Thief: Devil's Own MC

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Thief: Devil's Own MC Page 4

by West, Heather

  “Are you shopping for your mother?” I smiled at her. “That’s so sweet of you.”

  She blushed again and stammered when she opened her mouth. “No, no. I’m just looking today.”

  The clerk behind the counter looked thoroughly confused. “Ma’am, is there something else you’d like to see? Can I show you any of our other pieces?”

  Sarah shook her head more emphatically than she needed to. “No,” she chirped. “I’m fine.”

  “Can I walk you out?” I turned to her.

  She bit her lip. “Sure,” she said carefully, a touch of her old confidence coming back. “Of course you can.”

  I extended my arm and she looped hers through, resting her pale fingers on my skin. When she touched me, a bolt of desire shot through my loins. It was tempting to just hike up her skirt and take her right then and there, fogging up the glass display cases with the heat from our bodies.

  Sarah tilted her head up towards mine. Her green eyes sparkled in the sun. “What are you doing here today?” she asked pleasantly. “It’s your day off,” she added.

  I nodded. “It is, but sometimes I like to stop in and make sure everything’s going well. You know. Old habit.”

  She bit her lip. “Sure,” she said. “Well, I have to be going.” She mimed a yawn and stretched her arms high over her head. Her breasts pushed at the front of her silk dress like melons and I felt my cock twitch as I thought about burying my face in her cleavage. “I have a long shift ahead of me tonight.”

  I looked at her. Her face gave no indication she was lying; was it possible that they hadn’t told her about laying her off yet? But even if they hadn’t, it didn’t seem likely that a girl like her would be haunting a jewelry store for two days in a row. It wasn’t as though she’d shown up and asked for an application.

  “I bet,” I said carefully. “So you like tending bar?”

  She wrinkled her nose. Damn, she’s a good liar, I thought. I was almost awed. “It’s okay,” she said, pursing her plump lips. “It’s not really ideal.”

  I looked down at her. “No, I wouldn’t think so,” I said. There was a beat of silent awkwardness between us. “Well, I have to get going. Bye, Sarah.”

  She nodded. “Bye,” she called out.

  I was going to offer her a ride, but first I wanted to see what she’d do. She walked away and then turned around about fifty feet later. When she saw that I was watching her, she waved again. The next time she looked around, I saw that she was checking the street to cross. She snuck one final glance back in my direction. She was far enough away that I couldn’t read her face, but it looked like irritation and panic.

  Sarah walked up to the bus station and sat down on the bench. Shaking my head, I got on my bike and drove off. Something very weird was going on here, and I was starting to think that maybe she really was involved in something bad.

  Chapter Six


  Just when I thought I’d managed to shake him, I spotted him again in the rearview mirror of the bus. He was following the bus on his motorcycle, about five cars behind. Just long enough to follow without having to pass every time the bus made a stop. I watched as he dutifully slowed and resumed following.

  Every nerve in my body was on fire with panic. I had no idea what I’d done to make him follow me. He’d only seen me twice; in the bar and in the jewelry store. He had no idea what I was up to.

  Or does he? I thought with a wave of anxiety. Shit. This could be bad.

  Of course it was just my fucking luck that this random dude would be the same guy who’d hit on me the other night. When I first saw him, he looked so different that I hadn’t recognized him. I’d almost wanted to blurt out, “What are you doing here?” as though he was up to no good, when in fact it was really me. I winced as the bus got emptier and emptier. Leaning to the side, I saw that he was still following me.

  My stop was coming up soon. I’d parked in a garage a fair amount of space away from Tinder’s so I could give myself an alibi. But I wouldn’t be able to do that if jerkface kept following me! I wanted to cry and beat my fists against my lap in frustration. It wasn’t fair! I had to do this. I had to. If I didn’t, I’d be homeless.

  I frowned. My stop came up and I bit my lip; better for him to follow me to my car than catch me looping around to avoid him. My heart was beating in my chest like a scared rabbit. As I climbed off the bus, I kept my gaze fixed straight ahead on the parking garage. It was some rotten luck that my first day “working” for Roger I got tailed. It made me feel even more hopeless than before. Maybe I should just give in and move into a box.

  When I turned my head around, the coast was clear. Relief flooded my body like adrenaline. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It was just a coincidence. That was all. Relax, Sarah, I ordered myself. Everything will be fine now. It was just random chance, and you’re fine. Just don’t go back when he’s working.

  The parking garage seemed eerily empty for this time of day. I was shocked to remember that everyone else was likely working; it was during the week, after all. Tears came to my eyes. I felt so useless, so terrible. The only thing good was that I didn’t have anyone left to disappoint.

  In the light of day, my car seemed dingier than ever. It was missing a taillight and one of the side mirrors, and there was a long scrape on the side that was starting to rust. I’d meant to get it fixed when I still had money, but one thing kept happening after another. Eventually, I told myself that I’d do it later but rent always came first. And now this; I didn’t have two quarters to rub together, much less a few hundred for a complete revamp of my car. My hand was shaking as I unlocked the door. I couldn’t wait to get home and take a long bath. Something. Anything to distract me from how horrible this feeling of panic was.

