The Devil's Silver (The Road Devils MC Book 2)

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The Devil's Silver (The Road Devils MC Book 2) Page 29

by Marysol James

  She had been.

  The next night, she’d asked him to cut a few vegetables for a stir-fry and he’d agreed because, hell, even he could use a damn knife. Then she’d taught him how to cook rice noodles properly and how to make a tangy peanut sauce, then they’d sat and had an incredible meal together. In the headiness of the spice and savory tastes bursting in his mouth, Silver had recklessly told Jolene that he wanted to learn how to cook and she should teach him.

  She’d taken him seriously.

  They’d been cooking together every night since, eating together every night since.

  And so the best two weeks of his life had passed.

  Sitting here now, the amazing smell of the chicken enchiladas emanating from the oven, looking at Jolene sip her wine and organize her cards for a game of poker, it came to Silver that this was just about the closest thing to heaven that he could imagine.

  A simple, sweet heaven to be sure – but who said that the really good things had to be big or complex or loud? Maybe real happiness was found in exactly this kind of thing: cooking together, a beautiful woman on the floor with bare feet, getting his ass handed to him in a game of cards.

  She glanced up at him. “Ready?”

  “I was born ready, baby.”

  “If you say so, querido.” Her dark eyes sparkled at him. “I really want that wrap dress, you know.”

  “Sorry to hear that,” he said soberly. “No way I’m losing tonight.”

  “You think?”

  “I know.”

  “Want to bet something other than money then?”

  That was an intriguing little proposition, and he cocked his silver-blond head at her. “I’m listening.”

  “OK,” she said with an evil grin. “If you lose, you get to scrub the baking pan without letting it soak. Melted cheese is a pain in the butt, so you’ll be here for an hour. Say hello to dish-pan hands, big guy.”

  “And if you lose?”

  “Name it.” She opened her hands to him. “What do you want?”

  What did he want? Hell, that was a loaded question, wasn’t it?

  He wanted for her to put down that wine glass and shake her hair out of that messy topknot, so that it tumbled dark and lovely over her shoulders. Then he wanted her to crawl over to him, slowly and gracefully like a sinewy little cat, holding his gaze the whole time. Then he wanted her to crawl up onto his lap, straddle him with those gorgeous thighs, curl up against his chest and breathe his name just before he kissed her.

  And then – well. Then he’d ravish her. Repeatedly. Moves one through twelve would take place, of that he had no doubt.

  But it was probably better not to say any of that. After all, he’d agreed to be friends with Jolene and to not make a move without her say-so – and so far, she’d given no signal that she was ready for that. Maybe she never would be and even though Silver had said that he’d be OK with being just friends, a part of him ached that all of that heart-pounding passion might never happen between them again.

  But if all that they had was coffee every morning and cooking every night, he’d take it. He’d take it every single damn day.

  “Actually,” Jolene said now. “I know exactly what you get if I lose.”

  “What’s that?”

  She shook her head, gave him a mischievous grin. “You’ll only find out if you actually win.”

  “Will I like it? The thing that I get that only you know about?”

  “I guarantee it.”

  “OK then.” He picked up his cards with determination and suddenly he knew – with everything that he had – that he was going to win his first poker game with Jolene. He had no idea how he knew, but it was a fucking foregone conclusion. “Game on, sweet thing.”


  “I don’t believe it,” she said thirty minutes later, staring at the coffee table. “You have four of a kind? With only five cards in your hand?”

  “Yep.” He leaned back, threw back the rest of his whiskey. “So let’s see what you’ve got, baby, because you need a straight flush or royal flush to beat me… and the way I figure it, the best you’ve got is a full house.”

  Jolene looked down at her own cards, blinked.

  “So?” he said. “You lose or what?”

  “Dammit,” she said softly as she laid her cards down. “Only a flush.”

  “You lost bad.”


  “OK, so.” Silver clapped his hands. “What do I get? You said that I’d like it, remember, so I’m very much looking forward to what it might be.”

  “Yeah. A bet’s a bet.”

  “Damn straight it is. So c’mon. I’m waiting.”

  “Ohhh-kaaay.” She got to her feet and padded across the living room to the kitchen. She opened the fridge, bent at the waist and rummaged around in there before turning, her arm held aloft. “Ta da!”

  He squinted over at her. “A bottle of…”

  “Sweet rosé!” she announced. “Real men drink it, you know.”

  Without even realizing that he was doing it, Silver slowly got to his feet. “You are kidding me.”


  “How long have you had that hidden away in there?”

  She opened a drawer and pulled out the corkscrew. “I had Cole order it special for me. It arrived today.”

  “And you ordered it because –”

  “Because you like it,” she said as she twisted the sharp metal into the cork.

  “Is that really why you ordered it?”

  The cork came out with a pop and she shot him a saucy little grin. “No.”

  Suddenly, he was moving towards her. He didn’t quite know what he expected to happen once he reached Jolene, but something was going to happen and that was for damn sure. The look in her eyes told him so.

  It was the look that had just about taken the knees out from under him at The Red, the look that had glowed up at him from the bed, the look that had made him turn the hell around and go back to the cabin the morning after.

