Silent Tears [Liberty, Wyoming 3]

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Silent Tears [Liberty, Wyoming 3] Page 6

by Lara Jones

  His problem right then was what to do about it. This was definitely something he and Liam needed to discuss. They were going to have so much fun, and he’d bet good money she’d be a handful for the rest of their lives. He cracked his knuckles and smiled. Oh yeah, game on, sugar.

  He relished it when her eyes narrowed because of her own suspicion, but then she was distracted by Liam talking to her.

  “It’s looking better already. Are you sure you don’t want a cold washcloth for your face?”

  Mora patted Liam’s arm that was still wrapped around her waist, keeping her on his lap. She wanted so badly to push her back tighter against Liam’s chest where she could feel the heat like no other, warming her back. This was a man who could keep her warm at night because she always froze, even in Dallas. She had realized years ago it was harder for her to keep warm when she was sleeping, so she’d had to use electrical blankets to be able to sleep, even when she had been married.

  “Mora, are you listening, sweetheart?” Liam said, gaining her attention.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “I said, Dylan and I decided that we’re going to hold off on our talk until tomorrow. You look tired, and we don’t want you getting sick. All right?”

  God, if Liam kept rubbing his warm hand in circles on her stomach, she’d agree to anything. She tilted her head back so she could see Liam’s face better. “Okay.” Her eyes raced to Dylan when she heard him grunt.

  Her eyes narrowed. What the hell was that for? What was the dickwad angry abou— She was startled and clutched at Liam’s arm when he stood up with her in his arms like she weighed nothing and slowly released her legs until her feet touched the ground and her chest was against his.

  “You are so damn beautiful,” Liam said, and slowly, as if to give her time to say no, he lowered his dark head and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss immediately deepened. She tilted her head, giving him deeper access.

  She couldn’t prevent the deep groan that slipped from her lips when an equally hot hard body pressed against her back. Jesus, they gave off heat like a furnace. Sleeping with them, she’d never need to have a heating blanket again. She wasn’t blind to the fact she was already seeing herself in their bed. The real question was when it would happen.

  Mora was pulled from Liam’s arms and turned abruptly, only to have another pair of lips take hers. Nothing happened but the kiss for several long moments until Liam’s cough got through to them.

  “If you guys don’t stop, we’re all going to end up naked, and she’s not ready for that.”

  Dylan let her move back from him and out of his arms. He watched as she straightened her shirt and smoothed her hair away from her face. It was several moments before she finally looked up, and he saw her struggle for composure. Keep fighting it, sugar, he thought, because we’re going to keep you hot and horny and maybe that will keep you out of trouble.

  “So, you guys are going to take me home?”

  Dylan looked at Liam.

  “Yes, sweetheart. But can you promise that we’ll be able to spend more time together tomorrow? One or both of us will come and get you later in the day.” Liam ran his hand down her hair, loving the cool feeling of the silkiness.

  Mora shrugged. “Sure.”

  Liam raised an eyebrow and looked at Dylan.

  Dylan gritted his teeth. He knew something was going to happen with her, and he couldn’t figure out how she could outmaneuver them. She was acting too calm and sweet. Yeah, the little shit was up to something. “Okay, let’s get you home,” he said as he wrapped a hand her upper arm.

  Within a quarter of an hour, they were pulling into the Jacobsons’ driveway. The ride over had been completely silent, each distracted with their own thoughts.

  Liam got out first and lifted her down from the truck as he watched the family spill out of the house. He waved before placing a quick kiss on her lips. “We’ll talk tomorrow. Get a good night’s sleep.”

  Dylan finished talking to Clay out his driver side window. His eyes pierced hers. “Be good.”

  Mora rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around her waist. She could actually feel the heat from them slip away, leaving her cold and tired. “I’m always good,” she snorted. She was waiting for the right time, and as they backed up, she heard Liam fight with Dylan about treating her better and how mean he was to her. She bit back a chuckle. “Hey, guys.” She waited when they stopped and looked at her. “Tell Cupcake I’ll miss him.”

