Blaze_Underground Encounters 6

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Blaze_Underground Encounters 6 Page 12

by Lisa Carlisle

  Maybe I’d be better off with a true geek, not one with a rock star persona.

  But, would it have the same passion? Shit. Likely not.

  Wherever this was going with Mike, I had to proceed with caution.

  Chapter 10


  I sized up the weird blond dude who stood a few inches taller than me. What was up with him?

  “What you suspected?” I narrowed my eyes. “What the hell does that mean, bro?”

  “Mike,” he said in a deep French accent. “My name is Danton.”

  That would be a sweet stage name. He didn’t use mine, which is how I was known in this club. Hmm…

  I leaned back on my heels. “How do you know my name?”

  “I’ve been in this club for many years, watching what goes on night after night.” He motioned around Vamps as if it was his humble abode.

  “So, what—you overheard someone saying my name?”

  “Perhaps.” A slight smile emerged. “My sense of hearing is quite acute.”

  What was so funny about that? This guy was odd. “You’re a bouncer here, right?”

  “You might say that.”

  “I might say that,” I repeated, growing frustrated with this circular conversation. “What’s up with the cryptic talk? You are or you’re not.”

  “What I have to tell you is—” he paused, waving a hand, and added, “complicated. I come from an ancient family. One that has certain characteristics most people don’t have.”

  “Whoa, dude. Are you on some weird-ass drugs or something?” What the hell was this guy talking about? “I know the club scene is rife with that shit, but I don’t touch that.”

  “Listen to me, Mike. This is serious. What I’m telling you, most humans don’t know. They wouldn’t even be capable of understanding if I told them.”

  A shudder crept up my spine. “You’re starting to freak me out.”

  “I’m not trying to frighten you. Hold on a moment. I’m going to try something on you now.” He stared into my eyes with deep concentration. “You will turn away and walk back into the club. You will forget you ever saw me.”

  His eyes bore into mine for several heart-pounded seconds. Too intense. It messed with my comfort level.

  “Why are you trying to control my mind with some voodoo shit?” I spat with undisguised annoyance.

  “That’s the thing, Mike. It doesn’t work on you and it should. Mind manipulation is not something you can use carelessly. It’s only warranted in extreme circumstances.”

  Mind manipulation? What a freak! “All right, man. I’ve had enough of your crazy talk. Have a good night.” I spun in frustration and walked away.

  “Wait,” he said. “You haven’t even let me ask you anything.”

  “What?” I turned back to face him, already exasperated with this conversation. I hated drugs, having seen too many people destroy not only their lives, but those who loved them. If this guy was on some whacked-out shit, I wanted no part of what he was offering.

  “The way you leapt is not possible by any ordinary human.”

  I rolled my shoulders back and opened my palms. “It was an effect of all the adrenaline coursing through me.” My explanation weakened each time I was questioned about it. “Some guy attacked a woman I care about. Any guy would have reacted the same way.”

  He shook his head. “No, Mike. You may have had adrenaline in your system, but even so, the distance and the arc are not possible by humans.”

  My muscles tightened. I didn’t dare blink while I waited for him to continue.

  “I can sense something different about you. Some of the abilities you’ve displayed are characteristic of my kind.”

  Wariness mingled with curiosity in a cocktail that soured my stomach. I felt like this was a pivotal moment, like in a superhero story.

  “What?” That was the only thing I could think of to say. “What?” I repeated.

  Unfortunately, a real superhero would likely come up with some snappier response.

  “I think you have our blood in you.”

  “And what kind is that?” This guy may have been out of his mind, but I couldn’t deny my curiosity.

  “Before I continue, you must swear to guard our secret. Few humans are trusted with it.”

  “Okay. I swear,” I said halfheartedly. “What are you?”

  “A gargoyle shifter.”

