HEAT (Montgomery Men Book 2)

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HEAT (Montgomery Men Book 2) Page 16

by C. A. Harms

  “I know I said I wanted to be alone,” she added, and my heart lurched. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to say right here, holding her all damn night. “But will you stay?” she asked, and a huge relief wash over me. “Please,” she added, and without pause I wrapped her in my arms and pulled her close.

  “Baby, that decision was made the moment you opened your door and let me in. I had no intention of leaving you unless you had my ass thrown out. Even then I think I would have slept right outside your door.”

  I slowly released my hold, and when she leaned back and smiled at me, I knew my girl was gonna be okay. I knew what had happened today would likely hurt her for a while, but I had every intention of holding her as often as she needed until she made it through.

  Because though she hadn’t heard me say the words yet, I knew without a fucking doubt that I was deeply in love with Shanelle.

  And one day soon, I’d tell her that. And hope like hell she felt the same way.


  Four weeks later

  I thought I’d feel sad leaving behind the trauma center and those I’d worked with for so long. They were like family, and I knew I’d miss them, but moving on was what I needed. So many things had taken place in the last six months that I felt like I needed to close that chapter of my life and start anew.

  Beckett had been so supportive throughout my struggles to make the right choice. I’d decide one thing in the evening, and by morning I’d already have changed my mind again. That went on for about a week until he told me that he was deciding for me and it was time I found something I loved.

  I wanted to tell him I loved him, but we hadn’t shared that yet. Still, I could feel it in everything we did. Each touch, kiss, and look screamed love. But we both still held back for some reason. Maybe we were scared saying it would change us somehow when things were so perfect.

  We spent most of our time enjoying each other’s company both in and out of the bedroom. The man had a very healthy appetite when it came to sex, and I let him show me a thing or two I never thought I’d try. But now that I had, I regretted living in that bubble for so long. I was missing out on some great stuff.

  The times he tied my hands together were my favorite—well, that and when he blindfolded me, I guess. Ultimately, I really couldn’t decide because they were all equally seductive and satisfying.

  Like I said, he had a very healthy appetite.

  But our relationship was about so much more than sex. We’d talk for hours, about nothing really, but each conversation was of the utmost importance to us both. It was our time, and I knew neither of us would change it for the world.

  On many occasions Knoxville would call or stop by just to taunt him, but as time passed Beckett stopped caring. He stopped letting his brother get him worked up when he’d call him whipped or something worse. Now he’d just smile as if he owned that title with pride.

  This week was my first one at my new job. I now worked at a local pediatrician’s office and absolutely loved it. Working with kids all day was hectic sometimes, but it was nothing compared to what I had to face while working as a trauma nurse.

  This job was much easier on my heart, and it made me realize just how much I wanted kids someday, though I kept that fact to myself for now. I didn’t want to give Beckett a panic attack.

  I slid my key that Beckett had given me into the lock of his apartment and twisted. I was here on most days and nights. I really only went back to my place on occasion to get things I needed when I’d run low.

  My lease was up in two weeks and I’d found this cute little loft apartment not far from Beckett’s place, but I was stalling on renting it it because in the back of my mind I kept hoping he would insist on me living here instead. But I wasn’t about to push. That would have to be something he chose on his own. I would not be the kind of girl who makes a guy feel like he has to take that next step. I knew we’d get there with time. I did, however, wish I had a Fast-forward button on occasion.

  I was smiling when I entered the apartment to find Beckett lounging on the couch with a stack of files piled next to him.

  “Hey, baby,” he said, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. “How was your day?”

  “Amazing,” I replied, because it was.

  “Come sit with me,” he said, patting the space on the opposite side of him that wasn’t filled with files.

  “I think I should shower first,” I said and he gave me a quizzical look. “A set of newborn twins came in an hour before we closed for their six-week checkup. Let’s just say I smell a little like baby puke.” I wrinkled my nose.” At least, I hope it’s only baby puke I’m wearing.”

  Beckett looked a little ill from that comment before he leaned back, no longer looking so eager to get me close, which only made me laugh.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” I assured him as I dropped my bag next to the recliner and moved past him toward the master bath, which I had fallen in love with and refused to ever give up, and I do mean ever, because it had a shower and jacuzzi tub straight from the heavens.

  I emerged from the bathroom after staying in the shower so long my fingers and toes were wrinkly. I wore only the pink silk robe Beckett had bought me and which he’d demanded I leave here. I thought the gesture was sweet and the first step toward him admitting he wanted me here just as much as I wanted him to want me here.

  The smell of something cooking lingered in the air and grew stronger with each step I took.