  Dylan and Liam looked at each other in confusion.

  “Who the hell is Cupcake, Mora?” Liam asked.

  “The dog, of course.” She turned and grinned at the outraged breaths and waved a hand as she walked toward the house and a laughing Isabel.

  She could hear Liam sputter in outrage and Dylan laugh as they pulled out. She could still hear them as they turned onto the main road.

  Isabel crossed her arms and tried really hard not to laugh. “I can’t believe you renamed his dog Cupcake. You know, Dodger is a highly trained K-9 cop.”

  “He’s also a sweetheart and likes to cuddle.”

  Both men looked at each other, shocked.

  Royce looked at her with concern. “Everyone, except Liam, is afraid of that dog.”

  Mora’s eyes widened. “But why? He’s a sweetheart.”

  Clay sputtered out a laugh. “No, he’s vicious. Thankfully he only attacks if Liam gives him the signal, but still, he usually doesn’t like people touching him and usually growls at everyone.”

  “Well, not me. It was love at first sight.”

  Isabel turned to the men. “She’s wanted a dog since we were teenagers. First, her parents wouldn’t let her get one, and then her husband was allergic to them.”

  “I bet you miss your husband, Mora,” Royce commented.

  Mora turned away from Royce without answering. “Isabel, can I help you with supper?”

  Clay, Royce, and Isabel looked at her, worried. They knew she was trying to change the subject and could tell how uncomfortable she was.

  Isabel laced her arm through Mora’s and pulled her along with her. “Sure, I’m making my lasagna.”

  “Oh God,” Mora groaned. “I love your lasagna, and I haven’t had it…” Both became silent, remembering exactly why they hadn’t been together. “Well, for a long time.”

  Isabel cleared her throat. “Well, you’re getting it tonight. You can help me make the salad.” When they got far enough from the men, she said, “And tell me what happened this afternoon?”

  Chapter 8

  Dylan and Liam pulled up to the Jacobsons’ house after work the next day. Right away they could tell something was up because Isabel caught sight of them and hightailed it into the house.

  “Shit,” Dylan said and looked across the truck seat at Liam. “I don’t know if I should be excited because you know Mora’s up to something or apprehensive because Mora’s up to something.”

  Liam snorted out a laugh. “I guess a little of both.”

  Dylan sighed dramatically. “Let’s go find out,” he said as he pushed his driver side door open.

  Liam hid his smile. It didn’t matter what she did—well, except naming his dog Cupcake—nothing that she could do would make him mad today. He was too happy they had finally found a woman that would complete their family.

  Five minutes later he wanted her over his lap. “Where exactly is she?”

  Isabel took a side step toward Royce. She’d never heard that tone of voice from Liam before. He was in pure Dom mode. “Um,” she mumbled as she looked from one angry face to the other. “She kind of got arrested.”

  Dylan shook his head before pinching the bridge of his nose. “Start at the beginning?”

  “Well, she was just driving around…” The men waited, but Isabel stayed silent.

  Liam bent down to Isabel’s level. He could tell they were intimidating her, so he tried to soften his tone. “Sweetheart, you don’t get arrested for driving around. Tell us the rest.”

  Isabel wrung her hands together in front of her. “She might have been going too fast.”

  Dylan circled his hand in front of him. “And?”

  Isabel looked at Royce, and he nodded at her. “Go ahead, honey. They need to know everything so they can fix it.”

  “She got stopped. When she saw the price of the ticket, she got…well…I guess you’d call it…maybe…belligerent. Anyway, the cop called in another cop. After assessing the situation, they called in another cop.”

  “Jesus Christ, what the hell was she doing?” Dylan growled.

  “At first she locked herself in the car…”

  “Of course, she did,” Dylan mumbled.

  “When they finally got her out, she kicked one of them, and it went downhill from there.”

  “It never was uphill, darling. Where is she, Isabel?” Dylan asked.

  Isabel bit her lower lip. “I’m going to go get her…”

  All three men started shaking their heads.

