Sweet Dreams (Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series Book 1)

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Sweet Dreams (Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series Book 1) Page 3

by Stacy Claflin

"How're ya doing, Jace?" Gabby smiled.

  "Fine. You?"

  "Not bad. Your mama's having a good day today. She was telling me all about her wedding day—showin' me pictures and everything."

  "That's good news." He replaced and tipped his hat, then meandered down the hallway. Would his mom remember him? It had been so long since she'd been that lucid.

  He came to her door and rapped several times.

  "Come in!"

  The door stuck as Jace pushed it open. He stepped inside, hoping—against his better judgment—that she'd recognize him.

  "Bill." Her eyes lit up behind her thick glasses.

  His heart sank. She thought he was her brother again. Jace forced a smile. "So good to see you, Claire."

  She picked up an old photo album. "I was just thinking about my wedding day. I found the loveliest picture of you and Molly."

  "Oh? Let me see." Jace walked over as she flipped through the pages.

  "Here it is." She held it out, tapping a black and white photo. Sure enough, it was a picture of Uncle Bill and Aunt Molly.

  Jace could see the family resemblance, but had a hard time understanding how his mom could mistake him for Bill—especially when she was looking back and forth between the image and him.

  "Do you remember that day?" His mom beamed. "Albert was never more handsome than he was when we married."

  "It was one of the best weddings I've seen." Jace helped her onto the rocking chair and then sat across from her. "You were the most beautiful bride."

  "After Molly, of course." Mom smiled at him.

  "Of course." Jace patted her hand. "What have you been doing lately? Anything fun?"

  She looked deep in thought for a moment. "I don't know. You know, when Albert and I cut the cake, he wanted to smash it in each other's faces but I wanted to feed it to each other nicely. He teased me and said he was going to smash it anyway. But do you remember? He was nice."

  Jace nodded. "He was thoughtful like that."

  "Was?" She stared at him.

  "Is. Albert is thoughtful like that."

  Her expression relaxed. "He's at work. No wife could ask for a better provider. You remember all those years we couldn't have kids? He lavished me with love and gifts, always letting me know he would adore me forever even if our family was only ever the two of us."

  "He's a good man." Jace's voice cracked. It felt like he'd lost both of his parents, despite the fact that his mom sat in front of him.

  "The boys are napping." She glanced at the clock on the wall. "They'll wake soon, if you want to stick around and say hi."

  "I'd like that. Do you need anything? Some water?"

  "Not now. I made some sweet tea earlier. I'll pour myself some later, once the icebox chills it."

  Jace nodded. "You do love your sweet tea."

  They sat in a comfortable silence as she flipped through the wedding album. After a while, she glanced back up at Jace. "Did I tell you what Connor did the other day?"

  "No. Tell me."

  She rambled on about something Jace's brother had done in kindergarten, but he couldn't concentrate on her words. He almost envied her memory loss. She had no idea that Dad and Connor were both long gone, but Jace had to live with the loss of both. Kidney failure had killed his dad, and not long after that, a construction accident at work had taken Connor. Jace was pretty sure the shock of it all had shoved his mom into Alzheimer's. Before then, she'd been sharp as a tack, teaching art classes to the locals.

  Finally, Jace couldn't take any more. He rose and stretched. "How about we go for a walk? You can introduce me to some of your neighbors."

  "That sounds lovely. Let me powder my nose first."

  "Sure thing." He picked up the album, flipping to the first page while she went into her bathroom. Jace smiled at the pictures of his parents so young and happy. They'd been just as happy when he was growing up, but they'd been a full twenty years older than in these old photos when he was born. It was hard not to wonder what it would've been like to know them then and get more time with them.

  The bathroom door opened, and his mom stepped out wearing makeup like she used to.

  "You look beautiful."

  "Thank you, Bill. Where are we going, again?"

  Jace rose and set the album down. "Just for a walk so you can introduce me to your neighbors."

  She smiled and looped her arm through his. "Let's go."

  They walked down the bright hall full of mostly closed doors. A few of the other residents waved from open doors.

