Destined (The ARC Book 4)

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Destined (The ARC Book 4) Page 22

by Alexandra Moody

  Quinn has taken returning to the surface easily in her stride. She helps keep Lara steady as she walks through the snow and barely bats an eyelid at the world she’s found herself in. Adam, however, doesn’t appear quite so comfortable. His expression is dark and he keeps looking through the trees, almost as though he’s watching for things that aren’t there.

  ‘Are you okay?’ I ask him.

  His eyes stare listlessly at the twisted branches of the trees that reach out to one another over our heads. ‘It was so different before,’ he says to me. ‘These were once tall pine trees, covered in thick green needles, and there was a warm brown undergrowth below them.’

  He seems to push down a shudder. ‘Do you remember the day you came here?’ he asks.

  I shake my head. The haunted look in his eyes deepens as though the very ghosts that trouble him have materialised before his eyes.

  ‘This road was littered with abandoned cars, buses and military vehicles. Where there were no cars, there were people. From one side of the road to the other, and as far as the eye could see, this road was covered in a sea of people. All of them were desperate and all of them were begging to be let inside.

  ‘We were given less than a day’s notice about the asteroid. People flocked to the asteroid refugee centres, and the wait to get in was terrifying. They only had so many spaces available for the general public. It wasn’t nearly enough.’

  He pauses, clearly still struggling with the horrible memories of that day, so long ago. I’ve never heard him talk about the days leading up to impact before. While I’ve learnt about it in school, I’ve never heard the story of that day told with such raw and vivid emotion. It’s almost as though all the adults in the ARC signed a pact that they would never relive such a difficult time again. The whispers I always heard were just that—whispers. Small hints of the day everything went wrong.

  ‘I can still hear the screams,’ Aiden says, listening in. ‘When they told the refugees there was no more room.’

  A chill brought on by more than cold works its way down my spine.

  Adam nods. ‘We’d only just made it through the entrance by then. That was when we met you for the first time,’ he says, smiling at me.

  I’d heard the story of our meeting many times before. An official had found me walking alone through the crowd; my own family were nowhere to be seen. He’d brought me over to Adam’s family and asked them to look after me. They had done that and more.

  ‘What happened to the official who found me?’ I ask.

  ‘I never saw him again.’ Adam shrugs. ‘All I remember is the scar he had above his eye. I looked out for it every day down in the ARC, but never found him.’

  ‘Do you think we’re nearly there?’ Lara asks. She’s walking behind me and it’s only when I turn that I notice how cold she looks. I can actually hear her teeth chattering from here.

  Quinn rubs Lara’s arm vigorously. ‘We shouldn’t be much longer,’ she says. When she looks up at me though, her eyes betray the truth. We’d be lucky if we are halfway right now.

  ‘We need to move faster,’ Aiden says, and immediately strikes out in front to up the pace.

  We all struggle to keep up with him. The snow is thicker on the road and with each step we take our boots sink into it, making it difficult to walk. Lara’s pace continues to slow and I fall back to try and help her move faster.

  Quinn and I each hold one arm to keep her steady as we walk.

  ‘I’m just so cold,’ Lara says, her chattering teeth now affecting her words. I can feel her body shaking under her jacket and her face has lost all of its colour as she struggles to walk.

  ‘We just need to keep taking one step after another,’ Quinn says, catching her as Lara’s feet falter beneath her.

  She looks past Lara to me, her eyes desperate. ‘What can we do?’ they ask me. I feel confused and worried. I have these talents within me, but I have no way to help her. No way to help her sprained ankle and no idea how I could even begin to make her warmer. I can create fire, sometimes, but setting her alight really won’t help the situation. She needs to be off her ankle and on that chopper.

  I grasp onto her sleeve tightly, desperately wishing I could help her. I long for her to feel warmer, to be able to move faster so we can get to the helicopter on time. If we keep going at this pace we’ll never reach it within the hour Gord has given us.

  She’s slowing us down too much, but I would never dream of leaving her behind. There’s no way Sebastian can teleport her; he has no idea where we are going. As the thoughts spin through my head, the familiar surge of my talent buzzing beneath my skin arises. The fear that usually comes with it is gone though. What could I possibly throw into this situation to make it any worse than it already is?

