Wanted_Undead or Alive

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Wanted_Undead or Alive Page 7

by Kerrelyn Sparks

  “He’s a nice guy, too,” Sarah added. “He helped rescue Lara and me at Apollo’s compound.”

  “He sounds wonderful. And so hot!” Marta gave Brynley a sly look. “Don’t you think he’s hot?”

  She squeezed the remote in her fist. Did they suspect her true feelings? “He’s a Vamp. He’s not my type.”

  Marta scoffed. “Handsome, muscular hunks aren’t your type?”

  She shrugged. “I’m used to werewolf guys. They’re all well built. Phineas is nothing special.”

  Toni chuckled as she strode into the room. “Then you won’t mind seeing him. He’s waiting for you in the main office.”

  The remote control tumbled from her hand.

  Vanda grabbed it off the floor. “I’ll take care of this while you go talk to him.”

  “What?” Brynley whispered in a faint voice.

  “You need to talk to him.” Vanda’s mouth twitched. “You remember how to talk?”

  Her mouth dropped open. Phineas was here? He wanted to see her?

  “Dr. Phang is here?” Marta pressed a hand to her chest. “Oh my gosh, do you think he would give me an autograph?”

  Sarah lifted a hand. “I’d like one, too.”

  “He’s here for me,” Brynley snapped, then winced at the fierceness of her tone. Dammit. She was too much on edge. Her inner wolf had wakened and jumped to her defense.

  She softened her voice. “I’ll ask him about the autographs.”

  “Great! Thanks!” Marta exchanged an amused look with her sister, Vanda.

  Anger sparked inside Brynley. They were finding her situation humorous. She sprawled in her chair as if she had no intention of getting up for a week. “On second thought, I have no interest in seeing him at all.”

  “He’s not too keen about seeing you, either,” Vanda said wryly.

  Her fingers dug into the chair’s upholstery. “Then why is he here?”

  “He needs help.” Toni quickly explained his mission to Wyoming and why she’d had to refuse his request for assistance from the werewolf boys. “But then we realized you were the perfect solution.”

  “Absolutely,” Vanda agreed. “You know the territory, and you can guard him during the day.”

  Brynley’s heart raced. Her inner wolf trembled, ecstatic at the thought of returning home. But how could she live alone with Phineas in a tiny hunting cabin? Guard him? “I’d be more tempted to kill him.”

  Toni snickered. “That’s exactly what he said.”

  Ouch. Somehow that hurt, coming from him. He didn’t trust her. Hell, he didn’t even like her. He was always calling her ugly names like Snout-Face. She couldn’t do this.

  She needed a legitimate excuse, and unfortunately, she had a doozy. “There’s no way I can go back to Wyoming. My father would hunt me down and force me into a marriage against my will.”

  “If you find yourself in a bad situation,” Vanda said, “then Phineas can simply teleport you back here.”

  Only at nighttime. During the day, he was useless. He couldn’t protect her against the numerous minions that her father controlled. She crossed her arms. “I’m not going.”

  Everyone regarded her with disapproving frowns. Even her inner wolf snarled at her.

  “Corky must be brought to justice,” Teddy said.

  “Not my problem,” Brynley muttered. “It’s a vampire thing.”

  Toni helped herself to some popcorn. “Well, if that’s how you feel, you’ll have to tell him no.”

  “Right.” Vanda sat next to her sister, Marta. “You can tell him.”

  Brynley remained seated, her anger spiking. One more game of manipulation. They thought it was amusing to force her to talk to Phineas. She jumped to her feet. “Fine! I’ll tell him to buzz off. And I’ll enjoy it.”

  She marched down the hall, then halted in the office doorway, ready to berate him from afar before making a quick exit.

  He was on the phone, his back to her, and her extra-sharp hearing could pick up the voice that was talking to him.

  “The problem is you, Phineas. I just don’t like you.”

  Brynley’s breath caught. Who was this woman?

  Phineas stiffened. “You should have told me that before I wasted two and a half years pursuing you.”

  The voice on the phone heaved an exasperated sigh. “Sheesh, I was trying to chase you away from the beginning. It’s not my fault if you were too stupid to get the message.”

