Takedown: An Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance

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Takedown: An Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance Page 39

by Lana Hartley

  The moment the cops inside the car spot me, they open their doors and step onto the street.

  “Hey theeere, officers!” I slur, taking an awkward step toward them. They look at each other, confused, and I think they believe I’m just a stupid drunkard that didn’t care about the curfew.

  “Mister,” they start to say impatiently, one of them placing the palm of his hand on his gun. “You’re breaking curfew and —”

  Without allowing him to finish his sentence, I close the distance between us as fast as I can. Holding his hand down, I stop him from taking his gun out and bring my forehead down, crashing it into his nose. He keels over from the pain, and I sidestep him fast — cocking my arm back, I then punch the other cop right in the face, and he falls back over the hood of his car.

  And, just like that, it’s fucking done — and without breaking a sweat. I can’t help but feel sorry for these guys, though. They’re probably just following orders from some fucking higher-up, and I show up to ruin their fucking day. Well, at least they’ll only wake up with a broken nose and an headache, nothing more than that.

  Waving at Snow, I smile as I see her walk out the shadows. Keeping her hood up, she crosses the street with that elegant strut of her, and I find myself biting my lip as I look at her.

  Not now, idiot, I admonish myself, taking the reigns of my mind. As much as I’d like to step inside the safehouse with Snow and fuck her until I collapse from exhaustion, I have to keep my shit together right now.

  “We gotta get out of here,” I tell her the moment she catches up with me. We enter the apartment building and, the moment I step inside the safehouse, I let out a sigh of relief. The place is exactly as we left it, and no one seems to have messed around with the laptop I left in the desk we set up in the living room.

  “Do you think they found out about this place?” She asks me nervously, and I just look at her and smile.

  “Doesn’t matter,” I reply with a shrug. “Even if we’ve been made, we got more of these safehouses around the city. We just need to stop using this one,” I continue, stuffing the laptop inside a backpack. Taking one last look around the apartment, making sure that we won’t leave anything behind, I grab Snow’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  Leaving the building in a hurry, we head straight to the black van I’ve parked in an alley nearby. We get inside and, minutes later, we’re already rolling down the highway. My heart almost fucking explodes as we drive by a convoy of army vehicles, all of them heading toward the capital centre, but none of them seems to care about us.

  By the time I drive inside the fortress’ large hangar, where we keep all our vehicles, Snow is already fast asleep. It’s been a four hour drive, and she was so exhausted that she spent most of the trip with her head on my shoulder. As for me, I spent these four hours with a fucking hard-on.

  “Hey,” I whisper, gently nudging her. “We’re home.”

  Lazily opening her eyes, she smiles at me and rubs her eyes. She looks so fragile and innocent, and yet...she’s the bravest woman I’ve ever met.

  “Our plan...did it work?” She asks me.

  “Let’s find out,” I reply, reaching for the radio and turning it up. I go through a few of the more standard stations, but none of them seem to be reporting anything — Moira really has a tight grip on the media. But, of course, there are always the outliers.

  Tuning in on one of the pirate radio stations, I hold my breath as I hear the excited voice of the man on the other side of the radio.

  “...marching in the street. The military has tried to crackdown on protesters, but the people finally decided to rise up against what they see as an usurper. Even though a large part of the military refused to raise arms against their fellow citizens, a force of loyalists to Queen Moira has already started to dispel the protesters through the use of violence.”

  “This is it,” I tell Snow with a nod, turning off the radio. “Revolution is here.”


  As I make my way toward my bedroom, I feel my heart drumming so fast inside my chest that I can’t even think straight. A revolution, ah!, I know exactly where there’s a revolution going on, and it’s right between my thighs.

  Jumping on top of the mattress, I sprawl my arms and legs and close my eyes for a moment. I hear deep voices in the corridor just in front of my room and, well, I didn’t leave the door open because I forgot about it. I rarely forget about things, you know?

  Taking my clothes off in a hurry, I then bite on my lower lip.