  "Who are they?" Jace hoped that seeing her current friends would help her memory.

  "That there is Alice McGerty. Her husband must be out."

  "I see." The McGertys had been their neighbors years earlier when Jace and Connor had been in elementary school. "Tell me about your other friends."

  "Bob and Fiona Allens are good friends, but they're on vacation. They're taking a big cruise ship somewhere fancy."

  "That sounds nice." The Allens had moved away when Jace had been a freshman in high school. He and his mom wandered around the Manor, not finding anyone who his mom actually remembered for who they were. But he wasn't going to give up. She'd finally tapped into some real memories—there was no reason to think she couldn't find the other ones, too.


  Sky waved to Mark Montgomery. "It was wonderful to visit with you."

  Sterling's grandfather smiled. "You and that little dog are welcome anytime. Come back whenever you want."

  "I might just do that." She stepped out of his room and closed the door behind her. Pixie jumped around and sniffed the carpet. "You probably loved all that attention."

  Her tail wagged back and forth as they walked down the hallway. There weren't many people walking the halls, but they all smiled at Sky and admired Pixie, some wanting to lavish more attention on the pup. Her heart warmed, and she wanted to return to the Manor regularly.

  Sky gave a double-take as they passed a guy about her age in a Panthers hat, turning to enter a room with an elderly lady in thick glasses. Was that the handyman?


  He turned around. His eyes widened in matching surprise. "Sky, is it?"

  She nodded. "We—"

  A loud wailing noise sounded and red lights flashed from above.

  Nurse Gabby ran down the hall to them. "It's a lock down! Get inside a room and lock the door!"

  Sky looked around. "What's going on? Are we in danger?"

  "Just get in a room!" Nurse Gabby ran off, telling others to get out of the hall.

  "Come in here!" Jace stepped into a room and waved her over.

  She picked up Pixie and ran inside.

  Jace slammed the door shut and locked it. Then he pushed a shelf in front of it. "Can't be too safe."

  "What's going on, Bill?" The elderly woman clung to Jace.

  Sky's ears rang from the wailing, but at least it wasn't as loud in the room.

  Jace helped the white-haired woman to sit on a rocking chair. "Some kind of excitement out there. We're safe in here. I promise."

  The woman nodded and then studied Sky. "I know you. You're Frank and Mildred's daughter. What was your name again?"

  Sky held out her hand. "I'm—"

  "Elise! You're Elise."

  "Actually, my name—"

  Jace shook his head and mouthed, "Alzheimer's."

  That explained her calling him Bill. Sky smiled and took the woman's hand. "I can't believe you remembered. Would you mind refreshing my memory? What's your name again?"

  Jace threw her an appreciative glance.

  "I'm Claire, and this is my brother Bill. I don't think you two ever met."

  Sky smiled at Jace. "I think I met him once before. He was very helpful."

  "That sounds like Bill." She rose from the chair. "If you'll excuse me, I need to powder my nose."

  "Do you need help with anything?" Sky asked.

  Claire shook her head. "Just make yourself comfortable. I have some tea if
you'd like. Bill can show you where it is. I need to do something about the awful noise." She went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

  "Thank you for going along with that," Jace said.

  "No problem. Your grandma seems like a sweetheart."

  He grimaced. "She's actually my mom."

  "Oh, I'm sorry. I just assumed—"

  "It's a common mistake." He stepped around the shelf and pressed his ear to the door. "I wonder what's going on out there."

  "You can't hear anything?"

  "Not over the alarm blaring."

  Silence settled between them. Pixie squirmed in Sky's arms. She put her down, but kept a tight hold on the leash in case Claire was nervous around dogs.

  Jace turned to her. "Do you know someone here in the Manor?"

  "I came to visit a resident that I heard loves pets. I think Pixie made his whole month."

  He smiled, and he was even more gorgeous. He had kind eyes, but they seemed to hold a lot of pain. "That's really nice of you. A lot of people with relatives in the Manor don't make it here all that often."