  As I rounded the corner and found Beckett standing near the stove, my heart tightened and for a moment I could hardly breathe.

  He was shirtless and barefoot and his jeans hung low on his hips. He stood at the stove with his back to me as he stirred the simmering pot before him. Soft music played from the surround-sound system, and for a moment I just stood there in the entryway and took in the view, thinking of how far we’d come. He was the savior and hero I thought he was that night when he found me scared and helpless in my apartment. He’s strong and confident, and I know he’d do anything to keep me safe. I had never felt more protected than I did when I was in his presence. I felt like I could conquer the world just because Beckett was on my side.

  Unable to wait any longer, I moved across the room and slid my hands around his waist. “It smells good,” I said before pressing a kiss against his shoulder.

  He turned enough to offer his mouth, and we shared a kiss we’d missed out on when I arrived. “You smell good,” he said against my lips, then grabbed one last kiss before pulling back. He turned off the burner and lowered the spoon onto a folded paper towel on the counter before turning in my arms to face me. “Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes.”

  “Perfect.” I hooked my fingertips in his belt buckles on the sides of his jeans and stepped in closer, pressing up against him. “Dance with me,” I said as I slowly began moving my hips against him to the beat of the music. “Please,” I whispered, looking up at him, weakened by his beauty.

  Beckett Montgomery was a work of art, and though he may attempt to appear callous and cool on the outside, he was the gentlest man I’d ever met.

  “I don’t dance, Elle,” he replied as he rested his hands on my hips. The way his fingers dug into my waist made me shiver with excitement. Carefully and with great skill I might add, he began to move his body, taking mine along for the ride, and I let him direct our movements.

  It was by far one of the sexiest, most alluring moments of my entire life.

  “For someone that says he doesn’t dance,” I said breathlessly, “you’re doing it quite well.”

  “Only for you,” he said, making my heart rate spike even more. “You seem to have that effect on me.” Beckett leaned in and skimmed his lips over my temple. “You have me doing all kinds of things I’d always avoided in the past,” he confessed. “But you’re the only woman I’ve ever met that’s worth doing them for.”

  I tilted my head back to get a better view of his face, and our gazes locked. We contin
ued to dance in slow, careful movements. I could feel the firm ridge of his cock pressing against my abdomen, and in that moment I felt powerful. I affected him as much as he did me.

  “You are the best part of my days, Elle, and the most comforting part of my nights.” Beckett did sweet and swoony very well when he wanted to. “That’s why I think you should be moving in here with me instead of to that loft.” From his chuckle, I assumed my facial expression mirrored my shock.

  “Don’t act so surprised, Elle,” Beckett said, his movements slowing. “You knew it was coming.”

  I looked at him in confusion, and he leaned in closer until our lips were inches apart. “When you and Kim carry on, you aren’t quiet by any means. And forgive me but I pay very close attention to the words you speak. I overheard you telling her the things you wanted for us one day,” he whispered and panic rushed through me. “That time is now.”


  His lips covered mine in a slow, sensual kiss before I could argue as he moved his body with mine once more. I was so lost in the kiss that when he pulled back, I whimpered at the loss.

  “I love you being here,” he said, and though that was very sweet, I was slightly disappointed he hadn’t stopped at the word you.

  I offered him a smile, hoping I didn’t show that disappointment, then averted my eyes because his intense stare was making my heart race.

  Wait, why was I waiting to tell him those three words that had been lingering in my mind for weeks? I lifted my head and looked him square in those big, gorgeous eyes, and then he blew me away.

  “And I want the woman I am head-over-heels in love with to share a home with me.” I gaped at him, then quickly closed my mouth, trying to hide my surprise. “Because, Elle, I do love you. I think I’ve loved you from the start. I just needed to allow us to grow together so I didn’t shock the hell out of you by saying it too fast.”

  “I love you,” I said in a rush, suddenly feeling like a fool. But now it was out there, and I was ready to tell him that over and over again. “And yes,” I added, “I’ll move in.”

  He grinned as if he’d just won some battle between us, which made me curious.

  “That’s good, babe,” he said with a smirk, “because I already called the building manager and told him you decided not to take the loft.”

  “You what?” I asked, trying to sound offended, only I wasn’t.

  “I already knew you’d be moving in, sweetheart. I just had to wait for you to figure it out.”

  He backed me up until I bumped against the counter behind me, then lifted me to the countertop. I sat there silently, trying my best to breathe evenly as he untied my robe and it slowly felt away, revealing my naked body.

  “Dinner can wait,” he assured me as he focused on my breasts before his gaze dropped lower. “I think tonight I’ll enjoy my dessert first.”