  “Wait,” I heard a sharp voice say, and turned around, frightened. It was that guy, the sexy blond with the facial scruff.

  “Shit,” I muttered under my breath. He came closer and I saw that he was wearing a friendly but cautious smile. “What’s up?” I called out.

  He kept walking towards me with a casual smile toying at his lips. “I just wanted to chat,” he said. “You know, you didn’t act like you knew me in there. What’s up with that?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “So now I have to act like we know each other?” I frowned. “I barely know you. We talked for, like, five seconds one night. I don’t really think that qualifies as ‘knowing’ each other.”

  He laughed, an easy, relaxed sound. “Relax,” he told me. “Seriously, I’m not trying to make you sweat. I just wanted to know why. That’s all.”

  When he stepped closer, a scent of musk and cologne washed over me. It was like being around a very powerful, very male animal. “Sorry. I’m feeling a little cagey right now.”

  Blake stared at me with a gaze that could have melted ice. “I get that,” he said carefully. “But I think there’s something else at play here.” He leaned closer and the scent was stronger than before. A thrill of arousal shot through my body, mixing with the fear that I felt. “I think you pretended not to notice me on purpose.”

  I looked away. “You’re being ridiculous,” I said finally. “I wouldn’t have done that. Like I said, there wasn’t any point.” I tried to get in my car but he stepped around me quickly and blocked my way.

  Blake shook his head. “You can’t lie,” he said softly. “Don’t you think it’s better if you own up to the truth right now?”

  “There’s nothing going on,” I said in frustration. “Can you move? I really need to get inside my car. Please. I’m going to be late.”

  “For what?” Blake looked at me and smirked. “For work?”

  “Yes,” I said quickly. “For work. I really want to take a nap before I go in, and now I don’t think I’ll have time.”

  Blake chuckled. He shook his head. “That’s just it,” he said slowly, drawing his gaze up my body. Despite the panic I felt, I shivered with desire. “I don’t think you will be late.”
r />   My mouth went dry. “What? Why not?” I narrowed my eyes. “Some of us like to be on time, you know.”

  He stared at me. “Sarah, you’re not gonna be late because you’re not going in.”

  “Of course I am,” I told him loudly. “I work there.”

  Blake laughed. It was a short, humorless sound. “Sarah, cut the shit,” he said in a tired voice. “We both know that you don’t. You were laid off on Friday night.”

  I blinked. My throat felt tight and tears came to my eyes. I opened my mouth to speak and no words came out. “I don’t know what to say,” I said softly. “Why are you doing this?”

  Blake raked his veiny hands through his thick hair. “Because I think you’re keeping something from me,” he growled. “And I don’t like being lied to, Sarah. Not at all.”

  “I’m not lying,” I whined.

  Blake shook his head. He made a fist and slammed it against the side of my car. “You are. And I’m going to get to the bottom of this.”

  Before I could say anything, he stalked off, brushing against me with his body. Under his clothes, he felt rock-solid. As I watched him walk away, part of me was relieved, but part of me found myself wishing that he would come back. I swallowed hard and realized that my heart was pounding in my chest. He was enigmatic, completely. He’d gone from happy guy drinking with his buddies to more intense than anyone I’d ever met in ten seconds, and I didn’t know what he wanted with me. But the longer he looked at me, the more he stared, I found myself captivated.

  He was gorgeous. Muscular, tan, roguish. That smile he had was one of the most charming things I’d ever seen. And even though he’d terrified me, I couldn’t help but secretly wish to see him again. It had been so long since I’d been with someone for longer than one night; but when I closed my eyes and thought of Blake, I realized that we’d have a lot to keep us busy. Much more than one night’s worth. Weeks of nights, maybe. I blushed scarlet red as I imagined him taking me from behind, painfully raw, making me scream and blush and cry out as he penetrated me harder. Arousal flooded my body and I felt my panties start to get wet. The silk dress started to feel more sensual than before. I shook my head to rid myself of the raunchy images. No, there was no way that was going to happen. Not a snowball’s chance in hell.

  Blake, what are you doing to me?

  Chapter Seven


  “Damn her!” I growled under my breath as I ran out of the parking garage to where my bike was stashed. “What a sneaky little bitch!”

  Still, the image of her in my mind was pleasing enough. In it, she got to her hands and knees in that damn silk sheath dress and crawled around until I was rock hard in my jeans. That generous mouth of hers…goddamn she knew how to give me some lip. I can give her some lip, too, I thought nastily. Boy could I ever give her some lip. Sarah wasn’t the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, but she might have been one of the sexiest. There was something about her knowing green gaze, her generous mouth that set me on fire. I hated that I was having these kind of thoughts about her, especially since I was suspicious. But between that tight, curvy body and her face…damn! It could really do something to a man. I couldn’t look at her without thinking about running my hands all over her body. Pinching, pawing, squeezing, slapping, tickling…her skin just looked so incredible. I wanted to bring her to the heights of pleasure and then make her beg for my cock. Just thinking about the expression on her face as she begged me to fuck her was almost enough to make me come. And every part of her body was so sensual—even her knees were arousing. Even the curve of her armpit held some secret world that I wanted to tear apart.

