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by Lawrence, James

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  Ziegler, P., Mountbatten (1985)

  The following journals and newspapers have also been used: Asiatic Journal, British and Foreign Medical Review, Chambers Information for the People, Chums, Daily Express, Daily Graphic, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Dublin Review, Edinburgh Review, The Graphic, Lancet, Macphail’s Edinburgh Ecclesiastical Journal, Medical Review, Medical Times and Gazette, National Geographic Magazine, Naval and Military Magazine, New Statesman, Picture Post, Punch, Quarterly Review, Saturday Review, Spectator, The Times.


  Part One: The Company Ascendant

  1: Prologue

  1 Roe, II, 225, 537.

  2 Wink, 39.

  3 J. F. Richards, ‘The Imperial Crisis &c.’, JAS 35, 239.

  4 J. F. Richards, ‘The Hyderabad Karnatik &c.’, MAS 9, 247–8.

  5 J. F. Richards and V. N. Rao, ‘Banditry in Mughal India &c.’, IESHR 18, 99–102.

  6 Husain, 38ff.

  7 Ibid., 214.

  8 Baines, ‘Maratha History of Gujarat’, Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, I, i, 399, 401.

  9 Chand, 163–4.

  10 Fort William–India House Correspondence, I, 470.

  11 Early Annals of the English &c., II, ii, 12, 15.

  12 Hamilton, II, 13.

  13 Orme, I, 38, 41.

  14 SRO, Campbell, GD 87/1/34.

  2: A Glorious Prospect

  1 IOL, Mss Eur, Yule, E 357/1, I.

  2 SRO, Grant, GD 345/1179, 2–3.

  3 Landa, 296.

  4 Defoe, A Plan of English Commerce, xiv–xv, 273.

  5 Chaudhuri-Soas, ‘The Structure of the Indian Textile Industry &c.’, IESHR 11, 127–8.

  6 Sprague Allen, 242.

  7 Bowan, ‘Investment and Empire &c.’, EcHR (2nd series), XLII, passim.

  8 Das, Myths and Realities &c., 14, 22, 23, 33.

  9 Vigié, 241.

  10 Fort William–India House Correspondence, I, 349, 356.

  11 Pillai, I, 140, 150.

  12 Vigié, 241.

  13 Ibid., 453.

  14 Orme, I, 165–6, 254, 378.

  15 Ibid., 78.

  16 Ives, 23.

  17 SRO, Campbell, GD 87/1/34.

  18 Orme, I, 106.

  19 Vigié, 263; Orme, I, 125–6.

  20 Fort William–India House Correspondence, II, x–xi.

  21 Arasaratnam, ‘Weavers, Merchants &c.’, IESHR 17, 271–3.

  22 Vigié, 384.

  23 Ibid., 323–6.

  24 Das, Myths and Realities, 7.

  25 Forrest, I, 143.

  26 Bence-Jones, 48–9.

  3: New Strength from Conquest

  1 Parliamentary History of England, 17, 355; East India Gazetteer (1828), I, 190–1.

  2 Williamson, I, 188–9.

  3 Bence-Jones, 123.

  4 Fort William–India House Correspondence, I, 1011–12.

  5 Ibid., xvii–xviii, 563, 1009–10.

  6 Ibid., 1009, 1015–16, 1020.

  7 Chaudhuri, Clive of India, 163–4.

  8 Orme, I, 167; Marshall, East India Fortunes, 167.

  9 Ives, 152–3; Orme, II, 173.

  10 Fort William–India House Correspondence, II, 231.

  11 Ibid.; IOL, Mss Eur, Strachey, F 128/141, 175d.

  12 Annual Register (1758), 398.

  13 Fort William–India House Correspondence, II, 250.

  14 The East India Military Calendar (1823), 44.

  15 Taylor, 134.

  16 Kaye, A History of the Sepoy War, I, 484–5.

  17 Hunter, Imperial Gazeteer &c., IX, 193–4.

  18 Kaye, A History of the Sepoy War, I, 485–6.

  19 NLS, Minto, Ms 12,756, 493; Barrier, in Peasant Resistance &c., 245.

  20 Gilmour, 370–1.

  21 NLS, Minto, Ms 12,757, 310.

  22 IOL, Mss Eur, Strachey, F 128/141, 4.

  23 Marshall, East India Fortunes, 117–18, 128.

  24 Vansittart, II, 412–13.

  25 Arasaratnam, ‘Weavers, Merchants &c.’, IESHR, 17, 275.

  26 Bence-Jones, 173–4.

  27 Vansittart, I, 151.

  28 SRO, Grant, GD 345/916, B.

  29 House of Commons Sessional Papers &c., 54, 168–71; Marshall, East India Fortunes, 168–9.

  30 IOL, Mss Eur, Strachey, F 128/45, 75–8, 80, 81.

  31 Ibid., 82d.

  32 IOL, Mss Eur, Strachey, F 128/6, 9d.

  33 Ibid., 8–9.

  34 Ibid., 16d, 33.

  35 Ibid., 15.

  36 Fortescue, III, 100.

  37 IOL, Mss Eur, Strachey, F 128/141, 61.

  38 Das, Myths and Realities, 71.

  39 Vansittart, I, 39.

  40 IOL, Mss Eur, Strachey, F 128/141, 14–15.

  4: An Empire Within an Empire

  1 Foote, 58–9.

  2 Ibid., 37–8.

  3 Marshall, ‘The Personal Fortunes &c,’. EcHR (2nd series), XVII, 295.

  4 Walpole, XXIII, 400, 499, 524.

  5 Namier and Brooke, II, 152; NRO, BEA, Grey, 419/439.

  6 Phillips, ‘The East India Company &c.’, TRHS (4th series), XX, 95.

  7 The National Mirror &c., 29, 78–9.

  8 Parliamentary History of England, 17, 474.

  9 Ibid., 354.

  10 Marshall, ‘The Personal Fortunes &c.’, EcHR (2nd series), XVII, 288, 291.

  11 C. C. Davies, ‘Warren Hastings &c.’, EHR, 70, 616.

  12 House of Commons Sessional Papers &c., 58, 46.

  13 Phillips, ‘The East India Company &c.’, TRHS (4th series), XX, 88.

  14 Ibid., 97–8.

  15 Wellesley, III, 76, 96; Asiatic Journal, I, 149.

  16 House of Commons Sessional Papers &c., 58, 21–2.

  17 Forbes, I, 242–3.

  18 Ibid., II, 378–9; IOL, L.Mil 5/482, passim.

  19 Anon (Madras Officer), A Sketch and a Review, 68.

  20 Bowrey, 24.

  21 Mill, II, 4–5.

  22 Hastings, I, 340.

  23 Mill, II, 10.

  24 Fraxi, 3–4.

  25 Hamilton, I, 152.

  26 Bowrey, 23.

  27 Anon, A Narrative and Transactions &c., 27.

  28 Knight, ‘Images of Nations &c.’, Eighteenth Century Studies, 22, passim.


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