  “It will give you guys a chance to cool down.”

  Royce slid his hand up her back to get her attention. “Baby, do you think they would ever hurt her? Even angry?”

  The tension in her shoulders disappeared, and she shook her head. “No, never. It’s just that she’s pissed, and I’m afraid she’ll hurt them.”

  Shock and then amusement was evident on all their faces.

  “Honey, look at us. We’re both over six feet tall, and she’s a little bitty thing. What do you think she can do to hurt us?” Liam asked gently.

  “You don’t know her. She fights dirty.”

  Dylan chuckled at the ridiculousness of it and shook his head. “Once again, look at us. Besides being bigger than average, we’re both cops. There’s nothing she could do to hurt us. Stop worrying about ridiculous stuff and tell us whose jail she’s in? Mine or Liam’s?” he gritted out.

  Royce shook his head at Dylan. “Don’t take that tone of voice with her.”

  Dylan sighed dramatically. “I’m sorry, Isabel. Your friend is very frustrating.”

  Isabel snickered. “Oh, you have no idea.”

  Royce pulled Isabel closer with an arm around her waist. “Tell them where she is, baby.”

  Isabel looked at Royce and then the other two, nervous. “She’s at your jail, Liam.”

  Dylan burst out laughing and hit Liam on the shoulder. “You get to deal with her.” He laughed harder when Liam sighed.

  “Shut up, meathead,” Liam said and turned. “Come on, let’s go get our woman.”

  “You still want her?” Isabel asked hopefully.

  Both men jerked to a stop and turned. “Of course, we do, honey,” Liam said. “Nothing she does is going to change that.”

  Dylan grunted. “The only thing that’s going to change is her punishment. Her ass will be feeling our palms for days.”

  Isabel watched both storm out the door.

  Royce noticed her agitation. “What’s wrong?”

  Isabel released her bite on her lip and looked at Royce. “Nothing.” She shook her head.

  Royce’s eyes narrowed. “Isabel, if there’s anything else they need to know, tell me now.”

  Isabel was unable to look Royce in the face. “No, there’s nothing. I’m just worried about her.”

  Royce looked at the top of her bent head and shook his head. “If you’re sure. If I find out you’re holding back information, you’ll be getting your ass reddened.”

  Isabel nodded. “I understand. I’m going to get supper started.” She wanted to slap her hands together. They were exactly what her friend needed.

  Royce watched her walk off, suspicious of her attitude. It sounded like concern in her tone, but her eyes held a sparkle that clearly said happiness. Unfortunately, he would have had an answer if he had caught the huge smile on Isabel’s face.

  Chapter 9

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Dylan said, laughing. “Dude, you gotta calm down.”

  Liam rolled his eyes as he walked through his police department on his way to his second-in-command, Alec. “You would be more convincing if you hadn’t laughed the whole way here.”

  Dylan wiped a tear from his cheek, and he tried to get under control. He was the sheriff, for God’s sake. He had to look a little dignified.

  “Dylan, you might want to think about the fact she’ll most likely do this again, and next time it might just be in your district.” Liam smirked, satisfied when it wiped the smile off Dylan’s face.

  Dylan cleared his throat. “Well, that shit isn’t going to fly with us.”

  “No, it isn—” Liam stopped so quick Dylan ran into his back.

  Both men froze in the doorway. Mora was sitting on top of one of the desks, surrounded by Liam’s officers. They laughed at something she was saying. One of the men caught sight of them and stopped suddenly, and their faces turned serious when someone pointed Liam and Dylan out.

  They all scampered to their own desks, leaving Mora sitting Indian style in the middle of the desk.

  Liam looked around and frowned. “Where’s Alec?” he asked one of the guys.

  “He was in the conference room, sir.”

  Liam turned toward the officer talking, an eyebrow up. “Why…” His head snapped around when his dog raced from the back and went straight for Mora. Everyone in his path jump aside, terrified.

