Deeper In You (The Phoenix Series Book 2)

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Deeper In You (The Phoenix Series Book 2) Page 8

by David S. Scott

  “I don’t know. Simply not embarrassing myself isn’t really good motivation.”

  “Time to fly again, Phoenix. Show them that although you’ve lost your shot at the next Games, you’re willing to fight every step of the way and will still be fighting for the next one.”

  “Why would they even let me compete?”

  “Are you kidding?”


  “Because you’re the X-Wing. Because your name is known worldwide. Because I’ve already made the call and you’re tentatively approved for Beijing.”

  “What? How? I’ve lost my sponsorships, no doubt.”

  “Not at all. They’ve asked me for a copy of your MRI. You’ll need to sign a release, and I’ll send it along after you get the next one. They seem very curious about your recovery. They haven’t given you the green light yet, but I’m confident I can talk them into it.”

  “Holy shit. When were you going to tell me any of this?”

  “Today, idiot. That’s why we’re having this conversation. I’ve been making phone calls for the last week.”

  “All right, Sam. Where do we start?”

  “Well, today we’re going to put you back on an apparatus. Still deciding which one. We’re gonna take it slow to see how you feel. Tomorrow we’ll push harder. Sunday, harder still. We’ll work you on Monday, assuming you’re holding up okay, then head out to the imaging center. You have to swear to me that you’re fully on board, though. I won’t go to your sponsors if you’re going to just fuck around and do shit by halves.”

  I was starting to feel a little excited by the idea, as daunting as it was. I opened my mouth to answer, but caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Faith stepped in, looking confused.

  “I didn’t know where you’d gone.”

  I pointed to the bench Sam occasionally occupied. “Faith… sorry, but it was time for training. Take a seat if you’d like.”

  I felt Sam’s eyes boring into me, but I ignored him. Faith looked between us, seeming a little flustered. She was looking for an escape, clearly. Well, this was my life. She’d have to get used to it if she planned to stick around. Finally, she walked over to where I had indicated and sat.

  I nodded to Sam. “You have my word. I don’t know if I’m ready yet, but there’s only one way to find out. I will do my level best, and I will stay focused.”

  “Good. Feeling limber yet? Let’s see what you make of the rings.”

  I hopped up and grabbed my grips from the shelf. I approached the rings, eyeing them. My chosen event. I favored rings, loved the power and control needed to perform them well. Power. Strength. Control. I smiled as I remembered my mantra. “You sure rings is the best place to start?”

  “Well, it’s the one you fell off, and they say if you fall off a horse, get up and climb right back on. Also, pommel, parallel and horizontal bars, vault… you’ll be moving fast. Anything can happen. Rings are slower. I want you to really feel as you go. Listen to your body. How’s your hand?”

  “My hand?”

  “The one you fucking… I mean…” Sam glanced at Faith. “The one you hit me with.”

  I flexed my fingers. “It’s fine. Your face is swelling, though. I have ice packs in the freezer, you know.”

  “I’ll get it later. Let’s get you up there. I want to keep an eye on your form. Ready?”

  I nodded. Sam circled around behind me, placing his hands on my waist. I jumped and he lifted to help guide me into place. I took a moment to acclimate myself, adjusting my hold and position, then allowing my body to hang straight down, supported by just my arms.

  “You okay, Xander?” Sam asked.

  I nodded. “Feels great.”

  “Okay, hotshot. Start through one of your practice routines. Extend counts, cut out all fast swings, and no dismount today. If you feel any back pain, get down immediately.”

  I spread my arms into an Iron Cross, holding and counting. Then, slowly, I rolled backward into a handstand, careful to not jar the straps too much.

  “How’s that feeling?”

  “I swear, Sam, sometimes you’re worse than a parent. Stop distracting me. I lost count.” I switched position into an L-sit.

  “Just don’t do anything stupid.”

  I continued through my routine, focusing on form and extending counts out a little bit longer than normal. I felt great as I moved into the second-to-last position.

  “I’ve got this, Sam. I feel great. I’m sure I can manage the dismount.”

  “Screw that. One step at a time; I don’t want you reinjuring yourself. Just drop into position one and let go.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You worry too much.”

  “You do that dismount right now, and you’ll be looking for another coach… assuming you can still even walk.”

  I extended my arms, lowering myself down as far as possible before letting go, landing lightly on my feet. “Fine, I’m down. Happy?”

  “Ecstatic. Thanks. How are you feeling?”

  “Like anything is possible. My back feels fine. I can’t believe it.”

  “How about muscle weakness? I saw a bit of trembling from the straps.”

  I nodded. “A fair bit. I can tell it’s been a while. No pain, though.”

  “I think you looked great up there!” Sam and I both turned to look at Faith, who was sidling up to us.

  Sam frowned but otherwise ignored her. “Anyway, the muscle weakness is a correctable issue. Repetition will sort that out. We’ll need to work up to the faster elements, too. Maybe horizontal bars tomorrow, if you aren’t too sore. In the meantime, bend over and place your hands on the floor. I want to check your back.”

  I bent over, waiting while Sam felt my spine.

  “Any tenderness?”

  “No. None.”