  “I’m naked!” I shout, rubbing the bedspread. Sometimes, you just have to get to the point. With tensions running high and things being what they are...I don’t want to think about anything, and I want to focus on my instincts. I want to be able to act out all of the lust within me and then I’ll be able to focus on what’s coming next. Because who can plan before they like clean the pipes or whatever?

  Okay, so that’s supposed to be with guys but who among us, ladies, has not felt more than a little distracted when they just needed to get off? And I’ve got three available men ready and willing to fuck me...I’m like pretty sure. The ‘naked’ announcement has to count for something.

  “Naked?” Lucien strolls in the bedroom, and he has a massive erection.

  Bingo. It is totally working!

  Then I see that he’s as naked as I am and he runs up to the bed and grabs me, lifting me up and pulling me up to the bed. I guess I’m really not the only person with fucking on the brain.

  I mean, yes, we know how bad things are right now, but with our moment in hiding, we all need to seek refuge in each other, really. We have each other, and that helps us. I have learned that with my protectors, I can probably get through anything. I think I might actually be more than a princess with a perfect ass on the run, too, so I’m discovering a whole lot of things with the Freedom Fighters.

  I hear footsteps approaching and I allow myself to get excited. I need release. My animal instincts are taking over and I am a woman on a mission.

  “Yes, she said naked,” Tyler yells out the door. He’s naked too, and so is Derek who pops his head in only seconds later. A full house of horny, naked men.

  Well, well, well. Look what I have here!

  Lucien, Tyler, and Derek are all exactly where I want them—in front of the bed. They are all exactly the way I want them—naked and hard. So, so, hard.

  But I think I want to have a little of fun with this. It will totally help lighten the mood and make all the country’s tensions fade into the background for just a moment.

  “Don’t you have some freedom to fight for?” I ask, though I’m already spreading my legs. So maybe I’m not super at this whole teasing thing right now. A woman has needs that even her best laid-intentions can’t prevent. Speaking of best laid...

  Have you ever had three men go down on you, every one of them licking your whole body? Well, you’d spread your legs as far as you could, too, so I really can’t be blamed for my wanton reaction. It is just instinct.

  “Yeah, but we do both, babe. We knew you were horny. We just wanted to see how long until you were begging for us to fuck you,” Derek says with a laugh.

  “Oh my goodness, you three are so bad!” I say with a giggle. Well, here I am thinking I’m some teasing mastermind and it turns out I was losing the game this whole time. Yet, with three naked men before me...can’t say just this once I don’t mind not being the absolute best. “Is that any way to treat your princess?” I cross my arms and pout like I’m offended or something.

  You know I’m not, but playing at it sure is fun, especially because I know they’ll take the bait and make it that much better. These are serious, tough guys but they are also fun, and that makes the sex just even more incredible.

  I am glad that they aren’t judging me for wanting to fuck right now. Like, yes, I get that there are a lot of serious issues at work here, but I need to be able to relax, too, and that doesn’t make me any less serious. And these guys are totally serious, and th
ey seem to feel the same way. All of the Freedom Fighters have taken me seriously and treated me like an equal this whole time, and the change from pageants and Pilates, as a fugitive, hasn’t been so bad because of it.

  Tyler raises an eyebrow, smiling at me. I feel my cheeks rise with my own smile, and I wonder if he knows what I’m thinking. I wonder if he’s thinking it, too. “Well, I know what is the best way to treat our princess.” He pulls my arms apart and hovers his mouth over my neck. I arch my back, desperate for the heat of his mouth to make contact with my skin. My whole body hums with need at just the idea of him touching me.

  “I have a few ideas, too,” Lucien says, his teeth grazing one of my thighs. I shiver, pushing my leg toward him because I can’t stand anymore teasing. Now, I’m driven totally by my lust and I need them now.

  Derek’s tongue goes right to my clit and I’m in heaven.

  I groan the instant impact, arousal flooding my veins. I am so wet for my men. My pussy is throbbing and hot and I’m trembling already. I am teetering on the edge of pleasure and I need anything that they can give me. I suck in my lips and moan because I just know that this night is going to be one of the best ones in my life. I need them all on me, inside me, all over me as much as possible.