  Liam pinched the bridge of his nose when Mora dropped down onto the floor to wrestle with his dog. His highly trained police dog. He ignored the other people in the room as they all stared in fascination at the ruckus playing out in front of them.

  Alec came running into the room, winded and holding Dodger’s leash. Beside Liam, Alec was the only that could care for him, although Dodger barely put up with him. Alec jerked to a stop, trying to catch his breath when he saw Liam. “Thank God you’re here.”

  Liam and Dylan still hadn’t taken their eyes off Mora, who was giggling because Dodger was licking her face repeatedly.

  “I didn’t know what to do with her. I was going to call you when I got things under control, but it never happened.”

  Dylan looked at him. “What never happened?”

  Alec threw his arm out, indicating Mora and the dog. “I never got control.”

  Both Liam’s and Dylan’s mouths twitched. There was no way they could laugh right now. If they wanted her to learn anything, it was not to anger them. But to see always calm Alec frazzled was something to see.

  “And then she got Cupca—I mean Dodger—riled, and you’re the only one that can calm him down.”

  Dylan coughed to cover his laugh. Liam hated her calling his dog by such a ridiculous name. He bit his lip when Liam sighed and shook his head.

  “Alec, explain why she’s in here and not in a cell if she was arrested?”

  Alec’s lip twitched. “How about if you ask Jason? He’s the one who arrested her.”

  Liam looked at the guy’s desk and scowled when he caught him staring at Mora with a grin on his face. “Jason, may I see you over here, pronto?”

  Jason stood abruptly and walked fast to his boss. “Yes, sir?”

  Liam crossed his arms over his chest. “Explain what happened please?”

  Jason cleared his throat, looked nervously at Alec and then back to Liam. “I was on patrol, and I clocked a car going fifty-six in a thirty-five zone, so I pulled her over.”

  “Go on.”

  “I asked for her license, registration, and insurance which she gave me right away. I filled out all the paperwork and handed her the ticket. She saw the price, and that’s when it started, sir.”

  “Jason, what started?” Liam said impatiently.

  “She got angry, sir. But I was handling it until she kicked me in the shin. It hurt like a son-of-a-gun. She wouldn’t quit yelling, so I called in Trace. He got there, and she was starting to calm when Trace asked if she was the chick that locked herself in the bathroom at the sheriff’s house. Sir, you should have seen it. That set her off again.”
Jason chuckled. “Trace called Joe. And that made her madder. Sir, she knows more curse words than I’ve ever heard. She went to kick Joe, and he turned her and pinned her against one of the cars and put cuffs on her. Well, sir, he made the mistake of standing within a few feet of her when he turned her around and, oh man, she got him good,” Jason said with another laugh. “And you know Joe, sir. He’s like the strictest Dom we have in town.”

  Dylan stepped forward a deep frown on his face. “He didn’t spank her, did he?”

  “Oh no, sir. I could tell he really wanted too though, sir, but he knew she was yours. So, we, and yes, I mean all three of us, got her into my car.” Jason frowned and pulled at his ear. “Wow, sir. She can really yell when she wants to, and she has so much energy. She pooped the three of us out.”

  Liam bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling at that. “Then what happened?” Liam’s gaze stayed locked on Mora, and he was pleased when she caught sight of them. She stopped smiling and stood quietly beside the dog with her fingers in its fur.

  “Well, sir, we got her here. Joe had to go out on a call, so we called Alec down.” Jason stopped and looked at Alec hopefully.

  Alec cleared his voice. “I banded her legs so she couldn’t kick anymore and carried her over my shoulder to the conference room. I untied and took the cuffs off and told her she had to stay or I was throwing her in a cell. I was going to just sit her in a chair and call you.”

  “I’m afraid to ask what happened?” Liam asked quietly.

  “Dodger happened. He heard her voice and came tearing into the room. At first, I thought he was attacking her, but then she got a big smile on her face and fell to the floor where they wrestled around. I haven’t see Cu…Dodger act like that since he was a puppy…ah, Liam, do you know she renamed your dog?”


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