  And he did thoroughly, as I urged him by continuing to say his name over and over in praise.

  Six weeks later


  “Did you have to invite the girls?” I asked Knoxville.

  Peering out through the door that was opened slightly, I was irritated this shit was going on. I thought Lex had forgotten, but no such luck.

  “Hell yes,” Knoxville added with a laugh. “If I have to do this shit, I need some pretty ladies to look at.”

  “One of those pretty ladies is my pretty lady,” Ashton grumbled from the left of the room as he lifted his shirt over his head.

  “Yeah, and the other is mine,” I added.

  “Kinsley has a ring, so she’s branded, but Elle,” Knoxville taunted, “is still free to change her mind.”

  “That woman ain’t going nowhere,” I assured him with confidence.

  “You sure about that?” he asked as he too lifted his shirt over his head. “Because like I said, no ring means I still got a chance.”

  “I got the ring, motherfucker, now drop it.” I hadn’t wanted anyone to know, but the asshole was just not gonna stop. So now it was out there.

  “You hear that, Ash?” Knox hollered as he clasped my shoulder and gave it a good squeeze. “Little brother is gonna pop the question.”

  “Congratulations, man,” Ashton offered before he stepped closer to the door. “Now let’s go get this over with. Then you and I can go home to our women while Knox here takes Lex out to dinner.”

  I chuckled, Knoxville flipped off Ashton, and one by one we exited the locker room and entered the weight room located on the top floor of Montgomery Enterprises.

  Catcalls started as we walked in, and I hung my head, shaking it and wondering how the fuck I got myself into this mess. But when I lifted my head and met the blue eyes of the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen, I remembered. I sold my dignity for another chance with her. I agreed to let Lexington Russell ogle my body as I worked out, listen to me grunt, and make nasty comments just so I could get the chance to hold her again.

  And it was worth it, because that woman was my world, and if I had do it all over again, I would agree to Lex’s demands in an instant.

  “Alright, boys, let’s do this,” I told my brothers before pointing to Lex. “Hit the music,” I said with a wink and didn’t even cringe when he squealed like a banshee before the hard, pumping music filled the air.

  Life was good. It was damn good.



  Montgomery Men #3


  The Charmed Girls, you are all amazing. The continued support you show me is something I will never be able to express just how much it means to me. Thank you all for sharing my work and for just being you. You are all the greatest bunch of ladies. https://www.facebook.com/groups/702393513116443/

  Thank you, Lydia, Fred, my Cheryl. You are the cheese to my macaroni, the salsa to my chips. I fricking love you to pieces. And before this goes into awkward territory let me just say you are the greatest friend a girl could ask for. Always making me laugh and smile. We are an amazing team, and your friendship means the world to me. Thank you for being one of my biggest cheerleaders.

  To my husband and children. Thank you for being the best part of my days. For tolerating me when I get lost in the world of fiction and understanding that sometimes dinner may be a little late. Jayden and Tayler, no matter how many books I write, you two will always be my best creations.

  My readers, I am always so humbled by your support. I will never be able to express my gratitude for you. You just cannot put something like that into words, believe me I have tried, and each time I feel it is not enough. Those random messages I received after you read my books, whether it be something big or small, I truly love them. Hearing what you think, in my eyes, is one of the greatest things about releasing a new book. I am never too busy for you.

  Melissa Gill with MG Book Covers and Designs once again, you are amazing.

  Lindee Robinson, the perfect picture captured by you made the greatest addition to the Montgomery Men Series.

  Ena & Amanda from Enticing Book Promotions, thank you both so much for all the hard work you put in to helping the indie authors. You are truly appreciated.

  A little about me, let’s see where to start.

  I love HEA stories, as long as they come packing a little heat. I need some excitement, some angst, and moments that make me fan my face, those are always good too. I am an Illinois girl, born and raised. Simple and true, it honestly doesn’t take much to make me happy. I love the little things, they truly mean the most. I may have a slight addiction to my new Keurig, oh my, that thing is a godsend. And so fast too. I have two children who truly are my very best friends. Their faces never fail to put a smile on my face. I have been married to my husband for sixteen years, and even though at times I want to beat him with a stick, I would never change the years we have had. We have learned and fallen, only to pick each other up, dust off the ache, and help each other make it right.

  I am one of those authors that adore my fans. I love to hear from you. Aft
er all, it is because of each one of you that I continue to write. I look forward to you feedback.

  Be sure to follow me to stay up-to-date on all my upcoming releases.

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  Blog: http://authorharms.blogspot.com/

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