  Brynley’s eyes narrowed. This lady was a real bitch.

  “I was being persistent,” Phineas muttered. “I thought I could win you over with time.”

  “I don’t want to be won over,” the bitch insisted. “Not by a former drug dealer.”

  Brynley’s jaw dropped. What the hell? Phineas had a dark past?

  “I told you I could explain that,” he said.

  “I don’t want to hear it! I’m subjected to stories all day long from the criminals I bring in. It’s never their fault. They’re always innocent. They’re just victims. Blah, blah, blah. It’s all a bunch of bullshit.”

  “I’m not a criminal, LaToya.”

  “Yes, you are. There’s an outstanding warrant for your arrest. And if drug dealing isn’t bad enough, you have this whole Love Doctor thing that really turns me off.”

  “That was a joke,” he gritted out. “I thought it would make you laugh.”

  “So you’re a clown?”

  Brynley shook her head. This LaToya bitch was a judgmental shrew. She didn’t deserve Phineas.

  “I never trusted you!” LaToya’s voice rose. “I know you’re a sleazebag. You’re always coming on to women with your slimy Dr. Phang routine. ‘I’m the Love Doctor and I’ve got the cure.’ ”

  Brynley’s hands balled into fists. Now the bitch was mocking him. She affected a sweet, but loud voice that LaToya would be sure to hear. “Oh, Phineas, darling! When are you coming back to bed?”

  He jumped. The receiver popped from his hand and clattered onto the desk as he whirled around.

  She smirked at the flabbergasted look on his face. “Oh, please, Phineas! Make love to me one more time! No one makes me scream like you.”

  A shriek erupted from the phone. “You see? I knew you were a womanizing asshole! If you ever call me again—”

  Phineas snatched up the receiver. “Not a problem. You’ll never hear from me again.” He slammed the receiver down, then glared at Brynley. “What the hell are you doing? You have no right to interfere in my personal life.”

  She lifted her chin. “I didn’t want to listen to her anymore. She’s a bitch.”

  He glowered at her. “Takes one to know one.”

  Ouch. “Instead of insulting me, you should be thanking me. I helped you get rid of her.”

  “I don’t need your help.”

  “I believe you do. I heard you need someone to guard your dead carcass during the day.”

  “My dead carcass is none of your business.”

  She scoffed. “Then who’s going to keep the field mice from nibbling on your toes?”

  “I’ll keep my boots on.”

  She took a step toward him. “It’s not safe for you to be alone during the day.”

  “Since when would I be safe with you?”

  Ouch. He really didn’t trust her at all. She planted her hands on her hips. “I can show you around Wyoming and help you with your mission.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Are you volunteering?”

  “Are you hard of hearing?”

  “What about your father? I thought you ran away from him. You’re not afraid—”

  “You calling me a coward?” she snapped.

  Phineas studied her a moment, his dark eyes searching her own.

  She stared back, determined not to back down. But dammit, he could probably hear her heart racing.

  “You’re the bravest woman I’ve ever met,” he said softly.

  Her chest tightened. She didn’t know what to say, so responded by crossing her arms. Sh
e had to be crazy, agreeing to go to Wyoming with him. But she hated the way that bitch LaToya had treated him. He deserved better than that.

  And there was another reason. Ever since she’d run away from home, her inner wolf had grown increasingly pervasive. She could feel it inside her now, snarling and demanding to go home. It didn’t care about Phineas or Corky. It just wanted to go home.

  Phineas cleared his throat, drawing her attention. “Vanda said you would want me to follow a Three-Step rule?”

  Her mouth fell open. Holy cow, she’d been set up. She might have to kill Vanda for this. And that would really upset her brother.

  “What are your rules?” Phineas asked.

  “Don’t worry about it. I don’t think they apply to you.”

  He stiffened. “Why not? Because I’m a Vamp?”

  Because you don’t like me. She quickly changed the subject. “Before I forget, Marta and Sarah want your autograph.”


  Brynley snorted. “Because Marta wants to steal your identity and become the next Blardonnay guy. She’ll look great, topless with a towel around her hips. I don’t think anyone will notice the difference.”