  Mouths go to work all over me, and I writhe between the three of them, letting my eyelids flutter shut. The ecstasy of their fingers, their tongues, their teeth all me makes me sigh. I feel like I’m being swirled between them. Wet, wanting, and shivering with the lust that’s brimming over the edge, I roll my hips when I feel fingers pumping into me. It doesn’t matter who is touching me, just that they are. I need to be able to give into my instincts and just let them touch me, take me, ravish my body every way they can. And I don’t care who touches me where, I just want them to touch me.

  The sensations watching over me start to be almost overwhelmingly good. Their fingers are pumping into me now and it is lot of fingers inside my pussy right now.

  So many fingers. I open my eyes, and I see that they are fingering me at the same time now, filling me up so tight that I yelp out. It doesn’t hurt, it just feels so full that I’m gasping. They’re stroking my inner walls, touching my G-spot and filling me up so much. I cry out and look into each of their eyes, the lust that I feel in my eyes I see blazing within each of them.

  “You’re so wet we can all finger you,” Tyler says, his voice low and sensual. I shiver at the filthiness of his words, of the act. They’re all over me, fucking me, even if with just their fingers, together. The animalistic desire we all feel, pulling us under, is so incredible.

  “Come for us, Snow,” Lucien says, his eyes casting a spell over me that makes me clit twitch. A flooding heat through my body pools in my pussy and shoots through all of my nerve endings, coursing through my body and lighting me on fire.

  My eyes dart back to their pumping fingers, and I can’t believe how fast they are pumping now, increasing the speed so much that I’m groaning low, guttural moans that the ecstasy rising from their every thrust. I have never been fingered so much, so well, by so many men all at once. It is one of the most incredible sensations that I’ve ever felt in my life. I’m so full, so satisfied by the touch of them that I might pass out, but I breathe deeper and focus on the sensation because I want to ride it out the absolute point of perfect bliss. My orgasm is coming up, and the deeper breaths that I take, the higher the waves of pleasure take me, the sensations are able to course through my body at their highest intensity. I’m starting to take massive gulps of air when the orgasm finally quakes through my pussy, clenching around their fingers so much I start to wonder if I’m going to crush their hands! Hard to fight, but not impossible, with broken fingers. But I can’t hold back my muscles contracting if I wanted to, that’s how intense the sensations are.

  “Fuck!” I cry out, the orgasm making me writhe out of control all over the bed. My eyes roll back in the orbits at the intensity of the lust rushing through my body. I am so wildly full and they’re focusing on my G-spot, on my clit, on applying pressure above my pussy that makes me gush cum and the pelting pleasure in my body makes it feel like the top of my head is going to burst off.

  And then they all pull their fingers out of me! One by one, they slowly pull their fingers out of me until I am totally empty. I’m about to cry out and beg for more, hating this empty feeling, but I don’t have time to beg before Derek pulls me up and onto his cock, slamming me down until his lust muscle is pressed inside me. The heat within me turns from hot to smoldering and I am completely consumed by desire now.

  My mouth opens wide to scream out in pleasure, and Tyler presses his cock to my tongue. I swallow him, letting my moans vibrate against his cock instead. I know it feels good for him and it turns me on to have a cock in my mouth and a cock in my pussy.

  But I’ve got three Freedom Fighters, and three holes. You know what’s coming next.

  Lucien gets behind me and I feel his cock pressed between my ass cheeks. “You’re so wet I can fuck your perfect ass right now, don’t even need lube,” Lucien purrs into my ear. I know that I gushed so much cum everywhere that he’s not exaggerating. I can totally take him in my ass right now with just my own juices for a frictionless entry of 12 perfect inches up my ass.

  I shiver in response, and that makes Tyler fuck his cock deeper in my mouth and my pussy clench around Derek’s cock even tighter. The combined sensations are fantastic, and they are about to get even better.

  Lucien starts to press inch by inch into my ass, holding my cheeks apart as he fills me up. “Fuck, your ass looks so perfect taking my cock, Snow.” He squeezes my ass and rams his huge cock into me until I’m so incredibly full that my eyes roll back in their orbits.

