Takedown: An Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance

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Takedown: An Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance Page 105

by Lana Hartley

  I fall flat on the top of the desk and Leo lands on top of me, our bodies slick and our hearts racing. We stay like this for a while, just breathing, and then Leo pulls himself free from my body. He slides down the length of my body and grabs my ass as he pulls my cheeks apart. He puts his lips together and blows on my asshole. My body shudders as his breath hits my skin, and he moves his mouth to cover my hole and plunges his tongue deep inside. He slides it back and forth, in and out, teasing me and bringing me closer to climax. Oh god, this man is gorgeous and amazing in bed, or in this case, on the desk in his office. I still can't believe we are doing this right now with a station full of people; have I lost my mind? I can’t control myself around him whenever he’s near me, I have to touch him. I have a burning desire all the time to feel his shaft buried deep inside me. Who am I kidding, not just his cock excites me; it’s the way he uses his fingers, tongue, and mouth in general. He takes me to new heights, places no other man has even brought me close to. The feeling of his tongue being joined by his index finger brings me back to reality. He stuffs me and there isn’t a spot on me that hasn’t been touched. My hands move up to caress my breasts. My nipples are rock hard again as I roll them in between my fingers. It feels amazing, my whole body tingles with passion. Every touch is electric against my skin. I play with my nipples a little more before working my hands behind me and feeling for his glorious shaft.

  I take hold of it, so creamy and sticky marked by us both. The full length of his shaft is still hard, and I love it running my fingers over it. I stroke his shaft and feel that ocean of sweet nectar starting to flow once more. Leo moves his fingers from my ass to my pussy and strokes me, getting his fingers wet. He soaks up all of my juices before he brings his hands to my mouth.

  I part my lips, letting them in and tasting me on his fingertips. My eyes flutter as I lick all over his fingers, making sure that I get all of my yummy goodness off of them. Leo moves to sit back in his chair, and I turn around pulling my dress down, trying to smooth it out. I brush my hair out of my face; it’s slick and sticking to me. Leo flashes me that devilish million-dollar smile.


  Gerri and I have arrived at a place that I would not describe as the most elegant bar on the planet, but it is a downtown, trendy club, where there’s dancing and a DJ up on the stage. It’s the perfect setting to blow off some steam. We hit the dance floor and dance the night away with anyone who’s near. It feels so good to finally get away from drama and stress. I do, however, really wish Leo were here. He would look so good among this crowd. And he’d be the hottest guy in the room, hands down.

  Gerri is definitely enjoying herself and the single life. She’s dancing with some young, twenty-something guy.

  “Hey, Gerri!” I shout over her latest conquest. “Wanna get a drink?”

  “Sure!” I grab her hand and lead her through the crowd. This place is insanely packed. Luckily we have a VIP table where we can relax and have a little space around us. And it doesn’t hurt that we have our own personal concierge.

  He pours us a round of vodka shots, and we cheers then take one more. As I do so all the problems in my life just melt away.

  “You look so good now that you’ve had sex!” Gerri shouts over the music.

  “What?” I scream. I can’t really hear her so I scoot closer where we can talk.

  “I said,” and she screams, “You look so good now that you’re having SEX!”

  “Geez, let the whole club hear,” I say, embarrassed.

  She laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world.

  “I know about him,” she says.

  “Know about what?” I act nonchalant.

  “Oh come on! You’re not gonna dish the dirt? I know you’ve been fucking him.”

  “Who?” I love pretending that I don’t what she’s talking about.

  “You know, that damn sexy cop. The guy any girl would spread her legs for given the opportunity.”

  “Ooooh,” I laugh. “You mean him. I don’t kiss and tell.”

  She laughs hard and signals the concierge to make us a couple drinks. “Alright, alright, you can dish the dirt later. But how’s it going?”

  “Great. Just great. In fact, I may be meeting him later tonight.”

  “Moving right along, huh? Does your ex… what’s his name... Bobby…”

  “Barry!” I interrupt her, not angry at all that she would forget his name since he’s trying to wring me out on this divorce.

  “Yes, Barry! Does he know what’s going on? Does he know about Leo yet. I would love to be there to see the look on his face when he finds out.”

  We laugh and cheers to that, and I admit, “Yes, Barry knows. I guess you could say he found out the hard way. But I don’t care, because after all, he has been so nasty to me regarding this divorce.”

  “You know what?” she begins, pulling back a shot. “It’s going to get better. It always does. Besides, for a man like Leo, who cares what his brother thinks.”

  “Yeah, I know you’re right.”

  “But what you gotta watch out for if this Barry uses that information, about you two, as a means of going after you in court. You need to be prepared for that. Divorces can be messy,” she says with a slug of her drink.

  “You’re right,” I concede. “But I only really met Leo after Barry had been out of the house for six months. I never cheated on him. I would never cheat.”

  “Oh well, considering that, I don’t think you have anything to worry about in court. As long as you can prove that, you’re fine. They won’t be able to hold it against you.”

  She’s right, of course, but this conversation is making me acutely aware of the strange fact that I am, indeed, dating Barry’s brother. How bizarre is that?