  Lara stumbles again and Quinn and I both have to heave her up onto her feet. My talent is practically pulsating beneath my skin. I wish I could share the warmth that flows through me with her; that I could make her feel okay, despite the freezing cold blizzard we walk through.

  My talent tingles along my skin and I feel a rush as it flows out of me in one massive outpouring. It’s warm and electric as it runs through my fingers that latch onto Lara’s arm.

  I stagger forward, gripping Lara’s arm tighter in an attempt to keep me upright. She steadies me as I right myself. I feel suddenly weak and exhausted.

  ‘What did you just do?’ Lara asks.

  I shake my head, still clasping onto her arm. ‘I-I don’t know.’

  She stands a little taller. ‘I feel warmer, and my ankle isn’t hurting anymore.’

  I glance up at her. Even her lips have returned to their normal pink colour.

  ‘What happened Elle?’ asks Quinn, her eyes showing her concern.

  ‘I don’t know,’ I gasp. I’ve never done anything like that before. Could I have somehow managed to share my warmth with her? ‘It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re okay.’

  She smiles. ‘I feel much better. I can’t believe it.’

  She walks forward, no longer needing our help. I start to walk alongside her but slow as I feel a stabbing pain in my ankle. I try to keep moving but stumble in the snow and my left ankle caves inwards as I step on it. I clamp my teeth together, but can’t keep the small cry of pain from hissing out of my lips as I fall to my knees.

  I may have made Lara better, but in doing so I’ve somehow managed to acquire her injury myself.

  Hearing my yelp, Lara and Quinn are at my side before I completely collapse onto the ground.

  ‘What happened?’ Quinn asks, holding me up. Her eyes are wide and full of fear. ‘Did you hurt yourself?’

  I nod, unable to come up with an adequate explanation. How do I explain to them that I’ve somehow obtained Lara’s injury with my talent? I’ve never heard of a talent like that and they’ll both probably think I’m mad. Looking up I see Sebastian making his way back towards us through the blizzard.

  ‘I don’t think I can keep up with everyone and we can’t keep going this slowly,’ I say to them. ‘Gord won’t be able to stick around for long and it’s too important to get Adam and Quinn back to Hope.’

  Quinn looks at me in horror. ‘You’re not thinking about…’

  ‘What’s going on?’ Sebastian shouts over the snowstorm as he approaches. ‘Are you alright, Elle?’

  I swallow. ‘I’ve hurt my ankle,’ I reply, looking up at him as he comes to stand between Quinn and Lara. ‘You guys have to go. I’ll keep coming, but if I’m not at the helicopter in time, you need to leave without me.’

  Before I can say another word Sebastian bends down and hoists me up into his arms.

  ‘Sebastian!’ I gasp. ‘Put me down.’

  ‘Stop trying to be the hero,’ he says, winking at me through the storm. ‘That’s my job.’


  I plead for Sebastian to let me try and walk, but he refuses. I can’t believe he can carry me all the way to the base, but he seems intent on trying. I pray that w
e are getting close as the trees slowly begin to thin out and we reach a barren expanse of snow that extends beyond them. The snow that is falling is captured in torrents of wind that whisk across the plain. It’s difficult to see too far, but all I can make out is an open wasteland. It’s flat and bare with not so much as a tree or a building in sight.

  The wind has picked up and it batters violently again our clothes. The freezing sting bites into the small areas of uncovered skin and the blizzard blinds us as we walk. We’re too exposed out here and running out of time. We huddle close together, trying to gain some small protection.

  ‘Where is he?’ Sebastian yells, his words battling to be heard over the sound of the wind.

  Soren looks confused as he scans the land before us. ‘I don’t know,’ he yells back. ‘I thought there’d be buildings or some sort of landing area, but there’s nothing here.’

  Adam points across the plain. ‘It’s all buried in snow.’

  Sebastian lowers me from his arms, but continues to support my weight and hold me next to him. He checks the time on his cuff. ‘We’ve taken too long. What if he’s already been and gone?’ Panic touches his tone, and my heart beats faster in response.