  What the ever-loving fuck? I raised my hands. “Okay, hold up. I was curious until this point to see what you’d say.” I laughed to mask my uneasiness. “Now I’m convinced you’re either on some freaky-ass drugs or you’re downright insane.”

  “I am neither. I am a gargoyle. From an ancient tribe in France.”

  “Yeah, whatever, dude. And I’m Aragon from The Lord of the Rings.” I turned to walk away from him.

  “You must not leave yet,” he commanded. “We haven’t even begun to discuss what this means.”

  “Oh, I know what it means. You’re crazy.” I pointed to him and then at me. “And I’m out of here.”

  “I must know who your ancestors are,” he insisted. “Tell me your family names.”

  “I’m not telling you anything about my family, weirdo, or anything else about me. Stay away from me.”

  “Wait one moment.”

  Although I wanted to book it out of there, a part of me was intrigued. “Why?”

  “I may appear flesh and blood to you right now, but I don’t always appear this way.” He glanced around backstage to make sure we were alone. “This is dangerous to do back here with so many people around, but I must show you what I truly am for you to understand.”

  “Okay.” I folded my arms. “I’ll humor you. What would you like to show me?”


  I followed behind him, but rolled my eyes. “You better not try anything sexual on me, bro. That’s cool if that’s your thing, but I’m into the ladies.”

  “That is not my intention,” he said in a flat tone.

  He entered the bathroom backstage and I followed him. He locked the door behind me and then he removed his shirt.

  “I’m warning you. Don’t do anything creepy.”

  “That will be enough of that talk,” he said, unbuckling his pants.

  Fuck. “I knew it!” I had to get out of there. Turning, I unlocked the door.

  “Don’t assume my intentions are to seduce you in a club restroom.”

  “What do you expect me to think? You lock us in a bathroom and start taking off your clothes.”

  “Because I don’t want to ruin them when I transform. You don’t believe what I am, so I must show you.”

  He reached by me and relocked the door. For some reason, I didn’t protest. Morbid curiosity, perhaps?

  He continued undressing until he was buck-ass naked in front of me. I searched for anything to focus on, anything but his junk. Why did I come back here with the weird bouncer who wanted to show me something? I was setting myself up for something disturbing for sure.

  One of our flyers taped on the wall for tonight’s show caught my attention. It read Velvet Cocks and featured our logo of a scrolled VC with a rooster wearing a smoking jacket. One of our goofy ideas when we came up with the concept for our band, but it had stuck.

  I glanced at Danton’s face. The color of his skin darkened. I blinked. His skin was no longer bronze in color, but more of a grayish hue.

  Gray? The only reason that could explain that was that he was sick. Maybe dying.

  Even more disturbing were his features. They distorted into a parody of what they once were. He was a good-looking dude normally but now his over-large eyes and wide, protruding nose gave him the look of something far more grotesque and rather sinister.

  “What the hell are you doing, man?”

  “Do not fear me when I change. I am not a monster. I will not harm you.”

  His long blond hair retreated into his skull. Protrusions extended out of from behind him.

  My mouth fell
open. “What the fuck is growing out of your back!”

  “My wings.”


  “Stop shouting. You’re going to attract attention.”

  Forget shouting, I couldn’t even speak as I gawked at the rest of the change. My blood turned to ice. Fear slithered down my spine and then threatened my hold on my bladder.

  Superhero, yeah, right. None of them ever got scared enough to almost piss themselves.

  Danton hunched forward onto his hands and shrunk down while his body widened. Then his body stopped reshaping and went still. His skin tone was now universally gray.

  Be brave. All heroes must face their fears.

  Yeah, but I was a fuckin’ person, not some character in any of my fandom worlds.

  “Danton?” I whispered.

  He didn’t reply.

  “Hey. Are you all right?” I reached to shake his shoulder, but once I touched it, I froze. Not like him, though.

  He was a statue. Stone.

  “Oh my God!” I cried. “I’ll get help.”

  What the fuck just happened? Was it real? And what was I supposed to do? Call 9-1-1?