  Phineas frowned at her. “I don’t have breasts.”

  “Man-boobs.” Brynley motioned toward his chest. “They do stick out a little.”

  “That’s muscle!”

  She waved her hand dismissively. “The autographs, please. Your rabid fans are waiting.”

  He grabbed a pen and pad of paper off the desk. “One to Marta?”

  “Yes, and one to Sarah.”

  He scrawled their names and his signature on two pieces of paper, then handed them to her. “I don’t suppose you want one?”

  She scoffed. “I know who you are.”

  “Fine.” He tossed the pen and pad of paper on the desk. “Can you be ready to leave in thirty minutes?”

  “Sure.” She stuffed the autographs in her jeans pocket. “I suggest you pack more than a beach towel and your skimpy little swimsuit. You’ll need boots, a hat, and a jacket. You’re only alive at night, and it can get chilly then. And make sure you bring plenty of bottled blood.”

  His brow arched. “Afraid I’ll bite?”

  “Afraid I will?”

  He stepped toward her. “Why are you doing this?”

  It was obvious he didn’t trust her. She lifted her chin in defiance. “Are you worried, Phineas? You should be. Who knows what I’ll do to you when you’re completely helpless and totally at my mercy. I painted Connor’s fingernails pink, you know.”

  His mouth twisted with a wry look. “Do you enjoy playing with dead bodies, Brynley?”

  “Maybe I just enjoy seeing you dead, bloodsucker.”

  “Snout-Face.” He stepped closer. “I know you hate Vamps, so why are you doing this?”

  She shrugged. “I heard you were desperate. Must be your charming personality. It’s left you all alone with no one to help you.”

  “I’m charming enough that you agreed.”

  “I was your last choice.”

  His jaw clenched. “You think so?”

  “You wanted some of the boys to go with you, but they can’t leave school. I’m the last one you wanted.”

  His eyes darkened as he stared at her.

  She didn’t look away, even though her heart pounded in her ears.

  He lifted a hand, then stopped with his fingers a mere inch from her cheek. “You have no idea what I want.”

  The intensity of his gaze made her arms pebble with gooseflesh.

  He stepped back, lowering his hand. “I’ll return for you in thirty minutes.” His form wavered, then vanished.

  She dragged in a deep breath to calm her racing heart, then reached up to press her fingertips against the cheek he’d come so close to touching.

  Oh God, what had she gotten herself into? She’d let her emotions dictate her actions. And her inner wolf. It was thrilled to be going home. Excited that in a few nights, it would be running through the forest, feeling completely free.

  As a teenager, she’d been trained to pay attention to the desires of the inner wolf. Its instincts were raw and simple. Animalistic, but blatantly honest. Trust the wolf, the elders had always told her. The wolf knows best.

  But this time, she feared the wolf was wrong. Going to Wyoming was dangerous. If her father found her, he’d drag her back home. She would end up losing her freedom.

  And she couldn’t let Phineas know she was hopelessly attracted to him. She’d have to be strong. And ruthless. Or she might end up losing her heart.

  Chapter Six

  “What the hell are you wearing?” Brynley demanded.

  “Polite, as always,” Phineas muttered. Thirty minutes had passed, and he’d returned to the main office at the Dragon Nest Academy to pick up Brynley.

  He glanced down at his stylish new clothes. Maybe a little too stylish, but Leroy of Leroy’s House of Class had personally selected his new Western wardrobe with assurances that he looked one hundred percent authentic.

  He hooked his thumbs into the snakeskin belt that sported a huge buffalo-shaped brass buckle. “I’m dressed like a cowboy now. I thought it would be best to fit in—”

  “Where? On stage at the Grand Ole Opry?” Brynley moved closer and skimmed her fingertips across his white silk shirt. “Fringe?”

  His chest expanded in response to her touch, so he stepped back, out of her reach.

  Her gaze lifted to his head. “Oh, God help us. Your hat is . . . sparkly.”