  He’d never seen anything like it on a woman’s face in the whole of his life. There was nothing better, nothing hotter.

  Then he was right in front of her, trapping her between his body and the kitchen counter. He raised his hand, waited, and when she smiled at him, he touched her face. Her skin was as soft and smooth as he remembered.

  “So why did you really order it then?” he asked, his voice low.

  “Because.” Slowly, she raised the bottle to her mouth and drank, then ran her tongue over her perfect lips. His intense silver stare watched every movement hungrily, a predator watching its prey. “Because I want you to drink it with me. Like this.”

  Silver didn’t need telling twice.

  Without another thought, without any real plan beyond the next two seconds, Silver picked her up and kissed her. Jolene wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him back like he’d never been kissed in the whole of his life. God, the woman kissed like she lived: honest and hard and open. Not holding a single damn thing back, and not hiding how she felt or what she wanted.

  When Jolene kissed him, Silver knew her.

  She pulled back now, that gorgeous wicked glint in those dark eyes, her lips glistening with the wine.


  “Hey, sweet thing.” He lowered her to the counter, stepped more snugly between her thighs. “How are you doing?”


  “Is that so?”

  “Yep.” She rubbed herself against him and Silver groaned as his cock hardened. “I have a confession, actually.”

  “Do you now?” he asked as he pulled her hair out of its elastic. “What would that be?”

  She leaned forward, moved her generous lips to his ear and whispered, “I lost the card game on purpose.”

  Silver grinned a
nd moved his own mouth to her ear. Her tousled hair tickled his nose as he murmured, “I don’t care. All I care about is you getting naked. Now, baby. ”

  Her hands went to the top button of the loose denim shirt that she was wearing and Silver watched intently as she undid it, slowly. Then the next one. Then the next. By the time she’d moved to the fourth one, he could see a glimpse of something black and lacy and his heart stopped.

  She saw the look on his face and she grinned, carried on undoing buttons. Then she peeled the shirt of and tossed it on the kitchen floor, watched as he took in the gorgeous bra.

  “Sweet thing,” he said, his voice husky. “Did you go lingerie shopping when you burned through your first pay check?”

  She giggled. “Uh-huh.”

  “Did you buy anything else?”


  “You wearing it now?”


  “You gonna show me?”

  Jolene nodded, then moved her hands to her waist. Rapt, he watched as she slid her black leggings down a bit, just over her sweet stomach and hips, and when he saw the suspender straps, he thought he might have a heart attack.

  “Baby,” he said. “Just what were you planning when you put these on tonight?”

  “Oh.” She pulled the leggings down farther so he could see the sheer black stockings. “I was planning to lose at poker.”

  “If you’re gonna lose, you might as well look hot while you do it,” Silver commented. “And dear sweet Lord above, do you look hot.”

  She tilted her head at him. “Hot enough to take me to bed?”

  “Nuh-uh.” Silver yanked her leggings off all the way and kicked them across the floor. “Far too hot for that… I’m just gonna have to ravish you right here on this counter.”

  “Oooh,” she managed, before his mouth was on her breasts, teasing her nipples in turn through the lace, his large hands on her back and pressing her tighter to his lips and tongue. Jolene gasped and arched, gripping his hair in trembling fingers. “I guess that’ll be OK.”

  “You guess?” he rasped. “You ain’t sure?”

  “Uh,” she said as his hands slid down her back and cupped her ass. “I’m becoming more sure.”

  “Let me see if I can help you with that.”

  He moved his hands around her body, slipped them down the front of her lace and silk panties. When his fingers made contact with her smooth pussy, he jolted in shock. She smiled down at him, all hot, teasing female.


  “Yes, querido?”

  “Your panties are crotchless.”

  “You don’t say?” She gave him a wide-eyed, innocent dark stare. “How’d that happen?”

  “Oh, I have a pretty good idea.”

  “You think the lingerie shop made a mistake? Should we take them back?”

  “No.” Silver stroked between her lower lips with a thick finger, loving how wet she was already. “I wanna do something else. And I wanna do it while you’re wearing those hot-as-fuck black stockings and suspenders.”

  She moaned as he touched her most secret, softest place. He was so delicate, so careful, and his caress made her think – for some insane reason – of butterfly wings. His fingers moved lightly, gently, and she threw her head back and just luxuriated in the sensation of being touched.

  Silver smiled as he watched her start to lose control already. Watching her face, he slid one finger inside her honeyed channel, then a second one. Her head fell forward again and her eyes opened wide with heated need, and he wrapped his free hand around the back of her neck and tugged her hot little mouth down to his. He kissed her hard, tasting the sweet wine, then slipped his tongue between her lips. He thrust it in and out, slowly, and thrust his finger in the same rhythm. Slow, steady, strong. And Jolene began to lose her goddamn mind.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered as he reached deeper inside her straining body, kissed her deeper. “Oh, God… please…”

  “Hmmmm,” he hummed. “Please what, baby?”

  “Please… more.”

  “More of this?” He teased her lips with his tongue, stroking and tasting her sweetness. “Or more of this?” He brought his fingers to his mouth, licked her nectar from them before kissing her again.