  "It's fun to chat with the residents. They're all so happy to have someone to listen."

  "True." He motioned toward the empty chairs. "May as well make yourself comfortable. We might be here a while."

  Sky sat in a plush wheeled chair. Pixie jumped and Sky pulled her onto her lap. Jace sat near the door in a hard plastic seat.

  "It must be hard to see your mom like that," Sky said. "I can't even imagine."

  He frowned, a dark sadness washing over his face. "It just comes with the territory of having older parents."

  It seemed like more than that, but Sky didn't know what to say. She got the feeling he didn't want to talk about it.

  The bathroom door opened, and Claire sat back in the rocking chair. "What's your dog's name, Elise?"

  "This is Pixie. Do you want to pet her?"

  Claire's eyes lit up. "I'd love to."

  Sky rose with Pixie and brought her over.

  "What a lovely dog. She reminds me of Sophie. My best friend growing up—her name was also Claire—had a little dog like this, only without the fancy hair bows. Can I hold her?"

  "Sure." Sky sat Pixie in Claire's lap. The pup sat and licked the old woman's hand.

  Claire laughed with delight and patted Pixie. "You've always been such a good girl, Sophie."

  Pixie continued licking.

  Sky returned to her chair and watched the two interact.

  "Thanks," Jace said. He removed his hat and ran his fingers through his hair, watching his mother with Pixie. Then he ran his fingers over his short-trimmed beard.

  Sky's breath caught. Jace was tall, dark, handsome, and mysterious—a perfect combination that left her wanting to know more. It was so refreshing to be around a guy who didn't talk her ear off, and even better yet, he hadn't made one mention of Aspen in either interaction they'd had. And wow, was he good-looking.

  He glanced at her.

  She'd been caught staring. She recovered quickly. "Thanks for the tip about the AC. Every time I hit it above that knob, it starts working again."

  "I'm gonna talk with Dallas about replacing that as soon as we're allowed to leave."

  "It's no bother. I don't mind as long as hitting it keeps working."

  Jace shook his head. "You shouldn't have to deal with that."

  "Elise, can you help me with something?" Claire asked.

  Sky jumped to her feet. "Sure thing."

  "That alarm is giving me a headache. Can you find my aspirin? I can't remember where I left it."

  "Sure. Let me check the bottles on your dresser. Hopefully, the noise will stop soon."


  Jace watched in awe as Sky took care of his mom. She was such a natural, even more at ease with her than Jace, who had known her his entire life. She spoke easily, going along with the fantasy of being named Elise. If he didn't know better, he'd have thought they were the ones who'd known each other for thirty years and Jace had just met his mom. He couldn't recall ever being that relaxed around someone he'd just met.

  His mom had always gotten along with the nurses and other Manor staff, but she really took to Sky—not that he could blame her. Sky treated his mom like the most important person in the world.

  Sky was also beautiful. Her smile lit up the entire room.

  Jace shook his head. He couldn't think like that. Focusing on how attractive Sky was could only lead to deeper feelings, and he was never going to allow himself to love or trust another woman again. Not after what had happened with Alisha and Ben.

  "I don't know if the medicine is working." His mom rubbed her temple.

  "It's the alarm," Sky said. "It's making my ears hurt, too. Are you sleepy? I can help you into bed."

  Mom rubbed her eyes. "That would be nice, Elise. You know, I always thought you and my son Jace would make the perfect pair."

  Heat covered his face and neck. He stared at a stain in the carpeting.

  "Oh?" Sky asked. "What makes you think that?"

  "You're both so sweet and darling."

  Please stop. Talk about something else. Jace tried sending his thoughts telepathically to his mom.

  "My Jace, he's such a sensitive soul. He's a real treasure among the guys."

  Jace buried his face into his palms, wishing he could make himself disappear.

  "He sounds like a wonderful person." The floor creaked as Sky helped his mom into the bed.

  If his skin heated any more, he would burst into flames right there.

  "It really is too bad you and he never got together," his mother continued. "But he had to go and marry that Alisha. I never did like her. She's going to break his heart. I just know it."

