Take Me Home: Book 4 The Wakefield Romance Series

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Take Me Home: Book 4 The Wakefield Romance Series Page 15

by Hewitt, Theresa Marguerite

  “I love you, Bobby,” I whisper as the TV plays the scene of the boy falling into the pond and I kiss his lips again, leaning my head on his shoulder and sliding onto his lap. His arms encircle me, his mug of hot chocolate warming my hip as he rests it there and I snuggle into him.

  We sit here, enjoying the movie while the snow falls lightly outside. I can say that Bobby does make an awesome hot chocolate and sugar cookie. I let him know it with what seems like a million kisses. I’m starting to fall asleep as Jimmy Stewart is running through the town, but I don’t want this moment to end. This moment when Bobby is mine, this house is ours and it’s Christmas Eve.

  “I love you,” I whisper one more time, my lips against his neck as my eyes won’t stay open.

  “I love you, Sweetheart. I always will,” he whispers back and I feel his lips on my forehead. I let sleep take me then, knowing in my heart he’ll be here when I wake up.



  February 14, 2014

  She has no idea I have this surprise hidden away in my jean pocket, but it’s burning a hole into my leg, wanting to be known. She’s at the store right now with Rhea and Rosa, getting some more snacks and drinks for the little get together we are having for her birthday. I look around my still sparsely decorated living room making sure that I put the paper plates and cups out for the pizza.

  I have furniture but the walls are still bare, except for a picture here and there. We’ve tried to find time to decorate, but Ellie’s work schedule and my training with NCIS is taking most of it up, so it’ll have to wait. Like Ellie says, as long as we are here that’s all that matters.

  “Hey! Jackass!” Hatter’s voice comes from the kitchen and I enter it to see Chad and Reno joining him in a beer from my fridge. They all know my plan, hell, Hatter helped me pick it out unsure whether or not I know his sister’s style. “Have a beer and calm the hell down, Man.” He smiles, tossing me a can and the other two nod.

  “Yeah, Timmons. Jus’ chill; we all know what her answer is gonna be.” Chad smiles, tipping his bottle at me before taking a sip. I sigh and lean against the far counter. I know they are right, but hell, do my nerves have a death grip on my heart.

  We’ve been through so much, even in the last two months since I came back, and it’s only gotten better. I’ve gone to therapy with her and we’ve talked over some of our insecurities, both of us admitting that talking about it has brought us closer. I can’t see my life without her and I don’t even want to think about that. She accepts me and everything that I am, and even supported my decision in going for a position at NCIS.

  Ellie is everything I’ve ever wanted and even more that I need. I smile to myself thinking about how she’ll react when I pop the question. Hatter making fun of me breaks me from my little daydream.

  “Hey, lay off, Man,” I say as all three of them laugh at something Jack said. “Jus’ wait till you find a girl you wanna settle down with, then we’ll see who’s laughin’.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he replies, throwing a handful of chips at me that land all over the hardwood floor.

  “Now clean that shit up,” Chad tells him as we all laugh. I hand Jack the broom and dustpan as headlights move over the wall behind us, signaling Ellie and the girls are back from their run to the store.

  My heart is threatening to jump up through my throat as I hear the doors slam shut and their laughter. My palms start to sweat and shake a little even as I reach my hands in my pockets, my right one making sure the little diamond ring is still there and I let out a sigh.

  The front door opens and I hear her laughter. It echoes off the walls and fills my home with the brightness and love that it needs. Hell, I guess it’s now or never.



  “So….” Rhea asks, turning to face me from the passenger seat as Rosa drives us, “you’re goin’ to tell him tonight?” The smile on her face makes me laugh. I’ve been doing that a lot since we left for the store. All I do is nod my head. My nerves are making butterflies in my stomach and I’ve been like this for the last week.

  Rosa squeals with delight, slapping her hands on the steering wheel and winking to me in the rearview mirror. “This is so exciting!” She laughs and Rhea joins in like usual; their laughter making me tear up a little.