  I turned to the door but fumbled as I tried to unlock it. On the third try, I turned the lock.


  His command made me turn back. The crouched stone figure was transforming again, like he’d pressed a rewind button. Danton stood before me again as a stark-naked man.

  My breath came out in short pants. “What the hell, dude? What the hell!”

  “I told you. I’m a gargoyle.”

  He reached for his clothing and dressed, as casually as in a gym locker room. Not like someone who had just turned to stone and back.

  “That doesn’t explain one damn thing.” I turned again and threw the door open. This guy was a sick fuck. I wanted nothing to do with his freaky mind games.

  “Don’t you want to find out more? Find out who you may be?”

  “I’ve seen enough. And I’m nothing like you. Leave me the fuck alone.”


  I caught sight of Mike’s tall, lanky stride and long hair from the corner of my eye. When I faced him, he strode over with haste.

  Worry lines etched in his face. “We have to leave. Now.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Some fucked-up shit backstage,” he said. “I can’t explain it exactly. We have to go.”

  His urgent tone spurred me into action. I turned to Lily. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Mike seemed to just notice her. “You and Nico should leave. I don’t know what’s going on here tonight, but I don’t think it’s safe. Tell John, too.”

  My brows drew closer. What had happened to make him respond like this?

  He grabbed my hand and led me to the back door. I struggled to keep up with his frantic pace as he pushed past people in the club. I bumped my elbow against a gargoyle statue and sucked in a hiss. Bone hitting stone. Ouch.

  I turned over my shoulder. “Wait, what about your equipment? Your guitar?”

  “The guys who work here helped us load up the van. Let’s get outside. I need fresh air.”

  The blast of cool winter night air hit my face. Mike powered ahead, eyes wide.

  “Mike, slow down. I can barely walk in these high-heeled boots, let alone rush.”

  “Yeah, sure.” He glanced around the parking area, his breath coming in short pants.

  “Are you okay? Your hands are trembling.”

  “I will be. Just give me a minute.” He rubbed a temple with his free hand.

  “Your breathing is erratic. Your body will relax if you slow down and take deep breaths.”

  “What?” He eyed me like I was out of my mind.

  “Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through your nose.”

  “This isn’t one of your yoga classes, Allana,” he snapped.

  “Just bear with me,” I said. “It will help you calm down, so you can think more clearly.” He was clearly rattled, but this simple technique would help.

  “Okay,” he agreed. His eyes darted around. “But quickly. We can’t stick around here.”

  “Close your eyes,” I repeated. “Inhale through your nostrils. Hold it for three. Now exhale deeply. Let out everything you’re holding inside.”

  He followed my instruction, but opened his eyes while exhaling. “I can’t keep my eyes closed.”

  “Okay, that’s fine. Let’s try it again.” I repeated the instruction for a few more breaths. “Better?”

  He gazed off. “Yeah. A bit.” He pulled out his phone. “I have to tell the guys we’re leaving.”

  He spoke into it, dictating a group text to Nico and John. “Watch out for the bouncer with long blond hair. He pulled some whacked shit on me. Get out of there as quickly as you can. I’m leaving with Allana.” He turned to me and said, “Let’s go. I have my car.”

  “Isn’t your stuff in the van?”

  “I met the guys here.”

  Once we were in his black Mustang, he peeled out of there—a vast difference from his grandma speed on New Year’s Eve.

  “What’s going on?” I asked. “What bouncer? What did he do?”

  Mike gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white. “Everything’s fine, Allana,” he said in a slow, soothing tone. “I’m just a little rattled. Don’t worry about me.”

  As I exhaled, my nostrils flared. “Don’t patronize me. Tell me what happened.”

  He stared straight ahead. “I can’t. I don’t even know how. What I saw I don’t believe myself.”

  “Start from the beginning.”