  “You know what the weird part is?” I ask her. “I’m dating Barry’s brother. I mean, Leo and Barry are really brothers, and even though they’re not that close, it does make things seem a little awkward.”

  “Well, are you happy? Honestly, I haven’t seen you with this kind of sparkle since you started working for me.”

  I sip my drink slowly, thinking about Leo and how he makes me incredibly happy. It’s more than I ever could have hoped for.

  “Yes, Gerri! I am soooo happy. Like, my sex life is on fire. And it’s not just that. I could really fall for this guy.”

  “Then there’s your answer. Brother-in-law or not, you deserve to have some joy in your life, and you should appreciate it and savor the moment. Forget your stupid ex. This isn’t about him. This is about your life.”

  She’s right, of course, but just hearing the words come out of her mouth gives me peace of mind.

  “There’s more, Gerri. I said I might be falling for him, well . . . I think I am falling for him. He’s the perfect guy.”

  And with those words, my heart thumps a little harder in my chest, and I realize that all my dreams are coming true. I’ve become lucky in love at last.

  “Wow! Now that is something worth celebrating. You finally found a guy who deserves you. Let’s drink to that!”

  Gerri asks the concierge to make us a couple of Cosmopolitans to toast to. As he does, she’s flirting with him, and my mind idly turns to what I’ve just admitted, and I think about Leo and about how he’s made my world seem right again.

  “To you finding love, my dear! To Elena and Leo!”

  Gosh, what does she think this is? A wedding? I laugh to think of it, but I cheers with her anyway. I deserve this. I deserve to revel in my happiness.


  I’m outside the club waiting for my Uber. Gerri has already gone home with some guy, the concierge, actually. She really does live life to the fullest. Sometimes I wish I could be so flippant about sex. Gerri has boyfriends, on and off, but normally she just loves to stay single. I wanted to stay single for a while, not out of choice but out of desperation, because the dating pool was so pathetic. Now, things have made a drastic turn, and I’m about to go home and see Leo.

nbsp; As I wait, I use my compact mirror to reapply my lipstick and check my makeup so that I look presentable for Leo. I’ve been at the club all night, and I don’t look as put together as when we arrived, but it will have to do. I pull my hair up and out of my face, and straighten and smooth the lines of my outfit. These Versace heels are everything, and I hope Leo likes them. I’ve made a plan to make sure he notices. I took a shot of my thong in the bathroom and sent that picture to Leo from the club. I also took a photo of my sky-high heels and I sent that too. I told him he can look forward to seeing me in just those things when we get home to my house. I laugh now as I read his comments, and I know he can’t wait to be there.

  My ride pulls up, and I’m thankful to get away from the club. Once I’m in, I immediately resume sexting with Leo. It’s been a long night away from him, as every minute we’re apart is kind of painful. At least absence makes the heart grow fonder, or at least more turned on. Being away from him makes me want to make up for lost time.

  I feel so much better after talking things over with Gerri, and that’s going to help me enjoy my time with Leo more. I can give him my undivided attention instead of having to mull things over so much in my mind. It’s good to have girlfriends, I think to myself as my driver arrives at my little house.

  I thank and pay him. Climbing out of his car, I wonder if I should just wait for Leo outside since he said he’s so close, or maybe I should go inside and get things ready. I could light some candles, prepare a bath for us both to enjoy. Hmmm, maybe he would like to walk in and find me naked, wearing nothing but my heels.

  Leo texts me back and says he’s on his way to my house and that he can’t get there fast enough. He asks me if I’m ready for round two, and of course I am, but I only respond with a heart emoji, not wanting to reveal my true feelings which are that I’m ecstatic to see him and that I also can’t hardly wait.

  I’m pondering this as I make my way down the darkened, tree-lined front path. Leo thinks I should add some additional lighting here for safety, but it’s only a few steps more to the front door. Before I make it, however, something horrible happens.

  Someone grabs me from behind. I drop my phone as he puts one gloved hand over my mouth, and he holds me tight from behind so that I can’t move. I come to the realization that it’s my stalker, and rampant fear courses through me. This is the man who’s been tormenting me. This person is deranged and who knows what he is capable of. As the moments tick by, I consider my options of what to do.

  I can’t scream because of his hand, and I can’t run because of his grasp. He has me in his confines. I struggle against him, but the weight of his force keeps me down. What am I going to do?

  The path is full of shadows from the trees. I’m sure no one sees us. I’m not going down without a fight, however, so I attempt to battle against his strong arms. For one brief moment, I exert all of my energy against him, and I think I can gain the upper hand. I’m able to pull his glove off and this gives me the leverage I need to break away a little bit. I push away with all of my might and attempt to run, but he’s able to grab me again in an instant. As he does, I bite down on the side of his now unmasked hand. I bite as hard as I can and attempt to draw blood. I scream loudly hoping someone, anyone, will hear.

  He pulls my hair and covers my mouth, trying to drag me off into the house. My heart is panicking, beating out of my chest, as I think how this could be it, the end to my life.

  I remember Leo and that he’s on his way. But if he doesn’t make it in time, this will be the extent of it… a tragic end to our love story. He will probably never forgive himself. This makes me battle harder against the abductor.