  Will we be able to get back to the ARC without freezing to death if Gord has gone without us? My ankle throbs with pain and there’s no way Sebastian could carry me the entire way back.

  I search the skies, concentrating my talented senses on finding the helicopter. There’s no sound in the sky though, only the whipping torrent of wind buffeting along the plain. The visibility is so bad that even my talented sight can’t see more than one hundred metres away.

  ‘We can’t stay out here. We’ll die,’ Quinn shouts. She shoots a look at me and I can see how worried she is about my injury.

  ‘We should give him more time,’ Aiden shouts back. His eyes are hard and I can see he’s not ready to give up.

  ‘What if he’s already gone?’ Quinn responds.

  Aiden turns to her. ‘What if he hasn’t been?’

  A noise catches my ear and I glance up into the sky again, desperately hoping I’d heard what I think I did. The whipping noise of a propeller sounds again, clearer this time, and I grin. Gord is on his way.

  ‘You stay if you want, but I refuse to freeze to death waiting for someone who isn’t coming,’ Quinn says.

  ‘You can’t leave’ Aiden responds.

  Quinn places her hands on her hips and gives him her most loathing stare through the snow. ‘You’re not in charge of me,’ she spits.

  ‘Actually, I am.’

  ‘Stop!’ I interrupt them. ‘I can hear the helicopter.’

  Everyone lifts their heads to scan the wild skies but there’s nothing to see through the snow.

  ‘It’s right above us,’ I shout. ‘It’s definitely getting closer.’

  As I strain my neck to look up at the sky, I press my left foot down into the snow and let out a cry as pain shoots through my ankle. I tighten my grip around Sebastian and pray that I’m not hearing things. If my senses are deceiving me right now, we’re all going to die.

  ‘I can see the helicopter!’ Lara exclaims. I look up into the sky to see the helicopter bursting through the blizzard and descending quickly. It’s being battered about by the intense winds that whip across the plain, but it is definitely heading towards us. Relief rushes through me as I finally see it coming.

  I’m amazed at Gord’s skill as he lowers the helicopter. He makes it look easy as he lands on the snow in front of us. He eases the chopper onto the ground despite the winds that pound him, jerking the helicopter this way and that. The propellers create their own mini squall as he lands, with the snow on the ground gusting away from the helicopter.

  I’m still limping, but Sebastian acts as a crutch, helping me over.

  ‘Come on Elle, let’s get you on the helicopter,’ Sebastian says. He takes my elbow and helps guide me up the steps and inside.

  ‘Are you alright?’ Hunter asks, clambering in behind us.

  ‘I’m fine,’ I reply, beginning to feel like a bit of a talking parrot. I really wish people would stop asking me that.

  His eyes watch me closely and I wonder if he’s probing my thoughts for the truth behind my words. He merely gives me a nod though and makes his way to a seat near Luke.

  I sit next to Sebastian and move nice and close to him, allowing his warmth to comfort me. He easily drapes his arm over my shoulders and I rest my head against his chest.

  ‘Okay kids, it’s time to go home,’ Gord says, over his intercom.

  I glance at Quinn and Adam who sit behind us and give them a reassuring smile. They both look so worried and overwhelmed by everything that has happened.

  When I turn back, Sebastian is watching me closely. ‘What happened to you back there on the road?’ he asks, keeping his voice low.

  ‘I don’t know,’ I respond, as I fearfully consider my new talent. ‘And I don’t think I want to know.’

  He pulls me in close, resting his chin on my head, and I relish the comfort that being close to him brings. When I’m in his arms I can almost believe that everything will be all right.

  It’s dark when we arrive in Hope and we’re all so exhausted that most of us would rather sleep in the helicopter than try to walk back through the South Hope ruins tonight. Everyone agrees that we need to get back to the station as soon as possible though. So, instead of resting, we all begin the walk home.

  For the first part of the journey back I use Sebastian’s arm to help steady me. It’s especially difficult to stay upright while trekking through the muddy marshlands. He’s already so tired, and I feel like I’m being a burden to him. He won’t say a word of complaint though, no matter how often I tell him to let me walk by myself for a little while.