  He stuttered a few syllables, but then stopped. Then he tried again. “It all started when that guy grabbed you.” He cocked his head. “Wait. Are you okay? Forget about me and my crazy story. Were you hurt? Should I take you to the hospital?”

  “I’m fine.” I coaxed him, “Go on.”

  He spoke through clenched teeth. “Some guy touched you against your will.”

  “And you beat the crap out of him. I’m sure he’ll think twice about doing anything like that to another woman.”

  “I wanted to kill him. Rip him limb from limb.” His jaw clenched, a vein throbbing in his neck. “I still do.”


  “If I wasn’t there—if this had happened without anyone else around—he could have…”

  “He didn’t,” I said. “It didn’t.”


  “I’m fine thanks to you.”

  When he turned to me, his hazel eyes had softened with concern. “What happens the next time when I’m not around?”

  “Who’s to say there’s going to be a next time?”

  “The last time we were there a woman bit you. This time some guy forces himself on you. Of course, I’m going to worry about you.”

  “Okay, point taken,” I conceded. “Now stop stalling and tell me what happened backstage.”

  Mike exhaled. “Apparently when I leaped into the crowd to get to you, it was, um, not typical.”

  “Not typical?”

  “Right. For humans.”

  “Humans?” I repeated, puzzled by his odd statements.

  “Oh God,” he said. “I’m already talking like I believe what he told me.” He pounded the steering wheel. “Fuck. This is insane!”

  “Mike, it’s all right. Take a moment to regroup and tell me when you’re ready.”

  He stared straight ahead for several moments. I took the time to crank the heat. The biting temperature outside was not compatible with my tiny dress. Clubs and cold weather never went together well.

  “Do you remember the blond bouncer who intervened the night you were with that woman backstage?”

  My cheeks flushed as I remembered that strange night. “It’s a bit hazy, but yes.”

  “He was there again tonight.”

  “I saw him.”

  “He said he saw things in me that he recognized. As part of his kind!” He then laughed as if in disbeli
ef. “He said he was a gargoyle shifter. A gargoyle!” Shaking his head, “And then he showed me. He transformed into a stone beast right in front of my eyes.” Mike glanced at me with widened eyes. “I watched him change into a statue. And then back into a human!”

  I leaned back and assessed him. “Mike, you must have undergone something stressful tonight. What you’re saying you’ve seen is not possible.”


  “Maybe you drank something laced with drugs and you hallucinated. In fact, maybe I should drive.”

  “I’m not drugged, Allana. Listen to me! This is real. It all happened. And I’m not crazy. Or hallucinating. Or anything like that!”

  “All right, all right.” I appeased him. “Tell me what happened, from the beginning.”

  Mike pulled out his phone. “I need music on for a minute. It will help calm me, so I can talk.” He noticed some texts. “The guys are asking what’s up.” He dictated into the phone. “I’ll explain tomorrow. I’m taking Allana home. I want to make sure she’s safe.”

  Yes, he was out of his mind, but I was starting to find the way he wanted to protect me endearing. It made me feel special, different from his catalog of women.

  The more time I spent with him, the less I thought he was this womanizing asshole everyone pegged him to be—including me up until recently. The glimpses into his considerate side made me wonder if the aloofness was a defense mechanism rather than part of his character. Or maybe I was just the lucky one and he let me see through the veneer.

  But, why me?

  “Get away from that guy.” He finished dictating the text. Then he plugged the phone in and pressed a button on his steering wheel. “Play Spiders,” he commanded. Music came on.

  We listened to a song in silence.

  At the end of it, he said, “It’s by System of a Down. Always calms me down.” He turned the music lower and glanced at me. “Are you ready for this?”

  Mike then described in more detail how this man tried to manipulate his mind. When it didn’t work, he explained how no human could have leapt the way Mike had done. The man revealed he was a gargoyle and suspected Mike had some of his traits. When Mike didn’t believe him, he showed him by transforming into a stone creature. Mike freaked out and told him to leave him alone.


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