  He removed the black Stetson. All the cowboy hats at Leroy’s House of Class had sparkled. Some had sparkled all over. He’d thought he’d done well, selecting a plain black hat with a narrow band of red sequins. “I went with the understated look. It seemed more buck.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you kidding me?”

  “No. The black hat matches the black fringe on my shirt, and the red sequins go with the embroidered red roses. But Leroy wanted me to pick the red hat, because it had lots of sequins and some feathers—”

  “Enough!” She snatched the Stetson out of his hands, ripped the red sequined band off, then tossed the hat onto the desk, where it landed next to her plain leather handbag and duffel bag. “Maybe I can find some scissors to cut off the fringe.” She rummaged in a drawer.

  Phineas frowned. “Is it that bad?”

  “Do you want to live through the night? If we go into a bar with you looking like—”

  “Why would we go into a bar?”

  “To ask questions. We’re hunting for Corky, right? You go around looking like that, and I’ll have to break some arms.”

  He stiffened. “I can take care of myself.”

  “Not during the day. You’ll be totally helpless.”

  “I’ll be sleeping in the basement during the day. And my clothes won’t be a problem.” He gave her a pointed look. “I won’t be wearing any.”

  She gulped.

  Damn but he enjoyed shocking her.

  “Well.” Her cheeks blushed a pretty pink as she slammed the desk drawer shut. “You’ll still have to wear clothes when you’re awake, so I’ll run up to my brother’s room and see if he has anything you can borrow.” Her gaze drifted over him once again. “You look about the same size. Actually, those . . . jeans you’re wearing will do just fine.”

  Was it his imagination or did her eyes linger on his groin area a little too long? “Are you sure? I didn’t know if I should go with a zipper or a button fly. I’ve got a zipper here—”

  “You’re fine!” Her blush deepened. “I’ll be right back.” She rushed from the office.

  He took a seat, smiling to himself. There was something about Big Bad Wolfie-Girl. He was always tense with excitement around her. Part of him longed to touch her. The other part urged him to run. Fast. No doubt, that was the part controlled by his brain. Unfortunately, his brain never worked well around her.

  She was part animal, that was the problem. It gave her a wild, aggressive na
ture, and that appealed to a primitive need inside him. An ancient and raw caveman need to possess her.

  But the civilized part of him knew Brynley was not the kind of woman who should ever be possessed. She was a free spirit. A wolf. A princess.

  She would always be beyond his reach.

  He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. In the last thirty minutes, he’d zipped through a bunch of tasks as quickly as possible. He’d stocked an ice chest full of bottled blood, then he’d teleported it to the cabin.

  It had been a few years since he’d been to Phil’s cabin in Wyoming, and a quick inspection had left him pleasantly surprised. Phil had modernized the place into a vacation home for himself and Vanda, and it now had electricity and running water. A bathroom and utility room had been added onto the back of the cabin.

  It was still basically one room—combination den and kitchen with a table and chairs, and some furniture arranged around a large stone fireplace. A trapdoor led to the basement, which was now furnished with a king-sized bed. A second bed was in the loft above the kitchen, which could be reached by climbing a ladder.

  He made several trips to the cabin, teleporting back and forth from Romatech. He brought a laptop and Internet card, plus a stash of weapons and ammo from the security office. Then he raided the cafeteria for food to stock the refrigerator and pantry. Brynley was doing him a big favor, agreeing to go with him, so he wanted to make sure she was comfortable.

  With the cabin ready, he turned his attention to himself. The MacKay uniform of khaki pants and navy polo shirt wasn’t going to blend in. He needed to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Freemont told him there was Western wear at Leroy’s House of Class, so he made a quick trip there.

  Freemont also remembered there was a great pair of cowboy boots in the wardrobe closet at DVN, so Phineas teleported there to grab them. Back at Romatech, Laszlo had embedded a tracking device into one of the boots while he packed a duffel bag with underwear, socks, T-shirts, jeans, toiletries, and his fancy new shirts from Leroy’s House of Class.

  He teleported the duffel bag to the cabin, then back at Romatech, he went over all the job details with Freemont one more time.

  “It’s all right, dude,” Freemont assured him. “I got it covered. Besides, you’re just a phone call away.”


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