horny, but when he tugged on the blanket so he was covered too I knew I was in trouble.

  Sandra Bullock’s antics took a backseat to the large warm hand that had settled on my thigh, slowly inching up. He didn’t go all the way up, thank goodness since Sydney sat snuggled up against my other side. But what a damn tease. He kept it up for almost an hour, driving me insane with lust. If his kid wasn’t sitting beside us I was pretty sure I’d hop in his lap and demand he finish me off. Instead I tried like hell to ignore him, to cheer Sandra on while she figured out who was the culprit. But the moment Syd’s head bobbed around and came to a stop on the cushion beside her, I knew he would put me out of my misery.

  Or he would try.

  I hoped.

  Ten minutes into the sequel—thank you online streaming—his hand finished the journey, sliding up my thigh and slipping inside my panties. His fingers slid along the seam of my pussy, teasing and teasing before he finally slipped inside me. Slow and deep, his fingers explored and I couldn’t help gasping, because holy hell that felt amazing. Who knew such a small touch could cause such a big reaction?

  “Stay quiet or I’ll stop,” he warned in my ear in a deep and gravelly voice tight with need.

  How in the hell was anyone supposed to stay quiet when his fingers explored and played my body like a finely tuned instrument? I couldn’t. Maybe my body wasn’t experienced enough to withstand that kind of pleasure because soon he stopped, and I jumped out of my seat like it was on fire. My face, hell my entire body, was in need of a few gallons of ice cold water. Yep water, I needed the bathroom.

  I had almost made it to the bathroom door when I felt a hand wrap around my arm. I sucked in a breath at the dark look in his eyes, so full of desire and heat that I was pretty sure my panties were soaked through. Then the wicked fucker did something I had not expected. He held up the two fingers that had been inside of me and shoved them in his mouth, sucking them clean with a sexy smirk. “Sydney leaves Friday morning to spend four days with my parents. I want you every one of those days, any way I can get you.”

  I knew this wasn’t some big declaration of love and affection. Any way he could get me meant on my back, on my knees, in the shower or up against a wall. Not candlelight dinners and cuddling on the sofa. But I could handle it. Four days would give me plenty of material for my new book and it’ll give me ample time to get Kane Royal out of my system. For good.


  He closed the gap between us and kissed the hell out of me. His tongue fucked my mouth, that was the only way to describe it, leaving me shaken with lust and prepared to beg him to give me a taste right now. But before I could form a thought, he stepped back and walked down the hall, scooping Syd in his arms before leaving with a quiet click of the door.

  And leaving me hot, bothered and completely unsatisfied.



  After saying goodbye to Sydney and my parents this morning I came straight to the studio for the Friday taping. Walking down the fluorescent lit concrete hallways behind the set, my eyes scanned every open doorway I passed, looking for Rory. She’d made herself pretty scarce after movie night and I was eager to see her again. Leaving her had been the right thing to do that night, with Sydney sleeping just feet away, but it had also been hard as hell. Sinking my fingers into her wet heat, tasting her on my hand and hearing those little breaths she made as she fought for silence, all of it played on a loop in my mind and left me hard. Aching.

  I was following a step behind Sylvia while she rambled on about some new segment she wanted to try, when I spotted Rory. She was with a pudgy man I believed to be an executive producer, but I couldn’t focus on who he was or what they were talking about, not when she looked like a fucking wet dream in skin tight jeans that showed off every one of her curves. A feminine and flirty mint green top cupped her breasts, but otherwise it flowed around her, making her look sexy and touchable, and I really wanted to touch her. All over. Sexy copper waves fell around her shoulders as she shook her head and then laughed, loud and throaty. Even the pudgy producer was transfixed by her.

  I couldn’t wait another minute. The moment she was alone I approached her. Even better, she didn’t see me coming as she went over her notes, highlighting certain portions and making notes.

  “Hello, Rory.”

  She looked up and for just a moment I caught a flash of happiness at seeing me, and desire. Just for one unsatisfying moment before she shuttered her emotions and greeted me with the same icy professionalism she had used since I started this gig.