  I struggle and I struggle, but my attempts are futile against his firm grip on me. As the moments drag on, the fight seems eternal. He pulls me roughly by the hair toward the house. I scratch at grass and trees, trying to pull my way out of his arms. I hold the railing, knowing that if he succeeds in getting me to the house, then all hope will be lost and that from behind those walls he might kill me.

  I see hope in the form of Leo’s car pulling up. Thank God! I’ve never been so happy to see anyone ever. I see his car and then I see his beautiful face, fearful yet brave in this moment.


  I check my latest sext from Elena and can’t believe what she’s sent me… a couple of panty shots and one of her new high heels. Fuck, this girl has me going. I can’t wait to get to her house and just ravish her. It’s been a long night thinking of her being at that club without me. At this point, I like Elena to be at my side at all times, at least until we get this stalker thing under wraps. Besides being engrossed by Elena, thinking about this criminal is all I can focus on. I want him out of her life and behind bars, quickly.

  To my horror, when I pull up to her house, I see her struggling against a man on her front steps. He’s dressed all in black with a mask concealing his face so I can’t get a good look at him. It’s him. I know that for sure. It’s the stalker, and the worst thing imaginable is happening right in front of my eyes.

  My lion mode switches on, and I’m out there in an instant with my weapon pulled. I see Elena’s wide eyes staring at me, imploring me for help. Fuck! I can’t get an even shot. He’s got Elena held in front of him so that if I shoot, I risk losing her. I would never take that chance.

  I’m filled to a level of fury I’ve never witnessed before. The fact that he has come near my girl again makes me flare. She’s mine, and no man, especially this fucking criminal, is going to come between that. I want to take a shot at him so bad. If he wasn’t holding her like that, I’d have him tackled to the ground, full of bullet holes in no time. Seeing his hands on her just makes my skin crawl, and I want this asshole gone for good.

  The problem is, not only can I not take a clear shot, but I can’t tell if he’s got a weapon to her back or something. I can’t take a chance, not on my most prized treasure, my beautiful woman. She’s the one girl I can’t live without and if I lose her in this moment, I will never recover from that, never.

  I’ve got my gun on him, urging him to let Elena go before he gets hurt. I’m trying to keep my cool and work him down. I don’t want him making any rash decisions, psycho that he is.

  Just then to my relief, comes the scheduled patrol car. The sight of it shocks the guy and he releases Elena by pushing her toward me, knowing that this move will still block my shot at him. He runs off into the darkness, jumping fences to get away. The patrol car takes off after him.

  All I can think of is Elena. I pull her safely in my arms, and I kiss her and check her face for injury.

  “Did he hurt you?” I can’t help but yell. “Did he fucking hurt you? Let me see your back. Are you okay? Elena! Tell me, are you okay?”

  “Yes! Yes. I’m fine, okay. He didn’t hurt me. I just struggled against him before you came. He almost had me in the house before you came.”

  She sobs into my chest, and I want to rip that guy to shreds just thinking of how he hurt my princess. Fuck! I’m heated up. The rage is at a point that it won’t be tamed until I see this guy either dead or behind bars. I couldn’t care less what happens to him as long as he leaves her life forever.

  If I had just been here a second sooner, if I had just shown up early, he would have been met with my wrath instead of touching her. His hands would not have been all over my baby, scaring her like that. I vow to get this situation under control. I won’t have this again. Elena is going to get a full force of protection.

  I scoop her up in my arms and walk her inside. I gingerly place her on the bed and examine her beautiful body. I check her face once more, her arms, her neck, and her back. I remove her clothes to investigate every inch of her body to make sure that she really is okay. There are scratches on her arms and some bruising on her legs. This makes me want to die, scream, rage, or punch somebody. This is it. He hurt my girl, and for this he will pay.

  I find a washcloth and wet it with warm water. I gently touch it to her superficial wounds an
d apologize profusely for not being there.

  “Why?” she says. “You came to my rescue. You are my hero.” She’s still crying softly.

  I’m normally so fearless in my job, but this time terror seeps through my body as I think of losing my one true love.

  I look at her imploring eyes with concern. “Yeah, I’m fearless, Elena, but not when it comes to you. Just the thought of losing you…”

  My voice trails off and she clings to me. I hug her, wrapping my substantial arms around her, trying to make her feel at peace. I realize my own discomposure is coming from a place of true love. I love this woman and that is why I’m in such despair. My anxiety stems from a place of loving her and now that this thought has made itself known, I squeeze and hold her tightly. I kiss all the parts of her body that are wounded and then I suggest she go take a shower, to wash this night off of her gorgeous body.

  I set the temperature at a comfortable degree and help her into the shower. I leave the room to give her some peace, and so I can go figure out what the hell happened.

  I head into the living room and check all the windows and doors before calling Bobbi down at the station. She tells me the stalker got away from the cops.

  “Fuck!” I scream into the phone.

  She also tells me that Darius posted bail, and now I’m fucking livid. How could they let him out? He obviously did this! I tell Bobbi they better pick him up again ASAP or else I will be the one to do it myself.


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