HEAT (Montgomery Men Book 2)

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HEAT (Montgomery Men Book 2) Page 14

by C. A. Harms

  “Just ask me what you really want to know without beating around the bush and I’ll give you the answer. No sugar-coating.”

  “Fine,” she said. “What is this to you? A fling, or do you honestly see it going somewhere?”

  I pulled the car to the side of the road. After placing it in park, I turned to face her. She looked back at me without flinching or giving me any other indication she wished she hadn’t asked.

  So I gave it to her straight. “Without sounding like a complete pussy, I’ll just say I’m in this for the long haul. I see you and I having a future. I’m talking years here, Elle, because this”—I waved my finger between the two of us—”is all I can think about. I don’t ever want another man to touch you, kiss you, or hell, even breathe the same air as you.”

  She arched an eyebrow and I knew just how ridiculous that sounded, but I didn’t give a shit.

  “You’re mine, I’m yours, and for as long as you’ll have me, I’ll be here with you. Creating memories, cherishing you, falling in love, being in love, I want all that with you, Elle.” I hoped she got what I was saying. Hell, I almost said “marrying you,” but I didn’t want to freak her out by making her think I was hitting the Fast-forward button. Yes, we’d known one another for months, but this was a new beginning for us.

  I needed to hit Pause on that shit for a little while anyway.

  I allowed her to let my words roll around in her head for a moment, and when she smiled, I felt relieved.

  “So are we just going to hang out at the side of the road for the rest of our date, or what?” She faced forward, and I took her hand in mine.

  “We could climb in the backseat and make the most of it.” When she looked over at me, I waggled my eyebrows suggestively, making her laugh.

  “Who’s the crazy one now?”

  “Baby.” Her eyebrows rose in surprise as the sentiment fell from my lips so easily. “This thing between us isn’t something to pass the time,” I assured her as I cupped the back of her neck with my hand to keep her gaze level with mine. “Even I find my need to be near you staggering, because it’s so out of character for me. But I can’t deny the crazy pull I feel whenever you’re near, hell, even when you’re not. And I don’t feel that way just because I developed this need to protect you. That’s part of it, but it’s so much more than just that.”

  She averted her eyes as if my words embarrassed her, but I continued. I needed to say this, and I needed her to hear me.

  “I felt it that first night I saw you in Risqué, and when I walked into your apartment and found you sitting on the couch looking so lost, it hit me again.” My confession felt like an out-of-body experience, but when I was near Elle, I couldn’t control myself. The words just came so naturally. She gave me this incredible rush of emotions that was addicting, even if it still felt foreign to me. I’d never felt so alive at the hands of a woman.

  “This is just our beginning, Elle. I want you, not just now, but for as long as I can have you. And I promise I will never again take you for granted.”

  I closed the distance between us and kissed her, letting my lips linger over hers, taking in their softness. Nipping and tugging on her bottom lip, I gently smoothed my tongue over the same spot I’d nibbled.

  “And even after you no longer want me, I’ll try to convince you otherwise,” I added and felt her smile against my lips as I took her mouth once more.

  Sharing sweet words that were only meant for Elle was exactly where I wanted to be. She deserved them, and I never wanted to return to a life without my sweet Elle in it.


  I feel like someone should have warned me Beckett Montgomery was going to swoop in, knock me flat on my ass, and take me for a ride that would leave my head spinning.

  When Beckett kissed me I felt it from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. My whole body tingled with excitement and curiosity about what was to come.

  “So I had a couple options I was considering for dinner,” Beckett said as he leaned back in his seat. We’d spent the last ten minutes parked at the side of the road making out like a couple of teenagers on prom night as dusk loomed, giving us a little shelter from people driving past.

  “I could eat,” I said breathlessly, my lips still tingling from our kissing marathon.

  “I thought about inviting my brother and his fiancée to join us for dinner,” Beckett said. “But after that little display, I definitely don’t feel like sharing your company with anyone else.”

