Takedown: An Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance

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Takedown: An Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance Page 123

by Lana Hartley

  He savors the taste of my lips and he holds me tight as we watch it all burn.

  "You have broken me," I say. His look is inquiring but a tad hurt also.

  "But you just said I made you strong."

  "You didn't let me finish. You broke me apart...and I needed to be broken. You crushed the shell around me into a million pieces so that the real me has been born. I've never felt like myself before and now I do. I always knew I was waiting for something but I didn't know what. Now I realize it was you all along, I've been waiting for you."

  Tears of happiness well up in my eyes and he scoops each one away with his thumb as I cry.

  "Don't cry my baby, it's all okay now. I'm here. Things are right for once." He kisses me and says quietly into my mouth, "I was waiting for you too. I was just waiting."

  I feel sad for the years wasted on a life not worth living. I'm happy to expunge it all. I feel violent cravings inside to right all the wrongs that I've endured. Most of all, though, I feel fortunate that things have finally turned around. I've met my soul mate and I've come full circle and our entire lives are in front of us now.

  "I didn't understand how maltreated I was. I mean, it felt awful, but I never could trust my own feelings because it was too much pain to endure. I kept it all bottled up Jeremy, and now, seeing my past dissolve into a mess of flames, with my parents gone, I can finally see how damaged I was. I didn't deserve any of it. I didn't deserve to be treated that way."

  His heavy arms are wrapped around my small frame. I am a wisp compared to him. And again, feeling his weight over me settles me down, like I will not blow away from all the misery I've endured. I will be kept safe in his arms, forever.

  "Jeremy," I look up into his blazing eyes and my heart is spread open. "I love you, I will always love you, and please don't ever leave my side. That's my only fear now that I'll lose you."

  "Never," he voice is stern and I believe him. Maybe we can have the dream...I hope.


  The day is bright and we're the center of the social scene and the fiasco that surrounds her parent's funeral. Nobody can believe what happened and at this moment the funeral is the place to see and be seen. Carrie is dressed perfectly in a tight black dress with a little hat that hosts a semi-veil to halfway cover her face. This way she can be out of the spotlight as much as possible. All eyes are on her though, the suffering daughter, and their eyes are on me, her new support system.

  I'm dressed in my finest suit, Gucci, with a crisp white shirt underneath. It's essential that I look good here. I want all of the people in Carrie's life to see me and to know that I exist. I am here for her now as no one else will be.

  There are people everywhere. It's the social set of elitist people who Carrie's parents were always trying to impress. Well, now they finally have. They've done it. They've made their mark in time with their infamy. Their names are on everyone's lips and I know that's all they ever craved in life. She has given them the ultimate gift, a dramatic death that will go down in history.

  "Did you hear that they had no money?"

  "Yeah, that's why the father lost his shit. They were always social climbers and I guess the idea of being obsolete in our circle was just too much for him to take."

  "Oh, the poor daughter, she looks so sad. She's an orphan now with no one to take care of her."

  "By the looks of that gentlemen, I'd say she's doing just fine."

  "Oh yes, he's full of wealth, you can tell."

  "Oh it's good she has someone to lean on."

  People are gossiping all over the place. And Carrie's putting on the perfect display of sadness and grief. Her head hangs low and she's even able to feign tears. I stay by her side the entire time. I am her eyes and ears as she plays her part.

  People assume that she ran away from home when I murdered all her classmates. They all figure that she was grief-stricken and that her parents wanted to let her be, out of the limelight. She has returned to the social scene by the tragic death of her parents. But now everyone can see that we're engaged. She's got the arm of a handsome, wealthy stranger to lean on. Me.

  "You know she had to learn of her parent's death on the news. Yes, no one knew where she was to contact her. Naturally, she came back."

  "Yes naturally. Sweet girl, she's been through too much."

  "And her father's money problems! She probably had no idea."

  "I'm sure she didn't know. And she's penniless now. Just heartbreaking."

  "I would not be too sad for her just yet. Luckily she's found a man to support her."

  "Just look at him. I swear he's the most handsome thing I've ever seen. And he's just loaded."

  The women eye me up and down and bat their eyelashes. They wouldn't hesitate to take me away from Carrie if I'd have them, even in her time of need. These are the fake, shallow people she's been raised with. Not a scrap of integrity in their bodies, all they care about is money and looks.

  We sit through the funeral and Carrie leans into my shoulder. I know she's happy to have it done with, the past truly behind her now. She's my bride-to-be and it's all I can do to keep my cock from getting hard just to think of bedding her on our wedding night. Wouldn't that give these women, these socialites something to talk about? A Handsome stranger with a giant cock gets aroused at the funeral. No way, I've got to keep it in check. I think of my grandmother.

  Carrie eyes me suspiciously and I think she knows what's up. She holds me tightly by the arm and images of fucking her all over these coffins keep popping in my brain. Damn, this funeral is long.

  Afterwards, we take our leave, satisfied that we made an appearance. I'm taking her to my Rolls Royce when a cop stops us on our way across the cemetery.

  "You're Carrie, right? The daughter?"

  "Um yes," she wipes one tear away from her eye. Such an actress!