  Sam whistled through his teeth. “I wouldn’t have believed it. You are one lucky son of a bitch, Phoenix. If you feel up to it, I’d like you to do thirty minutes on the treadmill, then fifteen minutes of free weights.”

  “Sam, I’m fine.” I checked the time and powered on the treadmill.

  “Just want you to stay that way. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to hunt down that ice pack now. Be back in a minute.” I didn’t respond as he left the room, leaving me alone with Faith. I ignored her, settling into a jog.

  I saw her get up out of the corner of my eye, but I didn’t acknowledge her in any way. A small voice inside my head worried that she would grow impatient and leave. I was afraid that she would regret last night’s decision… but… if it was to happen, I’d just as soon want it to be now instead of later. I clenched my jaw, regaining my focus as I hit my stride and began to run full out.

  Faith explored my home gym. She touched every apparatus, running her fingers gently over each one. Then, with a glance at me, probably to see if I’d stop her, she started checking out the framed photos on the walls. Most were of me at various competitions. There were a few of my competitors’ photos as well. Several of me holding medals and ribbons, many newspaper articles. There were even a few motivational posters I’d posed for. I knew what she was doing, though. She wanted to see the paper I had written as a child. She’d found it fascinating the last time she was in here, but for that matter, so had Lily. Sure enough, she stopped right in front of it, leaning forward. I imagined her breath smudging the glass frame. I really needed to get rid of that thing; anyone that came in here seemed to be obsessed by it.

  She turned toward me, the same compassion and sympathy evident that I had seen before. I watched as she made her slow approach, the draw of her beauty and sex appeal at odds with my revulsion toward the pity I saw in her eyes. I swore under my breath, determined to stay focused.

  “You’re sexy when you’re working out.”

  “You’re sexy all the time,” I said, breathing hard.

  “That was something, seeing the two of you at work. Shows me that what I saw before was you pretty much playing around. This was seriously impressive.”

p; “Hadn’t done rings since my accident.”

  “So that was your big comeback?”

  “In a sense.”

  “I feel honored to–”

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Sam was back with his ice pack. “Listen, Faith, if you can’t leave him alone during my time, I’ll make sure this becomes a closed practice. Xander has to pay attention. You can have him back the whole rest of the day after I’m done.”

  “She’s not distracting me, Sam. It’s okay. I swear.”

  “Are you two playing poker tonight?” she asked him.

  “Well, I am,” Sam said. “I learned a long time ago not to speak for this one. He’s too unpredictable.”

  “Untamable,” I corrected.

  “Whatever you want to call yourself, X. Fifteen more minutes.”

  I nodded, content to keep running. Once I’d found my stride I could disconnect and think about anything. Well, almost anything. Normally when on the treadmill, I used headphones and ran to music, but I had rushed down the stairs so fast I hadn’t had time to grab my iPod.

  “If I make it at all, I’ll be late,” she said, watching me. “I have a show tonight.”

  “Show?” Sam assessed her. “You two meet at a strip joint?”

  “Fuck off,” I growled. “I already hit you once today, asshole.”

  “Only kidding, I swear.” Sam held up his hands. He turned back to Faith. “What kind of show?”

  “Dinner theater. You thought I was a stripper?” Faith laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

  “Well, you have the body for one.” Sam glanced at me, a wicked gleam in his eye.

  I knew what he was doing. He was trying to goad me into getting angry, into losing focus. Testing me.

  “Strippers are way thinner than me!” Faith was still laughing.

  “Depends on the place. Your curves are–”

  “Stop checking her out,” I snapped. “I know what you’re doing.”

  “That so?”

  “Yes. Stop.” Enough was fucking enough. “Faith, I’ll be done soon. Why don’t you wait over there? Leave the dirty old man alone.”

  Faith hesitated, glancing between the two of us.

  “Please, Faith.”

  She nodded, then returned to the bench on the opposite side of the room. Sam stepped closer.

  “I wasn’t making a play for your girl,” he muttered.

  “I know. You were testing me. I still didn’t like it.”

  Sam looked at the glowing console in front of me. “Slow it down. You’re already over four miles and you’ve only been running twenty minutes. Start your cooldown. We’ll go to the free weights when time’s up. How are you holding up?”

  “Stop fussing.”

  “Then give me a straight answer.”

  “I’m fine. Other than adding rings, it’s the same as yesterday.”

  “Rings take a lot out of you. You know that. Plus, it’s been months.”

  “I was born for rings.”

  “Certainly seems that way sometimes. That’s why it surprised me so much when you fell.”

  “Stupid mistake. Won’t happen again.”

  “I certainly hope not. You’ve given me your word, after all.”

  A glance at the console told me I’d run another third of a mile.

  “I don’t know what came over me, Sam. I know how to fall.”

  “You know what came over you.”

  “I fucked everything up.”



  “Hey, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. You were practically a sure bet for the next Olympics. For the third time. Now, not a chance. Your goal now is to make sure people remember you and recognize you as a fighter.”

  “Why would the sponsors want to pay for that?”