  Plus, she seemed all too aware of her charms. Women were cute when they were modest, but there was something breathtaking about the kind of woman who knew what power they held. A woman who knew her skill was one of the best partners you could have. And I had a feeling that Sarah had taken a lot of time to hone her “skill.” Even the way she walked drove me mad; it was a sensual hip-swinging sway with just a little bit of wiggle at the end. I groaned inwardly as I imagined throwing her on her belly and ripping her panties away. She’d almost surely be wet, and I wanted to plunge my tongue inside her pussy and lick until she was screaming for me to stop. I loved the round globes of her ass and imagined running my teeth over each cheek and biting would be exquisite. I bet that she had a beautiful asshole. Shit, I bet that everything about her body was nothing less than perfect. I licked my lips. She was one hot, dangerous little number. And if I had my way, I was going to make her mine.

  Shaking my head, I jogged down the stairs two at a time. But something seemed off. I knew that I’d scared her, but had I scared her so much that she’d reconsider whatever she was starting to do? I had no idea. Then again, I had no idea of what she was up to, either. Well, I had some idea. But nothing substantial. Nothing that I could take to the guys for help. Nothing that I could ask the cops about.

  “Damnit,” I grunted. “I need answers, woman!”

  No magical version of Sarah floated down from the sky and gave me answers. I decided that I was going to have to talk to her again. Judging from the condition of her car, I could catch her before she drove out of the lot. The thing looked like it maybe had about ten miles left on it before it gave up and stopped working. Poor Sarah. Then again, I couldn’t believe that I was pitying someone who was probably involved in thievery. Pull yourself together, asshole, I told myself. It’s only going to get worse from here on out.

  As I turned around and headed back up the stairs, I heard voices arguing. There was a man attacking and a woman screaming and shrieking in fright. Frowning, I kicked my jog into a run and took the stairs as fast as I could. I was just about to intervene when I realized that the woman was Sarah. Pausing in the stairwell, I ducked to the side so they wouldn’t be able to hear me. The guy looked vaguely familiar; it took me a few seconds to realize that he was the guy from the other night, the guy that I’d told off. I couldn’t remember his name. Rick? Roy? Whatever, didn’t matter. The guy was clearly a prick and a bottom-feeder.

  “Leave me alone,” Sarah was crying out in a hoarse voice. She was backing into a corner and waving her arms in front of her as though she had a knife. The guy laughed and followed her.

  “C’mon, baby,” he called out. “You gonna finish helping me or not? We just started, you an’ me!”

  Sarah shook her head. “It’s off,” she called out, sounding scared. “It’s off. I can’t do it. I can’t help you.”

  The creepy asshole stepped closer. I caught the words “too late” and “picture will be up,” but I couldn’t tell what else he was saying. Just as I thought he was about to leave her alone, he reached over and smacked her, hard.

  “Fuck off!” I heard her cry through sobs. “Leave me alone!”

  I started jogging towards them and called out but they didn’t notice. I watched as the guy grabbed Sarah and slammed her against her car with one hand. Her body hit the metal with a sickening crunch and she crumpled to the ground, sobbing. Listening to her cry was hard on me but it was a relief that she was making noise; I’d seen a lot of impact trauma cases where the victim couldn’t speak afterwards.

  The only thing that flashed through my mind was keeping her safe. I bounded across the parking garage and grabbed the guy by the scruff of the neck. Judging by the shocked expression he gave me, I didn’t think he’d expected to see me. I wound up and swung, hitting him square in the jaw. Beneath my fist, I felt his teeth loosen and pop out. When he fell to the ground, he smacked his head against the concrete and lay prone.

  Sarah was in a shaking heap to one side. She was curled up with her knees against her chest and I could tell that her whole body was quaking. I eyed her carefully.

  “Are you okay?”

  She bit her lip and nodded. A single tear escaped from her green eyes and oozed down her cheek. “I’m fine,” she said shakily. “Thank you.”

  I shook my head. “Sorry I didn’t get here faster,” I told he
r. “What was that?”

  We both stared at him, passed out on the ground. I held my hand in front of his face. He was breathing, but very shallow breaths. I rolled him on his side, giving him a kick in the ribs for good measure. I looked at Sarah. She was looking down at him with an arrogant look on her beautiful face. “Thanks,” she said again after a beat. “I appreciate that. You saved the day.”

  I shook my head. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?” I took her by the shoulders and looked into her face. Sarah’s skin was a creamy pale white, and she had a red mark starting to blossom on her cheek from where he’d hit her.


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