  “Oh yeah?” I asked once I was finally able to breathe evenly.

  “Kinsley had her own run-in with a crazy fucker in her past. I thought the two of you would really hit it off,” he added.

  “Kinsley is with which of your brothers?” I asked, realizing Beckett and I hadn’t really talked much about our families.

  “Ashton,” he said, his own breathing finally sounding more even too. “My oldest, controlling, dominant brother feels like he’s the enforcer, but Kinsley wears the pants in that relationship for sure.” He chuckled.

  “Must run in the family,” I said, holding back my smile. “It almost sounds as if you’re describing yourself, minus the Kinsley part.”

  He gripped my wrist and gently tugged it and I moved toward him willingly. I could definitely go for a little more of what we’d been doing a few minutes ago. I was like a panting, horny hound waiting for him to take me. More, please, I thought as he gave me that intense, narrow-eyed look, trying to appear intimidating even though a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

  “I am the enforcer, babe,” he stated proudly, “but I’m pretty sure you enjoy that side of me. Even if you try to deny it, I can feel the way your body reacts to me, and I see the way your eyes get all hooded and heavy as your breaths grow more labored. Like you’re doing right now.” He wrapped his arms around me and held me close, his breath fanning out over my lips and neck.

  “At this point my labored breathing is simply because you’re squeezing the air out of me,” I lied.

  “And one day you’ll realize you can’t lie worth shit.” He chuckled as he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. “Now back to our dinner options.”

  I had completely forgotten about food. Right now, I was only craving Beckett.

  “We could go to my favorite little Italian restaurant on 10th. Or—” he skimmed his nose over my jaw “—we go back to my place, order some Chinese, and open the bottle of wine my brother’s assistant sent over this morning.”

  I tilted my head, looking up at him with a curious stare. “Lex?” I asked, suddenly feeling exhilarated because I loved that man.

  “Yeah,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “But before you get all excited, he didn’t do it to celebrate our first date. He did it to simply torture me.”

  “Please explain,” I said, already sensing his annoyance at Lex’s gesture.

  “You do know that Lex prefers the company of a man when it comes to intimacy, right?” he asked, and I nodded knowingly. “So he has this thing with harassing me, and I’m not sure why.”

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Go ahead and laugh, but the guy is certifiably insane. He looks for ways to get under my skin, knowing full well it won’t take much to get me wound up, and everyone thinks it’s this great game.” I could feel Beckett’s reaction as his body remained pressed firmly to my own. How his arms tensed and his shoulders grew stiff.

  “Back to the wine,” I said, hoping I could steer him in the right direction.

  “He sent it over with a note that said, ‘If you’re lonely, I’d be happy to share this with you—or lick it off you, your choice.’” He rolled his eyes and let his head fall forward as he shook it slightly with a smile he tried to hide. His actions only made me laugh. Beckett arched his eyebrow at me, trying his very best to intimidate me. It didn’t work; instead, it only made me laugh harder.

  “You know if you would stop reacting to his taunting, he would eventually find someone else to hara
ss,” I told him, holding on to my side as I tried to control myself. “He sees you as an easy target. You need to throw things back at him, things he’d never expect you to say. Make it so it’s no longer fun for him to tease you.”

  Beckett shook his head. “Sweet girl, you honestly have no idea who we’re dealing with, do you?”

  Lex was handsome and adorable. He was tall, sweet as pie, and unbelievably funny. I hadn’t gotten much time to talk to him at the reception, but from what I’d witnessed the few times we’d spoken before, he truly seemed like a fun guy to be around.

  “Lexington Russell is not tamed easily. If I start firing back, he’ll think I’m on board for the ride.” Beckett narrowed his eyes at me, pulling me toward him once more. “Unless it’s you riding, I’m not offering.”

  My laughter dissipated, and suddenly the only thing I could think about was a very naked and willing Beckett on top of me as I took what he offered over and over.