  “Because logistically you still have a shot. It’s not a good one. It’s a snowball’s chance in hell, actually, but it’s still a shot. I’m going to play off that when I present to them. Don’t focus on those chances. I’m going to have them focus on that, but you are to focus on doing your best and on giving the world a show. Don’t hide. At this point in your career, you’ll be thirty-three before the next Olympic Games. Don’t kid yourself. There aren’t that many gymnasts in their thirties. You would have been twenty-nine for this one. It’s unlikely that you’ll make it to the one after that. The clock is ticking. Milk the time you have left for all it’s worth.”

  “Pastorini and Demanet were both in their forties, and they took home gold.”

  Sam barked a short laugh. “Pastorini and Demanet were both competing in the ‘twenties! Ancient history. This is an entirely different game now, a young man’s game, and you know it. Though, I admit that if anyone could pull it off, it would be you.” His face darkened. “At least, at one time I believed that.”

  “Stop being so negative.”

  “You should be lifting. Get a move on. I’m not negative, I’m being realistic. Time will tell.”

  “I wish people would stop saying that.”

  Lifting went well and time sped by. Sam seemed pleased with my progress so far, anyway, and in what seemed like no time, he was bidding Faith and me goodbye.

  I lifted one of my feet onto the pommel horse, stretching forward into a leaning split. I reached forward and grabbed my foot, then repeated the action with the other leg.

  Faith never moved, just kept her eyes locked on me. I liked how it felt when she watched me. I made a bigger show of doing stretches than I otherwise would have.

  “You can come over here. I won’t bite,” I called.

  She walked over, a mischievous smirk on her face. “Actually, I recall you did bite me several times last night.”

  “Mmm… I’d like to bite you again.”

  “I’d like that, too.” Her husky voice spoke directly to my libido. I took a deep, steadying breath and switched position, continuing to stretch. “What are you doing now?”

  “Cooling off. Stretching again. Making sure my muscles don’t get tight after the workout.” I glanced down at the sweat that still glistened on my skin. “I need to take a shower. I’m sure I reek.”

  “Yes. But I love how you smell. It’s so… macho.”

  “Macho!” I laughed.

  “Masculine? Maybe I used the wrong word, but it’s incredibly hot.”

  “I’ll show you masculine. Come with me.” She took my offered hand.


  “I told you. I need a shower. Take one with me.” I led her through the doors and into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Pausing, I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. “I love how you smell, too. Like cherry blossoms. Drives me crazy. Whatever it is you use to make you smell like that, I’m going to have to pick it up by the gross.”

  Once in my bathroom upstairs, I turned on the shower and dropped my sweaty pants and boxers in the hamper. I grinned at Faith. “Strip for me.”

  She looked marginally surprised, then started to lift her shirt over her head.

  “Wait,” I said. “Do it slowly. Excite me.”

  Faith gave a pointed glance at my already semi-erect cock. “You seem to be getting pretty excited already.”

  My dick pulsed, hardening further under her gaze. I grinned. “That may be, but it’s only because I know how this will end up. Doesn’t mean I’m not interested in the floor show.”

  “Do you scare women with that thing?” she said, an appraising look on her face.

  “Ha!” I chuckled. “I know better than to answer a question like that right now. Come on, Faith. Strip for me.”

  Faith hesitated, then turned her back on me. I crossed my arms and watched, curious what she had planned.

  She kicked off her shoes. A moment later, she shimmied her hips in a provocative way as she allowed her jeans to slide down her long, beautiful legs. She cocked one hip up as she balanced all her weight on one foot and, fuck me, bent all the way over. I had a sudden image of walking up behind her and grinding myself against h
er sweet ass. The vision was so real, and it was all I could do to not act on it. Expending a huge amount of effort, I managed to restrain myself and remained unmoving, watching her.

  She removed her pants and stood, arching her back forward and flipping her long hair back as she rose. Slowly, seductively, she crossed her arms in front at the hem of her shirt, then lifted it off in one fluid move. Now she stood before me in nothing but her matching black lace bra and panties. She reached behind her to unsnap her bra, but I crossed the room to her in a few fast strides. Pulling her back against me, I marveled at how perfectly we lined up like this. I pressed my cock between her legs and thrust, not penetrating her, but teasing. My tongue traced the outside of her ear, thrilling in her soft gasp when I nibbled on her earlobe.

  “Do you want me, Faith?”

  She merely nodded.

  I grinned, kissing her neck. “I think you do want me. Know how I know?”


  I inhaled deeply. “I can smell your desire. And… the faint hint of cherries. I also know because when I do this,” I thrust between her legs again, smirking as she–predictably–pushed back against me, “you respond in kind.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Your voice is breathy when you’re turned on. Like now. So sexy. And your eyes gleam, bringing out their brilliant color.”

  She stepped clear of me before turning around. I caught my breath as she gazed up at me. “Are they gleaming?”

  I swallowed, my mouth suddenly parched. “Yes. They are.” The last word was barely a whisper. Her face lit up, and she quickly removed her bra and panties.

  Faith stood in front of me, naked and unashamed. I watched her, transfixed, as she reached for me and grabbed my cock. My breath whistled out through my teeth. Her soft hand stroked me, squeezed me, while her green eyes stared directly into my soul.


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