  I’m not sad, just a little worried at what Bobby’s reaction will be. It’s all so sudden and unplanned, I don’t know if he’ll be happy right away. Rhea has told me not to worry, that Bobby loves me so much that he’ll be overjoyed, but we haven’t talked about children whatsoever; so to tell him that I’m a little over ten weeks pregnant with twins, well-we’ll just have to see.

  “I can’t wait.” Rhea smiles again at me, reaching back and placing her hand on my knee. Her touch reassures me and I pat it as she says, “You’ll be a great mom.”

  She pats my leg one more time, turning back around as we head down our street. Well, I guess it’s about that time and a million ways to tell him are running through my head. I have the little sonogram picture in my wallet, printed when I went to see the doctor with Rhea. It’s still hard to believe that there are two little people growing within me and now I need to let their father know.

  “Well, come on, momma,” Rosa whispers, holding the car door open for me as she grabs one of the grocery bags. I grab the last and slide out, bumping the door shut with my hip and taking a deep breath, trying to calm my rapid heartbeat.

  Up the steps and into my warm home, I shed my jacket and hand the bag of chips off to my brother as I pass through the kitchen. Bobby is manning the stove, popping some popcorn as I come up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my cheek against his back. He brings one of my hands up and kisses my palm, laying it on his chest.

  “Hello, Sweetheart,” he says, dumping the popcorn into a bowl from the pot and dropping it back on the stove so that it clangs loudly. He turns and wraps his arms around me, leaning down and kissing me lightly as the conversation of our friends fades into the background. He releases me and I see that they have all left us alone, which is weird, and they have taken the food and drinks into the living room. I grab his hand to lead him in there to join the others, but he stops me, pulling me back and cupping my face. “I have something I want to tell you. Well…more like ask you,” he says with that heart stopper of a grin and I smile right back at him.

  Okay, he wants to tell me something, so I’ll share something, too. “I have somethin’ to tell you too, Bobby.” Curiosity sparks in his eyes and his smile widens, leaning down to kiss me only for a second before asking to let him go first and I nod. Sure, it’ll only give me more time to think of what to say.

  He sighs into my lips and before I know, he’s backed up a step and is down on one knee; his right hand reaching into his front jean pocket. It doesn’t quite click in my head. What is he doing down on the floor? I laugh a little, thinking he’s playing a joke on me and I say, “Get up, Bobby. What are ya doin?”

  Then his hand is held out to me, his fingers grasping a silver ring with a little square diamond on top and it takes my breath away. Oh, if he only knew how happy this is making me and what I have to tell him. The tears fill my eyes and I look right into his stare, the smile growing on his lips.

  “Ellie Mae,” he grins, still holding the ring out to me, “will you marry me?”

  Moments pass that seem like hours as I stare into those killer hazel eyes, so full of love and longing. His free hand grips into mine that are resting near my chest and I snap out of it. This is real. He’s asking me to be his wife. I slowly lower my left hand, it’s shaking, and nod my head at him seeing the grin grow further.

  “Yes,” I whisper, my voice scratchy with the tightness in my throat from my thundering emotions. I hear him release a breath as he slips the silver band on my ring finger. It’s a perfect fit and I stare at it as he gets to his feet. I leave him alone for only a second before I’m on my tiptoes claiming his lips as they slide along mine. His ar
ms hold me tight to him as he deepens our kiss, a slight grunt coming from him when I bite his bottom lip. He releases me as we’re both struggling for breath and his forehead meets mine as his fingertips run over my cheeks, setting my skin on fire for my fiancé.

  “You’re gonna be my wife.” He smiles, kissing me again and I giggle into it. I run my hands over his cheeks and kiss his jaw, not believing that he just gave me this sparkly symbol of our love. “Now, what did you have to tell me?”

  It snaps me back to reality and I’m nervous all over again. Looking into his eyes tells me that he’ll be just as happy as I am and I take a deep breath, resting my hands on his chest. “Well…you, Bobby Timmons, are goin’ to be a father in late August.” I poke him in the chest and meet his eyes, seeing the shock running through him. “A father to twins.” His mouth gapes open a little and I can see he’s fighting for words and it makes me laugh just a little.