  "I'm sorry for your loss. I just wanted to say how I think it's funny that you just happened to be gone when all this happened."

  She looks up at him under her long eyelashes. "Is it officer? Is it funny? Because to me, none of this is funny, okay?"

  I'm so proud, I'm just beaming inside. She's become so empowered.

  "I'm just saying that me and some of the boys down at the station plan to pursue this thing, you know, to get justice for your parents."

  "Hmm, isn't that interesting. Justice you say? Might I suggest you stay far away from me and my fiancé here, otherwise justice just might come to find you...by way of a sad accident."

  His eyes look wary of her subtle threat. He backs off but I see the flash of anger in him. He may not let this go. I guess we'll have to find out.


  I can’t believe the day has finally arrived...my wedding day! We’re in a fabulous paradise and everything is perfect. After all the drama back home Jeremy whisked me away to this place, this stunning island where we could relax and he could pamper me in style. This island, off the coast of Fuji, is his own personal paradise and now it is mine. His grandfather bought it awhile back and it has been in his family ever since. It is truly perfect as there are palm trees everywhere, soft white sand, and clear ocean waves the color of sapphire. I’m lounging on the sand not far from the main house, a mansion with a luxury feel. Even though we are in this remote place Jeremy has arranged for servants to come in from the mainland. And we have invited a select few people to attend our wedding. The sun rays are hitting my skin and I’m developing a tan which will perfectly suit my simple, but sexy wedding dress. It’s one thing I managed to hide from Jeremy. He arranged everything down to what I would pack, but this one thing I told him was off limits. There was no way I was going to let him pick my dress yet alone see it. It is a symbolic offering to him, an offering of me. I plan to look beautiful and to have every hair in place, with diamond adornments, and my makeup perfect. I want Jeremy to be stunned when he sees me. I want the first time that I am his wife to be special and sacred.

  After relaxing in the sun I make my way inside where th
ere are makeup artists and hair stylists. I sip champagne and enjoy the ride. Soon the sun is about to set and it's time. The few exclusive, and extremely wealthy guests we've invited are there in their places in the chairs on the sand. I see Jeremy at the end of the aisle and as I slowly walk to him, every part of my body is trembling as I realize that my fantasy is coming true. In just moments we will be joined forever as one. I have no doubts but the intensity of the moment is throwing me off guard. My feelings are so strong that I feel heated and like I might pass out. Finally, I reach him and he takes my hands just in time to steady me. We say our vows and it is special and everyone cheers. When he kisses me it is like the first time. There's a passion behind it that is rare and which I've never felt. I think our connection has deepened and that's going to make for a very interesting life.

  At the intimate reception, I am heartened by all the toasts. This elite set of sweet people makes it known that I am family to them. Before this, I had lost everything and I was happy to shed the layers of my past. But now, being included with this wonderful group of people, I realize what I was missing...a sense of camaraderie and inclusion that I have never had before. My relationships were always abusive and torturous, but Jeremy has changed all of that. I knew I would have him and that's enough, but this extra host of people that I can trust and who will be good to me is an added bonus.

  Jeremy makes a toast, "To my lovely wife, a vision today. May this special occasion commemorate all that we have and all that we will do together. You are mine, officially now and I can't wait to start my future with you."

  I kiss him in thanks, and the rest of the night is a blur of champagne, and ocean waves, beautiful food, and a fun party atmosphere.

  Jeremy, however, steals me away before the guests are done. They will probably be up all night. But he, my new husband, is ready to have his own fantasy come true which is to bed me. Everyone celebrates as we make our way to the honeymoon suite.

  Once inside I feel the flash of Jeremy's hot breath on me immediately. He cannot wait. His lips are all over mine. He's got me pinned to the door and he's snatching off my dress. All the day's work to beautify myself is coming undone in this one carnal moment. I set everything aside and my mind is focused only on him. I let him slide my dress down my body so it's around my high heeled feet on the floor. His eyes become hungry when he sees the special lingerie I've picked out. I'm glad I took the time to get fitted for it and to make it extra appealing because Jeremy seems to be appreciating my efforts. I am his wife now and I will seek to impress him every day with my body, my actions, and with how dedicated I am to him. He takes me in his arms and throws me onto the bed. He is all over me, pulling at the lingerie, his teeth removing the garter that's been hidden from him all day, and then he pulls out a special set of handcuffs. They're white and I guess it's to acknowledge the day. I pull my hands over my head and he locks my wrists around the bed post.

  "This is your new reality," he says in a dark tone and I wonder what I'm in for.

  Before I can assimilate to what's happening he pulls from his bag a special treasure, it's the Lapis Lazuli knife, my favorite one. My breath quickens at the idea of him using it on me. I am not disappointed because soon he is trailing the blade across my naked body. I'm trying not to move but the mood is so dark and terrifying that I can't help but breathe deeply. My chest rises and falls in anticipation. He gingerly pulls the knife down my torso to my pussy that is wet with desire. Soon his fingers are in me and his mouth is upon me and I am tied up, with no way to fight back or to win this round. He's got me right where he wants me and it's right where I want to be for the rest of my life. The darkness in me acknowledges the darkness in him and we are unified for the rest of eternity.




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