  Jace couldn't look up. How was it his mom could remember his wedding day, but not the fact that it had been the most heartbreaking and humiliating day in his life? Alisha had never even showed up to the church that day.

  Sky spoke quietly to his mom. Jace couldn't make out any words over the alarm blaring in the hall. He lifted his head and glanced over at them. His mom nodded, her eyes barely open. Sky held her hand and continued speaking until his mom's eyes closed. After a minute she turned to Jace and gave him the thumbs up.

  His skin warmed again, but he raised his thumb.

  "Hopefully, she'll be able to sleep through this noise."

  "I'm sure she will. She's always been a hard sleeper."

  She looked toward the door. "I hope everything is okay out there."

  Jace walked over to the window and looked outside. "No emergency vehicles. That's a good sign. Must be something the staff is handling."

  "That's a relief." Sky went back to the plush chair. "So, are you really married?"

  He held up his ringless left hand. "I'm not my Uncle Bill, either."

  "You probably don't have any tea, I'm guessing."

  "Nope. I can take you to Sweet Caroline's after this is over, though, if you want." His pulse ran through him like a runaway locomotive. Why had he just offered to do that?

  Sky smiled sweetly. "I'd like that."

  Jace smiled in return but looked away. What had he just gotten himself into? He was probably giving her the wrong idea. The last thing he wanted was any romantic involvement. But then again, he'd only offered to buy her tea, not asked her to marry him.

  "So, you like taking care of the cottages?" Sky's voice broke through Jace's thoughts.

  He glanced up at her. "Yeah. Fixing things seems to be a lost art, and it's kind of nice to help people."

  Her pretty brown eyes widened. "I never thought of it like that. It makes total sense."

  "So, what do you do?"

  "I run a blog."

  "For a living?" he asked, surprised. Alisha had kept up a blog when they'd been together, but it had been more like a diary for the world to read.

  "Yeah. I get tons of traffic, which in return, pays the bills and then some."

  "Huh." He couldn't imagine how that would ma
ke any money, but apparently it did. He studied her as she picked up the little dog. Sky was far more than just a pretty face—she was also friendly, smart, and resourceful. Alisha had never made a cent with her blog—in fact, she'd paid all kinds of money to make it exactly how she wanted it.

  The alarm went silent as quickly as it had started. Jace waited a minute to make sure it didn't start wailing again, and then he got up and moved the shelf back to its original position. He unlocked the door. "You ready for that tea?"

  "Like you wouldn't believe." She twisted her hair into a loose ponytail and stuck the pooch into her handbag.

  His breath caught in his throat. He loved that look on her. In fact, it made him want to run his fingers along her jawline—


  "You okay?" she asked.

  "Yeah. My ears are ringing from the silence. Mind if I meet you downstairs by the front door?"

  "Sure. I'm going to check on Mark to make sure he's okay after all the excitement." She flicked some loose hair away from her eyes.

  How was it that even just that little action made her even more attractive? He needed to get away before he found himself wanting to kiss those luscious lips.

  "Okay." He bolted from the room.


  Sky made her way to the Manor's entrance. Mark had been fine and quite appreciative of her checking on him. When she reached the lobby, Jace was speaking with Nurse Gabby on the other side of the desk. Sky went over and leaned on the counter.

  "Some excitement, huh?" Gabby asked. The smell of lemon cleaner wafted from her direction.

  Sky smiled. "And to think I was expecting a quiet town."

  "Oh, you'd be surprised some of the action we get." She winked.

  "What was the emergency?" Jace asked, keeping his gaze on a poster of a happy, silver-haired couple behind the nurse.

  "One of the patients on the top floor got his hands on a knife. It was… well, everything's fine now." She smiled wide, and it seemed forced.

  "Is there something special about the top floor?" Sky asked.

  Gabby cleared her throat. "That's where our, uh, more challenging residents stay. Some of them have… erm, let's say special needs."

  "Oh." Sky held her purse, with Pixie in it, closer.


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