  “A dad?” he asks, bringing my face up with his fingers under my chin and I nod. The smile that breaks out almost makes my heart burst and in a blink his lips are covering mine and his arms are wrapped around my waist, lifting me off the floor. He spins us around, his deep laugh making me smile. “I’m goin’ to be a dad?” he asks again and I nod my head, tears flowing down my cheeks and he shouts out, “Yes-Oh-My-God!”

  He sets me down after kissing me for a long minute and goes running into the living room. “I’m going to be a dad!” he shouts and everyone replies in laughter and congratulations. “Oh and we’re gettin’ married!” he adds with more laughter. In seconds, our friends and family are in the kitchen, including Harlan, Kendall, Dana, Chelsi, and Austin French. A million hugs, words of congratulations, and questions later, we’re all finally in the living room enjoying our dinner and snacks, watching a new movie on Pay Per View.

  Bobby’s arm is around my shoulders, hugging me to his side and in this moment I’ve never been happier. Looking to my friends, I see their happiness in their own lives reflecting in their smiles and laughter. Even Chelsi is at Austin’s side, his arm over the back of the loveseat behind her, making me wonder, but they both look happy so it’s none of my business. Looking to my man, the strong warrior, I’m so glad he came back.

  He brought back a piece of my heart with him, putting me back together with his love. Now we have our family, growing as it is, and I snuggle into him not wanting this to leave our hearts ever. I know it won’t because we are ‘it’ for each other and this- this right here- is my life. I love it, just like I love him.



  July 4, 2014

  “God, I feel like I’m ready to pop,” I groan as I look in the mirror one more time, smoothing the thin material of my wedding dress over my hips. Rhea comes up behind me and kisses my cheek, smiling at me.

  “Do ya need to sit down for a minute?” she asks me, nodding to the loveseat in the corner of our newly decorated nursery, but I shake my head. I’m too nervous to sit right now, even though my back is killing me.

  My babies are right on track and the doctor has told me that I could go any day now, but let’s hope my little boy and little girl wait until after their father and I exchange vows. After that, any time would be amazing for us to meet them. I look around the room at the green and purple décor, running my hand over the rail of one of the cribs as I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

  “Pastor Williams says they are all set, jus’ waitin’ on you, girl.” My brother Jack leans on the doorway, smiling at me as I rest my hand on my very swollen stomach, trying to calm the karate lesson going on in there. I see his look go over my dress, which he helped Rhea and Rosa pick out by the way, and it makes me blush. “You look great, lil’ sister.”

  “Thanks, Jack.” I waddle up to him and kiss his cheek, straightening his light blue tie and making him laugh.

  My dress is simple and short, coming only to my knees, as it’s almost one hundred degrees out, and being a light white cotton with purple embroidery on the hem. No veil, just a pretty purple tulip pin sitting in my newly bobbed hair on the left side and as I turn back to Rhea, she straightens it and I see tears in her eyes. I hate seeing my cousin cry and I wipe the tears away as they slide down her cheeks.

  “Don’t cry, Ray-Ray,” Jack says over my shoulder, putting his hand on her shoulder and she looks from him to me, smiling wider.

  “Oh, they are happy tears,” she says, taking a deep breath. “I’m jus’ happy that you two came back together. I knew there was somethin’ special between you.”

  Her words mean a lot and I pull her into a hug for a long minute until the twins start to kick the crap out of me again and we both laugh as she felt it, too. I wipe the tears from her cheeks again, taking my little bouquet from her hands as Rosa and Chelsi join us. My cousin and closest friends look amazing in their light purple cotton dresses, complete with my favorite footwear in summer-flip flops.

  I take a deep breath. This is really happening; I’m getting married on the Fourth of July and I’m very, very pregnant. Ah, who cares if I’m pregnant; my Prince Charming is down in our backyard, waiting for me. “Let’s do this,” I say and can’t help the grin that seems to go from ear to ear as my friends all smile at me.

  My brother kisses me on the top of the head and tucks my left hand into the crook of his arm, patting my fingers as my breathing picks up. Watching Chelsi, Rosa, and then Rhea descend the stairs in front of me I start to sweat, and not from the heat.