  “Ah,” she gasped as she tasted herself on his tongue. “More of both.”

  “Greedy girl.”

  He took pity on her now, and he moved his hand back to her pussy, circling her clit this time. Jolene’s hands wandered to his broad shoulders, her nails digging into them hard enough to cut him through the t-shirt. But Silver didn’t give a good goddamn: he had a beautiful woman gyrating in front of him, riding his fingers, her breasts being offered up like delicious fruit… what the hell did he care about a few gouges?

  Urgently, he pulled her back down to meet his kisses. Her hips moved faster as he started to plunge inside her once more, pressing down on her hot little button at the same time. Jolene shut her eyes as her climax started to approach, but he growled in protest, tightened his grip on the back of neck.

  “Open,” he said, his voice rough and deep. “Open your eyes right the fuck now.”

  Startled at his vehemence, she did, and that was when she found herself lost in his hard silver gaze. God, his eyes were so dark right now… so stormy and dangerous. She decided that this was how she liked them best: she loved the way that they zeroed in on her face, the way that they saw nothing but her slowly-building pleasure, the way that they burned right on into her soul. She had nowhere to run from them, no place to hide from their intensity.

  And she didn’t even want to run or hide.

  She wanted him to see her. To really see her, here in this moment of her total vulnerability and honesty and desire.

  She couldn’t give him the whole truth of her life before him right this second… but she could give him this truth.

  So she did.

  God, I’ve missed this with him.

  She held his gaze even as the pleasure built, crested, broke. Cry after cry fell from her lips, and her whole body shook and contorted in his embrace, and she rode his fingers as if her life depended on it – but she never took her eyes from his. And when she’d finished, when her orgasm had stolen her breath and left her shuddering and sobbing, she still held his stare. She still gave him herself in all of her need, and he saw it.

  “Beautiful, baby,” he growled. “So beautiful. You just don’t know.”

  That was when she finally shut her eyes, overwhelmed and near tears for some reason. He sensed it, though, and right away, he turned gentle. He held her, rocking her back and forth on the counter, his lips in her dark, tumbled hair.

  “OK?” he rasped. “Tell me.”

  She nodded, still shaking with small aftershocks.

  “Nuh-uh,” he said. “A nod is not going to do it this second. Use your words, baby.”

  “I’m OK.”

  He lifted her chin, kissed her tears. “So what are these?”

  “I – I don’t know.”

  “I hurt you? Even a little bit?”

  “No,” she assured him. “Not even a tiny little bit.”

  “Alright. I’ll trust you.”

  Silver held Jolene as close as possible, ran his hands up and down her stockinged legs as she calmed. “These? Are hot.”

  She smiled up at him now, and he knew that she was OK again. “I thought you might like them.”

  “You thought right.” He traced the curve of her inner thigh, and she arched. Just a bit. But enough for him to know that she was heating up again. Getting ready to take him. “I love black stockings.”

  She raised a teasing eyebrow. “I can loan them to you, if you want. I bet they’d look great on you.”

  Without a word, without even a sound, he picked her smart little ass up off the counter. Still holding h
er, he went over to the stove and turned it off, then he walked back into the living room.

  She held onto his shoulders for dear life. “Where are you going?”

  Still not saying a word, he dropped her onto her stomach on the sofa. She gasped, the wind knocked out of her for a second, and she lowered her forehead to the cushions. By the time she’d raised her head, he had his t-shirt, jeans and boxers off and had freed his cock.

  She looked over her shoulder, turned a bit to face him and he shook his head at her as he rummaged through his wallet for a condom.

  “You stay where I put you,” he grated out as he knelt on one knee behind her, his other foot planted firmly on the floor, rolling the condom on. “Don’t you move even one inch.”

  Roughly, he hauled her lower body up, tilted her hips up higher. She leaned forward, her weight on her elbows, and held her breath in anticipation of that first thrust. And when it came – oh, dear God, when it came – she was thrown forward by its sweet force.

  Jesus fuck, I’ve missed this. Missed her.

  Silver held her hips tightly as he moved inside Jolene’s lovely, curvy body. He plunged deeper with every thrust, moved deeper into her snug, soaked warmth with every push. He wanted to last, he wanted to have it go on forever, but it wasn’t going to happen. Not with the way that she was moaning and pushing back against him, impaling herself on his cock; not with the way that her hot little pussy tugged and pulled on him, her internal muscles tightening and releasing on him.

  He lowered himself over her back, his hands clenched into fists on either side of her and digging into the sofa cushions. She whimpered as this new position rubbed his length against her little bud with every slide in and glide out.

  “Sweet thing,” he muttered into her ear, his movements turning almost savage in their intensity. “You need to come again and you need to do it now. ‘Cause I’m so fucking close, but I’m not going without you.”

  “Oh,” she gasped, struggling to brace herself up on her hands. “I don’t know – I can’t –”

  “You can,” he rasped. “You sure as hell can… and you will.”

  He slid one hand around her body, back between her legs. He rolled her clit between his fingers and when she cried out and bucked against him in wild abandon, he pinched that tender pearl. Just a bit; just enough. And Jolene’s whole body dissolved in the molten lava of her release.


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