  When we reach the first row of buildings that mark the start of South Hope, Hunter comes to walk beside us.

  ‘Why don’t you let me help Elle for a little bit?’ Hunter offers.

  ‘I don’t need your help,’ Sebastian responds, curtly.

  ‘I can tell you’re exhausted,’ Hunter continues, as though he hasn’t heard the tone in Sebastian’s voice. ‘Let me help.’

  Sebastian stiffens under me.

  ‘That would be great,’ I say, before he can refuse again. ‘Thanks, Hunter.’

  Sebastian shoots me a worried look, but lowers his arm from around me. I already miss the feel of it against my back, but I’m glad I’m not continuing to burden him when he is so tired.

  I hobble towards Hunter who takes Sebastian’s position, placing his arm carefully around me. Sebastian’s eyes darken as he watches us. ‘I’m going to walk with Dad for a bit,’ he says, rather stiffly. ‘I’ll be back before you know it.’ His voice softens as he says this and he gives me one of his heartbreaking smiles. I give him a small nod, not trusting my voice to respond.

  ‘He absolutely loathes me,’ Hunter comments with a grin, as Sebastian walks ahead to his dad.

  ‘I don’t blame him,’ I respond.

  ‘Aw, don’t pretend you don’t like me Winters. I know deep down you do.’

  ‘Maybe once I did, but not anymore.’

  He shakes his head, his eyes filling with sadness. ‘I wish you could forgive me.’

  ‘Some things are unforgiveable.’

  We fall silent as we continue to walk. The street we are on is almost pitch black and there’s barely any moonlight to guide us in the dark. We can’t use our cuffs to light the way for fear of being seen, so it’s slow going as we try to navigate our way home.

  I almost feel grateful for my talented sight. I’m able to make out bumps and uneven surfaces on the road with ease. I hear Lara and Quinn cursing a lot as they stumble along behind us.

  ‘I never had a chance against him, did I?’ Hunter says, suddenly, his eyes narrowed on Sebastian.

  ‘A chance at what exactly?’

  ‘You know what,’ he says. He laughs under his breath. ‘I’ve read your mind so many times, I
feel I know it as well as my own. You’ve loved that guy since the moment I met you. And yet, a part of me always hoped you’d change your mind. That you’d stop feeling the way you do about him and finally see me in a similar way. People can be fickle like that, you know.’

  I shake my head, feeling speechless and a little surprised by the turn in conversation.

  ‘I’m glad you’re with him though,’ he continues.

  ‘You’re glad?’ I repeat, confused. Wasn’t he just saying he wished I would pick him?

  He nods. ‘He’s good for you and you deserve someone who will make you happy, someone who will be there for you, who won’t hurt you. I’m not that guy.’

  I stop in my tracks and look at him. His blue eyes are sad, but so sincere. He truly believes he’s the villain and I feel certain the way I’ve treated him these last few days hasn’t helped. He had no control over what he did to Lara and me, and yet I’ve continued to blame him for it. I shouldn’t blame him and in this moment, I realise that I don’t. Not anymore.

  I lift my hand up and push a loose strand of hair behind my ear as I consider him. He’s handsome, there’s no denying that, and a part of me does like him. But it’s only as a friend. I don’t feel the sparks between us that I feel with Sebastian and while his touch is comforting, it’s the same kind of security I feel when I’m with Lara or with Quinn.

  Hunter nods and I can tell he’s reading my thoughts. I’m sorry, my mind whispers to his.

  He gives me a sad smile. ‘At least you forgive me.’

  ‘Yeah, I do,’ I agree.

  We slowly continue to traipse down the road again, trailing after the others. I feel much better knowing I’ve forgiven Hunter, but a part of me stays unhappy. I don’t want him to be alone, wishing for something to happen with me, when it clearly won’t.

  He chuckles out loud. ‘Elle, I’m an eighteen-year-old guy. Don’t feel too sorry for me just yet. There are plenty of other lovely ladies out there who I’m sure will be all too willing to console me.’


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