  “What if I trip?” I whisper to myself, but hearing Jack’s laugh I know he heard me and he squeezes my hand just as little as we hit the hardwood of the first floor.

  “I won’t let you, lil sis’.” He smiles, winking at me. We stop in the kitchen, Rhea standing in front of us, and watch as Rosa goes out the back patio door on the music cue; the violins and guitar being played by Harlan’s little brother, Johnny, and some others from his high school band. Hearing the music and seeing the people on the other side of the glass makes my heartbeat kick up even more and I subconsciously run my hand over my stomach; calming not only me but the two crazies cooking inside me.

  “What if I mess up my vows?” I whine, looking up to Jack. He smiles that Jack smile, laughing a little at me as he leans forward to kiss my forehead lightly. Rhea looks back and winks right before shutting the door behind her and I watch her walk down the little path and out of sight, only the last two rows of chairs being in my line of vision.

  “If you mess up, I’ll laugh right along with everyone else.” He grins and I hit him in the shoulder, giggling lightly as the music stops outside.

  Those people, whom I can see stand up as then the violins and guitar start playing again and I know it’s now or never. It’s time for me to walk down the aisle. I’ve done this once, but it didn’t turn out so good and the fear stops me in my tracks. Jack keeps moving, being yanked to a stop by my frozen figure.

  “Change your mind?” he asks, his dark eyebrows knitting over the typical Griggs grey eyes that our father passed down to him. I’m not sure what I’m doing. Are Bobby and I rushing into this? Should we wait until after the babies are here to see if we can handle everything?

  A couple of loud, happy squeals come over the light music and I spot Charlie making a beeline for the backdoor that is separating us. He’s in his little khaki shorts and light blue dress shirt, his father on his heels in the same when he smashes his drool covered hands on the panes of glass; his chubby little face smiling at me as I wave to him. He laughs, turning it into a screech when Chad scoops him up and the laughter from our guests lightens the fear that had fallen over my heart.

  “No, I haven’t changed my mind,” I tell my brother, tightening my grip on his arm as he reaches for the door, “jus’ some butterflies.”

  He turns back to me as he opens the door a crack, letting in the July heat. “Those aren’t butterflies, little girl. Those are babies. Didn’t Mama teach you nothin’?” I hit him again and as he swings the door wide to let us through, we are both lau
ghing. That’s my brother for you; always knows when to make someone laugh.

  The smiles of my friends sitting in the back row make me blush, and as Jack leads me out onto the newly cut grass, I can’t breathe. I turn my eyes down, they would be on my toes but frankly because of my huge belly, I can’t see them. As Jack pauses like we rehearsed, I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and focusing in on the fresh smells of the tulips, daisies, roses, and sunflowers surrounding me. The familiar scent brings me back to mine and Bobby’s spot out by the creek across the road from the cemetery. That first time he took me there and how happy I was giving myself to him, and just the other day when we revisited it planning on a picnic. I smile, recalling how the ice was melted in the cooler by the time we got around to eating and I finally look up, down the aisle and making it to those hazel eyes.

  He’s got that damn grin on his lips and you know I can’t not giggle at it, shaking my head at him when he winks and Jack pats my hand lightly, pulling me down the aisle as I waddle. My old boss, Marco Patuli, is here, along with my old neighbor, Melody, and a couple of the other girls from Subzero I’ve stayed in contact with. He winks and they all smile at me as I pass their row and I’m glad they’re here to see my life finally come to something happy.

  Some of Bobby’s SEAL team brothers are in the first couple of rows on his side, all in their cracker-jacks or dress uniforms, depending on rank. Benson, Fred Black, and guitar playing Larry are seated among Brad and Garth. The two boyfriends don’t miss the opportunity to fill the air with whistles, making everyone laugh lightly, even the Pastor. I mouth my thanks to Dana Payne and Kendall Byrd, sitting in my front row with Harlan and Jude, they all helped put this day together, not to mention Jude helped swearing Bobby put our nursery furniture together accepting only a beer and dinner for payment. I couldn’t ask for better friends.


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