  Heat rose in my cheeks when he looked at me with interest. He had to be imaging the same thing.

  “So which is it, Elle?” he whispered, his lips now only inches from mine. “Italian or Chinese?”

  I bit my lip, trying my best to keep my breathing even. “Chinese,” I replied, “definitely Chinese.”

  I don’t know why I was so nervous.

  Who am I kidding, I was nervous because I’d never wanted something to work as badly as I wanted this relationship between Beckett and I to work. If it didn’t, even though it was so new, the loss of him would still hurt.

  My heart raced and my stomach tensed the moment we entered his apartment, one that made mine look tiny in comparison. I had to wonder who’d decorated it for him, because it was almost too perfect for a man to have done on his own. The main room had tall, vaulted ceilings, white walls, and white ceramic flooring with shag rugs in a few places for added effect; black leather furniture and appliances; and accents in silver and the most gorgeous shade of blue I’ve ever seen for a splash of color.

  “Here you go.” I jerked in surprise as he stepped up behind me. Bringing his hand around from my left, he held out a wineglass. “Why are you so jumpy?” he asked before pressing his lips to the side of my neck. The strange sense of security I got whenever he was near instantly returned.

  “Relax, Elle,” he whispered near my ear. “Just be here with me and get out of that head of yours. Feel, and let your guard down. It’s just us here. No one else.”

  I closed my eyes, nodding, and lifted the glass to my lips.

  He stepped back, taking my hand and led me to the sofa.

  “Why don’t we sit here and talk while we wait for the food,” he said with a smile as he lounged back on the couch with an arm stretched out over the back, his body slightly turned at an angle and one leg partially bent and resting on the cushion. He looked like a still from one of those erotic movies that make you leave the theater frustrated and ready to jump the first good-looking man you see.

  Only this time, that good-looking man was right in front of me.

  I carefully took a seat next to him, fearful my nerves and excitement would make me do something ridiculous like dump my wine on his lap or fall and faceplant in one of the back cushions. I was clumsy like that.

  “Are you enjoying the Cabernet?” he asked with a smirk. “Or should I say the Sexy Beast?”

  “Um—” I looked down at the contents of my glass in confusion before looking back at him “—what?”

  Beck chuckled and the sound made my cheeks heat even more. I’d never really paid attention to a man’s laughter before, but Beckett’s was deep and soothing and made warmth swarm through my body.

  “That’s the name of the wine,” he added, still smiling wide. “Does it make sense now how Lexington looks for ways to get to me?”

  I couldn’t contain my smile as I thought of what Lex must have been thinking when he picked up this particular bottle for Beckett.

  “Well, the name seems to fit the recipient,” I said without a second thought as I looked back at him. “I can’t say I disagree with the way he views you.”

  Beckett stared back at me. The look in his eyes should have intimidated someone like me, who had little experience with men of his nature, but it didn’t. It intrigued me, and I wanted to know Beckett Montgomery’s thoughts firsthand. I had a strong feeling I would love all of them.


  Keeping my distance from Elle was getting more difficult every minute. I was sure my wineglass would snap if I gripped it any harder. My body was tense from not touching her, but I knew if I did, I wouldn’t stop. Judging by the look in her eyes, I was confident she felt it too, but I had to be sure. I was so worried about messing things up with her that I was keeping my urges at bay.

  Shanelle was a timid woman with insecurities she had no right to have. She was gorgeous, yet she truly had no idea just how alluring she was. And the compassion, the pureness of her heart was overwhelming. Definitely not like other women I’d been with, and spending time with her easily made the faces of those women fade from my memory. She was the perfect combination of sexy and sweet.

  But I won’t lie and say that corrupting her didn’t appeal to me too. I wanted to show her all the things I crave and bring her into my world. I just hoped she was willing to be adventurous.