  “Dr. Royal, hello. I have some additional notes for you along with common questions.” She handed over the notes and waited a beat before turning away from me.

  “Wait.” She turned, face blank as she waited. “Tonight?”

  She nodded. “My place,” she answered and then walked away with a little extra swing in her hips.

  I smiled, watching her until she was out of sight even though I knew she’d be by the set once the show started. But just like every other day the show filmed, Rory was gone before I could plow through the crowd that surrounded me when the director yelled ‘cut’.

  But I smiled on my way to the parking lot, because tonight I would have plenty of time to explore her body, to teach her what it meant to fuck. First I would take my time, nice and slow like the first time, before I flipped her over and showed her how hot sex could be.

  My dick grew hard in my pants just thinking about tonight but I had to get myself under control as my car came to a stop. If I could keep her out of my mind for the next ten minutes I could get what I needed—champagne and condoms—and get home.


  After a quick shower, I grabbed the bag I picked up on the way home and went through the back door, knocking loud and insistently. I could admit I was eager to have her naked and writhing beneath me again, even if it was only to myself. After an interminable wait the lock slid and the door opened, revealing the sexiest goddamn thing I’d seen in a long time. Rory wearing nothing but a white lab coat that barely covered anything. All I could see was copper hair, cleavage and miles upon miles of smooth creamy legs.

  “Holy fuck. I thought showing up with strawberries and champagne was impressive,” I told her holding up the bag for her to see. “But Rory you look good enough to eat.”

  The sweet sound of her laughter hit me straight in my cock and sent fire shooting up and down my spine. “I am totally okay with that.” She stepped back and opened the door wider. “Come on in, Doctor.”

  I spun on her, using my height and weight advantage against her to press her body against the door. “You know how much I love to hear you say that?”

  Her hips pressed forward and I knew by the pink that stained her cheeks that she felt how hard I was already. “I have an idea.” She hooked her fingers in my belt loops and pulled me even closer.

  The bag fell from my hands, my fingers itched to touch her again, to see if she really was as soft as I remembered. Fuck yeah, silky smooth skin glided against my fingertips, touching her thighs, her hips before stripping that sexy as fuck white jacket off her body.

  “As much as I appreciate the jacket, you naked is better than anything.”

er breath hitched. “Good to know,” she said as her own hands slid under my t-shirt and slid up my body, caressing and squeezing before she raked her nails down my chest, my abs. “You’re so smooth, but so hard. So, so hard,” she said in a sexy strangled voice that told me I was getting to her.

  She pushed my shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor, pressing her lips to my chest. I couldn’t take it. “Fuck, Rory.” I lifted her up and her arms and legs wrapped around me just how I wanted them to, only I needed to be as naked as her. “We can do the strawberries and champagne later. Right now I need you.”

  “Yes,” she moaned in my ear before nipping the lobe. The sound and the feel made my cock jump and I laid her on the nearest flat surface, the black tile of the kitchen counter.

  She gasped at the cool feel of it against her back, and I took the moment to wrap my mouth around a pretty pink nipple, letting her sexy sighs and gasps fuel my desire. My need. Back and forth I went, sucking and licking those gorgeous tits while she tugged my hair so fucking hard my eyes watered but I loved it.

  “Kane,” she groaned and I made my way lower, kissing her ribcage and dipping my tongue into her navel before pressing open mouthed kisses to her hips.

  “Is this what you want?” I asked and parted her folds with my tongue, darting in and out of her moisture while her hips moved uncontrollably. Knowing that it was me driving her out of her mind, making her delirious with desire, only made it all hotter.

  “Yes,” she panted and I kept up a steady torture, ignoring the way my cock pressed against my zipper. “Fuck Kane, just like that!”

  I didn’t know how much longer I could hold out with her juices dripping down my throat and that low warm whiskey voice washing over me. Pulling her clit in my mouth at the same time I slid two fingers inside her now dripping pussy, satisfaction washed over me when she spasmed around my fingers. I licked her long and slow until the last convulsion rocked her body.

  “Fuck you taste delicious.”

  “Better than champagne and strawberries?” she joked.


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