  “Mmmm,”I cry out over Tyler’s pumping in my mouth at the sensation of all of my men stuffing me with their cocks so airtight I can’t think of anything but pleasure. I’m loaded up with so much cock right now that I can’t believe I’m actually taking all of them. It is the most erotic feeling my body has ever had, all of them fucking me, and I am just overwhelmed with the idea of it, much less the feeling.

  My fingers are wilding grasping at the sheets, at anything, because Lucien is now fully in my ass. Derek fully fucks my pussy, deep as he can go. There’s no space in me that isn’t as stuffed full of cock as can be and I’m about to come again. Once I start with them double penetrating me like this while one of them is in my mouth, I don’t know where one orgasm ends and another end though. I’m just along for the incredible ride.

  Tyler keeps pumping fast into my mouth and I use all the energy I have to suck his cock so hard that I’m actually pulling it back into my mouth.

  Derek’s cock fucks into my pussy as Tyler’s cock thrusts deep in my ass, and for a few minutes they’re seesawing me back and forth, pressing harder and harder on each side as I bounce between them, but we all move so that I’m lying on top of Lucien, my back to his stomach.

  I flatten my feet on the bed and work my hips, rolling them so that I fuck myself on Derek’s cock filling my pussy and Lucien reaming my ass so full.

  There are moans, gasps, sighs, all coming from my mouth and getting muffled out my Tyler’s cock between my lips.

  I start screaming out against Tyler’s cock, my pussy and ass strangling the cocks fucking me as a torrent of pleasure tears through my body. By now we are covered in sweat, and I’m shaking with the sheer amount of pleasure surging through me.

  Before my orgasm can die down, Derek picks me back up and off of Lucien’s cock, then turns me around so that I’m on all fours. Lucien comes back and fucks my ass, and Tyler crawls underneath me to pull me down onto my pussy, burying his cock in my while his lips explore my neck, ravishing me with kisses and nibbles.

  Derek brings his cock to my mouth. “You look so fucking sexy when you lick your cum off my cock,” Derek says, cupping my face. I suck him so good that his cock jerks in my mouth, and I swallow his load, too. He doesn’t have much commentary to add though because a
flood of hot cum jets down my throat.

  Tyler’s hands grip my hips, and he drags one of his hands down to graze my clit. He’s barely touched me there, and I’m firing off another orgasm that thunders through my body almost violently. Derek pulls his cock from my mouth, and I scream out in the absolute pleasure lighting a fire in my blood.

  My pussy is so sensitive, swollen, aching with need. The orgasm that tore my energy from me grants me a second wind, and I start bucking hard on the cocks in, filling them both loading up and ready to fire.

  Lucien starts first, shooting his cum in my ass while he buries his cock deep as he can.

  That hits my body like an electrical storm of lust vibrating me, and that dominoes into Tyler pulling his cock almost out of my pussy until I’m crying for him to fill me up more, but he rolls his hips instead. Tyler strokes my sensitive G-spot and comes his full load all over it, making me shiver with the raw intensity of that hot gush against my sensitive pussy. He brings his thumb back to my clit, quickly circling it, and I’m screaming all over again because I can hardly breathe at the sensation! My orgasm rolls through me like a tidal wave of wet heat.

  Gasping for air, I reach out for Derek’s cock to put him back in my mouth, but just then Lucien pulls out of my ass.

  Derek pulls me up out of Lucien’s cock and pulls me up, so I’m standing with my back pressed against Derek’s stomach. He lowers me onto his cock, filling my ass up now. Tyler and Lucien spread my legs wide.

  Lucien draws his tongue of my clit, stroking the bud so perfectly I’m whimpering.

  When he stops, Tyler brings his hand down to slap my well-used pussy. Not very hard, but enough that when the next blow hits, it stings in just the right way. My legs are threatening to close from how hard I’m shaking, but Lucien holds them open. Tyler brings his cock to my pussy and starts stroking my stinging, throbbing pussy lips.


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