  “Maybe next time we go out for the day, I should invite Lex,” Elle said with a shrug as she lifted her glass to her lips. “Could be fun,” she added with a smile and I knew she was just trying to get a reaction out me. Instead of playing along, I decided I’d go for a different approach.

  “I can think of a list of other things that would be much more enjoyable,” I teased, keeping my gaze locked on her. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed hard, and her chest rose and fell as she took in a deep breath.

  “We could spend the remaining part of the evening talking about Lex,” I said as I slid closer to her, “or we could find something else to do with our time.”

  It was my way of testing the water, looking for a sign that this may not be what she wanted. Because after all the teasing and kissing, I believed she wanted this too. Still, I had to be sure.

  Her chest heaved just before she slowly let out her breath, and my excitement spiked as her cheeks reddened. I felt incredible knowing I could gain a reaction like that just from one simple statement. I moved in, no longer able to control my urges, my body vibrating with the need to kiss her. As if she knew exactly what I was thinking, she leaned in and met me halfway.

  Our lips crashed together in an electrifying kiss filled with hunger and need. A sweet moan erupted from her as I swiped my tongue along her lips, and when they parted, I plunged in, tasting the essence of wine. My hands shook uncontrollably with the need to explore each curve and dip of her sweet body.

  “Is this what you want?” I asked as I leaned back, wanting to see the red in her cheeks and the lust in her eyes when she answered.

  “I want you,” she whispered, and I swear my cock jumped. “I want us,” she added breathlessly, and that was all I needed.

  I took the wineglass from her hand and set it along with mine on the coffee table. I was careful not to move as fast as my body wanted to, because fuck, I felt like I was going crazy just from the idea of giving her exactly what she wanted. Instead, I moved slowly toward her, and as I brought my body over hers, she leaned back against the couch cushions behind her.

  “I want us too,” I finally replied, and the side of her mouth tilted up in a confident smile.

  Something told me that inside Shanelle lay a woman with the urge to control, but no one had ever taken the time to explore that with her. I had every intention of uncovering that side of her, even though I’d never had the desire to allow any woman to lead. But things were different with Elle. I wanted her to overpower me and take what she needed.

  I wanted to watch her top me, and watch her fall apart. I wanted to drown in all things Elle.

  “I can’t stop myself when it comes to you,” I confesse
d. “I don’t know if I’ve ever wanted anything in my life more than I want you.” My voice sounded strained even to my own ears.

  Elle arched her neck, and the moment I leaned in and sucked at the base of her throat, she whimpered. And I was gone.

  “Oh Beck,” she said breathlessly, “I’ve never felt anything this right, this good,” she cooed, lifting her hips against me. She took a deep breath and sighed just before she wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me close.

  “Just touch me,” she begged, and that was my undoing. I pushed my hips forward, pressing my hardness against her, causing her to moan appreciatively.

  I was going to destroy this sweet girl and make her my temptress.

  I ran my hands over her body slowly, trying to memorize how the heat of her skin felt against my palms. She encouraged me with each moan and whimper and with the way her body moved, begging me for more. It reminded me of our first time together. She was so needy.

  And just like that, as if the universe was against us, the doorbell chimed and my phone rang simultaneously, waking us from the state we’d quickly fallen in to. We didn’t move as we stared at one another as if truly amazed that what had taken place was our reality.

  The bell chimed again and my phone continued to ring in the background.

  “You better get that,” she said, her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath.

  “The door or the phone?” I asked, feeling just as breathless.

  “Phone,” she replied, still lying on her back as my body hovered over hers. “I’ll get the door.”

  I looked down at her. The pink material of her shirt had been pushed up high, exposing her stomach. Her pants were unbuckled, revealing her white, lacy panties.

  “Not like that you’re not,” I assured her. “No one gets to see you like this but me. Your flushed cheeks, your hair all knotted from my hands, that’s all for me, you hear me?”

  She nodded as she smiled back at me, seeming pleased with my claiming her.


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